Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

You can't hallucinate off of pot. Nice try though.

Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

Uh... what other way is there to grow a piece of Nature than naturally? Hydroponics?

No, sellers don't add anything to make it stronger. That would be cost ineffective. If anything they'll add worthless filler to make less look like more. But they're not about to burn up potential profits from some substance that has psychoactive value. They're going to stretch it with something worthless. That is, if they alter the ingredient at all.
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One thing I can't get my head around is why pot smoking is being legalized at the same time cigarette smoking is being banned and ecigs are under scrutiny of the federal government.

Because one thing is illegal for no reason and the other is harmful to public health.

I'm not aware of any country, state or city where use of tobacco is "banned". Restricted in certain public environments obviously, since it adversely affects other people, but nowhere are tobacco users banned altogether.
Marijuana is an entry level drug. Laugh about if you want to but every heroin addict or crack head started out on marijuana. At a point in history when state and local and federal agencies are cracking down on cigarette smoking we have the pot-head revolution. Only in a democrat administration could such hypocrisy be sustained. I saw a mainstream (probably A.P.) newsfeed on the computer today suggesting that parents are moving to Colorado so their "sick children" could enjoy the miracle of marijuana therapy. The stupid story is obviously intended to impact the low information left by suggesting that pot-heads "do it for the children" while children are dying from marijuana junk.


The only thing cannabis has in common with drugs is that they're both illegal. Which means traffic is driven to the underworld. Unnecessarily.

As for specious political administration equations, the War on Drugs began with Nixon. And what you think you saw on some newsfeed, on your shaky word without a link, is worth a bucket of used bhongwater.
That would be whatever it is laced with causing the hallucinations then, wouldn't it?

Of course. But unless you're growing your own how would you know until you smoked it

Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

You can't "lace pot with LSD". Doesn't work that way. Perhaps to save time we should note in advance you can't lace pot with psilocybin or mescaline either. You could lace it with hash oil, but that's the same substance so in effect a concentrated form of the same thing.

I hope this post was a joke. "Back in the day" we used to talk about "smoking LSD cigarettes" and "taking heroin pills" which we all understood was a mocking satire of the uninformed.
Pot today is 1000 times more potent than ever before. It destroys your brain. We need to elect a president who will enforse federal drug laws and put some legislators in Colorado and Washington in jail.


2014: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2005: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2000: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1990: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1980: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1970: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".

Yammer yammer, heard it all before, bullshit then, bullshit now, bullshit tomorrow. The song remains the same.
You can't hallucinate off of pot. Nice try though.

Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

much of it is synthetic pot.....and i just read at the Doctors office in a Med Mag that it is not supposed to be for sale,but there are no laws against it.....the guy who was talking about it was from a govt anti-drug agency (not DEA) and he said he is sure there will be some strict laws coming up making it can be sold anywhere in any State because its not real pot....and it is a danger to many who foolishly smoke it....many of the people going to the ER for "pot" problems,is actually this stuff,not the real stuff....this guy by the way is for the decriminalizing of pot....he claimed and showed some figures that kids are smoking pot over getting drunk and that alone has dropped motor vehicle deaths in many States....
Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

Sorry, you still can't hallucinate with pot. I've been trying for years! :D

Since I personally have I'm gonna have to call bullshit.

What is it with people who haven't seen or experienced something thinking it isn't real or doesn't happen?

yea but you are talking about people adding something to the Pot right?...i smoked for 30 years and smoked some fucking good shit and never hallucinated....but im talking straight additives.....
Marijuana is an entry level drug. Laugh about if you want to but every heroin addict or crack head started out on marijuana. At a point in history when state and local and federal agencies are cracking down on cigarette smoking we have the pot-head revolution. Only in a democrat administration could such hypocrisy be sustained. I saw a mainstream (probably A.P.) newsfeed on the computer today suggesting that parents are moving to Colorado so their "sick children" could enjoy the miracle of marijuana therapy. The stupid story is obviously intended to impact the low information left by suggesting that pot-heads "do it for the children" while children are dying from marijuana junk.

everyone?....i say bullshit.....i knew one guy and he did speed before he went and did heroin and he never smoked anything...would not even take a hit when we seen him at parties....
Sure you can. Or are you under the impression that no sellers ever add substances to their supply to make it more in demand? A good chunk of the stuff out there now is not naturaly grown weed.

That would be whatever it is laced with causing the hallucinations then, wouldn't it?

Of course. But unless you're growing your own how would you know until you smoked it

most people i dealt with knew who they were dealing with......most buyers try the stuff out before they they would know....
Of course. But unless you're growing your own how would you know until you smoked it

Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

You can't "lace pot with LSD". Doesn't work that way. Perhaps to save time we should note in advance you can't lace pot with psilocybin or mescaline either. You could lace it with hash oil, but that's the same substance so in effect a concentrated form of the same thing.

I hope this post was a joke. "Back in the day" we used to talk about "smoking LSD cigarettes" and "taking heroin pills" which we all understood was a mocking satire of the uninformed.

we used to smoke "oilers" ...couple of hits...dont need anymore......
Of course. But unless you're growing your own how would you know until you smoked it

Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

You can't "lace pot with LSD". Doesn't work that way. Perhaps to save time we should note in advance you can't lace pot with psilocybin or mescaline either. You could lace it with hash oil, but that's the same substance so in effect a concentrated form of the same thing.

I hope this post was a joke. "Back in the day" we used to talk about "smoking LSD cigarettes" and "taking heroin pills" which we all understood was a mocking satire of the uninformed.

You could lace it with "angel dust". That's what Harry Dresden told me:D
Pot today is 1000 times more potent than ever before. It destroys your brain. We need to elect a president who will enforse federal drug laws and put some legislators in Colorado and Washington in jail.


2014: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2005: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2000: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1990: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1980: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1970: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".

Yammer yammer, heard it all before, bullshit then, bullshit now, bullshit tomorrow. The song remains the same.
Actually, with all the hybrids, the THC levels are much higher overall than pot of the 70's. I remember a lot of bunk from Mexico.
Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

You can't "lace pot with LSD". Doesn't work that way. Perhaps to save time we should note in advance you can't lace pot with psilocybin or mescaline either. You could lace it with hash oil, but that's the same substance so in effect a concentrated form of the same thing.

I hope this post was a joke. "Back in the day" we used to talk about "smoking LSD cigarettes" and "taking heroin pills" which we all understood was a mocking satire of the uninformed.

You could lace it with "angel dust". That's what Harry Dresden told me:D

I'm not sure that's not just another myth. I've heard it before but it doesn't make a lot of sense. Angel dust is PCP, an animal tranquilizer, and is generally snorted.

Uh--- or so I've read. :eusa_shifty:

It's a bit facile to pick a random drug from column A and attach the verb "smoke" to it, just because cannabis also exists; cannabis is a plant, thus combustible. Smoking is not a normal method for ingesting a chemical, whether legal or illegal, whether psychoactive or not. We have made drugs (real drugs, not cannibis) in pill form, powder form (e.g. BC powders), liquid form, under-the-tonge form, patches and suppositories --- never heard of Squibb or Bayer making a drug smokable. Reminds me of that myth about smoking bananas........... which again is the kind of absurdist ridicularity that operating in a bullshit world of "reefer madness" brings about.

Then too there's the simple economics of a supplier spending extra money he doesn't have to spend, cutting his own profits. Doesn't pass the uh, smell test.
Pot today is 1000 times more potent than ever before. It destroys your brain. We need to elect a president who will enforse federal drug laws and put some legislators in Colorado and Washington in jail.


2014: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2005: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2000: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1990: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1980: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1970: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".

Yammer yammer, heard it all before, bullshit then, bullshit now, bullshit tomorrow. The song remains the same.
Actually, with all the hybrids, the THC levels are much higher overall than pot of the 70's. I remember a lot of bunk from Mexico.

As noted before, I literally cannot remember a time in my entire life when this claim hasn't been trotted out ad infinitum. Nor can I remember any documentation ever substantiating it. At all.
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Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

:lmao: Pot doesn't kill Monkeys! Monkeys kill Monkeys!!​

That would be an interesting precedent... responsibility for a death being laid on a product instead of the tool who uses the product irresponsibly.

Be careful what you wish for, Brother. :smoke:

Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

You can't "lace pot with LSD". Doesn't work that way. Perhaps to save time we should note in advance you can't lace pot with psilocybin or mescaline either. You could lace it with hash oil, but that's the same substance so in effect a concentrated form of the same thing.

I hope this post was a joke. "Back in the day" we used to talk about "smoking LSD cigarettes" and "taking heroin pills" which we all understood was a mocking satire of the uninformed.

You could lace it with "angel dust". That's what Harry Dresden told me:D

ha!!....Jo-Line Tools....forgot about that yea i guess i have smoked one with a little additive...never did it again...fuck.....:D
Pot today is 1000 times more potent than ever before. It destroys your brain. We need to elect a president who will enforse federal drug laws and put some legislators in Colorado and Washington in jail.


2014: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2005: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2000: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1990: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1980: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1970: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".

Yammer yammer, heard it all before, bullshit then, bullshit now, bullshit tomorrow. The song remains the same.
Actually, with all the hybrids, the THC levels are much higher overall than pot of the 70's. I remember a lot of bunk from Mexico.

yea but they are not 1000x stronger like the OP said....not natural Bud anyway...the synthetic pot yes....but that stuff can really fuck you up....literally...
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You can't "lace pot with LSD". Doesn't work that way. Perhaps to save time we should note in advance you can't lace pot with psilocybin or mescaline either. You could lace it with hash oil, but that's the same substance so in effect a concentrated form of the same thing.

I hope this post was a joke. "Back in the day" we used to talk about "smoking LSD cigarettes" and "taking heroin pills" which we all understood was a mocking satire of the uninformed.

You could lace it with "angel dust". That's what Harry Dresden told me:D

I'm not sure that's not just another myth. I've heard it before but it doesn't make a lot of sense. Angel dust is PCP, an animal tranquilizer, and is generally snorted.

Uh--- or so I've read. :eusa_shifty:

It's a bit facile to pick a random drug from column A and attach the verb "smoke" to it, just because cannabis also exists; cannabis is a plant, thus combustible. Smoking is not a normal method for ingesting a chemical, whether legal or illegal, whether psychoactive or not. We have made drugs (real drugs, not cannibis) in pill form, powder form (e.g. BC powders), liquid form, under-the-tonge form, patches and suppositories --- never heard of Squibb or Bayer making a drug smokable. Reminds me of that myth about smoking bananas........... which again is the kind of absurdist ridicularity that operating in a bullshit world of "reefer madness" brings about.

Then too there's the simple economics of a supplier spending extra money he doesn't have to spend, cutting his own profits. Doesn't pass the uh, smell test.

I'm not sure that's not just another myth

not a myth Synth....i did a few things in my younger day besides pot....did that once that i know of and never did it again....i least thats what Meister told me....:lol:
Just saw a news report today about the "newest" problem that folks in Denver are now encountering. Seems like houses are blowing up from people trying to extract the THC from Pot. Apparently, they use butane and a PVC pipe to forcibly remove the THC from the plants - to get "hash oil"

Problem? It is EXCEEDINGLY dangerous. The smallest spark (a pilot light goes on - an electrical outlet is turned on and BOOM!

So, to recap - Children have been rushed to area hospitals repeatedly from unknowingly eating dope laced cookies. People have been playing bumper cars on the Denver roadways while high - to include taking out a couple of Denver Police cars. There have been 9 break ins at these "pot shops" by thugs. 2 people have died as a direct result of being high (murders). Now houses are exploding in the Denver area from folks screwing around with this crap.

Yeah, seems to be working real well. Fortunately, the government will change hands in November and it will once again follow federal law.

Damn I'm glad I don't live there..........:cuckoo:
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2014: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2005: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
2000: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1990: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1980: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".
1970: "The pot of today is way stronger than ever".

Yammer yammer, heard it all before, bullshit then, bullshit now, bullshit tomorrow. The song remains the same.
Actually, with all the hybrids, the THC levels are much higher overall than pot of the 70's. I remember a lot of bunk from Mexico.

As noted before, I literally cannot remember a time in my entire life when this claim hasn't been trotted out ad infinitum. Nor can I remember any documentation ever substantiating it. At all.

im sure the Pot Horticulturalist have learned a few things about growing better pot over the years...

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