Lefty forced to apologize for having been affiliated with a pedophile group

And regarding Robertson and gays.

All he said was he preferred a vagina. Some people really don't find assholes attractive.

He also said gays were going to hell. But that is true from a christian perspective. Also true in that same light is those who enable homosexuals taking over a culture are also going to hell.

Not exactly.

Being homosexual, as in being attracted to same sex, is not itself a sin. Engaging in homosexual sex is the sin.
Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.

It only took being outed to admit she was wrong?

That's what it usually takes politicians, Governors, and Mayors….a public exposure of wrongdoing followed by outcry.

CEO's, big corps, don't like to admit wrongdoing, they're happier settling out of court.
No, this isn't just like interracial marriage because that was about barring a person born of a certain skin color from marrying normally: man/woman.

The church of LGBT wanting to marry is about completely re-writing how the structure of marriage is built: around the male/female reproductive-potential pair. It is about the behaviors and not race.

It isn't like the church of LGBT found out about Harvey Milk and then shrunk in horror, hoping nobody found out or at least stepped up and publicly disowned him. Oh no. This is MUCH different. This is them knowing, or finding out and instead doubling down on venerating him. Over 60 LGBT groups in the US, Canada & Mexico petitioned vigorously to get a US postage stamp issued of him with their logo, the "rainbow USA" at the top..., long long long after the biography of Milk was published and given their penchant for worshipping all things about him, ostensibly read and understood by all of them.

This is the church of deviant-sexuals standing up to the public and holding up as their hero a man who's sexual perversion was the exploitation and rape of homeless teen boys who were addled, out of their minds with grief, depression, mental illness and drug abuse. This is how he preferred them to be... known to all these LGBT groups who wanted that stamp made to show the world who represents their sexual value system and dogma.

Here is the observation of Milk's close friend and biographer/accredited journalist known and famous for his exhaustive and dogged quest for the true facts, no matter how unsettling they were:

"Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems". [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times Of Harvey Milk]

This is who is trying now to get married in Utah, where marriage elevates the person to top-tier status to adopt orphaned, troubled kids. These parishoners have no business being near orphaned troubled kids with their "In your FACE with Harvey Milk" apologies and attitudes. If our society has devolved to the point of making sex crimes against children softened, explainable, forgiven or even promoted, I will be an ex patriot and this nation will devolve to 2nd or 3rd world status [eventually] as a world social blight of humanity.

The one and singular cue I am waiting for that this is so, is the church of LGBT v Utah. If that is decided for the neo-child-sex-cult instead of the orphans and good people of Utah and their right to protect children and govern themselves, that is the sign that there is no more democracy here, no more sanity, no more moral moorings and a complete hastening of the total collapse of the USA. No, that is not an exaggeration. People who are adamantly against this and feeling forced to allow child sex etc. cult to "marry" will discard law and order and a civil rift will widen that I fear will never be stitched together again.

That would be a best case scenario of devolution. The worst case scenario would be that people all over time became accustomed to the idea of sex with younger and younger children and the idea of two people of the same gender dressing one as a female and one as a male as "normal". Just like how Ancient Greece devolved over time to upholding men having sex with boys as young as 6 as "perfectly expected and fine".

She made a mistake and apologised for it. More than what the average conservative would do.

Noomi, do you consider 60 + LGBT groups from the US, Mexico and Canada petitioning the US Postal Service to commission a stamp of Harvey Milk with the rainbow "USA" at the top right corner a mistake? And if so, why. If not, why? And please be specific.
And regarding Robertson and gays.

All he said was he preferred a vagina. Some people really don't find assholes attractive.

He also said gays were going to hell. But that is true from a christian perspective. Also true in that same light is those who enable homosexuals taking over a culture are also going to hell.

Tell your local Imam the same shit buddy.

Go ahead. :D
And regarding Robertson and gays.

All he said was he preferred a vagina. Some people really don't find assholes attractive.

He also said gays were going to hell. But that is true from a christian perspective. Also true in that same light is those who enable homosexuals taking over a culture are also going to hell.

Tell your local Imam the same shit buddy.

Go ahead. :D

Noomi they catered to them.
Noomi they rocked the world to advocate for them till the age of 10. Itr's all on board here. As all as the kids understood they were getting fucked these people thought 10 was a good age.

I have all the data. This is not a dream.
Let's get all you lefties agreeing that fucking a child over the age of 5 is allowed.

Because you stupid fools have just signed on to.

Well at least Hewitt went the distance on her apology.

On the other hand, Harmann has not apologized and despite the glaring evidence that she and others in NCCL had welcomed this group PIE (Pedophile Information Exchanged) and actually campaigned on their behalf to lower the age of consent, that wanker of a Labor Leader Miliband came out and defended Harmann this week.

For those that really don't understand how shocking this is this is just the tip of the iceberg.

A Mail investigation discovered that Miss Hewitt described PIE in glowing terms and revealed that the NCCL lobbied parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to ten – if the child consented and ‘understood the nature of the act’.

Patricia Hewitt breaks silence over group's links to National Council for Civil Liberties when she was its boss | Mail Online

A good summing up. Harriet Harman, deputy leader of the Labour Party and certain to be a very senior minister if Labour ins the election next year, is so puffed up with self-importance that she is incapable of admitting she may ever have been wrong about anything. Hewitt's apology, however calculated, by comparison reinforces the by now almost universal impression among Britons that Harman is both arrogant and stupid.
And regarding Robertson and gays.

All he said was he preferred a vagina. Some people really don't find assholes attractive.

He also said gays were going to hell. But that is true from a christian perspective. Also true in that same light is those who enable homosexuals taking over a culture are also going to hell.

Bible and the Koran.

Hey I've had a blast with more gay friends in my lifetime than some of you asswipes in Idaho.

This hurts my parts. I don't get this shit. But you start to come after me. I'm going to fuck you up
Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.

It only took being outed to admit she was wrong?

Outed? I would have never heard of this story if you had not posted it. She apologized. Move on.

No reason why you should have heard of this story. It's about lefty politicians in the UK - no reason why you should have heard of that country either.

But for the record Harriet Harman and her co-Labour MP and husband Jack Dromey (who was actually Chairman of the by now notorious NCCL) have most certainly NOT apologised.
And regarding Robertson and gays.

All he said was he preferred a vagina. Some people really don't find assholes attractive.

He also said gays were going to hell. But that is true from a christian perspective. Also true in that same light is those who enable homosexuals taking over a culture are also going to hell.

Bible and the Koran.

Hey I've had a blast with more gay friends in my lifetime than some of you asswipes in Idaho.

This hurts my parts. I don't get this shit. But you start to come after me. I'm going to fuck you up

:lol: Save your venom for the cult of LGBT v Utah. That's where the rubber will actually meet the road. Love how they stuffed this one down in the "Europe" forum dungeon. What will they do when the church of LGBT is called on to apologize for worshipping their messiah Harvey Milk and his rape of teen boys on drugs? Put it in the "Health and Lifestyle" forum?
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Not really. Thats what sane people do when they find out they were wrong. There is nothing unusual about it.

It only took being outed to admit she was wrong?

Outed? I would have never heard of this story if you had not posted it. She apologized. Move on.

Government instituted child sex abuse is not something you can move on from. She issued a press statement advocating a reduction in the age of consent down to 10 years old. Now it has been made an issue the whole of the left wing Labour party is facing questions over their possible involvement with paedophile groups and could result in arrests and court cases in the not too distant future. The question is who will they throw to the wolves to appease the voters.................
Funny how lefties idolize child rapists like roman Polanski and woody Allen

Don't forget they will throw 12 year old girls to the muslims in return for votes, and then cover it up by threatening parents with prison and kidnapping of their children
Government instituted child sex abuse is not something you can move on from. She issued a press statement advocating a reduction in the age of consent down to 10 years old. Now it has been made an issue the whole of the left wing Labour party is facing questions over their possible involvement with paedophile groups and could result in arrests and court cases in the not too distant future. The question is who will they throw to the wolves to appease the voters.................

If you are from Europe, you might not be aware that as a matter of law in California, children are required to celebrate the pedophile and LGBT church messiah Harvey Milk each May 22nd.

Government instituted child sex abuse is alive and well. The equivalent would be having a "Woody Allen" day for an all girl's school to celebrate, or a "Jerry Sandusky" day for youth sports to celebrate..
It only took being outed to admit she was wrong?

Outed? I would have never heard of this story if you had not posted it. She apologized. Move on.

Government instituted child sex abuse is not something you can move on from. She issued a press statement advocating a reduction in the age of consent down to 10 years old. Now it has been made an issue the whole of the left wing Labour party is facing questions over their possible involvement with paedophile groups and could result in arrests and court cases in the not too distant future. The question is who will they throw to the wolves to appease the voters.................

It is now apparent that the Paedophile Information Exchange may have been funded by government . ie taxpayers - money, given to them by a civil servant, now dead, called Hindley. Urgent enquiries are being made. Mr Hindley was a 'life long bachelor and Methodist lay preacher'. PIE was, of course, affiliated to the lefties' NCCL.
Outed? I would have never heard of this story if you had not posted it. She apologized. Move on.

Government instituted child sex abuse is not something you can move on from. She issued a press statement advocating a reduction in the age of consent down to 10 years old. Now it has been made an issue the whole of the left wing Labour party is facing questions over their possible involvement with paedophile groups and could result in arrests and court cases in the not too distant future. The question is who will they throw to the wolves to appease the voters.................

It is now apparent that the Paedophile Information Exchange may have been funded by government . ie taxpayers - money, given to them by a civil servant, now dead, called Hindley. Urgent enquiries are being made. Mr Hindley was a 'life long bachelor and Methodist lay preacher'. PIE was, of course, affiliated to the lefties' NCCL.

I was truly surprised that Miliband dismissed this discovery of the affiliation to PIE so easily. This potentially could be a serious ticking time bomb if PIE received government funding.
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