Lesbian Marrieds & Their 3 Adopted Kids Die. 3 Kids Still Missing

I have no idea why Tipsy thinks that the kids being murdered was the best she could hope for.

I'm sure there will be lawsuits against the car company and everything will be fine.

Oh I am sure this will lead to demands that driver's be licensed, cars get registered, and that there be safety devices installed in the vehicle.

I see, but doing all those things didn't work? Guess we'll either have to ban all cars, or put really severe restrictions on them, like simply not putting motors in em.

Problem solved.

But there are people who every time there is an accident like this always say that because driver's licenses and seat belts don't work- we shouldn't even have them- and want to argue about their rights to drive a car without a license and without their kids wearing seat belts.

Murderers murder, it's what they do. If she hadn't have had a car available, it would have been poisoning, filling the house with gas or one of a thousand other ways.

Was the whole thing to kill the children? Perhaps they showed signs of not being gay and had to be destroyed.
I have no idea why Tipsy thinks that the kids being murdered was the best she could hope for.

I'm sure there will be lawsuits against the car company and everything will be fine.

Oh I am sure this will lead to demands that driver's be licensed, cars get registered, and that there be safety devices installed in the vehicle.

I see, but doing all those things didn't work? Guess we'll either have to ban all cars, or put really severe restrictions on them, like simply not putting motors in em.

Problem solved.

But there are people who every time there is an accident like this always say that because driver's licenses and seat belts don't work- we shouldn't even have them- and want to argue about their rights to drive a car without a license and without their kids wearing seat belts.

Murderers murder, it's what they do. If she hadn't have had a car available, it would have been poisoning, filling the house with gas or one of a thousand other ways.

Absolutely- murderers will use dynamite and VX gas to kill people- because if they don't have a car- they can just use one of a thousand other ways- like running people over with a tank.
I'm sure there will be lawsuits against the car company and everything will be fine.

Oh I am sure this will lead to demands that driver's be licensed, cars get registered, and that there be safety devices installed in the vehicle.

I see, but doing all those things didn't work? Guess we'll either have to ban all cars, or put really severe restrictions on them, like simply not putting motors in em.

Problem solved.

But there are people who every time there is an accident like this always say that because driver's licenses and seat belts don't work- we shouldn't even have them- and want to argue about their rights to drive a car without a license and without their kids wearing seat belts.

Murderers murder, it's what they do. If she hadn't have had a car available, it would have been poisoning, filling the house with gas or one of a thousand other ways.

Was the whole thing to kill the children? Perhaps they showed signs of not being gay and had to be destroyed.

Perhaps- like you- they thought that killing the kids was the best thing that they could hope for.
In this case, being a bigot against depravity and degradation is something to be proud of. It's like being bigoted agsinst necrophilia.

Ack! That is just assuming that all gay people are bad. There are some very nice gay people who just want to live their lives and would never think of harming any children. They are just as much individuals (for the most part) as you and I. There are some who will even criticize other homosexuals for their behaviors.
Of course they aren't all bad or as bad as Shep Smith. It is only when they force acceptance of their lifestyles on unwilling others that they are toxic. Homosexuality is a mental illness. These women were allowed to adopt six children. Possibly, as a result of their underlying mental illness, they and the children are dead.

Or to paraphrase you- the kids being murdered is the best that you could hope for.
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No idea what that has to do with you pointing out that these women murdering these kids is the best outcome you could hope for.
Was the whole thing to kill the children? Perhaps they showed signs of not being gay and had to be destroyed.

You know I never considered that before. But as much hyperbole that sounds to be, there may actually be some truth to it. Take a typical lesbian couple for example. By the very nature of their rebellious lifestyle, completely rejecting men (except dildos...), they are activists to one degree or another. This couple we know were activists because of their pimping of the boy on the Black Lives Matter video. Then add in a natural predisposition of domestic violence in lesbians. Top that off with the cherry of there being ACTUAL domestic violence documented in their house against kids.

So imagine if one day one of the girls was saying 'you know, I like boys and I think I'd like to raise my kids in a home with both a mom and dad"...!! :omg:

That perfectly innocent an rationale life-plan would almost certainly be harshly descended on in the powder keg that was at least these lesbians' home environment of 'tolerance' for different types of families. I've known of quite a few lesbian couples over the years and 'tolerance' towards men in general as patriarchs was always at an all-time low in their conversations. That's putting it politely. So, you may have a point tipsy.

What if the little girl they targeted for beatings was saying she wanted to raise her kids in a home with a husband/father? Gays talk all the time about heteros trying to beat the gay out of their kids. But do we deceive ourselves in thinking that the same type of thing isn't going on in gay homes to the opposite end? I mean they themselves admit and call their lifestyles one of a 'culture war'. So do we expect they'd deal softly with defectors from the troops?
Was the whole thing to kill the children? Perhaps they showed signs of not being gay and had to be destroyed.

You know I never considered that before. But as much hyperbole that sounds to be, there may actually be some truth to it. Take a typical lesbian couple for example. By the very nature of their rebellious lifestyle, completely rejecting men (except dildos...), they are activists to one degree or another. This couple we know were activists because of their pimping of the boy on the Black Lives Matter video. Then add in a natural predisposition of domestic violence in lesbians. Top that off with the cherry of there being ACTUAL domestic violence documented in their house against kids.

So imagine if one day one of the girls was saying 'you know, I like boys and I think I'd like to raise my kids in a home with both a mom and dad"...!! :omg:

That perfectly innocent an rationale life-plan would almost certainly be harshly descended on in the powder keg that was at least these lesbians' home environment of 'tolerance' for different types of families. I've known of quite a few lesbian couples over the years and 'tolerance' towards men in general as patriarchs was always at an all-time low in their conversations. That's putting it politely. So, you may have a point tipsy.

What if the little girl they targeted for beatings was saying she wanted to raise her kids in a home with a husband/father? Gays talk all the time about heteros trying to beat the gay out of their kids. But do we deceive ourselves in thinking that the same type of thing isn't going on in gay homes to the opposite end? I mean they themselves admit and call their lifestyles one of a 'culture war'. So do we expect they'd deal softly with defectors from the troops?
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

Nah just let them kill themselves and each other.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

I wasn't aware that the US Constitution provided for people to obtain special identities and protections and privileges based on what they DO in their bedrooms? Is LGBT a religion? (officially) No? Well then minority behaviors the majority object to, all of them, not just an arbitrary selection of favorites, do NOT have special legal protections outside unworkable decisions in the courts which defy the Constitution; and as such are subject to reversal when this wrong premise of 'Behavior = identity' is finally exposed in legal language.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

I wasn't aware that the US Constitution provided for people to obtain special identities and protections and privileges based on what they DO in their bedrooms? Is LGBT a religion? (officially) No? Well then minority behaviors the majority object to, all of them, not just an arbitrary selection of favorites, do NOT have special legal protections outside unworkable decisions in the courts which defy the Constitution; and as such are subject to reversal when this wrong premise of 'Behavior = identity' is finally exposed in legal language.

C Clayton? Where in the US Constitution does it say "just some behaviors people do are protected from majority rule while all others are not" (outside religion)? Aren't all local ordinances concerning human behaviors ultimately? And, if some behaviors are protected from majority rule outside religion, how is it that this conforms to the 14th Amendment on equality of rights and privileges for ALL (not just a few favorites)? Remember, we're talking about behaviors that the majority finds repugnant, all of them, except religion.

We're talking about ordinary men and women and what they DO in their bedrooms. There is no such thing as a 'gay American', anymore than there is a 'heroin addict American' or 'serial killer American' or 'cleptomaniac-American'. All are behaviors repugnant to the majority and subject to its rule. Or else the spirit of the 14th Amendment is being defied totally, and brazenly by playing favorites in minority behaviors that bucked the system by (subjectively, and preferentially) assigning themselves 'behavior as identity'. Which is absurd from a legal standpoint. It's unworkable. The 14th by its very nature doesn't play favorites.
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Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.

Sigh- but you would prefer that kids be asking "why did our mommy and daddy abandon us to this violent foster home'?

You would prefer that the kids be asking 'why did our parents abandon us and now the state is kicking us out onto the streets'?

Perhaps what happened is that these women finally snapped after decades of abuse by homophobic assholes like you?
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

Nah just let them kill themselves and each other.

Because remember Tipsy believes these kids were better off being murdered than being alive with gay parents.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

Nah just let them kill themselves and each other.

Because remember Tipsy believes these kids were better off being murdered than being alive with gay parents.

The gay parents thought so too! That's why they killed them.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

I wasn't aware that the US Constitution provided for people to obtain special identities and protections and privileges based on what they DO in their bedrooms? Is LGBT a religion?.

Ah you still long for the days before Lawrence v. Texas when you could still have laws to tell Americans what kind of sex we can have in the privacy of our bedrooms.

But thanks to the Supreme Court- your laws to throw gays in jail for having private consensual sex are no longer valid.

Exactly why do you want gays and lesbians to be discriminated against- other than your own private hatred of them and their children?
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

Nah just let them kill themselves and each other.

Because remember Tipsy believes these kids were better off being murdered than being alive with gay parents.

The gay parents thought so too! That's why they killed them.

So you are saying you think just like their parents did.

Maybe so.
They could have snapped. It's easy to flap lips about a cross-racial family maintaining a cutting-edge scenario.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

I wasn't aware that the US Constitution provided for people to obtain special identities and protections and privileges based on what they DO in their bedrooms? Is LGBT a religion?.

Ah you still long for the days before Lawrence v. Texas when you could still have laws to tell Americans what kind of sex we can have in the privacy of our bedrooms.

But thanks to the Supreme Court- your laws to throw gays in jail for having private consensual sex are no longer valid.

Exactly why do you want gays and lesbians to be discriminated against- other than your own private hatred of them and their children?
Keep what kind of sex you have in your bedroom. Leave everyone else out of your privacy.
Or perhaps the children indicated that they wanted a mom and dad which would be a terrible blow.

Yes, or that. Or a comment, innocent, 'mommy unit 1, why do other kids have daddies? Can we have a daddy too?" In a violent lesbian home, that might not be a well received comment.
You’re both ignorant, hateful bigots – and have every right to be; no one seeks to preempt or prohibit both of you expressing your ignorance, bigotry, and hate through force of law.

And thankfully the law prohibits you both from seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

I wasn't aware that the US Constitution provided for people to obtain special identities and protections and privileges based on what they DO in their bedrooms? Is LGBT a religion?.

Ah you still long for the days before Lawrence v. Texas when you could still have laws to tell Americans what kind of sex we can have in the privacy of our bedrooms.

But thanks to the Supreme Court- your laws to throw gays in jail for having private consensual sex are no longer valid.

Exactly why do you want gays and lesbians to be discriminated against- other than your own private hatred of them and their children?
Keep what kind of sex you have in your bedroom. Leave everyone else out of your privacy.

I do keep what kind of sex I have in my bedroom.

The Big Brother Right of course passed laws telling Americans what kind of sex was legally allowed in the bedroom- or anywhere else.

Hell the Big Brother Right also told Americans that we not only couldn't use birth control- we couldn't even read about birth control.

But the Supreme Court slapped you down like the annoying blood suckers you are.

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