Legalized Weed Linked to Spike in Car Crashes

And just because someone on weed crashes, it doesn't mean necessarily that it was because they were high.
More stupid people cause car crashes than people on weed. They don't need a breathalizer, they need an IQ test.

I'm not sure you can prove that with empirical evidence. However, that does make sense to me, given that every weed smoker that I have ever met, has been an absolute idiot. Not a single exception to that in all the 42 years I've been alive. Dumbest people I have ever met, have been pot users.
So who would have thought legalizing weed, and having pot shops on every boulevard, would have led to more use, and more impaired driving ?
I just don't get the connection ? I must be high on weed.
So who would have thought legalizing weed, and having pot shops on every boulevard, would have led to more use, and more impaired driving ?
I just don't get the connection ? I must be high on weed.
If you were high, you wouldn't even care about this. I know I don't. :biggrin:
It has drastically increased here. I've heard it from cops. I don't understand people like you, what when confronted with a wall of evidence, simply say "you trippin brah". You can't even talk right, and yet think you can argue against the evidence? Good luck with that.

So how do the cops really know? Drug test? You can flunk a marijuana drug test for weeks after smoking or ingesting it.

that's the point. This is exactly why drugs like this were just made illegal to begin with.

Because there is no way for a cop to know. So are we just going to keep letting druggies crash and run people over?

What is your solution? Or do you not care? As long as you can get high, the rest of society can go to hell?

I don't have a solution. You are absolutely right. There is no way to separate an impaired person from someone who smoked last week. Both are going to show THC in their system.

You tell me what the solution is.
Yes there is by testing the levels of THC you can set a limit for it and test to see if they are over or under with a mouth swab test.

Interesting. So now we'll have to deploy police with mouth swabs.

Looks expensive, and the ones I saw only had a yes/no outcome. But hey, who cares. It's just the poor tax payers that will foot the bill for $250 mouth swab kits. Rich get richer, poor get poorer... but at least they are high.
What would you prefer, that innocent people go to jail?

Breaking the law, does not make you innocent.

Now if you change the laws so that you can smoke pot, and not be a criminal... that's fine... but now you have people crashing all the time, and being a burden on society.

There is a very clear reason that in the Philippians they having the police just go around and shoot the druggies. They are in fact a burden on society.

What is really fascinating about this, is that promoting drugs only harms the poor class. It's not going to affect me. I just isn't. None in my family do any kind of drugs.

So if you think this is best, go for it.

It's amazing how people's lives get worse and worse, and they keep pushing the policies that make their lives worse.
So how do the cops really know? Drug test? You can flunk a marijuana drug test for weeks after smoking or ingesting it.

that's the point. This is exactly why drugs like this were just made illegal to begin with.

Because there is no way for a cop to know. So are we just going to keep letting druggies crash and run people over?

What is your solution? Or do you not care? As long as you can get high, the rest of society can go to hell?

I don't have a solution. You are absolutely right. There is no way to separate an impaired person from someone who smoked last week. Both are going to show THC in their system.

You tell me what the solution is.
Yes there is by testing the levels of THC you can set a limit for it and test to see if they are over or under with a mouth swab test.

Interesting. So now we'll have to deploy police with mouth swabs.

Looks expensive, and the ones I saw only had a yes/no outcome. But hey, who cares. It's just the poor tax payers that will foot the bill for $250 mouth swab kits. Rich get richer, poor get poorer... but at least they are high.
What would you prefer, that innocent people go to jail?

Breaking the law, does not make you innocent.

Now if you change the laws so that you can smoke pot, and not be a criminal... that's fine... but now you have people crashing all the time, and being a burden on society.

There is a very clear reason that in the Philippians they having the police just go around and shoot the druggies. They are in fact a burden on society.

What is really fascinating about this, is that promoting drugs only harms the poor class. It's not going to affect me. I just isn't. None in my family do any kind of drugs.

So if you think this is best, go for it.

It's amazing how people's lives get worse and worse, and they keep pushing the policies that make their lives worse.
Its not illegal to smoke weed. No law has been broken.
So how do the cops really know? Drug test? You can flunk a marijuana drug test for weeks after smoking or ingesting it.

that's the point. This is exactly why drugs like this were just made illegal to begin with.

Because there is no way for a cop to know. So are we just going to keep letting druggies crash and run people over?

What is your solution? Or do you not care? As long as you can get high, the rest of society can go to hell?

I don't have a solution. You are absolutely right. There is no way to separate an impaired person from someone who smoked last week. Both are going to show THC in their system.

You tell me what the solution is.
Yes there is by testing the levels of THC you can set a limit for it and test to see if they are over or under with a mouth swab test.

Interesting. So now we'll have to deploy police with mouth swabs.

Looks expensive, and the ones I saw only had a yes/no outcome. But hey, who cares. It's just the poor tax payers that will foot the bill for $250 mouth swab kits. Rich get richer, poor get poorer... but at least they are high.
What would you prefer, that innocent people go to jail?

Breaking the law, does not make you innocent.

Now if you change the laws so that you can smoke pot, and not be a criminal... that's fine... but now you have people crashing all the time, and being a burden on society.

There is a very clear reason that in the Philippians they having the police just go around and shoot the druggies. They are in fact a burden on society.

What is really fascinating about this, is that promoting drugs only harms the poor class. It's not going to affect me. I just isn't. None in my family do any kind of drugs.

So if you think this is best, go for it.

It's amazing how people's lives get worse and worse, and they keep pushing the policies that make their lives worse.
You have never taken an aspirin it is a drug you know?
So who would have thought legalizing weed, and having pot shops on every boulevard, would have led to more use, and more impaired driving ?
I just don't get the connection ? I must be high on weed.
Me neither cause I been smokin and driving for 42 years and never had a wreck because of it..
More stupid people cause car crashes than people on weed. They don't need a breathalizer, they need an IQ test.

I'm not sure you can prove that with empirical evidence. However, that does make sense to me, given that every weed smoker that I have ever met, has been an absolute idiot. Not a single exception to that in all the 42 years I've been alive. Dumbest people I have ever met, have been pot users.
Says a lot about the crowd you hang with..
Impaired means impaired whether it is Weed, alcohol, other drugs, texting, etc. All are dangerous when driving.
You must live in the wilderness with your only news as USMB. Many on the right and left and the world wants it legalized. But stay out in those woods.
You’re the one saying nobody has ever tested pot to try to make it legal, learn to understand sarcasm.
It is against the law to do research in the US with Marijuana now why would the govt. make a law like that, then turn around a get Israel to do their research on MJ for the US to patent cannabinol...Yeah there is nothing to see here folks.
Dumbass lie. Pot can be researched.
Not by the use that Christian grace some more I love when the Devil comes out yer mouth.
Not the governments job to come up with new drugs.
Yet they help to do it and have for many years..
but now you have people crashing all the time, and being a burden on society.

There is a very clear reason that in the Philippians they having the police just go around and shoot the druggies.
You related to typsy?

Lets also shoot the speeders, alcoholics, and electronic device users. The people causing REAL carnage on our roads.
Bet half the folks passing judgment here would face the traffic death squad way before me. Haven't even got a parking ticket in 3 decades.

Many of us are also Independent Trump supporters.
You all should be nice as it was the vote of Independents who got him in.
Sure as fuck wasn't the GOP.
So who would have thought legalizing weed, and having pot shops on every boulevard, would have led to more use, and more impaired driving ?
I just don't get the connection ? I must be high on weed.

They were buying weed before it was legal in the states it is now legal and likewise in the illegal states. If you're going to use weed, gamble, etc doesn't matter if it's legal or not.
Impaired means impaired whether it is Weed, alcohol, other drugs, texting, etc. All are dangerous when driving.

To include the cops who are looking at computer screen while driving and yes oh those good ole " alleged" police phones just txting away LOL.

Party on Wayne. Unfortunately, you can’t tell if your smoking any of this or dog shit. I’m sure you’re a wine connoisseur too. Poser.

No doubt whatsoever by anyone here which you've smoked for years. Probably your own. The only thing you're obviously sure of is that you're not sure of anything. So, no point really wasting any more time on a person whose made a total ass of himself already three times now in just one thread alone. The more liberal they are, the bigger idiot they are.

The picture is cool, thanks. I’m not liberal at all. Haven’t smoked in years. Don’t need to. That’s for kids. And libs are the only ones who justify and glorify driving drunk or stoned. That crap you posted, may one day show up in the probable cause affidavit for your DUI arrest. Be careful driving pal.

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Party on Wayne. Unfortunately, you can’t tell if your smoking any of this or dog shit. I’m sure you’re a wine connoisseur too. Poser.

No doubt whatsoever by anyone here which you've smoked for years. Probably your own. The only thing you're obviously sure of is that you're not sure of anything. So, no point really wasting any more time on a person whose made a total ass of himself already three times now in just one thread alone. The more liberal they are, the bigger idiot they are.

It kinda tells one where we are heading here.......we have dirtbags on this thread defending the right to drive stoned. You cant work with people who are beyond gone. Its a problem.....going to need a solution. Wont be good either.:bye1:
mistake is believing that one puff puts you out of cognitive reach, you couldn't be more wrong. Just like one drink of beer it doesn't make you drunk..

Agreed. But beer usually isn’t at risk of being laced with PCP, fentanyl, mold, animal feces, embalming fluid, etc. You really don’t know what you’re getting, if someone passes you a joint at a party these days. I’m sure you take pride in your beer making.

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So by that line of reasoning, you have no problem if the pilot of your commercial flight smokes before take off?

Wow, what a total butthole. First you try to tell me kids are wrecking today because the grass is too strong for them, (which again makes them idiots and pussies if they are smoking more than they can handle) until I point out that stuff as pure as it gets in nature has always been available, so your answer?

Do a 260° deflection and try to change the subject to airline pilots?


You are saying some incredibly stupid shit. Your identity revolves around weed, and you think you are an expert. The shit you smoked 20 years ago, wasn’t anything compared to today. You mentioned kids,and call them pussies because they can’t handle weed like you. So how many hits does it take, when the shit is 90% THC. I didn’t start the OP, but I don’t disagree with it. So if you’re going to brag about what you can do while smoking, how do you feel about someone controlling your life smoking? It’s a legitimate question. It makes everything better, according to you. Can I work in your factory, and maybe operate a band saw after smoking during lunch. Can I operate on you as a surgeon after smoking. I think there’s a lot of legit medical uses, for people with epilepsy or cancer, etc. But if you’re gonna tell me that smoking helps my bad knee, you’re full of shit. I’m also not judging anyone that has smoked throughout their life and is successful. It’s just that smoking isn’t going to make you succeed without putting in the work. And there are a lot of people who have addiction issues, and this isn’t a good alternative for them. Hopefully your advice for them, would be better than calling them pussies.

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you rarely see strains higher than 30% at dispensaries.....were is this 90% shit you speak of?...

What all you "experts" seem to keep missing is that it is less about the quantity of THC than it is about the QUALITY. Quantity is easily controlled by dose. But there are more than one kind of quality. There is the lower quality delta-8 which is more of a body high and the best quality delta-9 tetrahydrocanabinol, which is what gives you the mental trip, the astral traveling, the colors and psychic experience.

I believe it's the delta 9 that has thcv the v helps lose weight and control type II diabetes.

Or you could just take responsibility for not eating like a pig.

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