Lefty forced to apologize for having been affiliated with a pedophile group

There's some very interesting things to be found if you have a look at the background to this story. The "lefty" in question was a key part of the government that went in to Iraq with GW bush. Not normaly lefty way of behaving.

Sure it is when a lefty UK government at the time went into Iraq.

Also the newspaper that dug through her past to try and find mud to sling has it's own interesting history. Here is a piece it published written by it's founder and editor


Here's some blackshirts


And here's the editor (he's on the left)


I think we all know what leftwing fascists look like when out in drag.

Given the nature of this scandal I'd say her career has to be over, it just shows what you can find when you have a dig in to the past.

And that scares the hell out of you, I bet.
Former Labour Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has apologised for having "got it wrong" in the row over a pro-paedophile group.

She said she took responsibility for mistakes made by the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s when she was its general secretary.

The NCCL was "naive" over its links with the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), Ms Hewitt said....

..."I should have urged the executive committee to take stronger measures to protect NCCL's integrity from the activities of PIE members and sympathisers and I deeply regret not having done so."

Ms Hewitt said that in particular, PIE member Tom O'Carroll - who was convicted of child pornography offences in 2006 - should not have been allowed to join the NCCL's gay rights sub-committee.

A proposal by the NCCL to lower the age of consent was not made by her but was the policy of the organisation and its executive committee, she added. BBC News - Patricia Hewitt 'sorry' for stance on paedophile group

First of all, I'm a democrat so "lefty" in the title of this thread is open to interpretation. Next, I'm left wondering how this case is different from the church of LGBT venerating a serial sodomizer of orphaned teen boys on drugs as their messiah?

Intellectually, how is it different?

Former Labour Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has apologised for having "got it wrong" in the row over a pro-paedophile group.

She said she took responsibility for mistakes made by the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s when she was its general secretary.

The NCCL was "naive" over its links with the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), Ms Hewitt said....

..."I should have urged the executive committee to take stronger measures to protect NCCL's integrity from the activities of PIE members and sympathisers and I deeply regret not having done so."

Ms Hewitt said that in particular, PIE member Tom O'Carroll - who was convicted of child pornography offences in 2006 - should not have been allowed to join the NCCL's gay rights sub-committee.

A proposal by the NCCL to lower the age of consent was not made by her but was the policy of the organisation and its executive committee, she added. BBC News - Patricia Hewitt 'sorry' for stance on paedophile group

First of all, I'm a democrat so "lefty" in the title of this thread is open to interpretation. Next, I'm left wondering how this case is different from the church of LGBT venerating a serial sodomizer of orphaned teen boys on drugs as their messiah?

Intellectually, how is it different?


IT isn't, but you can be banned her for asking that question.

The libtards kind of lose their sense of humor when you slam Saint Milk.
Libs thinks Allen Ginsberg is a saint too and he advocated for nambla
Libs thinks Allen Ginsberg is a saint too and he advocated for nambla

This topic is a bit of an ice berg and can get you banned for delving into it much at all.

Proceed at your own risk.

You mean, suppression of free speech is cause for banning someone at usmessageboard.com ? Time to double down. I don't think that's fair to say though. I've been talking about Harvey Milk forever. This thread though is really the beginning of "the end" with that topic though, isn't it? The ball is slowly beginning to roll in the opposite direction now...

What is a "lib"? I'm a registered democrat. Am I a "lib" too? Or are there millions of us in the middle left who aren't part of the LGBT cult and who are just as disturbed as the middle right as to its escalating usurping of everything we all once knew as normal behavior?
Libs thinks Allen Ginsberg is a saint too and he advocated for nambla

This topic is a bit of an ice berg and can get you banned for delving into it much at all.

Proceed at your own risk.

You mean, suppression of free speech is cause for banning someone at usmessageboard.com ? Time to double down. I don't think that's fair to say though. I've been talking about Harvey Milk forever. This thread though is really the beginning of "the end" with that topic though, isn't it? The ball is slowly beginning to roll in the opposite direction now...

What is a "lib"? I'm a registered democrat. Am I a "lib" too? Or are there millions of us in the middle left who aren't part of the LGBT cult and who are just as disturbed as the middle right as to its escalating usurping of everything we all once knew as normal behavior?

Lib is short for liberal, and that word has shades of meaning I am sure you know. Classic liberals of the JFK, Truman, LBJ, Humphrey mold are rare in national politics though many survive in states like Pennsylvania. They were pro free speech, free thinking and government regulated liberty.

Since the McGovern wing took over the national Democratic Party machinery, the hard-core Jacobin left took control and many who call themselves liberal today are really closer to old fascism than anything JFK would have regarded as liberal.

So to distinguish between classic liberals and these fake liberals, many of us instead refer to the fakes as libtards.
This topic is a bit of an ice berg and can get you banned for delving into it much at all.

Proceed at your own risk.

You mean, suppression of free speech is cause for banning someone at usmessageboard.com ? Time to double down. I don't think that's fair to say though. I've been talking about Harvey Milk forever. This thread though is really the beginning of "the end" with that topic though, isn't it? The ball is slowly beginning to roll in the opposite direction now...

What is a "lib"? I'm a registered democrat. Am I a "lib" too? Or are there millions of us in the middle left who aren't part of the LGBT cult and who are just as disturbed as the middle right as to its escalating usurping of everything we all once knew as normal behavior?

Lib is short for liberal, and that word has shades of meaning I am sure you know. Classic liberals of the JFK, Truman, LBJ, Humphrey mold are rare in national politics though many survive in states like Pennsylvania. They were pro free speech, free thinking and government regulated liberty.

Since the McGovern wing took over the national Democratic Party machinery, the hard-core Jacobin left took control and many who call themselves liberal today are really closer to old fascism than anything JFK would have regarded as liberal.

So to distinguish between classic liberals and these fake liberals, many of us instead refer to the fakes as libtards.

Well, I'm more of a science and law hobbiest and not really a history buff. I know a few bits and pieces but frankly the topic of repetitive human behavior bores me to sleep. Some love it though. I know two dear friends who are all about history. It takes all kinds to make up a world.

If there was a party called "The Pragmatists", yep, right there is where you would find me drinking the Koolaide. Only thing is though that the hallmark of pragmatism is to avoid the drinking of Koolaide at all costs...lol..
Manchester I negged you for a troll post. You are one big wanker to leap from these three in this scandal to Bush.

I'm also going to ask that your post be removed. What a ridiculous troll you are.
Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.


Like when Rick Santorium apologized for giving kiddie ass raper Sandusky an Award.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Or when the Republican party apologized for it's association with poopy pants kiddie fucker Ted Nugent.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Guess the Republican Party isn't sane. :D

How about when the nutters found out that the elder Duck Dynasty preached pedophilia and immediately withdrew their support? That didn't happen any more than it did when the DD preached against equality for all Americans.

Yuppie DD's fraud made total asses of rw America but they're haters and that's all the right needs. Funny thing is that DD hate their fans - ignernt rednecks - most of all. LOL
How is the Labour Party leftist?


This is the kind of post that one can't respond to with words and hence one has to embrace and respond with an emoticon.

Because you can't answer it.

If only there were an emoticon for rw cowardice. It would get a work out here.


You're kidding right?

As if the whole world doesn't know that Labour is left wing. Give me a break. Cowardice?

Man oh man you just made a huge fool of yourself.
How about when the nutters found out that the elder Duck Dynasty preached pedophilia and immediately withdrew their support? That didn't happen any more than it did when the DD preached against equality for all Americans.

Yuppie DD's fraud made total asses of rw America but they're haters and that's all the right needs. Funny thing is that DD hate their fans - ignernt rednecks - most of all. LOL

You mean marrying a young girl with her parents and her consent? Versus Harvey Milk plucking troubled/orphaned drug addicted teen boys off the streets as he was in his 30s & 40s and sodomizing them one by one like kleenex? Phil and Kay married young. They were both young. Naturally, this was turned into "Phil is a pedophile". The law separates young people having sex with their own peer group vs 10-20-30-40 etc. years older than the youngster. Then it becomes a predatory adult unduly influencing a child. The minor-minor marriage is essentially freedom of the blind leading the blind. I wouldn't advise it; maturity is prudent in marriage. However it is not quite the multiple felonies that Harvey Milk was committing:

1. Sodomizing a minor [Jack McKinley at least, for three years: completion of his 16th year as a minor in New York where he met him. Completion of his 17th & 18th years in California where he transported him across state lines for his lewd purpose for him and where the age of consent was when he finally turned 18.

2. The violation of the Mann Act [see #1]

3. Sodomizing someone under the influence of drugs

4. Sodomizing someone who is mentally ill [Jack McKinley was habitually suicidal and finally did kill himself years later after Milk discarded him past his "use by date" for fresher meat. He jumped to his death on Harvey Milk's birthday.]

5. Sodomizing a child that Milk was also officiating at the father/guardian to.

Those are very different from Phil Robertson's remarks.

Though your continued defense of Harvey Milk's "sexuality" is noted for the record. And given that, also noted is the extreme irony of YOU calling people opposed to your stance "nutters".
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Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.


Like when Rick Santorium apologized for giving kiddie ass raper Sandusky an Award.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Or when the Republican party apologized for it's association with poopy pants kiddie fucker Ted Nugent.

Wait..that didn't happen.

Guess the Republican Party isn't sane. :D

How about when the nutters found out that the elder Duck Dynasty preached pedophilia and immediately withdrew their support? That didn't happen any more than it did when the DD preached against equality for all Americans.

Yuppie DD's fraud made total asses of rw America but they're haters and that's all the right needs. Funny thing is that DD hate their fans - ignernt rednecks - most of all. LOL

Give the link as to when Phil preached child rape.

And regarding Robertson and gays.

All he said was he preferred a vagina. Some people really don't find assholes attractive.
And regarding Robertson and gays.

All he said was he preferred a vagina. Some people really don't find assholes attractive.

He also said gays were going to hell. But that is true from a christian perspective. Also true in that same light is those who enable homosexuals taking over a culture are also going to hell.
Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.

It only took being outed to admit she was wrong?

You're wrong here every single day but I've never seen you man up about it.

You're just a little twerp with a keyboard. If only you had balls too.

lol, you think he is wrong?


You are deluded and constantly wrong on just about every post, retard.

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