Legal experts: Feds' viral arrest in Portland violated the Fourth Amendment

The feds arrested a man because someone somewhere near him allegedly pointed a laser at police.
Guilt by association has been ruled to be no grounds for arrest.
The man was released 20 minutes after questioning because the Feds had nothing on him

He was detained but not arrested. Totally legal.....

No it isn't. This is why in part we are having the protests to start with.

The protest are not about civil rights or a dead black guy the protests are about seizing power and installing a Marxist
You're completely wrong about the detention. All charted police forces throughout the land have the right to detain and investigate after an event.
They don't have the right to arrest without proper grounds and they gained those grounds by detaining and investigating. Besides being a complete fucking putz and living in your mother's basement.. you're also 100% full of shit.
I vividly recall how leftards cheered on the Bureau of Land Management's draconian and fascist tactics against the Bundy family. How leftards cheered the shooting in the back of Lavoy Finicum. They reveled in the Fed's tactics against those protesting on behalf of the Hammond family. They sent dildos to the protesters.

Now look at these fucking whiners about the tactics used to stop the rioting and looting of spoiled little SJW snowflakes protesting the alleged death of thug George Floyd that happened 1,700 miles away. Suck it hard, had it jammed right up your hypocritical asses.

So you have decided to be as bad as the people you condemn? And this makes sense to you somehow?

The Bundys didn't destroy anything, the protesters at the Wildlife refuge in Oregon didn't destroy anything or threaten anyone but your posse of snowflake commie pussies have been running amok for two months over the death of a thug that happened 1,700 miles away. You are probably too stupid to get the gist of what I am saying which is typical. Commie lives do not matter to me at all....and never will.

Of course they destroyed things. They set fires and destroyed a Federal wildlife refuge buildings.

You also continue to misstate the issue because you understand you are losing the argument. Have the people who murdered Breonna Taylor or Elijah McClain been brought to justice yet?
The feds arrested a man because someone somewhere near him allegedly pointed a laser at police.
Guilt by association has been ruled to be no grounds for arrest.
The man was released 20 minutes after questioning because the Feds had nothing on him

He was detained but not arrested. Totally legal.....

No it isn't. This is why in part we are having the protests to start with.

The protest are not about civil rights or a dead black guy the protests are about seizing power and installing a Marxist

If that is why you want to believe, have at it.

You're completely wrong about the detention. All charted police forces throughout the land have the right to detain and investigate after an event.
They don't have the right to arrest without proper grounds and they gained those grounds by detaining and investigating. Besides being a complete fucking putz and living in your mother's basement.. you're also 100% full of shit.

No, you do not have a right to "detain" someone without just cause to try and determine if they did something wrong. You argue this and then complain about others?
No, you do not have a right to "detain" someone without just cause to try and determine if they did something wrong. You argue this and then complain about others?

They had just cause. POlice do this very thing 1000's of times a day all over the country.
If a crime is committed, and they are looking for someone wearing say an orange shirt, male and about 6' tall. And they see a man, about 6 ft tall wearing an orange shirt in the area of the crime immediately following the crime. They have the right to hold and question that person to determine if they are the person they are looking for.
Happens all the time. And is 100% legal
The feds arrested a man because someone somewhere near him allegedly pointed a laser at police.
Guilt by association has been ruled to be no grounds for arrest.
The man was released 20 minutes after questioning because the Feds had nothing on him

He was detained but not arrested. Totally legal.....

"The Fourth Amendment applies to “seizures” and it is not necessary that a detention be a formal arrest in order to bring to bear the requirements of warrants, or probable cause in instances in which warrants are not required."

So any time cops want to arrest someone, or even detain them for questioning, they have to have a warrant first?

Once again your side is now creating new and completely false standards in your quest to get the BAD ORANGE MAN.

They have to have probable cause. Being outside is not probable cause.

Some guy dressed in black, with a covered face did something worthy of detention, they found a guy in the area dressed in black, with a covered face, probably matching the description of the guy they were looking for.

They wanted to question him, however whenever the rioters see police action they try to interfere, so they took him somewhere safe to question him.

When they determined they had the wrong guy, they released him.

You are now just making things up.

It is my view of what happened based on the information I have seen so far.

You never saw what you made up.

I read an interview of someone from DHS on this..........................

No you didn't.

DHS Official On Reports Of Federal Officers Detaining Protesters In Portland, Ore.

"Well I can't speak on that" is all he says. Obviously if he can't "speak on that" he can't say he was wearing all black and a black hood now can he?


Appears clearly labelled as "police". I have no idea where that pic came from.

The complaints have been that while they are labelled "police" it doesn't say what police they are.

Try to keep up.

We need a safe space and a fainting couch stat!
No, you do not have a right to "detain" someone without just cause to try and determine if they did something wrong. You argue this and then complain about others?

They had just cause. POlice do this very thing 1000's of times a day all over the country.

If so it's going to stop.

If a crime is committed, and they are looking for someone wearing say an orange shirt, male and about 6' tall. And they see a man, about 6 ft tall wearing an orange shirt in the area of the crime immediately following the crime. They have the right to hold and question that person to determine if they are the person they are looking for.
Happens all the time. And is 100% legal

They were randomly picking people up to try and intimidate people. It didn't and it's not going to work.
The feds arrested a man because someone somewhere near him allegedly pointed a laser at police.
Guilt by association has been ruled to be no grounds for arrest.
The man was released 20 minutes after questioning because the Feds had nothing on him

You may want to learn the difference between being arrested and being detained...dumbass.
They were randomly picking people up to try and intimidate people. It didn't and it's not going to work.
According to anarchist and people who hate law enforcement.
I choose not to believe them.

No, according to many law experts.
Who were not there, are not there, and using twitter statements as a source.

Experts are rarely there.
They are not experts.
CNN etc., right along with Fox News, can line people up who they know are going to carry water for the narrative they want to show, pay them money... and we are supposed to be SHEEP and take their word for it.
Again you proclaim to be someone who can see through the fog of misinformation. But what I am seeing is you are perfectly willing to accept the narrative presented if you agree with it.
And that thinking is why we are where we are as a country today.
They were randomly picking people up to try and intimidate people. It didn't and it's not going to work.
According to anarchist and people who hate law enforcement.
I choose not to believe them.

No, according to many law experts.
Who were not there, are not there, and using twitter statements as a source.

Experts are rarely there.
They are not experts.
CNN etc., right along with Fox News, can line people up who they know are going to carry water for the narrative they want to show, pay them money... and we are supposed to be SHEEP and take their word for it.
Again you proclaim to be someone who can see through the fog of misinformation. But what I am seeing is you are perfectly willing to accept the narrative presented if you agree with it.
And that thinking is why we are where we are as a country today.

I've not seen a single legal expert defend this.
They were randomly picking people up to try and intimidate people. It didn't and it's not going to work.
According to anarchist and people who hate law enforcement.
I choose not to believe them.

No, according to many law experts.
Who were not there, are not there, and using twitter statements as a source.

Experts are rarely there.
They are not experts.
CNN etc., right along with Fox News, can line people up who they know are going to carry water for the narrative they want to show, pay them money... and we are supposed to be SHEEP and take their word for it.
Again you proclaim to be someone who can see through the fog of misinformation. But what I am seeing is you are perfectly willing to accept the narrative presented if you agree with it.
And that thinking is why we are where we are as a country today.

I've not seen a single legal expert defend this.
Insurrection Act
If local and state officials refuse to do their jobs and openly allow anarchist to cause violence and theft of law abiding citizens... the President can Federalize military forces to act as law enforement
They were randomly picking people up to try and intimidate people. It didn't and it's not going to work.
According to anarchist and people who hate law enforcement.
I choose not to believe them.

No, according to many law experts.
Who were not there, are not there, and using twitter statements as a source.

Experts are rarely there.
They are not experts.
CNN etc., right along with Fox News, can line people up who they know are going to carry water for the narrative they want to show, pay them money... and we are supposed to be SHEEP and take their word for it.
Again you proclaim to be someone who can see through the fog of misinformation. But what I am seeing is you are perfectly willing to accept the narrative presented if you agree with it.
And that thinking is why we are where we forare as a country today.

I've not seen a single legal expert defend this.
Insurrection Act
If local and state officials refuse to do their jobs and openly allow anarchist to cause violence and theft of law abiding citizens... the President can Federalize military forces to act as law enforement

Did Trump issue a proclamation order for people to disperse within a certain time frame? (Not that they will)

Trump said he might do this to quickly solve the problem. Do you see the problem as solved?
The Non-Duly Appointed Secretary of DHS Ken Cuccinelli has no legal authority to give any orders resulting in anyone's detainment. Those acting on his orders (or those of Non-Duly Appointed Chad Wolf) are acting in a non-constitutional capacity. If they act in any threatening manner, Oregonians have No Duty to Retreat.
What on earth are you babbling about?

Did I use too many big words. This should explain the problem in a more accessable way:

In a nutshell, the POTUS has placed fully unqualified -- and as we have witnessed, Constitutionally illiterate -- individuals into positions without duly appointing them to the position with the approval of the Senate.

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