Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Seems preferable to your teachers, who apparently taught hatred, intolerance and bigotry. Or was that your parents who instilled those American Christian values in you?
May God help your kids to reject your teachings.
Its called common sense which you obviously lack. Oh and I am not a christian ya idiot.Oh and no my kids have common sense and find 2 guys kissing absolutely disgusting :) Like I said common sense. They know like ALL people with common sense do that NORMAL is 1 man and 1 woman.

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography.
You have to admire those cretins...... Insisting folks stay out of the bedroom whilest insisting on public indoctrination and accomodation with every mindless breath........ Lmfao
It would be very nice if you DID stay out of our bedrooms. It's rather creepy when we present ourselves as married couples that people like you automatically think about what we are doing for sex. Very creepy.

Homosexual "marriage" ??? Lol
A laughable leftist contrivance......
Law of the land

Live with it

There are no laws, just acts, statutes and codes because we are under admiralty law because corporations cannot pass laws....only sovereign countries. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporation which puts them under the UCC (universal commercial code" which makes them subject to admiralty law. You see, I know more than you. You think that USA.INC is not a corporation? Look them up on Dun and Bradstreet and then get back to me.....

Are you on LSD?
Remember when libs cried dont force your morality on us............funny everything they protest they actually do
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.
The ideas you express against homosexuality are religious values, which have no place in secular schools. If you have such a problem with this, you should send your kids to private religious schools.
Remember when libs cried dont force your morality on us............funny everything they protest they actually do
No one is forcing you to be gay. No one is forcing you to live your life by other people's religious values. You are free to practice your religion as are others, though it may be a different religion. Homosexuality is legal in the US. Gay marriage is legal in the US. No one is forcing you to be homosexual or to be involved in a gay marriage. What is required is you abide by the law of the land. These are the values of the majority of the people in a secular state. If you don't want to live in a secular state, go elsewhere.
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.
The ideas you express against homosexuality are religious values, which have no place in secular schools. If you have such a problem with this, you should send your kids to private religious schools.
Discussions concerning queerness and especially in the grade schools do not belong ...PERIOD and regardless of your religious convictions. How fucking stupid do you have to be not to understand that???
Remember when libs cried dont force your morality on us............funny everything they protest they actually do
No one is forcing you to be gay. No one is forcing you to live your life by other people's religious values. You are free to practice your religion as are others, though it may be a different religion. Homosexuality is legal in the US. Gay marriage is legal in the US. No one is forcing you to be homosexual or to be involved in a gay marriage. What is required is you abide by the law of the land. These are the values of the majority of the people in a secular state. If you don't want to live in a secular state, go elsewhere.
Which of course I didnt say........I can walk out on drivel like what these kids are subjected to who are too young to digest it ...btw your law wasnt passed by the people.......and no the majority dont hold these values....ever notice how many gay people are here and they rank as some of most hateful people on the board
Remember when libs cried dont force your morality on us............funny everything they protest they actually do
No one is forcing you to be gay. No one is forcing you to live your life by other people's religious values. You are free to practice your religion as are others, though it may be a different religion. Homosexuality is legal in the US. Gay marriage is legal in the US. No one is forcing you to be homosexual or to be involved in a gay marriage. What is required is you abide by the law of the land. These are the values of the majority of the people in a secular state. If you don't want to live in a secular state, go elsewhere.
Law of the land? We haven't had that since 1933. We are actually under admiralty law and have to abide by acts, statutes and codes because corporate entities cannot pass actual laws. I don't have to respect the LGBT queer movement nor do I have to give them special consideration and I will speak out against the way that they are pushing this in schools every fucking chance I get. Save your sermons for someone that gives a shit.
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Remember when libs cried dont force your morality on us............funny everything they protest they actually do
No one is forcing you to be gay. No one is forcing you to live your life by other people's religious values. You are free to practice your religion as are others, though it may be a different religion. Homosexuality is legal in the US. Gay marriage is legal in the US. No one is forcing you to be homosexual or to be involved in a gay marriage. What is required is you abide by the law of the land. These are the values of the majority of the people in a secular state. If you don't want to live in a secular state, go elsewhere.
Which of course I didnt say........I can walk out on drivel like what these kids are subjected to who are too young to digest it ...btw your law wasnt passed by the people.......and no the majority dont hold these values....ever notice how many gay people are here and they rank as some of most hateful people on the board

The majority of Americans do support gay marriage, and, thus, the gay lifestyle. They do hold the values that homosexuality is a valid lifestyle.

'A Gallup poll conducted in May 2014 found that 55% of Americans support allowing marriage for same-sex couples, 42% opposed, and 4% had no opinion on the issue. This was the largest percentage ever measured by the organization'

No one is expecting kids in fourth grade to understand the specifics of homosexuality. No one is teaching that to them. To imagine so indicates either stupidity or hysteria. What is being taught is acceptance and tolerance that there is more than one type of marriage, one type of color or race or culture, more than one type of religion, etc. Focusing on the specifics of the sexuality of gay marriage is the problem of folks like you, not the kids or the lessons in the schools.
...You're saying that teaching tolerance is "ideology"...
Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not teaching 'toleration'...

Teaching acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is teaching that WIckedness and Degeneracy are Good.

They are not.

The parents of that school district should arrange for the metaphorical crucifixion of that scumbag teacher, terminating his-her-its employment with prejudice.

And, they should fire any principal or school administrator or board-member who stands in their way.

Americans need to keep this filth out of the schools and out of our childrens' minds.
The ideas you express against homosexuality are religious values, which have no place in secular schools. If you have such a problem with this, you should send your kids to private religious schools.
If there is no Good or Evil at-law then anything goes.

That is not the way this nation has been (and will be) governed, until very recently.

There have been a great many secular laws passed and enforced in the United States over the centuries, banning homosexuality, until they were swept aside in recent times.

Time to establish Constitutional conditions by which successors to those old secular laws which re-establish National Sanity in such matters.
Acceptance of religion....dont lie.....kids can see color and culture........ BTW she isnt teaching tolerance she is teaching acceptance...I can tolerate something without agreeing with it.......thats not what she wants.....
Remember when libs cried dont force your morality on us............funny everything they protest they actually do
No one is forcing you to be gay. No one is forcing you to live your life by other people's religious values. You are free to practice your religion as are others, though it may be a different religion. Homosexuality is legal in the US. Gay marriage is legal in the US. No one is forcing you to be homosexual or to be involved in a gay marriage. What is required is you abide by the law of the land. These are the values of the majority of the people in a secular state. If you don't want to live in a secular state, go elsewhere.
Which of course I didnt say........I can walk out on drivel like what these kids are subjected to who are too young to digest it ...btw your law wasnt passed by the people.......and no the majority dont hold these values....ever notice how many gay people are here and they rank as some of most hateful people on the board

The majority of Americans do support gay marriage, and, thus, the gay lifestyle. They do hold the values that homosexuality is a valid lifestyle.

'A Gallup poll conducted in May 2014 found that 55% of Americans support allowing marriage for same-sex couples, 42% opposed, and 4% had no opinion on the issue. This was the largest percentage ever measured by the organization'

No one is expecting kids in fourth grade to understand the specifics of homosexuality. No one is teaching that to them. To imagine so indicates either stupidity or hysteria. What is being taught is acceptance and tolerance that there is more than one type of marriage, one type of color or race or culture, more than one type of religion, etc. Focusing on the specifics of the sexuality of gay marriage is the problem of folks like you, not the kids or the lessons in the schools.

Do some background research on GLSEN and then tell me that they are not targeting children in grade school including first graders.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.
Incorrect. Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) at law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Then don't engage in it. Nobody is forcing you to.

Stop pushing it on grade school and junior high aged kids.....

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