Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
It's NOT the job of their babysitter to tell them that. The job of the babysitter is to say 'you should ask your parents about that'. Or at the most, 'families can be made all different ways' and leave it at that. Anything more from anyone but their parents, is straight up grooming.
Babysitter? Can you read?
If you're paid to interact with four year olds, you're a babysitter.
Shows how much you know about child development... You probably shouldn't be voicing opinions about stuff you know nothing about
You're creeping me out, freak. Stay away from kids. You don't have to understand, just do it. Because if you get this worked up over not being allowed to groom four year olds, you have issues.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
I don't want anybody teaching them anything about sexuality. Period. Not your place, not the babysitter's place.
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.

We're not going to get anywhere with you spouting this crap about "sexual deviancy". Simply said, it's none of your business what people do when it comes to sex. You can feel it's wrong to do fun stuff with the people you want to do it with, you can live your life a miserable bastard if you choose, but this debate goes nowhere with you not willing to talk about anything else.

So, while I accept that you can think this way, and you're free to do so, I'm not going to waste time on a topic you won't talk about properly.
There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
It's NOT the job of their babysitter to tell them that. The job of the babysitter is to say 'you should ask your parents about that'. Or at the most, 'families can be made all different ways' and leave it at that. Anything more from anyone but their parents, is straight up grooming.
Babysitter? Can you read?
If you're paid to interact with four year olds, you're a babysitter.
Shows how much you know about child development... You probably shouldn't be voicing opinions about stuff you know nothing about
You're creeping me out, freak. Stay away from kids. You don't have to understand, just do it. Because if you get this worked up over not being allowed to groom four year olds, you have issues.
Idiot bigots like you just piss me off. I hope you haven't raised children
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.

We're not going to get anywhere with you spouting this crap about "sexual deviancy". Simply said, it's none of your business what people do when it comes to sex. You can feel it's wrong to do fun stuff with the people you want to do it with, you can live your life a miserable bastard if you choose, but this debate goes nowhere with you not willing to talk about anything else.

So, while I accept that you can think this way, and you're free to do so, I'm not going to waste time on a topic you won't talk about properly.
This isn't about your feelings, weirdo. It's about whether or not it's appropriate to sexually groom children in your care. It is not.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
So with that logic teaching 4 year olds about hetro relationships is teaching their 10 year old future selves to accept hetro sexual advances from adults? You're nutz
Hetero relationships are normal. Of course there are perverts that groom children into adult child relationships. They are perverts.

Left to develop normally, 97% of children will grow up to form normal heterosexual relationships. At the very least, homosexuals are striving to create, if not another homosexual, at least a bisexual open to sex with homosexuals. It's all about expanding the pool of available partners.
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.

We're not going to get anywhere with you spouting this crap about "sexual deviancy". Simply said, it's none of your business what people do when it comes to sex. You can feel it's wrong to do fun stuff with the people you want to do it with, you can live your life a miserable bastard if you choose, but this debate goes nowhere with you not willing to talk about anything else.

So, while I accept that you can think this way, and you're free to do so, I'm not going to waste time on a topic you won't talk about properly.
This isn't about your feelings, weirdo. It's about whether or not it's appropriate to sexually groom children in your care. It is not.
You are the only one putting sex into the conversation.
What the religious right wants to teach 4 year olds

Now class, most of you have normal God fearing families with a mommy and daddy.......but Tommie and Susie have whores for mommies who never married. Jimmie has two mommies who God hates. Jimmie is going to hell.
That is the problem with allowing the teaching of morals and agenda's in school rather than educating them. At some point those values are not going to be ones that you agree with.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
That is not the case - here we have a teacher essentially teaching her agenda to her students and then having the balls to brag about it.
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.

We're not going to get anywhere with you spouting this crap about "sexual deviancy". Simply said, it's none of your business what people do when it comes to sex. You can feel it's wrong to do fun stuff with the people you want to do it with, you can live your life a miserable bastard if you choose, but this debate goes nowhere with you not willing to talk about anything else.

So, while I accept that you can think this way, and you're free to do so, I'm not going to waste time on a topic you won't talk about properly.
This isn't about your feelings, weirdo. It's about whether or not it's appropriate to sexually groom children in your care. It is not.
You are the only one putting sex into the conversation.

It's been happening a lot on this thread.

Gay families = sex
Straight families = just normal stuff.

Makes no sense, but then when your whole political belief is based on twisted views of the world, that's what will happen.
This teacher at the most basic level is not teaching tolerance of others, but tolerance of the way others treat them. If a girl makes advances to another girl, that's normal. The child should welcome that as normal. If the teacher tickles her own daughters, Sally won't feel as uncomfortable when teacher tickles her. It's about removing the real and normal revulsion children have when confronted by overt homosexual advances.

This garbage about tolerance isn't fooling anyone.
It's NOT the job of their babysitter to tell them that. The job of the babysitter is to say 'you should ask your parents about that'. Or at the most, 'families can be made all different ways' and leave it at that. Anything more from anyone but their parents, is straight up grooming.
Babysitter? Can you read?
If you're paid to interact with four year olds, you're a babysitter.
Shows how much you know about child development... You probably shouldn't be voicing opinions about stuff you know nothing about
You're creeping me out, freak. Stay away from kids. You don't have to understand, just do it. Because if you get this worked up over not being allowed to groom four year olds, you have issues.
Idiot bigots like you just piss me off. I hope you haven't raised children
Perverts like you piss me off. I've raised four of my own and a couple extra, and have two beautiful grandchildren. And none of them are perverts.
What the religious right wants to teach 4 year olds

Now class, most of you have normal God fearing families with a mommy and daddy.......but Tommie and Susie have whores for mommies who never married. Jimmie has two mommies who God hates. Jimmie is going to hell.
That is the problem with allowing the teaching of morals and agenda's in school rather than educating them. At some point those values are not going to be ones that you agree with.
It is about acceptance and understanding for that which is different or unknown. You all being up morals, sex and relationships but that has nothing to do with it. It's similar to having a lesson about Down syndrome because a new student was coming to school with that disability. There is nothing wrong with schools teaching students how to be accepting of others, I'd go so far as to say that it's part of their duty
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.

We're not going to get anywhere with you spouting this crap about "sexual deviancy". Simply said, it's none of your business what people do when it comes to sex. You can feel it's wrong to do fun stuff with the people you want to do it with, you can live your life a miserable bastard if you choose, but this debate goes nowhere with you not willing to talk about anything else.

So, while I accept that you can think this way, and you're free to do so, I'm not going to waste time on a topic you won't talk about properly.
This isn't about your feelings, weirdo. It's about whether or not it's appropriate to sexually groom children in your care. It is not.
You are the only one putting sex into the conversation.

It's been happening a lot on this thread.

Gay families = sex
Straight families = just normal stuff.

Makes no sense, but then when your whole political belief is based on twisted views of the world, that's what will happen.
A boy, raised in a gay household of two men will think nothing of two men kissing. That boy will think it is normal for him to kiss that boy in his class. Then he will be beaten within an inch of his life, if not shot in the head.
What the religious right wants to teach 4 year olds

Now class, most of you have normal God fearing families with a mommy and daddy.......but Tommie and Susie have whores for mommies who never married. Jimmie has two mommies who God hates. Jimmie is going to hell.
That is the problem with allowing the teaching of morals and agenda's in school rather than educating them. At some point those values are not going to be ones that you agree with.
It is about acceptance and understanding for that which is different or unknown. You all being up morals, sex and relationships but that has nothing to do with it. It's similar to having a lesson about Down syndrome because a new student was coming to school with that disability. There is nothing wrong with schools teaching students how to be accepting of others, I'd go so far as to say that it's part of their duty
You don't have to teach them anything about homo love to teach them to be polite.
What the religious right wants to teach 4 year olds

Now class, most of you have normal God fearing families with a mommy and daddy.......but Tommie and Susie have whores for mommies who never married. Jimmie has two mommies who God hates. Jimmie is going to hell.
That is the problem with allowing the teaching of morals and agenda's in school rather than educating them. At some point those values are not going to be ones that you agree with.
It is about acceptance and understanding for that which is different or unknown. You all being up morals, sex and relationships but that has nothing to do with it. It's similar to having a lesson about Down syndrome because a new student was coming to school with that disability. There is nothing wrong with schools teaching students how to be accepting of others, I'd go so far as to say that it's part of their duty
Homosexuality is not the same kind of disability as Downs Syndrome.
Babysitter? Can you read?
If you're paid to interact with four year olds, you're a babysitter.
Shows how much you know about child development... You probably shouldn't be voicing opinions about stuff you know nothing about
You're creeping me out, freak. Stay away from kids. You don't have to understand, just do it. Because if you get this worked up over not being allowed to groom four year olds, you have issues.
Idiot bigots like you just piss me off. I hope you haven't raised children
Perverts like you piss me off. I've raised four of my own and a couple extra, and have two beautiful grandchildren. And none of them are perverts.
I can only hope they aren't prejudice assholes.
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.

We're not going to get anywhere with you spouting this crap about "sexual deviancy". Simply said, it's none of your business what people do when it comes to sex. You can feel it's wrong to do fun stuff with the people you want to do it with, you can live your life a miserable bastard if you choose, but this debate goes nowhere with you not willing to talk about anything else.

So, while I accept that you can think this way, and you're free to do so, I'm not going to waste time on a topic you won't talk about properly.
This isn't about your feelings, weirdo. It's about whether or not it's appropriate to sexually groom children in your care. It is not.
You are the only one putting sex into the conversation.

It's been happening a lot on this thread.

Gay families = sex
Straight families = just normal stuff.

Makes no sense, but then when your whole political belief is based on twisted views of the world, that's what will happen.
A boy, raised in a gay household of two men will think nothing of two men kissing. That boy will think it is normal for him to kiss that boy in his class. Then he will be beaten within an inch of his life, if not shot in the head.

Er..... You're talking bull.

Many kids grow up seeing their parents kissing. Do they then go around kissing children of the opposite sex?

Some might, but probably more due to their own brain than because they think it's acceptable.

But hey, you see a problem, then what you do is you teach kids what is appropriate, ie, that they should only be kissing people who consent to being kissed.

Your view is "kid might think it's normal so we should ban this". Kind of like Islam making women wear headscarves because men get hard ons looking at pretty women.

Teach kids how the skills they need for the modern world, and you'll have less problems, rather than trying to hide things from kids and forcing people to act against their will in order to "protect" others.

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