Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Again, if this country, in an appeasement move (which would never happen), accepted the Muslim culture of grown men having sex with little boys, and your little boy's teacher began 'programing' him by teaching him how 'acceptable' it was and how it is wrong to say differently, how many people advocating on the behalf of this teacher would defend 'this' teacher?

If teachers in the classroom began teaching the value of life and how abortions are wrong, that anyone who say differently are wrong, liberals would go ape-shite and demand the teacher be fired. WHY? Because the message with which THAT teacher would be filling the kids' heads would be against THEIR beliefs and agendas.

If this teacher was teaching the kids that sexual preference was and individual and the acceptance of that individual choices as 'right' or 'wrong' is also a INDIVIDUAL'S choice...or even if A TEACHER WOULD BE TEACHING THE KIDS THAT SAME-SEX MARRIAGES/UNIONS IS not 'ACCEPTABLE' - doing the opposite of what THIS teacher is doing - liberals would be going ape-shite.

BOTTOM LINE: 'Programing' children is only ok if what is being taught / injected into their little impressionable minds is what LIBERALS think is acceptable.
You should rethink that statement... all 3 of your examples are against the law and rejected from our society. The teacher taught nothing about sex... Children grow up to be gay, children have parents that are gay... Having a conversation about this reality, which is legal and accepted in our society so the kids are not scared or confused or bully's about it is perfectly ok

Bullshit it is. Try going around to talk to four year olds about homosexuality in my neighborhood and see how long you last.
Telling perverts to abstain from grooming my children isn't bigotry.
No, your bigotry runs a lot deeper than that. One isn't a pervert simply because they are GLBT.
That is your opinion, Renae - One I agree with, BUT THST is the whole problem / issue.
Koshergrl is entitled to her own opinion. She is entitled to teach her children whatever she believes, whatever her religious convictions lead her to believe. It's legal. It is her right.

Strong has the right to her opinion, as well; however, she does NOT have the right to push that opinion onto impressionable kids in direct conflict with the beliefs and values of the parents:

"Strong...focused her workshop on what she called the “power of conversation” for promoting LGBTQ issues in an elementary classroom."
- THIS is where she crossed the line. Teachers should TEACH, facts, figures, history, etc...NOT promote / advocate / push personal liberal social beliefs/opinions/agendas. Doing so is being an 'activist'.

This is nothing new - bomb-throwers like Bill Ayers finally realized that bombing his country and killing cops was never going to change the country...so he became an 'academic' where he could 'get the kids early', wile they were impressionable, and where he could 'program' them ... just like Strong is doing. There is no difference.
I agree those kids are too young.

However the approach of attacking GLBT as perverts doesn't do anything but diminish ones position. I'm a woman, married to a woman, raising kids.
We're about as conservative as you'll get in terms of God, Guns and Apple pie. We don't throw it in your face, we don't make a deal out of it, we're who we are. The hateful bigotry of some irks me.
The age of the children is definitely something that can be debated, however, the fact that one of the kids said he wanted to vomit in his mouth when he heard that the teacher had a wife, means something. If they didn't have that conversation how do you think things would have played out at recess when the new kid in school talked about her two moms? Food for thought...
What it tells me is that this scum made him feel very uncomfortable. Children react to inappropriate.sexual advances with nausea and stomachaches. Dumbass. And typical of a pervert, her reaction was to continue the abuse, to desensitize him to its inappropriate nature, and tell him the problem is with HIM.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?
Why would I think that?
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.

There's a difference between a discussion and a concerted, planned program.

Nice ad hominem with the bigot label also. You may feel free to go fuck yourself. I have not advocated bigotry. Period. Common sense adherence to some protocol for introduction of a program like this isn't bigotry and if you think it is it is only because you know you're wrong and can do no better than reaching for your label card.
Read this thread and tell me that you are not disgusted by some of the off color comments others on your side are posting... I don't like labels but with all this discriminatory sexual perversion talk I have no choice but to call it what it is... You are presenting more civilized arguments without using the hatespeech, i'll give you that.
Well we can move the goalposts wherever we'd so desire I imagine, but that's not what the discussion was about and certainly not any of my comments....

You made the comment that it should be for the school to decide where to go. I disagree, I think it's for the country to decide.

Is this moving the goalposts? No, it isn't. It's making the goalposts permanent.

The country didn't decide anything. An individual teacher did. After discussing that issue you made this statement, which I equated to moving the goalposts as it simply established a basis of 'i think it should be so that people should want this' rather than addressing anything that was actually being discussed. Call it whatever you'd like but it wasn't even really a reply, but a statement.

Stating that established protocols for curriculum should be followed shouldn't be in any way controversial either, so I understand why you moved those goalposts....

I know what happened. I wasn't commenting on what happened, but on what I believe should happen, as you had done.

So if I moved the goalposts, then you clearly did, as I merely made my thoughts known on what you had said. Jeez.

So you think a teacher should be able to advocate in an organised fashion such as this whatever they'd like, as long as the country thinks it's ok.

I'll shelve the obvious 'but that's not the system' as you're then saying, I think, that you don't care if that's the system or not.

I guess I'm wondering then how it's decided what's ok and what isn't according to the country if that's the new system. If it's popular? If it's ________? What?

I don't see any logical means of implementing this methodology going forward, and I'm actually being serious, as I don't see a methodology. I guess that's where I'm just baffled that anyone could argue that, as it isn't even clear what is being argued for.


Did you read what I wrote?

I said the country should decide the direction it wants to go in. Tolerance or intolerance, skills or lack of skills, whatever.

Therefore the education community can then get together and work out how best to implement teaching students in this manner. I didn't say it was the system. I said this is how it should be.

How do we decide what is okay and what isn't okay? Well that's a question. There are many ways of doing such a thing. In the US partisan politics has got to such a point where it's be almost impossible to come to a consensus.

Saying that most people support the constitution and the constitution states that people can do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people, and within the laws. So, that's a good place to start, you'd have thought.

There isn't a methodology, the US is slipping down a slope into an abyss because the people can't decide anything. So everything is just going into some kind of chaos with each side ripping it apart and trying to mold it into something they want, and it turning into an ugly monster.

If the people want the US to move forwards, they're going to have to learn to cooperate together and move towards something useful.

Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.

There's a difference between a discussion and a concerted, planned program.

Nice ad hominem with the bigot label also. You may feel free to go fuck yourself. I have not advocated bigotry. Period. Common sense adherence to some protocol for introduction of a program like this isn't bigotry and if you think it is it is only because you know you're wrong and can do no better than reaching for your label card.
Read this thread and tell me that you are not disgusted by some of the off color comments others on your side are posting... I don't like labels but with all this discriminatory sexual perversion talk I have no choice but to call it what it is... You are presenting more civilized arguments without using the hatespeech, i'll give you that.
Like all progressive ding bats, you maintain that observation of the.perversion of others makes the person who observes it hateful.

We're disgusted by people who want to access children in order to groom them for a lifestyle their parents dont live or want to expose their children to. You are the sick ones, not us.
Telling perverts to abstain from grooming my children isn't bigotry.
No, your bigotry runs a lot deeper than that. One isn't a pervert simply because they are GLBT.
That is your opinion, Renae - One I agree with, BUT THST is the whole problem / issue.
Koshergrl is entitled to her own opinion. She is entitled to teach her children whatever she believes, whatever her religious convictions lead her to believe. It's legal. It is her right.

Strong has the right to her opinion, as well; however, she does NOT have the right to push that opinion onto impressionable kids in direct conflict with the beliefs and values of the parents:

"Strong...focused her workshop on what she called the “power of conversation” for promoting LGBTQ issues in an elementary classroom."
- THIS is where she crossed the line. Teachers should TEACH, facts, figures, history, etc...NOT promote / advocate / push personal liberal social beliefs/opinions/agendas. Doing so is being an 'activist'.

This is nothing new - bomb-throwers like Bill Ayers finally realized that bombing his country and killing cops was never going to change the country...so he became an 'academic' where he could 'get the kids early', wile they were impressionable, and where he could 'program' them ... just like Strong is doing. There is no difference.
I agree those kids are too young.

However the approach of attacking GLBT as perverts doesn't do anything but diminish ones position. I'm a woman, married to a woman, raising kids.
We're about as conservative as you'll get in terms of God, Guns and Apple pie. We don't throw it in your face, we don't make a deal out of it, we're who we are. The hateful bigotry of some irks me.
The age of the children is definitely something that can be debated, however, the fact that one of the kids said he wanted to vomit in his mouth when he heard that the teacher had a wife, means something. If they didn't have that conversation how do you think things would have played out at recess when the new kid in school talked about her two moms? Food for thought...
What it tells me is that this scum made him feel very uncomfortable. Children react to inappropriate.sexual advances with nausea and stomachaches. Dumbass. And typical of a pervert, her reaction was to continue the abuse, to desensitize him to its inappropriate nature, and tell him the problem is with HIM.
Nice try... What about the reaction from all the other kids, the girl with tears in her eyes from the nasty comment from the kid. He probably had parents of a similar mindset as you... and in the real world and the future world that attitude is going to get the same disgusted reaction. Hate and discrimination just isn't going to be accepted any longer in this country, we are evolving, thank god.
Again, if this country, in an appeasement move (which would never happen), accepted the Muslim culture of grown men having sex with little boys, and your little boy's teacher began 'programing' him by teaching him how 'acceptable' it was and how it is wrong to say differently, how many people advocating on the behalf of this teacher would defend 'this' teacher?

If teachers in the classroom began teaching the value of life and how abortions are wrong, that anyone who say differently are wrong, liberals would go ape-shite and demand the teacher be fired. WHY? Because the message with which THAT teacher would be filling the kids' heads would be against THEIR beliefs and agendas.

If this teacher was teaching the kids that sexual preference was and individual and the acceptance of that individual choices as 'right' or 'wrong' is also a INDIVIDUAL'S choice...or even if A TEACHER WOULD BE TEACHING THE KIDS THAT SAME-SEX MARRIAGES/UNIONS IS not 'ACCEPTABLE' - doing the opposite of what THIS teacher is doing - liberals would be going ape-shite.

BOTTOM LINE: 'Programing' children is only ok if what is being taught / injected into their little impressionable minds is what LIBERALS think is acceptable.
You should rethink that statement... all 3 of your examples are against the law and rejected from our society. The teacher taught nothing about sex... Children grow up to be gay, children have parents that are gay... Having a conversation about this reality, which is legal and accepted in our society so the kids are not scared or confused or bully's about it is perfectly ok

Bullshit it is. Try going around to talk to four year olds about homosexuality in my neighborhood and see how long you last.
I try to avoid spending too much time in the trailer parks
I doubt you're being truthful. Lots.of.vulnerable kids roaming around...I reckon you cruise through pretty regular. To teach them.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?
Why would I think that?
I'm talking to your genius friend Tipsy who said: "Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends."
Feel free to respond if you also have some warped way of justifying her statement.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.

There's a difference between a discussion and a concerted, planned program.

Nice ad hominem with the bigot label also. You may feel free to go fuck yourself. I have not advocated bigotry. Period. Common sense adherence to some protocol for introduction of a program like this isn't bigotry and if you think it is it is only because you know you're wrong and can do no better than reaching for your label card.
Read this thread and tell me that you are not disgusted by some of the off color comments others on your side are posting... I don't like labels but with all this discriminatory sexual perversion talk I have no choice but to call it what it is... You are presenting more civilized arguments without using the hatespeech, i'll give you that.

My side?

What side is that? The follow sensible protocols side?

I've clearly stated, several times, that I have no philosophical issue with such a program, as long as it is forwarded through proper channels.
You made the comment that it should be for the school to decide where to go. I disagree, I think it's for the country to decide.

Is this moving the goalposts? No, it isn't. It's making the goalposts permanent.

The country didn't decide anything. An individual teacher did. After discussing that issue you made this statement, which I equated to moving the goalposts as it simply established a basis of 'i think it should be so that people should want this' rather than addressing anything that was actually being discussed. Call it whatever you'd like but it wasn't even really a reply, but a statement.

Stating that established protocols for curriculum should be followed shouldn't be in any way controversial either, so I understand why you moved those goalposts....

I know what happened. I wasn't commenting on what happened, but on what I believe should happen, as you had done.

So if I moved the goalposts, then you clearly did, as I merely made my thoughts known on what you had said. Jeez.

So you think a teacher should be able to advocate in an organised fashion such as this whatever they'd like, as long as the country thinks it's ok.

I'll shelve the obvious 'but that's not the system' as you're then saying, I think, that you don't care if that's the system or not.

I guess I'm wondering then how it's decided what's ok and what isn't according to the country if that's the new system. If it's popular? If it's ________? What?

I don't see any logical means of implementing this methodology going forward, and I'm actually being serious, as I don't see a methodology. I guess that's where I'm just baffled that anyone could argue that, as it isn't even clear what is being argued for.


Did you read what I wrote?

I said the country should decide the direction it wants to go in. Tolerance or intolerance, skills or lack of skills, whatever.

Therefore the education community can then get together and work out how best to implement teaching students in this manner. I didn't say it was the system. I said this is how it should be.

How do we decide what is okay and what isn't okay? Well that's a question. There are many ways of doing such a thing. In the US partisan politics has got to such a point where it's be almost impossible to come to a consensus.

Saying that most people support the constitution and the constitution states that people can do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people, and within the laws. So, that's a good place to start, you'd have thought.

There isn't a methodology, the US is slipping down a slope into an abyss because the people can't decide anything. So everything is just going into some kind of chaos with each side ripping it apart and trying to mold it into something they want, and it turning into an ugly monster.

If the people want the US to move forwards, they're going to have to learn to cooperate together and move towards something useful.

Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....

The point being made was that a teacher shouldn't be the one deciding the course of action.

Then you made the point that it should be up to the school and parents to decide. I said it should be up to the country as a whole to decide.

All of a sudden talking about who should be in charge of making such decisions has gone from the topic to not the topic all because you decided it was so.

Surely talking about whether teachers should tell kids about gay people or not is what this discussion is about, and talking about who should decide what is taught in schools is part of this discussion.

But, by all means, destroy the issues that are part of this topic so you don't need to deal with them.
The country didn't decide anything. An individual teacher did. After discussing that issue you made this statement, which I equated to moving the goalposts as it simply established a basis of 'i think it should be so that people should want this' rather than addressing anything that was actually being discussed. Call it whatever you'd like but it wasn't even really a reply, but a statement.

Stating that established protocols for curriculum should be followed shouldn't be in any way controversial either, so I understand why you moved those goalposts....

I know what happened. I wasn't commenting on what happened, but on what I believe should happen, as you had done.

So if I moved the goalposts, then you clearly did, as I merely made my thoughts known on what you had said. Jeez.

So you think a teacher should be able to advocate in an organised fashion such as this whatever they'd like, as long as the country thinks it's ok.

I'll shelve the obvious 'but that's not the system' as you're then saying, I think, that you don't care if that's the system or not.

I guess I'm wondering then how it's decided what's ok and what isn't according to the country if that's the new system. If it's popular? If it's ________? What?

I don't see any logical means of implementing this methodology going forward, and I'm actually being serious, as I don't see a methodology. I guess that's where I'm just baffled that anyone could argue that, as it isn't even clear what is being argued for.


Did you read what I wrote?

I said the country should decide the direction it wants to go in. Tolerance or intolerance, skills or lack of skills, whatever.

Therefore the education community can then get together and work out how best to implement teaching students in this manner. I didn't say it was the system. I said this is how it should be.

How do we decide what is okay and what isn't okay? Well that's a question. There are many ways of doing such a thing. In the US partisan politics has got to such a point where it's be almost impossible to come to a consensus.

Saying that most people support the constitution and the constitution states that people can do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people, and within the laws. So, that's a good place to start, you'd have thought.

There isn't a methodology, the US is slipping down a slope into an abyss because the people can't decide anything. So everything is just going into some kind of chaos with each side ripping it apart and trying to mold it into something they want, and it turning into an ugly monster.

If the people want the US to move forwards, they're going to have to learn to cooperate together and move towards something useful.

Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....

The point being made was that a teacher shouldn't be the one deciding the course of action.

Then you made the point that it should be up to the school and parents to decide. I said it should be up to the country as a whole to decide.

All of a sudden talking about who should be in charge of making such decisions has gone from the topic to not the topic all because you decided it was so.

Surely talking about whether teachers should tell kids about gay people or not is what this discussion is about, and talking about who should decide what is taught in schools is part of this discussion.

But, by all means, destroy the issues that are part of this topic so you don't need to deal with them.

So how does the country as a whole decide?

I've tried actually to rationally discuss this with you, but it seems you'd like to ride a unicorn over yon rainbow to chase what should be instead of talking about this rationally in terms of what is practicable.

The nation should decide? fine, then tell this teacher to stfu until it does.
What you mean is you want the feds to decide what is best for kids.

Now Im puking in my mouth. Fucking authoritarian, homo pig.
My a
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.

There's a difference between a discussion and a concerted, planned program.

Nice ad hominem with the bigot label also. You may feel free to go fuck yourself. I have not advocated bigotry. Period. Common sense adherence to some protocol for introduction of a program like this isn't bigotry and if you think it is it is only because you know you're wrong and can do no better than reaching for your label card.
Read this thread and tell me that you are not disgusted by some of the off color comments others on your side are posting... I don't like labels but with all this discriminatory sexual perversion talk I have no choice but to call it what it is... You are presenting more civilized arguments without using the hatespeech, i'll give you that.

My side?

What side is that? The follow sensible protocols side?

I've clearly stated, several times, that I have no philosophical issue with such a program, as long as it is forwarded through proper channels.
Apologies, I've been dealing with two psycho ladies who have been spewing garbage about this subject along with a handful of others on this thread. I did not mean to lump you into that category. Your arguments have been rational and while I do not completely agree I also do not completely object. If a new muslim student was transferred to a school and the teacher or counselor made the rounds to talk to the children about why this new student may dress different or act different, I do not think that needs to go through a large approval process to be made into the curriculum. I see this situation as the same as the one we are talking about. It is the schools job to create a safe environment for all students and awareness is a big part of that.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.

Yeah, teaching tolerance, disgusting. She should be teaching them how to kill gay people, and learn to say "n*gger" every five minutes too.
None of this shit belongs in school. PERIOD.She is there to teach them to read,start learning math and etc. Not about sexual stuff.Especially sexual perversion.

You can thank your "enlightened" and "Progressive" Union members for that.....That's why my Grandkids attend private, Christian school.
My a

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.

There's a difference between a discussion and a concerted, planned program.

Nice ad hominem with the bigot label also. You may feel free to go fuck yourself. I have not advocated bigotry. Period. Common sense adherence to some protocol for introduction of a program like this isn't bigotry and if you think it is it is only because you know you're wrong and can do no better than reaching for your label card.
Read this thread and tell me that you are not disgusted by some of the off color comments others on your side are posting... I don't like labels but with all this discriminatory sexual perversion talk I have no choice but to call it what it is... You are presenting more civilized arguments without using the hatespeech, i'll give you that.

My side?

What side is that? The follow sensible protocols side?

I've clearly stated, several times, that I have no philosophical issue with such a program, as long as it is forwarded through proper channels.
Apologies, I've been dealing with two psycho ladies who have been spewing garbage about this subject along with a handful of others on this thread. I did not mean to lump you into that category. Your arguments have been rational and while I do not completely agree I also do not completely object. If a new muslim student was transferred to a school and the teacher or counselor made the rounds to talk to the children about why this new student may dress different or act different, I do not think that needs to go through a large approval process to be made into the curriculum. I see this situation as the same as the one we are talking about. It is the schools job to create a safe environment for all students and awareness is a big part of that.

No problem. It's all good. Things get heated here and I know it's easy to assume that someone that doesn't completely agree must be the enemy and go into attack mode. I appreciate your actually considering what I was saying although it may run somewhat counter to your personal view on the issue.
My a

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.

There's a difference between a discussion and a concerted, planned program.

Nice ad hominem with the bigot label also. You may feel free to go fuck yourself. I have not advocated bigotry. Period. Common sense adherence to some protocol for introduction of a program like this isn't bigotry and if you think it is it is only because you know you're wrong and can do no better than reaching for your label card.
Read this thread and tell me that you are not disgusted by some of the off color comments others on your side are posting... I don't like labels but with all this discriminatory sexual perversion talk I have no choice but to call it what it is... You are presenting more civilized arguments without using the hatespeech, i'll give you that.

My side?

What side is that? The follow sensible protocols side?

I've clearly stated, several times, that I have no philosophical issue with such a program, as long as it is forwarded through proper channels.
Apologies, I've been dealing with two psycho ladies who have been spewing garbage about this subject along with a handful of others on this thread. I did not mean to lump you into that category. Your arguments have been rational and while I do not completely agree I also do not completely object. If a new muslim student was transferred to a school and the teacher or counselor made the rounds to talk to the children about why this new student may dress different or act different, I do not think that needs to go through a large approval process to be made into the curriculum. I see this situation as the same as the one we are talking about. It is the schools job to create a safe environment for all students and awareness is a big part of that.
This is why we teach children to be kind and polite to everybody.

Which can be.done without grooming them for homo sex.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, cares what they do. As long as they aren't doing it, or talking about it, with our children. I don't want teachers talking to my children about.how wonderful their homosexual relationships are. They can do that at AA or with their shrinks.

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