Legalized Weed Linked to Spike in Car Crashes

You are saying some incredibly stupid shit. Your identity revolves around weed, and you think you are an expert. The shit you smoked 20 years ago, wasn’t anything compared to today. You mentioned kids,and call them pussies because they can’t handle weed like you. So how many hits does it take, when the shit is 90% THC. I didn’t start the OP, but I don’t disagree with it. So if you’re going to brag about what you can do while smoking, how do you feel about someone controlling your life smoking? It’s a legitimate question. It makes everything better, according to you. Can I work in your factory, and maybe operate a band saw after smoking during lunch. Can I operate on you as a surgeon after smoking. I think there’s a lot of legit medical uses, for people with epilepsy or cancer, etc. But if you’re gonna tell me that smoking helps my bad knee, you’re full of shit. I’m also not judging anyone that has smoked throughout their life and is successful. It’s just that smoking isn’t going to make you succeed without putting in the work. And there are a lot of people who have addiction issues, and this isn’t a good alternative for them. Hopefully your advice for them, would be better than calling them pussies.

Shut up, troll. You are obviously an idiot who smoked way more than you can handle. I've forgotten more about grass than you will EVER know. And that's as far as I go here as no point in educating idiots like you unless you paid me.

Your a moron.

I'm a mirror. Thanks for looking into your reflection. At least I can drive a car stoned, drunk or whatever and not steer or crash into stuff.

Please keep trying.

To do what? What exactly are you trying to argue here? You seem to be defending modern weed as responsible instead of the user. Weed doesn't crash cars, likely brain dead dopers like you do. I bet you still smoke today and have all your life. Even your avatar gives the impression of a person who partied about 20 years too long and about 20 million brain cells past stupid.

You are pretty uptight, for a laid back doper. Kinda sound like one of those weenie kids that can’t handle their shit. All that weed is making ya paranoid. You need to relax.

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that is what should have been done, the first time.
It’s not put thru FDA testing because it fails. So they now go around the FDA. It’s all a game to get high.
why would it fail? it is a plant.
So is Opium. Heroin. Cocaine.
Yet chemically altered.
So? Still a plant.
FDA requires proof a drug works and is safe.

Weed fails.
no, it doesn't. CBD sales are increasing.
I notice that the DOPER aged youngsters can't even properly count change when I buy coffee at these little 'coffee kiosks' scattered throughout the USA and locally . [its funny] Also notice that there is lots of dope smoking going on in cars as I just observe drivers in cars with little smokeless pipes puffing away . I mostly ride a motorcycle and one day I expect / anticipate one of these DOPERS to modify my bike and me with a rear end collision .
It's also negatively impacting the job market and/or labor industries in this country as well. These kids would rather do drugs than work because they are to good for work now (their mom's told them so).
Hippies did that in the 60s then grew up to run wall street.

Pretty funny. Many or most of the business and industry giants of today started out as tokers and stoners in the 60s; now kids of today can't even drive down the street without wrecking.

Its a lifestyle change. When I was a kid, I took off the whole summer and went miles on my own on foot or by bike. We were in the woods building stuff, out raising hell until dinner time and Mom called you for dinner. Then right back outside. Today's kid is a keylatch child, inside playing video on their smartphone, driven to school, picked up at the bus stop, then right back inside where Mom can keep a close eye on them. The school checks their underwear, x-rays them, suspends them for a pop tart. Employers check their Facebook for any comments that might reflect poorly on the company to fire them by.

My generation would be unhirable, unemployable by today's standards. When I was a child and I got an earache, my pediatrician prescribed camphorated opium to clear it up! (Paregoric). Now you can't even get real cough syrup.

Kids are wrecking today because they are pussies and weenies that have been coddled their entire lives, mothered, regulated, restricted and protected, and now with legal weed, they simply cannot handle the responsibility.
---------------------------------- just a comment , not about dope but about your observation on puzzy kids I agree with your observations especially in your last paragraph . I think its going to be interesting when these imported third worlder kids raised on 'macho' and knowing and many seeing and maybe knowing death start attending School with puzzy American kids and start taking over the social hierarchy in school Toob .
I notice that the DOPER aged youngsters can't even properly count change when I buy coffee at these little 'coffee kiosks' scattered throughout the USA and locally . [its funny] Also notice that there is lots of dope smoking going on in cars as I just observe drivers in cars with little smokeless pipes puffing away . I mostly ride a motorcycle and one day I expect / anticipate one of these DOPERS to modify my bike and me with a rear end collision .
It's also negatively impacting the job market and/or labor industries in this country as well. These kids would rather do drugs than work because they are to good for work now (their mom's told them so).
Hippies did that in the 60s then grew up to run wall street.

Pretty funny. Many or most of the business and industry giants of today started out as tokers and stoners in the 60s; now kids of today can't even drive down the street without wrecking.

Its a lifestyle change. When I was a kid, I took off the whole summer and went miles on my own on foot or by bike. We were in the woods building stuff, out raising hell until dinner time and Mom called you for dinner. Then right back outside. Today's kid is a keylatch child, inside playing video on their smartphone, driven to school, picked up at the bus stop, then right back inside where Mom can keep a close eye on them. The school checks their underwear, x-rays them, suspends them for a pop tart. Employers check their Facebook for any comments that might reflect poorly on the company to fire them by.

My generation would be unhirable, unemployable by today's standards. When I was a child and I got an earache, my pediatrician prescribed camphorated opium to clear it up! (Paregoric). Now you can't even get real cough syrup.

Kids are wrecking today because they are pussies and weenies that have been coddled their entire lives, mothered, regulated, restricted and protected, and now with legal weed, they simply cannot handle the responsibility.
---------------------------------- just a comment , not about dope but about your observation on puzzy kids I agree with your observations especially in your last paragraph . I think its going to be interesting when these imported third worlder kids raised on 'macho' and knowing and many seeing and maybe knowing death start attending School with puzzy American kids and start taking over the social hierarchy in school Toob .
It definitely is a possibility that has long term effects on the new society minus those wimpy kids so to speak, otherwise if it all goes wrong, but should wimpy kids be protected if they are poised to take down America themselves ??? Maybe this is why the nation is hell bent on finding replacements for a society gone wrong today ? Keep your eyes open.
Shut up, troll. You are obviously an idiot who smoked way more than you can handle. I've forgotten more about grass than you will EVER know. And that's as far as I go here as no point in educating idiots like you unless you paid me.

Your a moron.

I'm a mirror. Thanks for looking into your reflection. At least I can drive a car stoned, drunk or whatever and not steer or crash into stuff.

Please keep trying.

To do what? What exactly are you trying to argue here? You seem to be defending modern weed as responsible instead of the user. Weed doesn't crash cars, likely brain dead dopers like you do. I bet you still smoke today and have all your life. Even your avatar gives the impression of a person who partied about 20 years too long and about 20 million brain cells past stupid.

You are pretty uptight, for a laid back doper. Kinda sound like one of those weenie kids that can’t handle their shit. All that weed is making ya paranoid. You need to relax.
Who ever said I was a doper? Wouldn't know where to get a joint if my life depended on it. But neither would I turn one down if given to me. There is a big difference between liking grass and NEEDING it.
I notice that the DOPER aged youngsters can't even properly count change when I buy coffee at these little 'coffee kiosks' scattered throughout the USA and locally . [its funny] Also notice that there is lots of dope smoking going on in cars as I just observe drivers in cars with little smokeless pipes puffing away . I mostly ride a motorcycle and one day I expect / anticipate one of these DOPERS to modify my bike and me with a rear end collision .
It's also negatively impacting the job market and/or labor industries in this country as well. These kids would rather do drugs than work because they are to good for work now (their mom's told them so).
Hippies did that in the 60s then grew up to run wall street.

Pretty funny. Many or most of the business and industry giants of today started out as tokers and stoners in the 60s; now kids of today can't even drive down the street without wrecking.

Its a lifestyle change. When I was a kid, I took off the whole summer and went miles on my own on foot or by bike. We were in the woods building stuff, out raising hell until dinner time and Mom called you for dinner. Then right back outside. Today's kid is a keylatch child, inside playing video on their smartphone, driven to school, picked up at the bus stop, then right back inside where Mom can keep a close eye on them. The school checks their underwear, x-rays them, suspends them for a pop tart. Employers check their Facebook for any comments that might reflect poorly on the company to fire them by.

My generation would be unhirable, unemployable by today's standards. When I was a child and I got an earache, my pediatrician prescribed camphorated opium to clear it up! (Paregoric). Now you can't even get real cough syrup.

Kids are wrecking today because they are pussies and weenies that have been coddled their entire lives, mothered, regulated, restricted and protected, and now with legal weed, they simply cannot handle the responsibility.
---------------------------------- just a comment , not about dope but about your observation on puzzy kids I agree with your observations especially in your last paragraph . I think its going to be interesting when these imported third worlder kids raised on 'macho' and knowing and many seeing and maybe knowing death start attending School with puzzy American kids and start taking over the social hierarchy in school Toob .

As illustrated in the Cover Girl thread on gaying of guys, most modern kids don't stand a chance in the unprotected non-PC world. We are offended by every little things now. People fear words now, much less knives and bullets. Against 3rd world children who grew up on hard times facing starvation, killing, brutality and crime, they will quickly and totally take over society from the little pudding snowflakes we raise now.

A few years back an employee I was supervising wasn't doing his job and worse, was both endangering himself and another employee so I finally had to get in his face and tell him off with my finger in his chest. He broke into tears and ran out and quit, never to return, too traumatized by the human confrontation. His idea of "conflict" was apparently a terse email or message on social media.
People have been smoking weed and driving forever.

But they are now doing it all day, every day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how is that any different than 1972?....

Its the newest coolest guilty pleasure, reinvented with THC levels at 80-98%. Anyone still doing the same thing they did in 72, is a shot out loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yea especially those educated rich retired people....

Speaking from experience?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you bet....

But they are now doing it all day, every day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how is that any different than 1972?....

Its the newest coolest guilty pleasure, reinvented with THC levels at 80-98%. Anyone still doing the same thing they did in 72, is a shot out loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the highest THC level ever recorded was were is this 80 plus you mentioned?..
People have been smoking weed and driving forever.

But they are now doing it all day, every day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how is that any different than 1972?....

Its the newest coolest guilty pleasure, reinvented with THC levels at 80-98%. Anyone still doing the same thing they did in 72, is a shot out loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yea especially those educated rich retired people....

I know tons of educated rich retired people, and they are not smoking pot.
that you know of....and did i say they all smoke pot?....and we both know many do...

But they are now doing it all day, every day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how is that any different than 1972?....

Its the newest coolest guilty pleasure, reinvented with THC levels at 80-98%. Anyone still doing the same thing they did in 72, is a shot out loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the highest THC level ever recorded was were is this 80 plus you mentioned?..

Dabs. THC crystalline. Where you been? You don’t need to use it, to know about it. It’s not 1972 anymore.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's because the modern dope smoker is now mostly a young liberal inexperienced weenie. They can't handle the stuff. Back in the day, we used to smoke stuff that would kill a buzzard and go right on with our business like it was nothing, and we drove far bigger cars with twice the horsepower and without 100 safety devices to protect you.

Not actually. It was about 9% THC at the highest back in the day. The average THC of rollable stuff today, is about 24%. The dabs are anywhere up to 90-95% THC. Then they also have the ultra stupid THC crystalline. A gram is equivalent to about 186 grams at the level of 95-98%. Problems are going to manifest in time.

Sorry but:
  1. They had the freakish high quality custom grown stuff back then, too.
  2. There was the hashish.
  3. The was the hash oil.
  4. There was Thai stick.
You only get as high as you want. More THC simply means you need to smoke less. I used to drive a souped up car with over 400 h.p. crazy fast stoned and I never once wrecked or caused an accident. Kids today are pussies.

So by that line of reasoning, you have no problem if the pilot of your commercial flight smokes before take off?

Wow, what a total butthole. First you try to tell me kids are wrecking today because the grass is too strong for them, (which again makes them idiots and pussies if they are smoking more than they can handle) until I point out that stuff as pure as it gets in nature has always been available, so your answer?

Do a 260° deflection and try to change the subject to airline pilots?


You are saying some incredibly stupid shit. Your identity revolves around weed, and you think you are an expert. The shit you smoked 20 years ago, wasn’t anything compared to today. You mentioned kids,and call them pussies because they can’t handle weed like you. So how many hits does it take, when the shit is 90% THC. I didn’t start the OP, but I don’t disagree with it. So if you’re going to brag about what you can do while smoking, how do you feel about someone controlling your life smoking? It’s a legitimate question. It makes everything better, according to you. Can I work in your factory, and maybe operate a band saw after smoking during lunch. Can I operate on you as a surgeon after smoking. I think there’s a lot of legit medical uses, for people with epilepsy or cancer, etc. But if you’re gonna tell me that smoking helps my bad knee, you’re full of shit. I’m also not judging anyone that has smoked throughout their life and is successful. It’s just that smoking isn’t going to make you succeed without putting in the work. And there are a lot of people who have addiction issues, and this isn’t a good alternative for them. Hopefully your advice for them, would be better than calling them pussies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you rarely see strains higher than 30% at dispensaries.....were is this 90% shit you speak of?...
Your a moron.

I'm a mirror. Thanks for looking into your reflection. At least I can drive a car stoned, drunk or whatever and not steer or crash into stuff.

Please keep trying.

To do what? What exactly are you trying to argue here? You seem to be defending modern weed as responsible instead of the user. Weed doesn't crash cars, likely brain dead dopers like you do. I bet you still smoke today and have all your life. Even your avatar gives the impression of a person who partied about 20 years too long and about 20 million brain cells past stupid.

You are pretty uptight, for a laid back doper. Kinda sound like one of those weenie kids that can’t handle their shit. All that weed is making ya paranoid. You need to relax.
Who ever said I was a doper? Wouldn't know where to get a joint if my life depended on it. But neither would I turn one down if given to me. There is a big difference between liking grass and NEEDING it.

You did.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
People have been smoking weed and driving forever.

But they are now doing it all day, every day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how is that any different than 1972?....

Its the newest coolest guilty pleasure, reinvented with THC levels at 80-98%. Anyone still doing the same thing they did in 72, is a shot out loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the highest THC level ever recorded was were is this 80 plus you mentioned?..

Dabs. THC crystalline. Where you been? You don’t need to use it, to know about it. It’s not 1972 anymore.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the highest level ever recorded was 37% by a grower in Oregon and grower in Wash has claimed 41%....were have you been?...
Not actually. It was about 9% THC at the highest back in the day. The average THC of rollable stuff today, is about 24%. The dabs are anywhere up to 90-95% THC. Then they also have the ultra stupid THC crystalline. A gram is equivalent to about 186 grams at the level of 95-98%. Problems are going to manifest in time.

Sorry but:
  1. They had the freakish high quality custom grown stuff back then, too.
  2. There was the hashish.
  3. The was the hash oil.
  4. There was Thai stick.
You only get as high as you want. More THC simply means you need to smoke less. I used to drive a souped up car with over 400 h.p. crazy fast stoned and I never once wrecked or caused an accident. Kids today are pussies.

So by that line of reasoning, you have no problem if the pilot of your commercial flight smokes before take off?

Wow, what a total butthole. First you try to tell me kids are wrecking today because the grass is too strong for them, (which again makes them idiots and pussies if they are smoking more than they can handle) until I point out that stuff as pure as it gets in nature has always been available, so your answer?

Do a 260° deflection and try to change the subject to airline pilots?


You are saying some incredibly stupid shit. Your identity revolves around weed, and you think you are an expert. The shit you smoked 20 years ago, wasn’t anything compared to today. You mentioned kids,and call them pussies because they can’t handle weed like you. So how many hits does it take, when the shit is 90% THC. I didn’t start the OP, but I don’t disagree with it. So if you’re going to brag about what you can do while smoking, how do you feel about someone controlling your life smoking? It’s a legitimate question. It makes everything better, according to you. Can I work in your factory, and maybe operate a band saw after smoking during lunch. Can I operate on you as a surgeon after smoking. I think there’s a lot of legit medical uses, for people with epilepsy or cancer, etc. But if you’re gonna tell me that smoking helps my bad knee, you’re full of shit. I’m also not judging anyone that has smoked throughout their life and is successful. It’s just that smoking isn’t going to make you succeed without putting in the work. And there are a lot of people who have addiction issues, and this isn’t a good alternative for them. Hopefully your advice for them, would be better than calling them pussies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you rarely see strains higher than 30% at dispensaries.....were is this 90% shit you speak of?...

On the street. Not in dispensaries. It’s safer for you in the dispensaries. Don’t risk it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But they are now doing it all day, every day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how is that any different than 1972?....

Its the newest coolest guilty pleasure, reinvented with THC levels at 80-98%. Anyone still doing the same thing they did in 72, is a shot out loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the highest THC level ever recorded was were is this 80 plus you mentioned?..

Dabs. THC crystalline. Where you been? You don’t need to use it, to know about it. It’s not 1972 anymore.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the highest level ever recorded was 37% by a grower in Oregon and grower in Wash has claimed 41%....were have you been?...

If you don’t know about dabs, that’s a good thing. I’m not talking about grown. Stick with that if you choose to smoke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm a mirror. Thanks for looking into your reflection. At least I can drive a car stoned, drunk or whatever and not steer or crash into stuff.

Please keep trying.

To do what? What exactly are you trying to argue here? You seem to be defending modern weed as responsible instead of the user. Weed doesn't crash cars, likely brain dead dopers like you do. I bet you still smoke today and have all your life. Even your avatar gives the impression of a person who partied about 20 years too long and about 20 million brain cells past stupid.

You are pretty uptight, for a laid back doper. Kinda sound like one of those weenie kids that can’t handle their shit. All that weed is making ya paranoid. You need to relax.
Who ever said I was a doper? Wouldn't know where to get a joint if my life depended on it. But neither would I turn one down if given to me. There is a big difference between liking grass and NEEDING it.

You did.

Never said I am a doper. You must've been stoned and heard that in your head.
Not actually. It was about 9% THC at the highest back in the day. The average THC of rollable stuff today, is about 24%. The dabs are anywhere up to 90-95% THC. Then they also have the ultra stupid THC crystalline. A gram is equivalent to about 186 grams at the level of 95-98%. Problems are going to manifest in time.

Sorry but:
  1. They had the freakish high quality custom grown stuff back then, too.
  2. There was the hashish.
  3. The was the hash oil.
  4. There was Thai stick.
You only get as high as you want. More THC simply means you need to smoke less. I used to drive a souped up car with over 400 h.p. crazy fast stoned and I never once wrecked or caused an accident. Kids today are pussies.

So by that line of reasoning, you have no problem if the pilot of your commercial flight smokes before take off?

Wow, what a total butthole. First you try to tell me kids are wrecking today because the grass is too strong for them, (which again makes them idiots and pussies if they are smoking more than they can handle) until I point out that stuff as pure as it gets in nature has always been available, so your answer?

Do a 260° deflection and try to change the subject to airline pilots?


You are saying some incredibly stupid shit. Your identity revolves around weed, and you think you are an expert. The shit you smoked 20 years ago, wasn’t anything compared to today. You mentioned kids,and call them pussies because they can’t handle weed like you. So how many hits does it take, when the shit is 90% THC. I didn’t start the OP, but I don’t disagree with it. So if you’re going to brag about what you can do while smoking, how do you feel about someone controlling your life smoking? It’s a legitimate question. It makes everything better, according to you. Can I work in your factory, and maybe operate a band saw after smoking during lunch. Can I operate on you as a surgeon after smoking. I think there’s a lot of legit medical uses, for people with epilepsy or cancer, etc. But if you’re gonna tell me that smoking helps my bad knee, you’re full of shit. I’m also not judging anyone that has smoked throughout their life and is successful. It’s just that smoking isn’t going to make you succeed without putting in the work. And there are a lot of people who have addiction issues, and this isn’t a good alternative for them. Hopefully your advice for them, would be better than calling them pussies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you rarely see strains higher than 30% at dispensaries.....were is this 90% shit you speak of?...
Dabs, wax, shatter, crystal THC, just like the 1970's all over again(fuck you Reagan)
Please keep trying.

To do what? What exactly are you trying to argue here? You seem to be defending modern weed as responsible instead of the user. Weed doesn't crash cars, likely brain dead dopers like you do. I bet you still smoke today and have all your life. Even your avatar gives the impression of a person who partied about 20 years too long and about 20 million brain cells past stupid.

You are pretty uptight, for a laid back doper. Kinda sound like one of those weenie kids that can’t handle their shit. All that weed is making ya paranoid. You need to relax.
Who ever said I was a doper? Wouldn't know where to get a joint if my life depended on it. But neither would I turn one down if given to me. There is a big difference between liking grass and NEEDING it.

You did.

Never said I am a doper. You must've been stoned and heard that in your head.

All of your rants would suggest otherwise. Basically, everything you have posted. Glad to hear you are not a doper. Just a poser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not actually. It was about 9% THC at the highest back in the day. The average THC of rollable stuff today, is about 24%. The dabs are anywhere up to 90-95% THC. Then they also have the ultra stupid THC crystalline. A gram is equivalent to about 186 grams at the level of 95-98%. Problems are going to manifest in time.

Sorry but:
  1. They had the freakish high quality custom grown stuff back then, too.
  2. There was the hashish.
  3. The was the hash oil.
  4. There was Thai stick.
You only get as high as you want. More THC simply means you need to smoke less. I used to drive a souped up car with over 400 h.p. crazy fast stoned and I never once wrecked or caused an accident. Kids today are pussies.

So by that line of reasoning, you have no problem if the pilot of your commercial flight smokes before take off?

Wow, what a total butthole. First you try to tell me kids are wrecking today because the grass is too strong for them, (which again makes them idiots and pussies if they are smoking more than they can handle) until I point out that stuff as pure as it gets in nature has always been available, so your answer?

Do a 260° deflection and try to change the subject to airline pilots?


You are saying some incredibly stupid shit. Your identity revolves around weed, and you think you are an expert. The shit you smoked 20 years ago, wasn’t anything compared to today. You mentioned kids,and call them pussies because they can’t handle weed like you. So how many hits does it take, when the shit is 90% THC. I didn’t start the OP, but I don’t disagree with it. So if you’re going to brag about what you can do while smoking, how do you feel about someone controlling your life smoking? It’s a legitimate question. It makes everything better, according to you. Can I work in your factory, and maybe operate a band saw after smoking during lunch. Can I operate on you as a surgeon after smoking. I think there’s a lot of legit medical uses, for people with epilepsy or cancer, etc. But if you’re gonna tell me that smoking helps my bad knee, you’re full of shit. I’m also not judging anyone that has smoked throughout their life and is successful. It’s just that smoking isn’t going to make you succeed without putting in the work. And there are a lot of people who have addiction issues, and this isn’t a good alternative for them. Hopefully your advice for them, would be better than calling them pussies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you rarely see strains higher than 30% at dispensaries.....were is this 90% shit you speak of?...

What all you "experts" seem to keep missing is that it is less about the quantity of THC than it is about the QUALITY. Quantity is easily controlled by dose. But there are more than one kind of quality. There is the lower quality delta-8 which is more of a body high and the best quality delta-9 tetrahydrocanabinol, which is what gives you the mental trip, the astral traveling, the colors and psychic experience.
Sorry but:
  1. They had the freakish high quality custom grown stuff back then, too.
  2. There was the hashish.
  3. The was the hash oil.
  4. There was Thai stick.
You only get as high as you want. More THC simply means you need to smoke less. I used to drive a souped up car with over 400 h.p. crazy fast stoned and I never once wrecked or caused an accident. Kids today are pussies.

So by that line of reasoning, you have no problem if the pilot of your commercial flight smokes before take off?

Wow, what a total butthole. First you try to tell me kids are wrecking today because the grass is too strong for them, (which again makes them idiots and pussies if they are smoking more than they can handle) until I point out that stuff as pure as it gets in nature has always been available, so your answer?

Do a 260° deflection and try to change the subject to airline pilots?


You are saying some incredibly stupid shit. Your identity revolves around weed, and you think you are an expert. The shit you smoked 20 years ago, wasn’t anything compared to today. You mentioned kids,and call them pussies because they can’t handle weed like you. So how many hits does it take, when the shit is 90% THC. I didn’t start the OP, but I don’t disagree with it. So if you’re going to brag about what you can do while smoking, how do you feel about someone controlling your life smoking? It’s a legitimate question. It makes everything better, according to you. Can I work in your factory, and maybe operate a band saw after smoking during lunch. Can I operate on you as a surgeon after smoking. I think there’s a lot of legit medical uses, for people with epilepsy or cancer, etc. But if you’re gonna tell me that smoking helps my bad knee, you’re full of shit. I’m also not judging anyone that has smoked throughout their life and is successful. It’s just that smoking isn’t going to make you succeed without putting in the work. And there are a lot of people who have addiction issues, and this isn’t a good alternative for them. Hopefully your advice for them, would be better than calling them pussies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you rarely see strains higher than 30% at dispensaries.....were is this 90% shit you speak of?...

What all you "experts" seem to keep missing is that it is less about the quantity of THC than it is about the QUALITY. Quantity is easily controlled by dose. But there are more than one kind of quality. There is the lower quality delta-8 which is more of a body high and the best quality delta-9 tetrahydrocanabinol, which is what gives you the mental trip, the astral traveling, the colors and psychic experience.
Were do you get that!?

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