Leftwing - Rightwing and the Political Axis

Does anyone find it odd that so many people claim to be fiscally conservative yet we have not elected a fiscally Conservative president since Calvin Coolidge and we have 22 trillion dollars in national debt?
The USA, UK, Canada, and Australia lack Right-Wing values, they're one of the few people in this World without any kind of real Right-Wing party.

The Brits are basically Liberal / Left Wing Capitalist Egalitarians for Individualism.

Thus in my eyes Brits are among my biggest enemies.
The USA, UK, Canada, and Australia lack Right-Wing values, they're one of the few people in this World without any kind of real Right-Wing party.

I agree with this, I think it is the result of only having two parties. Over time both parties keep moving further left
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Yeah, those leftwinger's plan for the elderly is Soylent Green.
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Your pointing out that Nazis were slightly less totalitarian than Stalinists only shows that they were still totalitarian, just a little nicer to the people they liked. But only a little.

Leftwing governments ALWAYS glorify the military.

Stalin was far-Right, just like Hitler was.

Stalin was very Nationalistic, and socially Conservative, by today's Western standards, especially.

He criminalized Gays, outlawed Abortion, targeted enemies of the state. etc. etc.
This thread is interesting and disturbing. People are people. I for one am a capitalist first and foremost. I don’t care if people are gay or straight but I dont want people telling what pronoun I may or may not use. What is disturbing is that we vilify those we disagree with and mostly from the Left. Calling people who dare disagree with them “racist, sexist, homophobes and Islamaphobes” when in reality we just disagree.

I further disagree that speech is violence. I am pro choice but understand the pro life argument. I think the 2nd amendment is outdated but understand why it is critical to many. I am Pro Israel and believe we are dangerously alienating ourselves from the only truly westernized nation in the Middle East. I don’t agree that people may change their genders and that there are more than two. I think the military is critical to prevent conflict not to just engage but also for innovation.

The reason that we are at such odds is because all we do and I at times am guilty of it, is label each other and vilify one another when we disagree.

Lastly, we have become way too PC. It is incredibly frustrating.
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Your pointing out that Nazis were slightly less totalitarian than Stalinists only shows that they were still totalitarian, just a little nicer to the people they liked. But only a little.

Leftwing governments ALWAYS glorify the military.

Stalin was far-Right, just like Hitler was.

Stalin was very Nationalistic, and socially Conservative, by today's Western standards, especially.

He criminalized Gays, outlawed Abortion, targeted enemies of the state. etc. etc.

He was the ultimate cult of personality and banned religion. He was real “conservative”. LOL

You’re unemployed. Read a book.
One thing on the equal playing field...I can see the merits/deficits on both sides.

One the one side - everyone is giving the same playing field, the same set of rights and obligations. But on the other side, not everyone starts on the same line. Some start far behind others. So...the other side values equality of outcome.

Neither is better or worse, just different.

The difference between leftwing and rightwing in this context is rightwing is mobile. You can start at the bottom and reach the top, while those at the top can fall to the bottom. leftwing is regimented. Whatever level you were born into, you stay. There is no way to break into the upper echelons of power, or society. They are closed.
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Nationalism is leftwing.

Nationalism is the far-Right.

First Leftists were Capitalists.'

The original “Left” mainly represented the interests of the bourgeoisie and supported republicanism, secularism, and civil liberties. The rising capitalist class typically represented much of the working class, poor peasantry, and the unemployed. Their political interests in the French Revolution lied in opposition to the aristocracy, and so they found themselves allied with the early capitalists. The Left fought for the equality of advantage or opportunity, in support of the claims of the disadvantaged. The size of the working class increased as capitalism expanded, and began to find expression partly in trade unionist, socialist, anarchist, and communist politics, rather than being confined to the capitalist policies expressed by the original ”Left.”

Classical liberalism

Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government.

The philosophy emerged as a response to the Industrial Revolution and urbanization in the 19th century in Europe and the United States.

It advocates civil liberties with a limited government under the rule of law, private property, and belief in laissez-faire economic policy.

Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia

Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as Liberty, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism", while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism".[14]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the left as including anarchists,[15][16] communists, socialists, democratic socialists, social democrats,[17] left-libertarians, progressivesand social liberals.[18][19] Movements for racial equality[20] and trade unionism have also been associated with the left.[21]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the Right as including Christian democrats, conservatives, right-libertarians,[22] neoconservatives, imperialists, monarchists,[23]fascists,[24] reactionaries and traditionalists.

wiki is not a reliable source.
One thing on the equal playing field...I can see the merits/deficits on both sides.

One the one side - everyone is giving the same playing field, the same set of rights and obligations. But on the other side, not everyone starts on the same line. Some start far behind others. So...the other side values equality of outcome.

Neither is better or worse, just different.

The difference between leftwing and rightwing in this context is rightwing is mobile. You can start at the bottom and reach the top, while those at the top can fall to the bottom. leftwing is regimented. Whatever level you were born into, you stay. There is no way to break into the upper echelons of power, or society. They are closed.

Unless you go into politics or get a Govt job
The difference between leftwing and rightwing in this context is rightwing is mobile. You can start at the bottom and reach the top, while those at the top can fall to the bottom. leftwing is regimented. Whatever level you were born into, you stay. There is no way to break into the upper echelons of power, or society. They are closed.

Perhaps that is why we have one of the worst social mobility rate among industrialized nations
One thing on the equal playing field...I can see the merits/deficits on both sides.

One the one side - everyone is giving the same playing field, the same set of rights and obligations. But on the other side, not everyone starts on the same line. Some start far behind others. So...the other side values equality of outcome.

Neither is better or worse, just different.

The difference between leftwing and rightwing in this context is rightwing is mobile. You can start at the bottom and reach the top, while those at the top can fall to the bottom. leftwing is regimented. Whatever level you were born into, you stay. There is no way to break into the upper echelons of power, or society. They are closed.

Unless you go into politics or get a Govt job

Oh horseshit, come on you are better than this. are you really going to claim that the only way to better yourself in this country is to get a Govt job?
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Your pointing out that Nazis were slightly less totalitarian than Stalinists only shows that they were still totalitarian, just a little nicer to the people they liked. But only a little.

Leftwing governments ALWAYS glorify the military.

Stalin was far-Right, just like Hitler was.

Stalin was very Nationalistic, and socially Conservative, by today's Western standards, especially.

He criminalized Gays, outlawed Abortion, targeted enemies of the state. etc. etc.

He was the ultimate cult of personality and banned religion. He was real “conservative”. LOL

You’re unemployed. Read a book.

Stalin was definitely more Right-Wing than Left-Wing.

Banning religion, and being against Capitalist hierarchy may have been the ONLY things Left-Wing about Stalin.

Ultimately he was on the Authoritarian Right-Wing,.
Stalin was a social-Conservative banning Abortion, and criminalizing Gays, and banning new forms of Music.

Stalin was a Nationalist in that Russians were the master race, targeted enemies of the state, supported Autarky, where everybody used Russian products only.
One thing on the equal playing field...I can see the merits/deficits on both sides.

One the one side - everyone is giving the same playing field, the same set of rights and obligations. But on the other side, not everyone starts on the same line. Some start far behind others. So...the other side values equality of outcome.

Neither is better or worse, just different.

The difference between leftwing and rightwing in this context is rightwing is mobile. You can start at the bottom and reach the top, while those at the top can fall to the bottom. leftwing is regimented. Whatever level you were born into, you stay. There is no way to break into the upper echelons of power, or society. They are closed.

Unless you go into politics or get a Govt job

Oh horseshit, come on you are better than this. are you really going to claim that the only way to better yourself in this country is to get a Govt job?

I thought we were talking about Communist regimes?
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Honestly, Rightwing isn't against Globalism. It is more the far right ones that are. The term really being used the most these days is Neoliberalism, which confuses a lot of people. You also forgot to put in that rightwingers like less restrictions, and a much more lenient free market economy.

neoliberalism | Definition, Ideology, & Examples
Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Your pointing out that Nazis were slightly less totalitarian than Stalinists only shows that they were still totalitarian, just a little nicer to the people they liked. But only a little.

Leftwing governments ALWAYS glorify the military.

Stalin was far-Right, just like Hitler was.

Stalin was very Nationalistic, and socially Conservative, by today's Western standards, especially.

He criminalized Gays, outlawed Abortion, targeted enemies of the state. etc. etc.

He was the ultimate cult of personality and banned religion. He was real “conservative”. LOL

You’re unemployed. Read a book.

Stalin was definitely more Right-Wing than Left-Wing.

Banning religion, and being against Capitalist hierarchy may have been the ONLY things Left-Wing about Stalin.

Ultimately he was on the Authoritarian Right-Wing,.
Stalin was a social-Conservative banning Abortion, and criminalizing Gays, and banning new forms of Music.

Stalin was a Nationalist in that Russians were the master race, targeted enemies of the state, supported Autarky, where everybody used Russian products only.

That’s like saying a Tiger is more like a dog than an elephant. He was a Communist. He had little in common with Capitalist factions.
I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Your pointing out that Nazis were slightly less totalitarian than Stalinists only shows that they were still totalitarian, just a little nicer to the people they liked. But only a little.

Leftwing governments ALWAYS glorify the military.

Stalin was far-Right, just like Hitler was.

Stalin was very Nationalistic, and socially Conservative, by today's Western standards, especially.

He criminalized Gays, outlawed Abortion, targeted enemies of the state. etc. etc.

He was the ultimate cult of personality and banned religion. He was real “conservative”. LOL

You’re unemployed. Read a book.

Stalin was definitely more Right-Wing than Left-Wing.

Banning religion, and being against Capitalist hierarchy may have been the ONLY things Left-Wing about Stalin.

Ultimately he was on the Authoritarian Right-Wing,.
Stalin was a social-Conservative banning Abortion, and criminalizing Gays, and banning new forms of Music.

Stalin was a Nationalist in that Russians were the master race, targeted enemies of the state, supported Autarky, where everybody used Russian products only.

That’s like saying a Tiger is more like a dog than an elephant. He was a Communist. He had little in common with Capitalist factions.

Capitalism = Classical Liberalism / Neo Liberalism.
The first Leftists were also Capitalists.
westwall What defines them? I think it's misleading to look at it solely as defined by the absence or presence of government (or state).

Individual Authority
Individual Liberty
Favoring Hierarchy
Socially Conservative
Equal playing field

Collective Authority
Collective Liberty
Favoring Equality
Socially Liberal
Social spending
Equal outcome

Individual Authority. Correct. The individual takes precedence over the collective.

Individual Liberty. Correct, the individual is free to do what they want, with who they want, when they want.

Rightwing doesn't favor hierarchy, it accepts that there needs to be some form of it, but begrudgingly.

Socially conservative is not rightwing, it is leftwing.

Nationalism is ultimately leftwing. Look at the way collectivist governments refer to their countries. Nazis called Germany the Fatherland, communists called Russia the Motherland. The ultimate form of rightwing is anarchy. There can be no nationalism when there is no nation.

Anti Taxation, yup. To a point.

Equal Playing Field, absolutely.

Pro-military, yes, but so are leftwing groups. After all, you need a strong military to subjugate your citizens. The difference is in a rightwing government military service is normally voluntary, in a leftwing government it is mandatory.

Traditional, true, for a leftwing government to survive it must first destroy the traditions that came before it so they can replace those traditions with their own.

I disagree - social conservatism and traditional values are absolutely rightwing, not left.

Nationalism is also rightwing vs. leftwing globalism (or internationalism).

It doesn't mean there isn't cross over - for example rightwing Nazi's and leftwing Stalinists employed many of the same tactics, so if you view it as not just economic left/right axis, but also social left/right and authority/less authority the extreme right (Nazi) and extreme left (Stalinist) authoritarian regimes are very similar.

Rightwing governments typically have mandatory military service but also typically glorify the military.

Nationalism is leftwing.

Nationalism is the far-Right.

First Leftists were Capitalists.'

The original “Left” mainly represented the interests of the bourgeoisie and supported republicanism, secularism, and civil liberties. The rising capitalist class typically represented much of the working class, poor peasantry, and the unemployed. Their political interests in the French Revolution lied in opposition to the aristocracy, and so they found themselves allied with the early capitalists. The Left fought for the equality of advantage or opportunity, in support of the claims of the disadvantaged. The size of the working class increased as capitalism expanded, and began to find expression partly in trade unionist, socialist, anarchist, and communist politics, rather than being confined to the capitalist policies expressed by the original ”Left.”

Classical liberalism

Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government.

The philosophy emerged as a response to the Industrial Revolution and urbanization in the 19th century in Europe and the United States.

It advocates civil liberties with a limited government under the rule of law, private property, and belief in laissez-faire economic policy.

Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia

Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as Liberty, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism", while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism".[14]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the left as including anarchists,[15][16] communists, socialists, democratic socialists, social democrats,[17] left-libertarians, progressivesand social liberals.[18][19] Movements for racial equality[20] and trade unionism have also been associated with the left.[21]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the Right as including Christian democrats, conservatives, right-libertarians,[22] neoconservatives, imperialists, monarchists,[23]fascists,[24] reactionaries and traditionalists.

wiki is not a reliable source.

Out of 3 sources, ONLY 1 is Wiki.
One thing on the equal playing field...I can see the merits/deficits on both sides.

One the one side - everyone is giving the same playing field, the same set of rights and obligations. But on the other side, not everyone starts on the same line. Some start far behind others. So...the other side values equality of outcome.

Neither is better or worse, just different.

The difference between leftwing and rightwing in this context is rightwing is mobile. You can start at the bottom and reach the top, while those at the top can fall to the bottom. leftwing is regimented. Whatever level you were born into, you stay. There is no way to break into the upper echelons of power, or society. They are closed.

Unless you go into politics or get a Govt job

Oh horseshit, come on you are better than this. are you really going to claim that the only way to better yourself in this country is to get a Govt job?

I thought we were talking about Communist regimes?

Seems the topic of the thread is politics in the US
Your pointing out that Nazis were slightly less totalitarian than Stalinists only shows that they were still totalitarian, just a little nicer to the people they liked. But only a little.

Leftwing governments ALWAYS glorify the military.

Stalin was far-Right, just like Hitler was.

Stalin was very Nationalistic, and socially Conservative, by today's Western standards, especially.

He criminalized Gays, outlawed Abortion, targeted enemies of the state. etc. etc.

He was the ultimate cult of personality and banned religion. He was real “conservative”. LOL

You’re unemployed. Read a book.

Stalin was definitely more Right-Wing than Left-Wing.

Banning religion, and being against Capitalist hierarchy may have been the ONLY things Left-Wing about Stalin.

Ultimately he was on the Authoritarian Right-Wing,.
Stalin was a social-Conservative banning Abortion, and criminalizing Gays, and banning new forms of Music.

Stalin was a Nationalist in that Russians were the master race, targeted enemies of the state, supported Autarky, where everybody used Russian products only.

That’s like saying a Tiger is more like a dog than an elephant. He was a Communist. He had little in common with Capitalist factions.

Capitalism = Classical Liberalism / Neo Liberalism.
The first Leftists were also Capitalists.

??? Stalin had little in common with JFK and Ronald Reagan. Your analogies are odd.

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