Lefty forced to apologize for having been affiliated with a pedophile group

Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.
Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.


Like when Rick Santorium apologized for giving kiddie ass raper Sandusky an Award.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Or when the Republican party apologized for it's association with poopy pants kiddie fucker Ted Nugent.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Guess the Republican Party isn't sane. :D
Funny how lefties idolize child rapists like roman Polanski and woody Allen
Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.

You are completely incapable of admitting when you are wrong. You've certainly never done it on these message boards. Remember when you said "all men are created equal" is in the constitution? You didn't have the courage to admit you were wrong when called out on it, and you pretended like you were testing people to see if they would catch it. That has to be one of the douchiest things ive ever seen on the USmessageboards. You are a fucking fool.
Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.

You are completely incapable of admitting when you are wrong. You've certainly never done it on these message boards. Remember when you said "all men are created equal" is in the constitution? You didn't have the courage to admit you were wrong when called out on it, and you pretended like you were testing people to see if they would catch it. That has to be one of the douchiest things ive ever seen on the USmessageboards. You are a fucking fool.

I didnt pretend to test. I was testing. You would need to prove I wasnt testing. Can you do that? If you think I have never admitted being wrong you need to poll some people. Ask Uncensored for example. I still have the PM he an I exchanged about it and my admission of being wrong should still be in the thread dumbass. :lol:
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Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.

You are completely incapable of admitting when you are wrong. You've certainly never done it on these message boards. Remember when you said "all men are created equal" is in the constitution? You didn't have the courage to admit you were wrong when called out on it, and you pretended like you were testing people to see if they would catch it. That has to be one of the douchiest things ive ever seen on the USmessageboards. You are a fucking fool.

I didnt pretend to test. I was testing. You would need to prove I wasnt testing. Can you do that? If you think I have never admitted being wrong you need to poll some people. Ask Uncensored for example. I still have the PM he an I exchanged about it and my admission of being wrong should still be in the thread dumbass. :lol:
...and contuing your ridiculous lie is now the douchiest thing ive seen here. :lol:

Well at least Hewitt went the distance on her apology.

On the other hand, Harmann has not apologized and despite the glaring evidence that she and others in NCCL had welcomed this group PIE (Pedophile Information Exchanged) and actually campaigned on their behalf to lower the age of consent, that wanker of a Labor Leader Miliband came out and defended Harmann this week.

For those that really don't understand how shocking this is this is just the tip of the iceberg.

A Mail investigation discovered that Miss Hewitt described PIE in glowing terms and revealed that the NCCL lobbied parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to ten – if the child consented and ‘understood the nature of the act’.

Patricia Hewitt breaks silence over group's links to National Council for Civil Liberties when she was its boss | Mail Online
Now to me this isn't about left wing advocacy.

The reason this is a scandal is how high these people have risen in the Labor Party. This is really wild but true. They even lobbied with the paedophile group to legalise incest.

It's the equivalent of finding out Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid promoted child sex and incest in America.That's what makes it so freaking shocking.

How three of the party's most senior figures campaigned for a vile paedophile group now being probed by police for 'abusing children on an industrial scale'

Documents found by Mail show link between Left-wing and paedophiles

Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt held senior positions at National Council for Civil Liberties before rising to top of the Labour party

The NCCL was an 'affiliate' of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), whose members may have abused children on an 'industrial scale'

Paperwork reveals NCCL helped lobby Parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to as low as ten and called for incest to be legalised

Here's a tiny profile of PIE.

At its height, PIE boasted almost 1,000 members and publicly campaigned for child sex to be legalised, and for the age of consent to be lowered to four.

Its literature, which quoted cod scientists and psychologists, was often sent to Parliamentary committees.

One such document — a copy of which I have obtained — argued that sexual relationships between adults and children tend to be ‘actually beneficial to the child’.

It made the revolting claim that ‘girls as young as four months can achieve orgasm’, and that four-year-old children ‘can communicate verbally’ their consent to sex.

A leaflet PIE sent to MPs, entitled ‘Paedophilia: some questions and answers’, claimed: ‘Paedophiles are ordinary, decent, sensible human beings, no more sexually depraved than yourself, and with a capacity for loving and helping children which is at present being repressed.’

Over the years, amid widespread controversy, several similarly controversial books were published by PIE.

It wasn’t until 1984, after the organisation’s leaders had been convicted of a string of appalling crimes, that it was eventually disbanded.

Labour's child sex apologists: 3 of party's senior figures campaigned for paedophile group | Mail Online
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Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.


Like when Rick Santorium apologized for giving kiddie ass raper Sandusky an Award.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Or when the Republican party apologized for it's association with poopy pants kiddie fucker Ted Nugent.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Guess the Republican Party isn't sane. :D

Prove any of it. Prove Santorum KNEW Sandusky was a pedo when he gave that award, IF he did.

Meanwhile leftists idolize and build memorials to all kinds of pedophiles.

You are, once again, a fucking liar.
Now to me this isn't about left wing advocacy.

The reason this is a scandal is how high these people have risen in the Labor Party. This is really wild but true. They even lobbied with the paedophile group to legalise incest.

It's the equivalent of finding out Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid promoted child sex and incest in America.That's what makes it so freaking shocking.

How three of the party's most senior figures campaigned for a vile paedophile group now being probed by police for 'abusing children on an industrial scale'

Documents found by Mail show link between Left-wing and paedophiles

Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt held senior positions at National Council for Civil Liberties before rising to top of the Labour party

The NCCL was an 'affiliate' of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), whose members may have abused children on an 'industrial scale'

Paperwork reveals NCCL helped lobby Parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to as low as ten and called for incest to be legalised

Here's a tiny profile of PIE.

At its height, PIE boasted almost 1,000 members and publicly campaigned for child sex to be legalised, and for the age of consent to be lowered to four.

Its literature, which quoted cod scientists and psychologists, was often sent to Parliamentary committees.

One such document — a copy of which I have obtained — argued that sexual relationships between adults and children tend to be ‘actually beneficial to the child’.

It made the revolting claim that ‘girls as young as four months can achieve orgasm’, and that four-year-old children ‘can communicate verbally’ their consent to sex.

A leaflet PIE sent to MPs, entitled ‘Paedophilia: some questions and answers’, claimed: ‘Paedophiles are ordinary, decent, sensible human beings, no more sexually depraved than yourself, and with a capacity for loving and helping children which is at present being repressed.’

Over the years, amid widespread controversy, several similarly controversial books were published by PIE.

It wasn’t until 1984, after the organisation’s leaders had been convicted of a string of appalling crimes, that it was eventually disbanded.

Labour's child sex apologists: 3 of party's senior figures campaigned for paedophile group | Mail Online

But these people are so progressive! Forward! history shows that one sexual barrier after another is going into the dustbin of history, this one will too! People like you used to oppose interracial marriage and this is just like that!

/s before I puke
There's some very interesting things to be found if you have a look at the background to this story. The "lefty" in question was a key part of the government that went in to Iraq with GW bush. Not normaly lefty way of behaving.

Also the newspaper that dug through her past to try and find mud to sling has it's own interesting history. Here is a piece it published written by it's founder and editor


Here's some blackshirts


And here's the editor (he's on the left)


Given the nature of this scandal I'd say her career has to be over, it just shows what you can find when you have a dig in to the past.
... mistakes made by the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s when she was its general secretary.

In the 1970s ...in England.

We are supposed to give a flying fig about this why?
Now to me this isn't about left wing advocacy.

The reason this is a scandal is how high these people have risen in the Labor Party. This is really wild but true. They even lobbied with the paedophile group to legalise incest.

It's the equivalent of finding out Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid promoted child sex and incest in America.That's what makes it so freaking shocking.

How three of the party's most senior figures campaigned for a vile paedophile group now being probed by police for 'abusing children on an industrial scale'

Documents found by Mail show link between Left-wing and paedophiles

Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt held senior positions at National Council for Civil Liberties before rising to top of the Labour party

The NCCL was an 'affiliate' of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), whose members may have abused children on an 'industrial scale'

Paperwork reveals NCCL helped lobby Parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to as low as ten and called for incest to be legalised

Here's a tiny profile of PIE.

At its height, PIE boasted almost 1,000 members and publicly campaigned for child sex to be legalised, and for the age of consent to be lowered to four.

Its literature, which quoted cod scientists and psychologists, was often sent to Parliamentary committees.

One such document — a copy of which I have obtained — argued that sexual relationships between adults and children tend to be ‘actually beneficial to the child’.

It made the revolting claim that ‘girls as young as four months can achieve orgasm’, and that four-year-old children ‘can communicate verbally’ their consent to sex.

A leaflet PIE sent to MPs, entitled ‘Paedophilia: some questions and answers’, claimed: ‘Paedophiles are ordinary, decent, sensible human beings, no more sexually depraved than yourself, and with a capacity for loving and helping children which is at present being repressed.’

Over the years, amid widespread controversy, several similarly controversial books were published by PIE.

It wasn’t until 1984, after the organisation’s leaders had been convicted of a string of appalling crimes, that it was eventually disbanded.

Labour's child sex apologists: 3 of party's senior figures campaigned for paedophile group | Mail Online

"It made the revolting claim that ‘girls as young as four months can achieve orgasm’, and that four-year-old children ‘can communicate verbally’ their consent to sex."

That sounds like Kinsey to me. Among his less well-known research, children's sexuality was indeed studied. While it's true girls are born more or less physically capable of orgasms it's wrong to say that because of such a biological reality it's therefore 'okay' for such young children to be sexual. As to being able to communicate consent, if you ask and allow a 4 year-old to eat as much cake and ice cream as they want they'll do so until they explode so again, just because they can say 'yes' doesn't mean it's advisable.

There's a lot more to the Kinsey-pedophile research, but as someone familar with it I don't wanna go into it. By modern standards it's criminal in the extreme. Much as the research conducted by Nazis on death camp victims led to some solid science but the means was deplorable as monstrous, much of Kinsey's research and findings though valid, are unethical in the extreme. The only good that really came out of it all is that now such research is forbidden by law on subjects so young.
You are completely incapable of admitting when you are wrong. You've certainly never done it on these message boards. Remember when you said "all men are created equal" is in the constitution? You didn't have the courage to admit you were wrong when called out on it, and you pretended like you were testing people to see if they would catch it. That has to be one of the douchiest things ive ever seen on the USmessageboards. You are a fucking fool.

I didnt pretend to test. I was testing. You would need to prove I wasnt testing. Can you do that? If you think I have never admitted being wrong you need to poll some people. Ask Uncensored for example. I still have the PM he an I exchanged about it and my admission of being wrong should still be in the thread dumbass. :lol:
...and contuing your ridiculous lie is now the douchiest thing ive seen here. :lol:

Continuing to not provide proof only shows I must really bother you badly to bring up something you cant prove on another thread. Get a life loser or prove me wrong. :lol:

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