Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

CaféAuLait;8957254 said:
After reading this woman's experience with edibles maybe they are too potent and unreliable?

Absolutely. Bear in mind I used to live near the Bay Area San Francisco. So potheads are no strangers to me. Once my friend's son, a pretty regular toker, ate a pot brownie at a party and was so out of his mind for almost 6 days that his friends had to take turns keeping a vigil on him. They told his mother they all went camping to explain why he had't been home. But in reality we found out later they just had him at a house and were walking him around, making him drink a lot of water and talking him through various "peaks" where he was very paranoid and psychotic. He's OK today, thankfully. But I can tell you he told mom that he'd never touch one of those things again.
I already addressed your first post. YOU go back and read it.

Lol, Grampa. Let's run through this shall we?

I responded to your OP in a completely relevant way, and didn't every use the word "you" or "grampa" if I recall. It was a completely benign response, lol. And then you (right off the bat) call me a MORON and tell me to FUCK OFF. What the heck is that? And on top of it, you then go on to accuse ME of dishing out personal insults and give me a neg rep. After YOU call ME a moron!!! LOL, I'm completely flabbergasted!!!!

This is the largest OP fail / trainwreck threads I've witnessed so far here at USMB.

Great comeback, Grampa. Thank you for showing me absolutely no respect, and addressing none of my points with any effort or substance.

You're a coward. Gave you a pos rep to show:

1.) How futile your whole neg rep was to begin with.
2.) That you don't even deserve the gesture of an "equal" reaction because I don't regard you as an equal/peer. I regard you as a troll.

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Dunno, that's another topic. Start a thread & find out.

so now you tell people what their comments should be?

while i realize you have lost all perspective in a sea of obama derangement, the comment was a fair one since you seem to be making a "reefer madness" type bizarre claims.
I've seen some friends go off on a version of this reefer madness. None of them grabbed a gun and shot their wife but they were definitely not happy campers for about 2 days after eating some really strong pot brownies.

One of the problems with a narcotic like pot for sale recreationally is that its technical active strength is neither regulated nor advertised on the package. ie: it seems to be the exception to the FDA rules that state that all drugs and alcohol need to have their relative strength on the label. Also, many growers use systemic poisons and fungicides right up to the last stages of these plants. When you light up, you're puffin more than you bargained for. Again, no regulation. No label. No packaging info. Certainly not regulated by the fed. If the fed wanted to shut this whole gig down overnight, all they'd have to do is use the FDA laws requiring oversight, weights and measures etc. of a narcotic.

Caso Cerrado..

You and your made-up stories are as full of shit as the OP. Cannabis doesn't need fungicides or systemic poisons, just for a start. Nor is it a "drug"; it's a plant. And certainly not a narcotic.

You're not fooling anyone with this fabricated horseshit.
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Lol, Grampa. Let's run through this shall we?

I responded to your OP in a completely relevant way, and didn't every use the word "you" or "grampa" if I recall. It was a completely benign response, lol. And then you (right off the bat) call me a MORON and tell me to FUCK OFF. What the heck is that? And on top of it, you then go on to accuse ME of dishing out personal insults and give me a neg rep. After YOU call ME a moron!!! LOL, I'm completely flabbergasted!!!!

This is the largest OP fail / trainwreck threads I've witnessed so far here at USMB.

Great comeback, Grampa. Thank you for showing me absolutely no respect, and addressing none of my points with any effort or substance.

You're a coward. Gave you a pos rep to show:

1.) How little regard I have for the whole rep system.
2.) That you don't even deserve the gesture of an "equal" reaction because I don't regard you as an equal/peer. I regard you as a troll.

The sad thing is, GMU is better than a thread like this. But his fragile ego won't let him man up and admit that he fucked up, so he lashes out with negs and cries of "Fuck off". Pathetic.

Great comeback, Grampa. Thank you for showing me absolutely no respect, and addressing none of my points with any effort or substance.

You're a coward. Gave you a pos rep to show:

1.) How little regard I have for the whole rep system.
2.) That you don't even deserve the gesture of an "equal" reaction because I don't regard you as an equal/peer. I regard you as a troll.

The sad thing is, GMU is better than a thread like this. But his fragile ego won't let him man up and admit that he fucked up, so he lashes out with negs and cries of "Fuck off". Pathetic.

That's kinda what I thought. It's up to him to own up.
Hey Nazi, who is dead and who killed her? He used a gun. If there were no gun, he would have used a knife or a hammer or a potato masher.

my god, you are stupid.

Didn't read a thing I just posted, didja?


Meanwhile I just discovered something really cool. I put my mouse over Randall's moronic avatar, right-clicked on "block element" in Ad Block, and now I don't have to look at that epileptic goofass.

Or just put him on ignore; he has nothing of value to add to any discussion.

I would be sincerely thankful if you progressive nazi assholes put me on ignore. It would make my day. PLEASE put me on ignore. I have the majority of you assholes there already. You're next.
Didn't read a thing I just posted, didja?


Meanwhile I just discovered something really cool. I put my mouse over Randall's moronic avatar, right-clicked on "block element" in Ad Block, and now I don't have to look at that epileptic goofass.

Or just put him on ignore; he has nothing of value to add to any discussion.

I would be sincerely thankful if you progressive nazi assholes put me on ignore. It would make my day. PLEASE put me on ignore. I have the majority of you assholes there already. You're next.

Yanno, since you have nothing to add anyway why don't you just quit posting? That way nobody has to go do the Ignore thing, which is a PITA. Do it for your community. Do it for the site. Do it for common decency. Public service.

Meanwhile AdBlock is working great-- no more spastic Mike Tyson avi. Blanked out Mudwhistle's stoopid chewy thing too. What a great new toy. :D
Considering the Mormon psycho was raving about "the end of the world", its pretty safe to say that the guy had serious mental issues before ingesting any THC.

Let this be a lesson to everyone: Mormons are crazy from the start.
Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

Yep. And happens almost daily with alcohol. We tried prohibition. How did that work out. Just about the same as with pot.

I think many more need to be warned about edibles, they take longer to work and people end up ingesting too much because they don't wait long enough.

Most people see pot as a mellow high, I don't think many think of the consequences or that edibles (when over consumed) can cause behavior which may make you panic or other effects which they don't expect.

Perhaps warning labels to assure people are aware of these facts if not already in use.
CaféAuLait;8958661 said:
Considering the Mormon psycho was raving about "the end of the world", its pretty safe to say that the guy had serious mental issues before ingesting any THC.

Let this be a lesson to everyone: Mormons are crazy from the start.

Mormons think that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

[ame=]The Book Of Mormon: "I Believe" - YouTube[/ame]
CaféAuLait;8958661 said:
Considering the Mormon psycho was raving about "the end of the world", its pretty safe to say that the guy had serious mental issues before ingesting any THC.

Let this be a lesson to everyone: Mormons are crazy from the start.

Mormons think that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

[ame=]The Book Of Mormon: "I Believe" - YouTube[/ame]

So? Some democrats think Obama walked across 57 states, preaching "The Gospel According to Apostle Barack..." lol

[ame=]The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: In Search of a More Perfect Political Union as "Heaven Here on Earth": Barbara A. Thompson: 9781468587029: Books[/ame]
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Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

Just some junkies shooting each other. What did you expect? Legalise drugs and everything is just fine?

Well, they're not junkies, and nobody legalised any drugs. What this thread is is a gross misrepresentation of a story. And the OP has been called out on that fallacy all day. Can't take the headline at face value, because it's fake.
Obama has something to do with Mormons being Morons?

That is not even close to what I said. I explicitly said what those people believed ( with a bit of adlib about the 57 states) :lol:

Why do you care what Mormon's believe? How about Scientology? ( human being contains many alien spirits that were trapped in volcanos by hydrogen bombs)

Nation of Islam ( aliens!! and mad scientists)

The Church of Euthanasia
“Thou shalt not procreate”. The CoE further asserts four principal pillars: suicide, abortion, cannibalism (“strictly limited to consumption of the already dead”), and sodomy (“any sexual act not intended for procreation”).

Nikola Tesla came from the planet Venus.
aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world

And so on...
Scientology is just as ridiculous as Mormontology, Christiantology, Judaislam, and every other religion.
CaféAuLait;8958805 said:
Obama has something to do with Mormons being Morons?

That is not even close to what I said. I explicitly said what those people believed ( with a bit of adlib about the 57 states) :lol:

Why do you care what Mormon's believe? How about Scientology? ( human being contains many alien spirits that were trapped in volcanos by hydrogen bombs)

Nation of Islam ( aliens!! and mad scientists)

The Church of Euthanasia
“Thou shalt not procreate”. The CoE further asserts four principal pillars: suicide, abortion, cannibalism (“strictly limited to consumption of the already dead”), and sodomy (“any sexual act not intended for procreation”).

Nikola Tesla came from the planet Venus.
aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world

And so on...

I see you carefully sidestepped any mention of the Church of the Subgenius...

CaféAuLait;8958805 said:
Obama has something to do with Mormons being Morons?

That is not even close to what I said. I explicitly said what those people believed ( with a bit of adlib about the 57 states) :lol:

Why do you care what Mormon's believe? How about Scientology? ( human being contains many alien spirits that were trapped in volcanos by hydrogen bombs)

Nation of Islam ( aliens!! and mad scientists)

The Church of Euthanasia
“Thou shalt not procreate”. The CoE further asserts four principal pillars: suicide, abortion, cannibalism (“strictly limited to consumption of the already dead”), and sodomy (“any sexual act not intended for procreation”).

Nikola Tesla came from the planet Venus.
aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world

And so on...

I see you carefully sidestepped any mention of the Church of the Subgenius...



This one is close to the above:

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


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