Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

Or just put him on ignore; he has nothing of value to add to any discussion.

I would be sincerely thankful if you progressive nazi assholes put me on ignore. It would make my day. PLEASE put me on ignore. I have the majority of you assholes there already. You're next.

Yanno, since you have nothing to add anyway why don't you just quit posting? That way nobody has to go do the Ignore thing, which is a PITA. Do it for your community. Do it for the site. Do it for common decency. Public service.

Meanwhile AdBlock is working great-- no more spastic Mike Tyson avi. Blanked out Mudwhistle's stoopid chewy thing too. What a great new toy. :D

2 Words for you - FUCK you.
Dunno, that's another topic. Start a thread & find out.

so now you tell people what their comments should be?

while i realize you have lost all perspective in a sea of obama derangement, the comment was a fair one since you seem to be making a "reefer madness" type bizarre claims.
I've seen some friends go off on a version of this reefer madness. None of them grabbed a gun and shot their wife but they were definitely not happy campers for about 2 days after eating some really strong pot brownies.

One of the problems with a narcotic like pot for sale recreationally is that its technical active strength is neither regulated nor advertised on the package. ie: it seems to be the exception to the FDA rules that state that all drugs and alcohol need to have their relative strength on the label. Also, many growers use systemic poisons and fungicides right up to the last stages of these plants. When you light up, you're puffin more than you bargained for. Again, no regulation. No label. No packaging info. Certainly not regulated by the fed. If the fed wanted to shut this whole gig down overnight, all they'd have to do is use the FDA laws requiring oversight, weights and measures etc. of a narcotic.

Caso Cerrado..

again, pot is not a narcotic, a narcotic is a man made drug..
After some reflection it is apparent to me that I addressed Kevin in an inappropriate manner and for that you have my apologies.
Having said that I stand behind my op full heartedly.

As to Pogo & Nodog.... well, I've made very clear to this point what I think of both of you and you can both deal with it as you see fit.
On Sunday the whole city will be celebrating Hitler's birthday. Last year they had some shootings. This year should be much more fun.
America would have lost World War II if not for the legalization of "marihuana".

Then you'd really be celebrating Hitler's birthday.
America would have lost World War II if not for the legalization of "marihuana".

Then you'd really be celebrating Hitler's birthday.

Nah, industrial Hemp is different from Marijuana. Try smoking some Hemp or ditch weed which is left over from the farmers growing it for the war in America, you won't get high. There is virtually no THC in industrial hemp and it is high in another cannabinoid, CBD, which actually blocks any high from taking place. I have a friend in Canada who grows it, he does very well too.

His office is decorated with this poster:

From the 1942 USDA film, Hemp For Victory:

If hemp is not marihuana then why did the license to grow hemp read, "Producer of Marihuana"? Why does the DEA continue to cut down and burn wild hemp as the evil drug menace "Marijuana"?

Is it because marijuana and hemp are both Cannabis Sativa? The answer is "yes."
As always, there are other factors here. Why doesn't the headline talk about his prescription drug use? Was he drinking? Did he have a history of mental illness? No, it's more fun to jump on the hysteria bandwagon and blame pot as the sole reason.

Tell you what, so far this makes two cases that opponents to pot are "claiming" was caused by pot. When those people can find 99,998 (over 100,000 deaths can be attributed to alcohol each year) more deaths that are supposedly related from pot use, then we can talk. Otherwise, shut the hell up and do something about alcohol first.

This is just as stupid as liberals going straight after rifles, ignoring the fact that rifles only account for 3% of all gun related homicides each year.
Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

The woman said her husband also might have taken painkillers, according to a search warrant affidavit released Thursday.

Sounds to me like this guy isn't a result of pot. Sounds like he's the result of Fox News and Dooms Day Preppers television.

Maybe the message here should be don't mix weed that makes you paranoid with media and shows that make you paranoid.

Jokes aside, it's 100% more likely that the big pharma pain killers caused this more than hemp. People on lot's of pain killers walk around in a zombie state. They can fall asleep standing up drooling. They say random things.

This thread is one big joke and I'm not sure why I spent time bumping it.
As always, there are other factors here. Why doesn't the headline talk about his prescription drug use? Was he drinking? Did he have a history of mental illness? No, it's more fun to jump on the hysteria bandwagon and blame pot as the sole reason.

Tell you what, so far this makes two cases that opponents to pot are "claiming" was caused by pot. When those people can find 99,998 (over 100,000 deaths can be attributed to alcohol each year) more deaths that are supposedly related from pot use, then we can talk. Otherwise, shut the hell up and do something about alcohol first.

This is just as stupid as liberals going straight after rifles, ignoring the fact that rifles only account for 3% of all gun related homicides each year.

"Hemp makes you kill people" is the jump here.

It's nonsense. The story has no structure to support that. I don't do it but I know what it does to people and it's not aggressive at all....
CaféAuLait;8958661 said:
Considering the Mormon psycho was raving about "the end of the world", its pretty safe to say that the guy had serious mental issues before ingesting any THC.

Let this be a lesson to everyone: Mormons are crazy from the start.

Mormons think that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

[ame=]The Book Of Mormon: "I Believe" - YouTube[/ame]

if Jesus was who he said he was.....he would not have had to walk.....
After some reflection it is apparent to me that I addressed Kevin in an inappropriate manner and for that you have my apologies.

Yeah and you lied about that too until I posted your own words right back to you.

Having said that I stand behind my op full heartedly.

As to Pogo & Nodog.... well, I've made very clear to this point what I think of both of you and you can both deal with it as you see fit.

Can't say it wasn't clear, no. You posted a horseshit fallacy, and when called out on it, rather than admit to it you negged everybody.

No I don't think there's any confusion about that.

So when's our apology coming?
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Back to business though.

If one user out of a million taking "DRUG A" reported numbness in the arm, and NO ONE else reported that same experience after ingesting the drug, would you correlate "DRUG A" with arm numbness or would you instead chalk up the numbness to something else specific to the one guy? I'm trying to get scientific here, and science would say that "DRUG A" is not correlated to numbness in the arm.

So why would you do this to marijuana? Roughly 83 million Americans over the age of 12 have tried marijuana according to a government survey conducted in 2003. That's a HUGE pool, and there is no noted correlation (that I know of) between ingesting the drug and murdering your family (as a side effect). Please correct me if I'm wrong...

THERE IS on the other hand an actual scientific correlation between drinking and violence:

There is no such correlation with marijuana.

This is why I think the original post was dishonest.
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As always, there are other factors here. Why doesn't the headline talk about his prescription drug use? Was he drinking? Did he have a history of mental illness? No, it's more fun to jump on the hysteria bandwagon and blame pot as the sole reason.

Tell you what, so far this makes two cases that opponents to pot are "claiming" was caused by pot. When those people can find 99,998 (over 100,000 deaths can be attributed to alcohol each year) more deaths that are supposedly related from pot use, then we can talk. Otherwise, shut the hell up and do something about alcohol first.

This is just as stupid as liberals going straight after rifles, ignoring the fact that rifles only account for 3% of all gun related homicides each year.

Couple of us made that point yesterday and got negged by the loser OP for it. If you get a red dot I'll make it up.
Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

The woman said her husband also might have taken painkillers, according to a search warrant affidavit released Thursday.

Sounds to me like this guy isn't a result of pot. Sounds like he's the result of Fox News and Dooms Day Preppers television.

Maybe the message here should be don't mix weed that makes you paranoid with media and shows that make you paranoid.

Jokes aside, it's 100% more likely that the big pharma pain killers caused this more than hemp. People on lot's of pain killers walk around in a zombie state. They can fall asleep standing up drooling. They say random things.

This thread is one big joke and I'm not sure why I spent time bumping it.

As I suggested yesterday it's far more likely the pain meds were making him crazed and he went to the pot shop for relief from that -- and it just wasn't enough.

And again, when some wacknut shoots up a school, the gun fetishists crawl to the rooftops to shout about psychoactive medications gone awry, which is a fair point. But then suddenly this guy who's already doing meds is known to have bought (not known to have ingested but known to have bought) cannabis, and the drug factor goes right out the window in a modern remake of "Reefer Madness".

Can't make this shit up.
This lady and her kids aren't laughing. Strains of strong pot caused this man's mind to expand too much. More than he could presently handle. It doesn't happen to all people all the time. Just some people some of the time. Especiallyl if very heavy thoughts have been bothering them and they've been trying to push them back. Pot opens that door immediately whether or not you want it to.

Some people experience a sublime flood of happiness, especially if their lives are basically mellow with just a few ups and downs. Not everyone is as fortunate and this guy is a case in point.

Drugs affect people. That's a fact. Pot is a drug because it affects people. The experiment is go eat a big fat pot brownie after someone you know has died or your wife just left you and get back to me..

emotional dodge of the question?
How dishonest.

Link your science.

You know exactly what I'm talking about. Go eat a pot brownie just after someone close to you died or your wife left you. That's where this guy was at.

You prove to me that different people in different states of mind are not affected by this narcotic differently. Your pharmacy sells you stuff too that if you take in a certain state can really mess you up. A drug is a drug. All drugs ultimately come from plants so what's the difference between one plant-based drug and another?

Is pot a narcotic?
Same here but from what I'm hearing from today's growers and users reefer is FAR more potent than it was back in the day. There are also processes available to create ultra pure THC which is truly dangerous.

I am a recovered alcoholic and drug abuser. I smoked pot and drank heavily for years. I generally insist that pot is less dangerous to life and limb that booze is but I haven't smoked any of today's stuff so I'm basing my opinion on past experience.

I work really close to one of the biggest growers in Colorado called "Medicine Man." They buy products from my retail store and I've spoken to the owner about today's marijuana. He said that one hit of his stuff is equal to an entire joint of the stuff of yesteryear. Now if you were to concentrate that potency into a piece of candy or other edible and end up eating a lot of candy or edibles then the result could potentially be dangerous.

i have tried the stuff of today....i cant agree with that......sounds more like a sales pitch....

No kidding, what I would give for some Columbian red bud at 40 bucks and oz. that would kick your azz...
The smoke today is overpriced and not as good as they claim...

In Amsterdam you have to know what shops to go to and what pot to buy to get really good stuff. Some of it is really average. I will be in Amsterdam next weekend for King's Day, the Dutch national holiday. I know which shop I will hit first, and what I will stock up on. The shop is called the Grey Area and it us owned by Americans.

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