Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
As can be seen from this thread parents are falling down on that job and society picks up the tab. Learning to get along and show respect for others is a huge part of schooling.Its daft to pretend otherwise.
I see no evidence of parents falling down on the job. I see fags swirling around a thread about other fags in the schools, grooming children.

You don't get to decide what my children are taught about marriage. Not your call. And if that teacher was in my school district, she would no longer be a teacher.
Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Tolerance, when you're speaking of tolerating behavior that is harmful, and when you're talking about teachers indoctrinating four year old children into an immoral sexual lifestyle, is political.
Does "behavior that is harmful" include black people sitting at the front of a bus?
Anything wrong about explaining to 4-yr-olds that at one time in our "recent" history that behavior was not tolerated by some groups of people?

Or, explaining that our laws protect against not only racial discrimination, but also discrimination toward certain types of families that are not the norm?

Perhaps you can put your kids in a private school that prefers not to teach tolerance toward legal behaviors, but your intolerant views should not be exercised in public schools.

I am glad i attended only public schools!
Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Tolerance, when you're speaking of tolerating behavior that is harmful, and when you're talking about teachers indoctrinating four year old children into an immoral sexual lifestyle, is political.
Does "behavior that is harmful" include black people sitting at the front of a bus?
Anything wrong about explaining to 4-yr-olds that at one time in our "recent" history that behavior was not tolerated by some groups of people?

Or, explaining that our laws protect against not only racial discrimination, but also discrimination toward certain types of families that are not the norm?

Perhaps you can put your kids in a private school that prefers not to teach tolerance toward legal behaviors, but your intolerant views should not be exercised in public schools.

I am glad i attended only public schools!

Yes, well, you don't know any better.

Again, it's not the teachers' job to groom children to be tolerant of homosexual advances.
Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Tolerance, when you're speaking of tolerating behavior that is harmful, and when you're talking about teachers indoctrinating four year old children into an immoral sexual lifestyle, is political.
Does "behavior that is harmful" include black people sitting at the front of a bus?
Anything wrong about explaining to 4-yr-olds that at one time in our "recent" history that behavior was not tolerated by some groups of people?

Or, explaining that our laws protect against not only racial discrimination, but also discrimination toward certain types of families that are not the norm?

Perhaps you can put your kids in a private school that prefers not to teach tolerance toward legal behaviors, but your intolerant views should not be exercised in public schools.

I am glad i attended only public schools!

Yes, well, you don't know any better.

Again, it's not the teachers' job to groom children to be tolerant of homosexual advances.
And the OP isn't talking about that. NO one should be tolerant of a teacher abusing a child in ANY way.
Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Tolerance, when you're speaking of tolerating behavior that is harmful, and when you're talking about teachers indoctrinating four year old children into an immoral sexual lifestyle, is political.
Does "behavior that is harmful" include black people sitting at the front of a bus?
Anything wrong about explaining to 4-yr-olds that at one time in our "recent" history that behavior was not tolerated by some groups of people?

Or, explaining that our laws protect against not only racial discrimination, but also discrimination toward certain types of families that are not the norm?

Perhaps you can put your kids in a private school that prefers not to teach tolerance toward legal behaviors, but your intolerant views should not be exercised in public schools.

I am glad i attended only public schools!

Yes, well, you don't know any better.

Again, it's not the teachers' job to groom children to be tolerant of homosexual advances.
And the OP isn't talking about that. NO one should be tolerant of a teacher abusing a child in ANY way.
Yes, teaching four year olds "acceptance" of the sexual deviance of adults is child abuse. I know you don't get it, very few homos do... but it's true nonetheless. The perverted homofascist/child grooming crowd refer to it in terms of *love* and *tolerance*...which are terms they have always hidden behind when grooming children. It works on kids. It doesn't work on me. So bottom line..stay the fuck away from other people's kids.
Child predators prey upon the empathy of people. They make themselves appear as victims in order to mask their objective, and they wrap their abuse in terms of "love" "tolerance" "acceptance". They will actually tell children that they have no other friends, that they depend upon the friendship of their victims, that nobody else can possibly understand the love they feel. It lowers defenses, makes those who would otherwise reject them feel guilty about it, and at the same time teaches that the unnatural nature of their interaction is GOOD and RIGHT...but must be kept secret because nobody else would understand.

It''s all right here in this thread.
Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Tolerance, when you're speaking of tolerating behavior that is harmful, and when you're talking about teachers indoctrinating four year old children into an immoral sexual lifestyle, is political.
Does "behavior that is harmful" include black people sitting at the front of a bus?
Anything wrong about explaining to 4-yr-olds that at one time in our "recent" history that behavior was not tolerated by some groups of people?

Or, explaining that our laws protect against not only racial discrimination, but also discrimination toward certain types of families that are not the norm?

Perhaps you can put your kids in a private school that prefers not to teach tolerance toward legal behaviors, but your intolerant views should not be exercised in public schools.

I am glad i attended only public schools!

Yes, well, you don't know any better.

Again, it's not the teachers' job to groom children to be tolerant of homosexual advances.
What one concerned person calls "grooming" is "teaching facts" to another person.

I agree that HOW a subject (or discussion within a subject) is taught makes a difference!
If the lesbian teacher advocates a sexual lifestyle to 4-yr-olds, then that is insppropriate & could/should get her fired, depending on details.
However, discussing legal variations of family composition, and citing herself as a member of one such family, is not "grooming".

Citing certain types of families, such as those that practice polygamy, as illegal in the USA is appropriate too.
It's not about the homosexuality, or the disability, or the skin color, or the cultural difference. It can be any or all of those... The point is acceptance. Children don't know how to react to things they don't understand and some make fun of or bully those who are different.

They do, however if you teach kids to accept others then they won't bully because they won't see it as different.

It's only different when kids are kept in ignorance.
I bet these two yahoos only read the heading of the article then stopped there... The rest of their argument is all fantasy and prejudicial venting.

The problem seems to be like that. And then they seem to want kids to think like they do, without deep thought. Jealousy? Envy? That sort of thing that adults have for children. I know this sort of thing well, my own mother had it about her own children.
Your twisted weird is showing. Again, you don't get to groom other ppls children. We don't want them broken in.

As you can now tell, this has nothing to do with teaching children to accept what is different. It's teaching children to accept what others might do to them. It's grooming plain, simple and blatant.
"....enter the profile of a sex offender...the ultimate narcissist. Whose needs are more important? Does that offender think of the child and what that child needs? Are the child's needs put above their own? Is the offender aware of the life-long devastating effects on the child? Do they consider the fact that self-esteem, trust, and healthy sexuality will be a life-long struggle? And, that the child is at risk to carry the shame forever? Do they care? No they don't."

"Narcissists do not see or realize the impact their behavior has on others. They do not step into someone else's shoes. They see their own needs. Their sense of entitlement is paramount. This is why you hear mental health professionals say that sex offenders are difficult to treat and that full-blown narcissists are treatment failures. Narcissists typically blame the victim. They see it as someone else's problem."

Child Sexual Abuse and Narcissism
Really this should be a question of how the country wants to move forwards. In theory people should want tolerance and that kind of thing. The reality is that the right often make it political because they know tolerance reduces their appeal.
Tolerance, when you're speaking of tolerating behavior that is harmful, and when you're talking about teachers indoctrinating four year old children into an immoral sexual lifestyle, is political.
Does "behavior that is harmful" include black people sitting at the front of a bus?
Anything wrong about explaining to 4-yr-olds that at one time in our "recent" history that behavior was not tolerated by some groups of people?

Or, explaining that our laws protect against not only racial discrimination, but also discrimination toward certain types of families that are not the norm?

Perhaps you can put your kids in a private school that prefers not to teach tolerance toward legal behaviors, but your intolerant views should not be exercised in public schools.

I am glad i attended only public schools!

Yes, well, you don't know any better.

Again, it's not the teachers' job to groom children to be tolerant of homosexual advances.
What one concerned person calls "grooming" is "teaching facts" to another person.

I agree that HOW a subject (or discussion within a subject) is taught makes a difference!
If the lesbian teacher advocates a sexual lifestyle to 4-yr-olds, then that is insppropriate & could/should get her fired, depending on details.
However, discussing legal variations of family composition, and citing herself as a member of one such family, is not "grooming".

Citing certain types of families, such as those that practice polygamy, as illegal in the USA is appropriate too.

Four year olds who attend school for a few hours a few days a week do NOT need to be indoctrinated into perverted lifestyles. It is inappropriate and abusive to be talking to them about "legal variations of family composition and citing herself as a member of one such family". What horseshit.

The primary identifying factor of a predator is that they claim that their abuse of children is for the betterment of something else. Humanity, society, the child...but in the end, it isn't. It's about gratifying themselves. In this case, the most harmless scenario is that the predator is using children in order to *create* a more friendly environment for her own perverted self. She has no concern for the fact that four year olds are too young for this conversation, she doesn't care that it isn't her place to have it with them. Her entire focus is on promoting her sick lifestyle on helpless children, when she has them isolated from their parents.
I get a kick out of people being so self righteous and judgmental about homosexuality. They really are obsessed with what goes on in other people's bedrooms. But, that is only part of their derangement. Another part of their obsession is the need to find a group of people of whom they can claim moral superiority. Third, they demand the right to criminalize inferior people, by assigning to the government the power to prosecute them. This would, of course, make the government the enforcer of morality, within their own definition...no one else's. This was the way things worked during the dark ages. The church had ecclesiastical courts, which condemned witches and heretics, under the Inquisition. After being found guilty, the church claimed that their hands were not bloody, because they turned the wicked over to the government for execution, rather than do it themselves. So many want to return to the good old days! North Carolina and Mississippi are having to learn all over again that it is not the year of 1500 AD. In fact, it is not even 1960, and I hesitate to burst anyone's bubble, but Ozzie and Harriet didn't REALLY sleep in separate beds, and Ricky was paying prostitutes when he was 15 years old.

I guess that the funniest part of all this is what I call the ostrich syndrome. if you kid sees something that prompts a question, don't answer it. If you don't acknowledge that something exists, it simply disappears!
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
As can be seen from this thread parents are falling down on that job and society picks up the tab. Learning to get along and show respect for others is a huge part of schooling.Its daft to pretend otherwise.
I see no evidence of parents falling down on the job. I see fags swirling around a thread about other fags in the schools, grooming children.

You don't get to decide what my children are taught about marriage. Not your call. And if that teacher was in my school district, she would no longer be a teacher.
I see it everywhere. When kids attend school full of the bigotry forced into them by their hate filled parents. A teacher has a responsibility to all their pupils, some of whom will attend school full of their parents bile.

Read these comments off this thread and ask yourself how these monsters can be trusted to mould young minds. Teachers shouldnt have to put up with this crap. They should be able to get on with teaching.

desensitizing kids to perversion


immoral sexual lifestyle

It is a perversion.
They are perverts and degenerates.

homosexuality is sexual deviance and perversity

Decent folk don't what that filth and degeneracy within a million miles of their children.

Wickedness and Degeneracy... Evil is Evil.

need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion.

Homosexuality is not the same kind of disability as Downs Syndrome.

Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances.

just don't want sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) remaining legitimate at-law for one minute longer than absolutely necessary.

You explain to your children how two mommies and two daddies is perverted and unnatural. You explain how puppies and kitties don't have two mommies or two daddies.

Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality

What does a democrat lesbian do after she licks a bald pussy? puts the diaper back on....

my kids have common sense and find 2 guys kissing absolutely disgusting

Why would it be important for the sodomite/freakazoid community that grammar school kids "accept" their lifestyle? Maybe to increase the pedophile playing field?

Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.
I get a kick out of people being so self righteous and judgmental about homosexuality. They really are obsessed with what goes on in other people's bedrooms. But, that is only part of their derangement. Another part of their obsession is the need to find a group of people of whom they can claim moral superiority. Third, they demand the right to criminalize inferior people, by assigning to the government the power to prosecute them. This would, of course, make the government the enforcer of morality, within their own definition...no one else's. This was the way things worked during the dark ages. The church had ecclesiastical courts, which condemned witches and heretics, under the Inquisition. After being found guilty, the church claimed that their hands were not bloody, because they turned the wicked over to the government for execution, rather than do it themselves. So many want to return to the good old days! North Carolina and Mississippi are having to learn all over again that it is not the year of 1500 AD. In fact, it is not even 1960, and I hesitate to burst anyone's bubble, but Ozzie and Harriet didn't REALLY sleep in separate beds, and Ricky was paying prostitutes when he was 15 years old.

I guess that the funniest part of all this is what I call the ostrich syndrome. if you kid sees something that prompts a question, don't answer it. If you don't acknowledge that something exists, it simply disappears!
We aren't talking about homosexuality. We're talking about homosexuals targeting and grooming FOUR YEAR OLD CHILDREN in a setting where the children are isolated away from their parents.

I could care less who people live with and what they do in their bedrooms. But it is not their job to tell my kids about it.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.

But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
As can be seen from this thread parents are falling down on that job and society picks up the tab. Learning to get along and show respect for others is a huge part of schooling.Its daft to pretend otherwise.
I see no evidence of parents falling down on the job. I see fags swirling around a thread about other fags in the schools, grooming children.

You don't get to decide what my children are taught about marriage. Not your call. And if that teacher was in my school district, she would no longer be a teacher.
I see it everywhere. When kids attend school full of the bigotry forced into them by their hate filled parents. A teacher has a responsibility to all their pupils, some of whom will attend school full of their parents bile.

Read these comments off this thread and ask yourself how these monsters can be trusted to mould young minds. Teachers shouldnt have to put up with this crap. They should be able to get on with teaching.

desensitizing kids to perversion


immoral sexual lifestyle

It is a perversion.
They are perverts and degenerates.

homosexuality is sexual deviance and perversity

Decent folk don't what that filth and degeneracy within a million miles of their children.

Wickedness and Degeneracy... Evil is Evil.

need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion.

Homosexuality is not the same kind of disability as Downs Syndrome.

Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances.

just don't want sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) remaining legitimate at-law for one minute longer than absolutely necessary.

You explain to your children how two mommies and two daddies is perverted and unnatural. You explain how puppies and kitties don't have two mommies or two daddies.

Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality

What does a democrat lesbian do after she licks a bald pussy? puts the diaper back on....

my kids have common sense and find 2 guys kissing absolutely disgusting

Why would it be important for the sodomite/freakazoid community that grammar school kids "accept" their lifestyle? Maybe to increase the pedophile playing field?

Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.
Too bad. The truth hurts homos. In the meantime, you don't get to teach my children about your sexuality. That's my job. If you don't like it, too bad. Buy a child of your own. I'm sure you have connections.
I get a kick out of people being so self righteous and judgmental about homosexuality. They really are obsessed with what goes on in other people's bedrooms. But, that is only part of their derangement. Another part of their obsession is the need to find a group of people of whom they can claim moral superiority. Third, they demand the right to criminalize inferior people, by assigning to the government the power to prosecute them. This would, of course, make the government the enforcer of morality, within their own definition...no one else's. This was the way things worked during the dark ages. The church had ecclesiastical courts, which condemned witches and heretics, under the Inquisition. After being found guilty, the church claimed that their hands were not bloody, because they turned the wicked over to the government for execution, rather than do it themselves. So many want to return to the good old days! North Carolina and Mississippi are having to learn all over again that it is not the year of 1500 AD. In fact, it is not even 1960, and I hesitate to burst anyone's bubble, but Ozzie and Harriet didn't REALLY sleep in separate beds, and Ricky was paying prostitutes when he was 15 years old.

I guess that the funniest part of all this is what I call the ostrich syndrome. if you kid sees something that prompts a question, don't answer it. If you don't acknowledge that something exists, it simply disappears!
4 year old children have no business being dragged into any one's bedroom.
It has NOTHING to do with teaching kids math,science,reading,social studies etc. Its social engineering at its best.

Is it social engineering when kids learn about MLK Jr? Is it social engineering when kids learn blacks were once counted as 3/5 of a person for the Census. Is it social engineering when schools talk about Asian-Americans being put in American concentration camps during WWII?
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I get a kick out of people being so self righteous and judgmental about homosexuality. They really are obsessed with what goes on in other people's bedrooms. But, that is only part of their derangement. Another part of their obsession is the need to find a group of people of whom they can claim moral superiority. Third, they demand the right to criminalize inferior people, by assigning to the government the power to prosecute them. This would, of course, make the government the enforcer of morality, within their own definition...no one else's. This was the way things worked during the dark ages. The church had ecclesiastical courts, which condemned witches and heretics, under the Inquisition. After being found guilty, the church claimed that their hands were not bloody, because they turned the wicked over to the government for execution, rather than do it themselves. So many want to return to the good old days! North Carolina and Mississippi are having to learn all over again that it is not the year of 1500 AD. In fact, it is not even 1960, and I hesitate to burst anyone's bubble, but Ozzie and Harriet didn't REALLY sleep in separate beds, and Ricky was paying prostitutes when he was 15 years old.

I guess that the funniest part of all this is what I call the ostrich syndrome. if you kid sees something that prompts a question, don't answer it. If you don't acknowledge that something exists, it simply disappears!
We aren't talking about homosexuality. We're talking about homosexuals targeting and grooming FOUR YEAR OLD CHILDREN in a setting where the children are isolated away from their parents.

I could care less who people live with and what they do in their bedrooms. But it is not their job to tell my kids about it.

Of COURSE you could care less what gays do in their bedrooms. Just keep standing in the Nile...but watch out for the crocodiles....
But then again, shouldn't tolerance be a part of the curriculum? I mean, it's essential to avoid bullying in schools, for a start.

Behavior management isn't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but teachers will teach what they feel is necessary to get kids to behave.

Should teachers no teach kids to cover their mouth to cough because it isn't on the curriculum?

Now you've found a great slippery slope.
No, tolerance should NOT be a part of the curriculum. That is the job of the parents.

The curriculum should be reading, writing, arithmetic and music. That is the purpose of school.
As can be seen from this thread parents are falling down on that job and society picks up the tab. Learning to get along and show respect for others is a huge part of schooling.Its daft to pretend otherwise.
I see no evidence of parents falling down on the job. I see fags swirling around a thread about other fags in the schools, grooming children.

You don't get to decide what my children are taught about marriage. Not your call. And if that teacher was in my school district, she would no longer be a teacher.
I see it everywhere. When kids attend school full of the bigotry forced into them by their hate filled parents. A teacher has a responsibility to all their pupils, some of whom will attend school full of their parents bile.

Read these comments off this thread and ask yourself how these monsters can be trusted to mould young minds. Teachers shouldnt have to put up with this crap. They should be able to get on with teaching.

desensitizing kids to perversion


immoral sexual lifestyle

It is a perversion.
They are perverts and degenerates.

homosexuality is sexual deviance and perversity

Decent folk don't what that filth and degeneracy within a million miles of their children.

Wickedness and Degeneracy... Evil is Evil.

need to accept that they are abnormal and live within their perversion.

Homosexuality is not the same kind of disability as Downs Syndrome.

Teaching very young children the normalcy and acceptability of homosexuality is nothing more than grooming them to accept homosexual advances as desirable. Start at 4, and by 10 they are ready for a homosexual relationship with an older person. Usually a teacher.

If you're teaching them 'why' homos live together, you're teaching them to accept homo secual advances.

just don't want sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) remaining legitimate at-law for one minute longer than absolutely necessary.

You explain to your children how two mommies and two daddies is perverted and unnatural. You explain how puppies and kitties don't have two mommies or two daddies.

Homosexual marriage legitimizes and mainstreams sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality

What does a democrat lesbian do after she licks a bald pussy? puts the diaper back on....

my kids have common sense and find 2 guys kissing absolutely disgusting

Why would it be important for the sodomite/freakazoid community that grammar school kids "accept" their lifestyle? Maybe to increase the pedophile playing field?

Teaching tolerance of tolerance for evil, wicked sexual deviation and perversion (homosexuality) is an evil and wicked thing.
Too bad. The truth hurts homos. In the meantime, you don't get to teach my children about your sexuality. That's my job. If you don't like it, too bad. Buy a child of your own. I'm sure you have connections.
Were you taught tolerance as a child ?
I get a kick out of people being so self righteous and judgmental about homosexuality. They really are obsessed with what goes on in other people's bedrooms. But, that is only part of their derangement. Another part of their obsession is the need to find a group of people of whom they can claim moral superiority. Third, they demand the right to criminalize inferior people, by assigning to the government the power to prosecute them. This would, of course, make the government the enforcer of morality, within their own definition...no one else's. This was the way things worked during the dark ages. The church had ecclesiastical courts, which condemned witches and heretics, under the Inquisition. After being found guilty, the church claimed that their hands were not bloody, because they turned the wicked over to the government for execution, rather than do it themselves. So many want to return to the good old days! North Carolina and Mississippi are having to learn all over again that it is not the year of 1500 AD. In fact, it is not even 1960, and I hesitate to burst anyone's bubble, but Ozzie and Harriet didn't REALLY sleep in separate beds, and Ricky was paying prostitutes when he was 15 years old.

I guess that the funniest part of all this is what I call the ostrich syndrome. if you kid sees something that prompts a question, don't answer it. If you don't acknowledge that something exists, it simply disappears!
4 year old children have no business being dragged into any one's bedroom.

Dragged into people's bedrooms? I must have missed that part....
It has NOTHING to do with teaching kids math,science,reading,social studies etc. Its social engineering at its best.

Is it social engineering when kids learn about MLK Jr? Is it social engineering when kids learn blacks were once counted as 3/5 of a person for the Census. Is it social engineering when schools talk about Asian-Americans being put in American concentration camps during WWII?
The homo teacher is not MLK jr. And none of those other topics are suitable for 4 y.o. either.

As I said, you people don't give a shit about the four year olds. You're just trying to push your agenda via them. In other words, you're using them.

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