Leftwing - Rightwing and the Political Axis

Yes, your "data" is based on faulty assumptions. As was already made plain, the African countries are starting from zero so ANYTHING upwardly mobile is going to be superior in speed to ours. The fact is the poorest people in this country, are within the wealthiest 1% of the WORLDS population. That is a fact. The only limitations on upward mobility are those that the individual imposes on themselves.

If you are willing to work, there are no laws, or rules that limit you. There ARE in other countries. And, if the progressive left get their way, those laws will be enacted here. The media giants already control a large amount of what can be published and broadcast, they are a part of the ruling elite and they don't want anybody else taking away their market share.

That's why they are trying like bloody hell to control the content allowed on the internet. Facebook, and twitter were able to use the free market philosophy's of this country to get where they are, and now obtain the monopolies that they enjoy, and now they are trying to get legislation passed that freezes out any new comers.

So, what you're saying is......

If I get a pay raise from $25k a year to $40k a year (60% raise) and you get a pay raise from $150k a year to $160k a year (6.6% raise) that you're still actually better off than I am??

Say it isn't so


Not what I am saying at all. Although, if you are talking about making that sort of money in Africa, yeah, you would be. 25K a year in Africa is waaay better than 160K a year here in the US.
I think most people are a mix - I am socially liberal, but more in the middle fiscally.

Agreed. Objectively one can be viewed in either camp, depending on issue

What humors me are those sorts that are so extreeme , the swing so far out they come full circle into the other extremes turf

Maybe there should be a 3rd catagory, right, left.....and out to lunch.....

Your links use faulty assumptions and ignore the real world evidence that exists. i can take pretty much any asinine theory and find evidence to support that view. Doesn't make it accurate.

Well, provide some real world evidence then. Let's see it. I am open to admitting I am wrong if someone can provide something to show that I am.

Your links were all about the "velocity" of change. Velocity is much harder in a developed country. EVERYONE is starting with a high standard of living. Like I said, it is a fact that the poorest of our citizens are living in the top 1% of the worlds population. There are NO controls on who can go where. There are in every country in Europe. In German (where I have the most knowledge) you are tested throughout your academic life. Finally, in the equivalent of middle school you take the test that determines the rest of your life. Score high and you get to go to college (and yes it is free to you) score low and you are sent to technical school. Score lower and you are tossed out of school altogether and must make your living as a laborer.

That's it. No do overs. And that is also why college can be free in Germany, there are damned few that get to go.
I think most people are a mix - I am socially liberal, but more in the middle fiscally.

Agreed. Objectively one can be viewed in either camp, depending on issue

What humors me are those sorts that are so extreeme , the swing so far out they come full circle into the other extremes turf

Maybe there should be a 3rd catagory, right, left.....and out to lunch.....


You either DESPISE dimocrap scum

Or you're part of the problem
Your links were all about the "velocity" of change. Velocity is much harder in a developed country. EVERYONE is starting with a high standard of living. Like I said, it is a fact that the poorest of our citizens are living in the top 1% of the worlds population.

One more time, I am not talking about poor countries. That was one sentence out of one link that I gave. Move past it.

I am comparing our social mobility to that of other developed countries.

The countries of the EU are just as developed as we are.

There are NO controls on who can go where. There are in every country in Europe. In German (where I have the most knowledge) you are tested throughout your academic life. Finally, in the equivalent of middle school you take the test that determines the rest of your life. Score high and you get to go to college (and yes it is free to you) score low and you are sent to technical school. Score lower and you are tossed out of school altogether and must make your living as a laborer.

While this might keep some down, it also allows other to rise up above their starting station.

I am not saying it is a better system, just that it has it pluses and minuses.

In the US you could be the next Issac Newton but if you are in a shitty school system the world may never know.

You know, it is ok to admit that the US is not the best at everything and in everything...it does not mean you hate America.

The only way to make something better is to acknowledge it weaknesses
Your links were all about the "velocity" of change. Velocity is much harder in a developed country. EVERYONE is starting with a high standard of living. Like I said, it is a fact that the poorest of our citizens are living in the top 1% of the worlds population.

One more time, I am not talking about poor countries. That was one sentence out of one link that I gave. Move past it.

I am comparing our social mobility to that of other developed countries.

The countries of the EU are just as developed as we are.

There are NO controls on who can go where. There are in every country in Europe. In German (where I have the most knowledge) you are tested throughout your academic life. Finally, in the equivalent of middle school you take the test that determines the rest of your life. Score high and you get to go to college (and yes it is free to you) score low and you are sent to technical school. Score lower and you are tossed out of school altogether and must make your living as a laborer.

While this might keep some down, it also allows other to rise up above their starting station.

I am not saying it is a better system, just that it has it pluses and minuses.

In the US you could be the next Issac Newton but if you are in a shitty school system the world may never know.

You know, it is ok to admit that the US is not the best at everything and in everything...it does not mean you hate America.

The only way to make something better is to acknowledge it weaknesses

So admit you're the weakest link and STFU. :auiqs.jpg:
Your links were all about the "velocity" of change. Velocity is much harder in a developed country. EVERYONE is starting with a high standard of living. Like I said, it is a fact that the poorest of our citizens are living in the top 1% of the worlds population.

One more time, I am not talking about poor countries. That was one sentence out of one link that I gave. Move past it.

I am comparing our social mobility to that of other developed countries.

The countries of the EU are just as developed as we are.

There are NO controls on who can go where. There are in every country in Europe. In German (where I have the most knowledge) you are tested throughout your academic life. Finally, in the equivalent of middle school you take the test that determines the rest of your life. Score high and you get to go to college (and yes it is free to you) score low and you are sent to technical school. Score lower and you are tossed out of school altogether and must make your living as a laborer.

While this might keep some down, it also allows other to rise up above their starting station.

I am not saying it is a better system, just that it has it pluses and minuses.

In the US you could be the next Issac Newton but if you are in a shitty school system the world may never know.

You know, it is ok to admit that the US is not the best at everything and in everything...it does not mean you hate America.

The only way to make something better is to acknowledge it weaknesses

So admit you're the weakest link and STFU. :auiqs.jpg:

Poor child, you keep trying so hard and failing so badly

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Golfing Gator still thinks he is living in some other country, when actually he is living in the USA. This country was not designed to optimize "mobility", but freedom. I do not believe mobility appears once in the founding documents, and if it does it's the other context...

Try some other country. That being said, we do have a problem with elites running rampant. I am sure Golfing Gator loves these elites and has his head securely in their asses. So much for muh mobility...
Your links were all about the "velocity" of change. Velocity is much harder in a developed country. EVERYONE is starting with a high standard of living. Like I said, it is a fact that the poorest of our citizens are living in the top 1% of the worlds population.

One more time, I am not talking about poor countries. That was one sentence out of one link that I gave. Move past it.

I am comparing our social mobility to that of other developed countries.

The countries of the EU are just as developed as we are.

There are NO controls on who can go where. There are in every country in Europe. In German (where I have the most knowledge) you are tested throughout your academic life. Finally, in the equivalent of middle school you take the test that determines the rest of your life. Score high and you get to go to college (and yes it is free to you) score low and you are sent to technical school. Score lower and you are tossed out of school altogether and must make your living as a laborer.

While this might keep some down, it also allows other to rise up above their starting station.

I am not saying it is a better system, just that it has it pluses and minuses.

In the US you could be the next Issac Newton but if you are in a shitty school system the world may never know.

You know, it is ok to admit that the US is not the best at everything and in everything...it does not mean you hate America.

The only way to make something better is to acknowledge it weaknesses

Wrong. If you are the next Isaac Newton you will know it. I actually know real geniuses. They are born, not made, and they know immediately who, and what they are. The problem with US schools is too much progressive indoctrination instead of actual real teaching, and a lack of resources for the average students. If you are a bad student, you get loads of help. If you are a great student you have doors open to you (my daughter is going to three different science camps this summer, we pay quite a bit for her to go to them, that way the kids that can't afford to go, can) but if you are an average student, you are basically screwed.

That much is very true. The educational system (run by progressives in almost every case) enforces mediocrity.
Wrong. If you are the next Isaac Newton you will know it. I actually know real geniuses. They are born, not made, and they know immediately who, and what they are. The problem with US schools is too much progressive indoctrination instead of actual real teaching, and a lack of resources for the average students. If you are a bad student, you get loads of help. If you are a great student you have doors open to you (my daughter is going to three different science camps this summer, we pay quite a bit for her to go to them, that way the kids that can't afford to go, can) but if you are an average student, you are basically screwed.

That much is very true. The educational system (run by progressives in almost every case) enforces mediocrity.

I was a better-than-average student and got no support or real encouragement to do better....Was in fact held back because the social engineers in gubmint schools wanted me to stick with kids my age instead of being challenged...Well, guess who the bored troublemaker was?........And this was in the 60s-70s.
I think most people are a mix - I am socially liberal, but more in the middle fiscally.

Agreed. Objectively one can be viewed in either camp, depending on issue

What humors me are those sorts that are so extreeme , the swing so far out they come full circle into the other extremes turf

Maybe there should be a 3rd catagory, right, left.....and out to lunch.....


You either DESPISE dimocrap scum

Or you're part of the problem

Nope, i don't do partisan koolaid, sorry.....but partisans ARE the problem as far as i can see

That we've a one party system, the $$$ party, cloaked in the guise of choice should be obvious ,save for those blinded by thier incessant partisan baloney

Where are the libertarians?

They can be left or right or center, but under less authority?

That's why I think a linear left-right only axis doesn't work too well.
A libertarian can not be left lololol
Sure they can. Abortion, same sex marriage, legalization of drugs.
Those are not leftist principles. They are libertarian. Leftist principles advocate the divesting of property from the individual to the state.

This is why I call myself a liberal.

Liberal =/= Leftist

I am not the only person in the world who can see the truth.

Not only are you not American, you are a colossal ass liar. No surprise the left wing attracts you so much. Chant, lie, chant, lie... not American.

I have provided support for the claims that I have made. All you people have provide are childish name calling and attacks.

Prove I am wrong about this topic or shut the hell up
All I am saying is that the metric for success cannot be social mobility because it is misleading, making the U.S. appear the NOT be the land of opportunity, when that is hardly in question. Because other nations have sucked donkey ass for generations and suddenly their people start to prosper financially does not mean that they are better off than Americans. It simply means that they have started their climb from the abyss of donkey assdome.

Does that make sense?

I just think that is a poor metric. America has kicked ass so long that we have reached a new level of ass kicking.

I am not the only person in the world who can see the truth.

Not only are you not American, you are a colossal ass liar. No surprise the left wing attracts you so much. Chant, lie, chant, lie... not American.

I have provided support for the claims that I have made. All you people have provide are childish name calling and attacks.

Prove I am wrong about this topic or shut the hell up
All I am saying is that the metric for success cannot be social mobility because it is misleading, making the U.S. appear the NOT be the land of opportunity, when that is hardly in question. Because other nations have sucked donkey ass for generations and suddenly their people start to prosper financially does not mean that they are better off than Americans. It simply means that they have started their climb from the abyss of donkey assdome.

Does that make sense?

I just think that is a poor metric. America has kicked ass so long that we have reached a new level of ass kicking.


Today their countries are being taken over by Muslims as they have grown their women as men because "muh mobility", and are unable to even procreate.

Great deal! The end game of Gaping Gaytor.
Golfing Gator still thinks he is living in some other country, when actually he is living in the USA. This country was not designed to optimize "mobility", but freedom. I do not believe mobility appears once in the founding documents, and if it does it's the other context...

Try some other country. That being said, we do have a problem with elites running rampant. I am sure Golfing Gator loves these elites and has his head securely in their asses. So much for muh mobility...

I do love how you people just make up things that I said so you will have a reason to make stupid post.

I never country was designed to optimize "mobility", in fact if you go back a few pages you will see where I said that it cannot be changed as long as we keep a free market, for which I am the strongest proponent of on this forum.

You people are such snowflakes, I present facts and you all go into triggered mode. Simple mind boggling
Wrong. If you are the next Isaac Newton you will know it. I actually know real geniuses. They are born, not made, and they know immediately who, and what they are. The problem with US schools is too much progressive indoctrination instead of actual real teaching, and a lack of resources for the average students. If you are a bad student, you get loads of help. If you are a great student you have doors open to you (my daughter is going to three different science camps this summer, we pay quite a bit for her to go to them, that way the kids that can't afford to go, can) but if you are an average student, you are basically screwed.

That much is very true. The educational system (run by progressives in almost every case) enforces mediocrity.

I am betting your daughter does not go to an inner city school. To compare what your daughter gets to other poorer schools is meaningless.
Wrong. If you are the next Isaac Newton you will know it. I actually know real geniuses. They are born, not made, and they know immediately who, and what they are. The problem with US schools is too much progressive indoctrination instead of actual real teaching, and a lack of resources for the average students. If you are a bad student, you get loads of help. If you are a great student you have doors open to you (my daughter is going to three different science camps this summer, we pay quite a bit for her to go to them, that way the kids that can't afford to go, can) but if you are an average student, you are basically screwed.

That much is very true. The educational system (run by progressives in almost every case) enforces mediocrity.

I am betting your daughter does not go to an inner city school. To compare what your daughter gets to other poorer schools is meaningless.

Correct, she doesn't. However, even in the inner city those students who are truly brilliant get the support they need.
I am not the only person in the world who can see the truth.

Not only are you not American, you are a colossal ass liar. No surprise the left wing attracts you so much. Chant, lie, chant, lie... not American.

I have provided support for the claims that I have made. All you people have provide are childish name calling and attacks.

Prove I am wrong about this topic or shut the hell up
All I am saying is that the metric for success cannot be social mobility because it is misleading, making the U.S. appear the NOT be the land of opportunity, when that is hardly in question. Because other nations have sucked donkey ass for generations and suddenly their people start to prosper financially does not mean that they are better off than Americans. It simply means that they have started their climb from the abyss of donkey assdome.

Does that make sense?

I just think that is a poor metric. America has kicked ass so long that we have reached a new level of ass kicking.


I have never used it as a metric for success. All i have done is point out the fact that social mobility ain't great in this country as was stated by whomever it was that started this whole ball rolling.

As far as other countries, I do not think places like Sweden and Denmark and Norway suddenly had their people start to prosper financially. Seems they have been that way a while now, just like here.
Wrong. If you are the next Isaac Newton you will know it. I actually know real geniuses. They are born, not made, and they know immediately who, and what they are. The problem with US schools is too much progressive indoctrination instead of actual real teaching, and a lack of resources for the average students. If you are a bad student, you get loads of help. If you are a great student you have doors open to you (my daughter is going to three different science camps this summer, we pay quite a bit for her to go to them, that way the kids that can't afford to go, can) but if you are an average student, you are basically screwed.

That much is very true. The educational system (run by progressives in almost every case) enforces mediocrity.

I am betting your daughter does not go to an inner city school. To compare what your daughter gets to other poorer schools is meaningless.

Correct, she doesn't. However, even in the inner city those students who are truly brilliant get the support they need.

clearly you have never spent anytime at those schools.
As far as other countries, I do not think places like Sweden and Denmark and Norway suddenly had their people start to prosper financially. Seems they have been that way a while now, just like here.
And the factors that separate the U.S. from Viking Country are quite clear, but taboo to discuss.


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