Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Could be. If you had a male teacher talking about how he tickled his daughters and how much they liked it, I guarantee you that teacher would be out on his ass within the hour. He would, of course be grooming that child to accept contact from him.

Children mostly learn about Hetero relationships at home from parents, grand parents and even the boyfriends and girlfriends of divorced parents. It is normal. The child learns how to relate to others of the opposite sex. When they are men and women they have the tools to enter into healthy normal relationships.
I hope the lord blesses you with a homosexual child or grandchild... perhaps then you will learn some perspective and think twice about how our society speaks and treats them. It starts at a very young age.
A boy, raised in a gay household of two men will think nothing of two men kissing. That boy will think it is normal for him to kiss that boy in his class. Then he will be beaten within an inch of his life, if not shot in the head.

Er..... You're talking bull.

Many kids grow up seeing their parents kissing. Do they then go around kissing children of the opposite sex?

Some might, but probably more due to their own brain than because they think it's acceptable.

But hey, you see a problem, then what you do is you teach kids what is appropriate, ie, that they should only be kissing people who consent to being kissed.

Your view is "kid might think it's normal so we should ban this". Kind of like Islam making women wear headscarves because men get hard ons looking at pretty women.

Teach kids how the skills they need for the modern world, and you'll have less problems, rather than trying to hide things from kids and forcing people to act against their will in order to "protect" others.
Yes children do kiss members of the opposite sex, There are depictions of such on the walls of caves.

Yes. We are supposed to protect children. That includes protecting them from grooming by a pervert.

So, again, let's protect children by making them aware of what they are doing is right or wrong.

That's how kids learn, by understanding how to act in certain situations.

Keeping them in ignorance doesn't make them act better.
Teach your own children whatever nonsense you choose. But you do not call the shots when it comes to other ppls children.
Schools have every right and even a responsibility to teach the children social etiquette, empathy, acceptance and social emotional behavioral lessons. Educating them about people of different race, sex, and orientation is part of that. I feel us going in circles so lets agree to disagree then agree that you shouldn't voice your opinion about this anymore because it makes you look like moron.
It's about teaching children that it's okay if it's another boy or another girl putting their hand in your pants. Even if girls shouldn't let boys diddle them, it's okay if a girl does it,
It's about teaching children that it's okay if it's another boy or another girl putting their hand in your pants. Even if girls shouldn't let boys diddle them, it's okay if a girl does it,
Hey KOSHERGRL, you see the type of sicko's you got sharing your POV?? :puke::puke::stupid:
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Could be. If you had a male teacher talking about how he tickled his daughters and how much they liked it, I guarantee you that teacher would be out on his ass within the hour. He would, of course be grooming that child to accept contact from him.

Children mostly learn about Hetero relationships at home from parents, grand parents and even the boyfriends and girlfriends of divorced parents. It is normal. The child learns how to relate to others of the opposite sex. When they are men and women they have the tools to enter into healthy normal relationships.
I hope the lord blesses you with a homosexual child or grandchild... perhaps then you will learn some perspective and think twice about how our society speaks and treats them. It starts at a very young age.

My son is 53, he and his wife have no children together. I would have no problem teaching a child what abnormality is or perversion. It is homosexuals who need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion. Not demand that everyone else consider them normal.

If you had a child born blind, that child would have to learn how to live in a sighted world, not demand that everyone blind themselves.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Could be. If you had a male teacher talking about how he tickled his daughters and how much they liked it, I guarantee you that teacher would be out on his ass within the hour. He would, of course be grooming that child to accept contact from him.

Children mostly learn about Hetero relationships at home from parents, grand parents and even the boyfriends and girlfriends of divorced parents. It is normal. The child learns how to relate to others of the opposite sex. When they are men and women they have the tools to enter into healthy normal relationships.
I hope the lord blesses you with a homosexual child or grandchild... perhaps then you will learn some perspective and think twice about how our society speaks and treats them. It starts at a very young age.

My son is 53, he and his wife have no children together. I would have no problem teaching a child what abnormality is or perversion. It is homosexuals who need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion. Not demand that everyone else consider them normal.

If you had a child born blind, that child would have to learn how to live in a sighted world, not demand that everyone blind themselves.
You're living in the wrong country dude. The law of the land say's gay marriage is legal. You are now in the same boat as the Muslims that want to move here and institute sharia law. Thats just not how we do here in the USA, if you don't like it you can pack up and leave.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Could be. If you had a male teacher talking about how he tickled his daughters and how much they liked it, I guarantee you that teacher would be out on his ass within the hour. He would, of course be grooming that child to accept contact from him.

Children mostly learn about Hetero relationships at home from parents, grand parents and even the boyfriends and girlfriends of divorced parents. It is normal. The child learns how to relate to others of the opposite sex. When they are men and women they have the tools to enter into healthy normal relationships.
I hope the lord blesses you with a homosexual child or grandchild... perhaps then you will learn some perspective and think twice about how our society speaks and treats them. It starts at a very young age.

My son is 53, he and his wife have no children together. I would have no problem teaching a child what abnormality is or perversion. It is homosexuals who need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion. Not demand that everyone else consider them normal.

If you had a child born blind, that child would have to learn how to live in a sighted world, not demand that everyone blind themselves.
You're living in the wrong country dude. The law of the land say's gay marriage is legal. You are now in the same boat as the Muslims that want to move here and institute sharia law. Thats just not how we do here in the USA, if you don't like it you can pack up and leave.
The law of the land says gay marriage is legal. That does not mean that perverts get to groom children. It doesn't stop me from saying that couple is a perv and his live in lover either.
The law of the land says gay marriage is legal. That does not mean that perverts get to groom children. It doesn't stop me from saying that couple is a perv and his live in lover either.
You can also teach your kids that all Muslims are terrorist, and black people are slaves, and horses are unicorns and the world is flat... Knock yourself out but that shit isn't gonna fly in school. Anybody who doesn't agree can home school and raise a bunch of mini hitlers who probably wont have a very bright future.

I think you should quit while you're behind
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.

You don't teach them to accept, you teach tolerance. That there are lots of different views and you being four, should probably as a parent.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.

You don't teach them to accept, you teach tolerance. That there are lots of different views and you being four, should probably as a parent.
I can agree with that, tolerance is a better word/message than acceptance. In this case I think it is more so teaching recognition, awareness and understanding. We are talking about 4 year olds so it's a very basic associative message that she was giving them.
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Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
It has NOTHING to do with teaching kids math,science,reading,social studies etc. Its social engineering at its best.
Good for her.
Of course scum like you would think brainwashing 4 year old's against their parents wishes is good.
So you expect Muslims who live here to subscribe to western culture however when it comes to LGBT you want a pass? How does that work?
No one asked Muslims to come here...they can leave.

What's wrong with social engineering?

We live together in huge communities, much larger than ever seen in history, and we're just not very good at it.

Social engineering has always happened, just on a lower level in previous times. Kids need to know how to live in society, so we need to teach them. This is social engineering. Sometimes we want people to act in a different way to have the adults act, like teaching kid in China not to spit.

What needs to happen is a big discussion on the way we want our society to go. The problem is that some people seem to want hate ans anger as the main course.

Social engineering is pernicious. Human beings are not engineered like machine parts.

Who said humans were like machine parts? However, what we know of modern society is that we can't just be left to our own devices and assume everything will work out as we want things.

We've introduce social engineering like mass education, sure, the right was against it then, and probably still is, but it's had a benefit to society, wouldn't you say?

Also, inoculations have done the same thing.

Should we get rid of such social engineering that has worked?
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Could be. If you had a male teacher talking about how he tickled his daughters and how much they liked it, I guarantee you that teacher would be out on his ass within the hour. He would, of course be grooming that child to accept contact from him.

Children mostly learn about Hetero relationships at home from parents, grand parents and even the boyfriends and girlfriends of divorced parents. It is normal. The child learns how to relate to others of the opposite sex. When they are men and women they have the tools to enter into healthy normal relationships.
I hope the lord blesses you with a homosexual child or grandchild... perhaps then you will learn some perspective and think twice about how our society speaks and treats them. It starts at a very young age.

My son is 53, he and his wife have no children together. I would have no problem teaching a child what abnormality is or perversion. It is homosexuals who need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion. Not demand that everyone else consider them normal.

If you had a child born blind, that child would have to learn how to live in a sighted world, not demand that everyone blind themselves.

How would you like it if you were singled out and told that your natural state is bad and you should be looked down on because of it and treated differently?

Fine, you're old and you grew up in a time when segregation was considered normal. Well, things have gotten better since when you were a kid.

Yes, if a child were born blind, they'd have to learn to live life being blind. They don't need society railing against them and making their life much harder than it already is.
Gay people DO have to learn to live in a society where they're not considered normal, and they don't need society railing against them and making their life harder than it is.

I've known a few people who have come out, and it's a difficult experience for them. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, but it's who they are, and I wouldn't wish blindness on anyone either.
...We're not going to get anywhere with you spouting this crap about "sexual deviancy"...
1. "We" don't HAVE to get anywhere.

2. There is nowhere to "get" - homosexuality is sexual deviance and perversity - period - end of convo.

3. It is not "crap" - it is Truth.

...Simply said, it's none of your business what people do when it comes to sex...
4. I don't give a good goddamn what they do behind closed doors.

5. When they try to mainstream and legitimize at-law, and put their filth out in the public eye, however, it becomes EVERYBODY's business.

6. Decent folk don't what that filth and degeneracy within a million miles of their children.

...You can feel it's wrong to do fun stuff with the people you want to do it with, you can live your life a miserable bastard if you choose, but this debate goes nowhere with you not willing to talk about anything else...
7. There can be no compromise with Wickedness and Degeneracy... Evil is Evil.

...So, while I accept that you can think this way, and you're free to do so, I'm not going to waste time on a topic you won't talk about properly.
8. Bye.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.

and we don't want to turn them ghey do we?
What the religious right wants to teach 4 year olds

Now class, most of you have normal God fearing families with a mommy and daddy.......but Tommie and Susie have whores for mommies who never married. Jimmie has two mommies who God hates. Jimmie is going to hell.
That is the problem with allowing the teaching of morals and agenda's in school rather than educating them. At some point those values are not going to be ones that you agree with.

Parents are always welcome to instill any hate they want in their children
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Could be. If you had a male teacher talking about how he tickled his daughters and how much they liked it, I guarantee you that teacher would be out on his ass within the hour. He would, of course be grooming that child to accept contact from him.

Children mostly learn about Hetero relationships at home from parents, grand parents and even the boyfriends and girlfriends of divorced parents. It is normal. The child learns how to relate to others of the opposite sex. When they are men and women they have the tools to enter into healthy normal relationships.
I hope the lord blesses you with a homosexual child or grandchild... perhaps then you will learn some perspective and think twice about how our society speaks and treats them. It starts at a very young age.

My son is 53, he and his wife have no children together. I would have no problem teaching a child what abnormality is or perversion. It is homosexuals who need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion. Not demand that everyone else consider them normal.

If you had a child born blind, that child would have to learn how to live in a sighted world, not demand that everyone blind themselves.

Homosexuals are not demanding that people become homosexuals

But like that blind person, they want to be acknowledged by our society

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