Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

I am not going to stop smoking something that kills less then cigs and booze. Fuck you big government supporters in your fascist ass!

Dude, some claim I'm too conservative. I support it's legalization.

Stop painting with such broad strokes


He's a raving lunatic. One day he's spouting conservative issues the next day, liberal.

Infrastructure, science & tech!! FTW
One thing I can't get my head around is why pot smoking is being legalized at the same time cigarette smoking is being banned and ecigs are under scrutiny of the federal government.
One thing I can't get my head around is why pot smoking is being legalized at the same time cigarette smoking is being banned and ecigs are under scrutiny of the federal government.

Pot for right now should be Decriminalized taken off schedule one and go from there.....i feel Cigaret smokers themselves, helped fuel the attitude about them by smoking around people and not giving a shit if the smoke was bothering people around them like at Restaurants....when non smokers started complaining and wanted local ordinances to ban smoking around others the smokers started crying how their rights were being violated....that did not help them....
One thing I can't get my head around is why pot smoking is being legalized at the same time cigarette smoking is being banned and ecigs are under scrutiny of the federal government.

Pot for right now should be Decriminalized taken off schedule one and go from there.....i feel Cigaret smokers themselves, helped fuel the attitude about them by smoking around people and not giving a shit if the smoke was bothering people around them like at Restaurants....when non smokers started complaining and wanted local ordinances to ban smoking around others the smokers started crying how their rights were being violated....that did not help them....

I have no problem not smoking (pot or tobacco) around others who do not smoke.
One thing I can't get my head around is why pot smoking is being legalized at the same time cigarette smoking is being banned and ecigs are under scrutiny of the federal government.

Pot for right now should be Decriminalized taken off schedule one and go from there.....i feel Cigaret smokers themselves, helped fuel the attitude about them by smoking around people and not giving a shit if the smoke was bothering people around them like at Restaurants....when non smokers started complaining and wanted local ordinances to ban smoking around others the smokers started crying how their rights were being violated....that did not help them....

I have no problem not smoking (pot or tobacco) around others who do not smoke.

you may not, but when they started with the ordinances around here lots of smokers were pissed off and were saying so instead of just smoking outside away from everyone...i remember a guy telling some guy in a restaurant who lit up after he was done eating,to please either go outside or put it out.....the guy told him to fuck off "there is no law saying i cant smoke this".......there were plenty back then before the new laws came in with that attitude....the only reason for laws are because of the ones among us who just cant seem to police someone has to do it for them....
Pot for right now should be Decriminalized taken off schedule one and go from there.....i feel Cigaret smokers themselves, helped fuel the attitude about them by smoking around people and not giving a shit if the smoke was bothering people around them like at Restaurants....when non smokers started complaining and wanted local ordinances to ban smoking around others the smokers started crying how their rights were being violated....that did not help them....

I have no problem not smoking (pot or tobacco) around others who do not smoke.

you may not, but when they started with the ordinances around here lots of smokers were pissed off and were saying so instead of just smoking outside away from everyone...i remember a guy telling some guy in a restaurant who lit up after he was done eating,to please either go outside or put it out.....the guy told him to fuck off "there is no law saying i cant smoke this".......there were plenty back then before the new laws came in with that attitude....the only reason for laws are because of the ones among us who just cant seem to police someone has to do it for them....

Cig smoking is not being banned
I have no problem not smoking (pot or tobacco) around others who do not smoke.

you may not, but when they started with the ordinances around here lots of smokers were pissed off and were saying so instead of just smoking outside away from everyone...i remember a guy telling some guy in a restaurant who lit up after he was done eating,to please either go outside or put it out.....the guy told him to fuck off "there is no law saying i cant smoke this".......there were plenty back then before the new laws came in with that attitude....the only reason for laws are because of the ones among us who just cant seem to police someone has to do it for them....

Cig smoking is not being banned

who said it was?....
You can't hallucinate off of pot. Nice try though.

Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

Sorry, you still can't hallucinate with pot. I've been trying for years! :D

Since I personally have I'm gonna have to call bullshit.

What is it with people who haven't seen or experienced something thinking it isn't real or doesn't happen?
Marijuana is an entry level drug. Laugh about if you want to but every heroin addict or crack head started out on marijuana. At a point in history when state and local and federal agencies are cracking down on cigarette smoking we have the pot-head revolution. Only in a democrat administration could such hypocrisy be sustained. I saw a mainstream (probably A.P.) newsfeed on the computer today suggesting that parents are moving to Colorado so their "sick children" could enjoy the miracle of marijuana therapy. The stupid story is obviously intended to impact the low information left by suggesting that pot-heads "do it for the children" while children are dying from marijuana junk.
Marijuana is an entry level drug. Laugh about if you want to but every heroin addict or crack head started out on marijuana. At a point in history when state and local and federal agencies are cracking down on cigarette smoking we have the pot-head revolution. Only in a democrat administration could such hypocrisy be sustained. I saw a mainstream (probably A.P.) newsfeed on the computer today suggesting that parents are moving to Colorado so their "sick children" could enjoy the miracle of marijuana therapy. The stupid story is obviously intended to impact the low information left by suggesting that pot-heads "do it for the children" while children are dying from marijuana junk.

No they started with alcohol and cigarettes not Marijuana.
You can't hallucinate off of pot. Nice try though.

Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

So his point still stands, No one hallucinates off pot. And if someone is lacing it you would know because you would be paying lot more for it.
Marijuana is an entry level drug. Laugh about if you want to but every heroin addict or crack head started out on marijuana. At a point in history when state and local and federal agencies are cracking down on cigarette smoking we have the pot-head revolution. Only in a democrat administration could such hypocrisy be sustained. I saw a mainstream (probably A.P.) newsfeed on the computer today suggesting that parents are moving to Colorado so their "sick children" could enjoy the miracle of marijuana therapy. The stupid story is obviously intended to impact the low information left by suggesting that pot-heads "do it for the children" while children are dying from marijuana junk.

No they started with alcohol and cigarettes not Marijuana.

Better yet, candy cigs
You can't hallucinate off of pot. Nice try though.

Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

That would be whatever it is laced with causing the hallucinations then, wouldn't it?
You can't hallucinate off of pot. Nice try though.

Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

That would be whatever it is laced with causing the hallucinations then, wouldn't it?

Of course. But unless you're growing your own how would you know until you smoked it
Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

That would be whatever it is laced with causing the hallucinations then, wouldn't it?

Of course. But unless you're growing your own how would you know until you smoked it

Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

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