Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.

It goes much deeper than that and you know it. That could be explained in two minutes and would not require classes or the intervention of a organization like GLSEN.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
Incorrect. It is wrong. Temporarily, it is legal. That will be changed in God's good time.
And it is not for the teacher to define what is and is not?

Parents can help a child define what a family is and isn't.
Those families are already defined.....the teacher is just acknowledging it

No, the teacher actively finds way to push her agenda. That is why she told her story at a workshop at a homosexual activist camp for teachers.

It's an agenda, she isn't just explaining as it comes up in class, she is searching out. Big difference.

Notice she doesn't go out of her way to teach racial acceptance, religious acceptance. Just homosexual marriage acceptance.

She doesn't teach tolerance, just acceptance.

That is not her role.
It is no longer an agenda, it is the law of the land.

Nowhere does it say she does not teach about racial acceptance or religious acceptance

Its an agenda to teach acceptance. You can teach tolerance, you don't push morals.
Acceptance of the law of the land?

Let the parents teach the hate

It has nothing to do with the law. Tolerance is not hate, not accepting a lifestyle is not hate.

Pushing an agenda, which is what she is doing is wrong.

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Those families are already defined.....the teacher is just acknowledging it

No, the teacher actively finds way to push her agenda. That is why she told her story at a workshop at a homosexual activist camp for teachers.

It's an agenda, she isn't just explaining as it comes up in class, she is searching out. Big difference.

Notice she doesn't go out of her way to teach racial acceptance, religious acceptance. Just homosexual marriage acceptance.

She doesn't teach tolerance, just acceptance.

That is not her role.
It is no longer an agenda, it is the law of the land.

Nowhere does it say she does not teach about racial acceptance or religious acceptance

Its an agenda to teach acceptance. You can teach tolerance, you don't push morals.
Acceptance of the law of the land?

Let the parents teach the hate

It has nothing to do with the law. Tolerance is not hate, not accepting a lifestyle is not hate.

Pushing an agenda, which is what she is doing is wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is not pushing them to be gay

It is not an agenda any more than heterosexual marriage is an agenda. It is the law throughout the U.S., no reason children should not be aware of it
There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
Incorrect. It is wrong. Temporarily, it is legal. That will be changed in God's good time.

Another RWer obsessed with what you do in your bedroom....
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
Incorrect. It is wrong. Temporarily, it is legal. That will be changed in God's good time.

Another RWer obsessed with what you do in your bedroom....

Nope, just keep it in the bedroom. I do not need to know what your sexual proclivities are no more than you need to know mine and we certainly don't need to share them with little children...which was my point from the start...get it now, butt-cheese?
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
You explain to your children how two mommies and two daddies is perverted and unnatural. You explain how puppies and kitties don't have two mommies or two daddies. Yes you have to help children deal with it. The same way as you help them deal with any sick person in our society. You caution your children to stay away from these perverts.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
Incorrect. It is wrong. Temporarily, it is legal. That will be changed in God's good time.

Another RWer obsessed with what you do in your bedroom....
Nope... just don't want sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) remaining legitimate at-law for one minute longer than absolutely necessary.
No, the teacher actively finds way to push her agenda. That is why she told her story at a workshop at a homosexual activist camp for teachers.

It's an agenda, she isn't just explaining as it comes up in class, she is searching out. Big difference.

Notice she doesn't go out of her way to teach racial acceptance, religious acceptance. Just homosexual marriage acceptance.

She doesn't teach tolerance, just acceptance.

That is not her role.
It is no longer an agenda, it is the law of the land.

Nowhere does it say she does not teach about racial acceptance or religious acceptance

Its an agenda to teach acceptance. You can teach tolerance, you don't push morals.
Acceptance of the law of the land?

Let the parents teach the hate

It has nothing to do with the law. Tolerance is not hate, not accepting a lifestyle is not hate.

Pushing an agenda, which is what she is doing is wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is not pushing them to be gay

It is not an agenda any more than heterosexual marriage is an agenda. It is the law throughout the U.S., no reason children should not be aware of it

Should they make sure children know that marijuana and alcohol are legal?
Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
Incorrect. It is wrong. Temporarily, it is legal. That will be changed in God's good time.

Another RWer obsessed with what you do in your bedroom....
Nope... just don't want sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) remaining legitimate at-law for one minute longer than absolutely necessary.

I have some serious doubts about what YOU do in your bedroom. If you are doing what I think you are doing, you should be arrested.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
It's NOT the job of their babysitter to tell them that. The job of the babysitter is to say 'you should ask your parents about that'. Or at the most, 'families can be made all different ways' and leave it at that. Anything more from anyone but their parents, is straight up grooming.
There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
It's NOT the job of their babysitter to tell them that. The job of the babysitter is to say 'you should ask your parents about that'. Or at the most, 'families can be made all different ways' and leave it at that. Anything more from anyone but their parents, is straight up grooming.
Babysitter? Can you read?
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
It's NOT the job of their babysitter to tell them that. The job of the babysitter is to say 'you should ask your parents about that'. Or at the most, 'families can be made all different ways' and leave it at that. Anything more from anyone but their parents, is straight up grooming.
Babysitter? Can you read?
If you're paid to interact with four year olds, you're a babysitter.
Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

We used to not allow such grooming. Now, it's preferable.
That's a stinking load of crap... Teaching children how to understand and accept that which is different is not teaching them to accept sexual advances, your sick to even suggest it.
If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances. Grooming.
Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

There is nothing wrong with explaining to children why some of their classmates may have two mommies or two daddies. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
It's NOT the job of their babysitter to tell them that. The job of the babysitter is to say 'you should ask your parents about that'. Or at the most, 'families can be made all different ways' and leave it at that. Anything more from anyone but their parents, is straight up grooming.
Babysitter? Can you read?
If you're paid to interact with four year olds, you're a babysitter.
Shows how much you know about child development... You probably shouldn't be voicing opinions about stuff you know nothing about

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