Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.

You don't teach them to accept, you teach tolerance. That there are lots of different views and you being four, should probably as a parent.
I can agree with that, tolerance is a better word/message than acceptance. In this case I think it is more so teaching recognition, awareness and understanding. We are talking about 4 year olds so it's a very basic associative message that she was giving them.

I have no idea what message she is giving them. We don't know how far she takes her belief system with the kids. That is my concern.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.

You don't teach them to accept, you teach tolerance. That there are lots of different views and you being four, should probably as a parent.
I can agree with that, tolerance is a better word/message than acceptance. In this case I think it is more so teaching recognition, awareness and understanding. We are talking about 4 year olds so it's a very basic associative message that she was giving them.

I have no idea what message she is giving them. We don't know how far she takes her belief system with the kids. That is my concern.
It isnt the teacher's place to teach children whether or not homo marriage is acceptable. It isn't their job to talk of marriage at all with the children except to define it..a contract between two people, and a religious sacrament to most.If four year olds want more information, which I do not believe any four year old bas ever asked because until they're taught, they really don't give it much thought, the teacher should refer them to their larents, and tell the.parents that they have asked.

It is not a teacher's duty to indoctrinate four year olds into accepting the homo lifestyle..or any lifestyle. That is not their job.

Of course, most preschool teachers are not really teachers anyway, and many teachers go into teaching because they like control, because they want to indoctrinate children, or because they're perverts. We need to be aware of this, and deal harshly with those idiots.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.

Then make it part of the curriculum. I've got no issues there, and stated so initially.

I do have problems with some individual teacher taking it upon themselves, as I would if a Mormon decided to teach polygamy. Or a kkk member decided to teach whatever nonsense they teach.

Put it to the school board first. Allow the parents to decide.

Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Should a married lesbian teacher be allowed to tell her class she is married to a woman?

Or will that upset conservatives too much?
That would likely upset conservatives.

No reason to not do it, however.

A married lesbian teacher ought to be matter of fact and chill if it should come out that she happens to be married to a woman.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.

Then make it part of the curriculum. I've got no issues there, and stated so initially.

I do have problems with some individual teacher taking it upon themselves, as I would if a Mormon decided to teach polygamy. Or a kkk member decided to teach whatever nonsense they teach.

Put it to the school board first. Allow the parents to decide.

Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Tolerance, when you're speaking of tolerating behavior that is harmful, and when you're talking about teachers indoctrinating four year old children into an immoral sexual lifestyle, is political.
Should a married lesbian teacher be allowed to tell her class she is married to a woman?

Or will that upset conservatives too much?
That would likely upset conservatives.

No reason to not do it, however.

A married lesbian teacher ought to be matter of fact and chill if it should come out that she happens to be married to a woman.
This from the lesbian who maintains that Christians should be banned from teaching. Fuck off, nutter.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
My wife and I approve that she's trying to help spread tolerance, but 4 is way too young to discuss such.
Her job is to not spread "tolerance" its to teach the basic educational tools kids need. Forcing pro homosexual propaganda on them is NOT it. If any teacher did this crap to my kids I would have their license. :)
Hate filled ignorance needs to be stamped out. But 4 is too young to discuss such.
Should a married lesbian teacher be allowed to tell her class she is married to a woman?

Or will that upset conservatives too much?
That would likely upset conservatives.

No reason to not do it, however.

A married lesbian teacher ought to be matter of fact and chill if it should come out that she happens to be married to a woman.
This from the lesbian who maintains that Christians should be banned from teaching. Fuck off, nutter.

If you could, you RWNJs would have fundie sharia law taught.
Tolerance does not mean acceptance. Many things that are not accepted are simply tolerated. Gays are tolerated. They aren't tracked down and punished. They are permitted to exist. This does not mean they should be accepted or encouraged. They should definitely not be allowed to groom children.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Could be. If you had a male teacher talking about how he tickled his daughters and how much they liked it, I guarantee you that teacher would be out on his ass within the hour. He would, of course be grooming that child to accept contact from him.

Children mostly learn about Hetero relationships at home from parents, grand parents and even the boyfriends and girlfriends of divorced parents. It is normal. The child learns how to relate to others of the opposite sex. When they are men and women they have the tools to enter into healthy normal relationships.
I hope the lord blesses you with a homosexual child or grandchild... perhaps then you will learn some perspective and think twice about how our society speaks and treats them. It starts at a very young age.

My son is 53, he and his wife have no children together. I would have no problem teaching a child what abnormality is or perversion. It is homosexuals who need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion. Not demand that everyone else consider them normal.

If you had a child born blind, that child would have to learn how to live in a sighted world, not demand that everyone blind themselves.

Is this another of your huge lies? You really come up with some lalapaloozas.

Children should be taught the difference between fact and opinion and your posts are always fact free.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
As can be seen from this thread parents are falling down on that job and society picks up the tab. Learning to get along and show respect for others is a huge part of schooling.Its daft to pretend otherwise.
Tolerance does not mean acceptance. Many things that are not accepted are simply tolerated. Gays are tolerated. They aren't tracked down and punished. They are permitted to exist. This does not mean they should be accepted or encouraged. They should definitely not be allowed to groom children.
No one can "groom" a child to be hetero or gay. Children figure out who they are as they mature.

Whether you like it or not, LGBT people accept ourselves. Your acceptance or encouragement isn't need, unless you happen to be a family member of an LGBT.

If you rejecet your member over that, I'm sad for you and for your family member.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.

Then make it part of the curriculum. I've got no issues there, and stated so initially.

I do have problems with some individual teacher taking it upon themselves, as I would if a Mormon decided to teach polygamy. Or a kkk member decided to teach whatever nonsense they teach.

Put it to the school board first. Allow the parents to decide.

Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.

Well we can move the goalposts wherever we'd so desire I imagine, but that's not what the discussion was about and certainly not any of my comments....
Should a married lesbian teacher be allowed to tell her class she is married to a woman?

Or will that upset conservatives too much?
That would likely upset conservatives.

No reason to not do it, however.

A married lesbian teacher ought to be matter of fact and chill if it should come out that she happens to be married to a woman.
This from the lesbian who maintains that Christians should be banned from teaching. Fuck off, nutter.

If you could, you RWNJs would have fundie sharia law taught.
I'm not sure that's entirely true, but when I read hateful RWNJ posts about LGBT, it can feel that way.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
My wife and I approve that she's trying to help spread tolerance, but 4 is way too young to discuss such.
Her job is to not spread "tolerance" its to teach the basic educational tools kids need. Forcing pro homosexual propaganda on them is NOT it. If any teacher did this crap to my kids I would have their license. :)
Hate filled ignorance needs to be stamped out. But 4 is too young to discuss such.

Actually, as described in the link, it was very age-appreciate.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
My wife and I approve that she's trying to help spread tolerance, but 4 is way too young to discuss such.
Her job is to not spread "tolerance" its to teach the basic educational tools kids need. Forcing pro homosexual propaganda on them is NOT it. If any teacher did this crap to my kids I would have their license. :)
Hate filled ignorance needs to be stamped out. But 4 is too young to discuss such.
Four is young, seven year olds can understand when an adult is hateful for no understandable reason.

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