Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4


Did you read what I wrote?

I said the country should decide the direction it wants to go in. Tolerance or intolerance, skills or lack of skills, whatever.

Therefore the education community can then get together and work out how best to implement teaching students in this manner. I didn't say it was the system. I said this is how it should be.

How do we decide what is okay and what isn't okay? Well that's a question. There are many ways of doing such a thing. In the US partisan politics has got to such a point where it's be almost impossible to come to a consensus.

Saying that most people support the constitution and the constitution states that people can do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people, and within the laws. So, that's a good place to start, you'd have thought.

There isn't a methodology, the US is slipping down a slope into an abyss because the people can't decide anything. So everything is just going into some kind of chaos with each side ripping it apart and trying to mold it into something they want, and it turning into an ugly monster.

If the people want the US to move forwards, they're going to have to learn to cooperate together and move towards something useful.

Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....

The point being made was that a teacher shouldn't be the one deciding the course of action.

Then you made the point that it should be up to the school and parents to decide. I said it should be up to the country as a whole to decide.

All of a sudden talking about who should be in charge of making such decisions has gone from the topic to not the topic all because you decided it was so.

Surely talking about whether teachers should tell kids about gay people or not is what this discussion is about, and talking about who should decide what is taught in schools is part of this discussion.

But, by all means, destroy the issues that are part of this topic so you don't need to deal with them.

So how does the country as a whole decide?

I've tried actually to rationally discuss this with you, but it seems you'd like to ride a unicorn over yon rainbow to chase what should be instead of talking about this rationally in terms of what is practicable.

The nation should decide? fine, then tell this teacher to stfu until it does.

Well, I actually said this.

Either through politicians making the decision. You know, we elect them do make such decisions.
Or by having people take a vote in a referendum.
Or by following the Constitution and saying that all people should be treated equally, and they can do what they like as long as they don't hurt people, and teaching this sort of thing. You know the people have legitimized the Constitution for a long time now.

As for your unicorn comments, well.....

You seem to think rational arguments are me agreeing with you. Er... doesn't work like that.

At present primary school teachers have a lot of leeway in what they can teach.

Should a teacher only teach things they've been specifically authorized to teach?

So if a kid can't do his shoelaces up, but the teacher hasn't been authorized to teach them that, then they have to tell the kid they can't teach it to them?

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Why shouldn't a teacher tell kids about their own family?

No a rational argument would be something realistic, practicable I think is the word I used, not necessarily agreeing with me, but certainly not waxing on about reforming how the entire country decides on policy directions to then inform teachers of what they should teach.

That is a trip on a unicorn if there ever was one..

Well what you think is realistic and what I think is realistic might be two different things based upon experience.

You say the national govt deciding what kids learn isn't realistic, why not? It happens in a lot of countries. As it happens it's therefore realistic.

You think it's a trip on a unicorn, I know it exists. Do you see the problem here?
The way to stop the lesbian teacher from grooming children is to take her aside, maybe at her home and explain how displeasing it is, since you know where she lives and all.

"since you know where she lives and all", I have served Jury Duty more than once and that is a terroristic threat if I am a Juror during the criminal trial.
Where is the threat? A concerned parent making a home visit to let the teacher know that grooming children for homosexual contact is unacceptable is hardly a threat. After all, teachers make home visits all the time.
The way things are today, gently explaining to a teacher that their conduct is known to be grooming behavior should be enough to stop the behavior. Otherwise, all parents will be notified. The issue will be made public. Perhaps an interview with the local newspaper or television station.
The way to stop the lesbian teacher from grooming children is to take her aside, maybe at her home and explain how displeasing it is, since you know where she lives and all.

"since you know where she lives and all", I have served Jury Duty more than once and that is a terroristic threat if I am a Juror during the criminal trial.
Where is the threat? A concerned parent making a home visit to let the teacher know that grooming children for homosexual contact is unacceptable is hardly a threat. After all, teachers make home visits all the time.

It is a conspiracy! They start out showing the kid a Richards Simmons "Dancing to the Oldies" tape, and the next thing you know, they are teaching them in the fine art of interior decorations and flower arrangements!
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Isnt that part of the school experience ? Learning about the world and stuff.
The way things are today, gently explaining to a teacher that their conduct is known to be grooming behavior should be enough to stop the behavior. Otherwise, all parents will be notified. The issue will be made public. Perhaps an interview with the local newspaper or television station.

Then again, if the teacher is stupid enough to believe that that behavior is "grooming" then they shouldn't be in the classroom in the first place.
Why would it be important for the sodomite/freakazoid community that grammar school kids "accept" their lifestyle? Maybe to increase the pedophile playing field?

You could say the same thing about the Right's teaching kids the rightwing version of 'family values'.
Are other teachers free then to 'teach' whatever topics they want?

Should Billy Bob teach the finer points of handguns, hunting and survivalism?

Should a Catholic teacher teach that abortion is killing babies?

Want to make it part of the curriculum, that's one thing, but allowing any teacher to just decide they can/should/will 'teach' whatever they want because of their personal belief system, whatever it is, is a slippery slope indeed.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?

She already said she would. She said she wouldn't let her children play with the children of "those perverts" is what she said so yes, she would punish the child for the "sins" of the parents.
Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....

The point being made was that a teacher shouldn't be the one deciding the course of action.

Then you made the point that it should be up to the school and parents to decide. I said it should be up to the country as a whole to decide.

All of a sudden talking about who should be in charge of making such decisions has gone from the topic to not the topic all because you decided it was so.

Surely talking about whether teachers should tell kids about gay people or not is what this discussion is about, and talking about who should decide what is taught in schools is part of this discussion.

But, by all means, destroy the issues that are part of this topic so you don't need to deal with them.

So how does the country as a whole decide?

I've tried actually to rationally discuss this with you, but it seems you'd like to ride a unicorn over yon rainbow to chase what should be instead of talking about this rationally in terms of what is practicable.

The nation should decide? fine, then tell this teacher to stfu until it does.

Well, I actually said this.

Either through politicians making the decision. You know, we elect them do make such decisions.
Or by having people take a vote in a referendum.
Or by following the Constitution and saying that all people should be treated equally, and they can do what they like as long as they don't hurt people, and teaching this sort of thing. You know the people have legitimized the Constitution for a long time now.

As for your unicorn comments, well.....

You seem to think rational arguments are me agreeing with you. Er... doesn't work like that.

At present primary school teachers have a lot of leeway in what they can teach.

Should a teacher only teach things they've been specifically authorized to teach?

So if a kid can't do his shoelaces up, but the teacher hasn't been authorized to teach them that, then they have to tell the kid they can't teach it to them?

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Why shouldn't a teacher tell kids about their own family?

No a rational argument would be something realistic, practicable I think is the word I used, not necessarily agreeing with me, but certainly not waxing on about reforming how the entire country decides on policy directions to then inform teachers of what they should teach.

That is a trip on a unicorn if there ever was one..

Well what you think is realistic and what I think is realistic might be two different things based upon experience.

You say the national govt deciding what kids learn isn't realistic, why not? It happens in a lot of countries. As it happens it's therefore realistic.

You think it's a trip on a unicorn, I know it exists. Do you see the problem here?

Now it's the government. Before it was the country as a whole.

To some people there's a big difference between those two things.

Words: mean stuff.

You're either adapting your argument to eschew your unicorn or simply unclear. Maybe I missed that someplace, I dunno. If so I apologize

In either/any case I have been, without question, advocating for the use of the systems in place, such as the schoolboard, which is typically the people elected for these purposes (aka the government), since minute 1.

Thanks for finally seeing the light.
Apples and Oranges... Try using realistic comparisons next time. We are talking about children being exposed to what other children are either living with at home (with LBGT) parents, or what some may be going through in a few years. Children shouldn't be seeing this stuff and scratching their head, vomiting in their mouths, and then bullying the "different" kids in school. Explaining that people have families with two moms or dads is not politicizing an issue like your guns and abortion examples, its a real life situation that children face in school.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?

She already said she would. She said she wouldn't let her children play with the children of "those perverts" is what she said so yes, she would punish the child for the "sins" of the parents.
It's not a punishment. There is no right to friendship from any individual.

The words "I am not your friend " is not a punishment.

boloney. this is a politically charged subject as well, like it or not.

and my main point, again, is that this is not something any single teacher should be deciding.

just because you may agree with her position doesn't mean that what she did, in the context of just deciding on her own to forward an agenda within a public school, is correct, or should be tolerated.

for the umpteenth time in this thread. this would be fine if taken through proper channels and implemented as part of approved curriculum. without that approval she has no right to do this.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?

She already said she would. She said she wouldn't let her children play with the children of "those perverts" is what she said so yes, she would punish the child for the "sins" of the parents.
It's not a punishment. There is no right to friendship from any individual.

The words "I am not your friend " is not a punishment.
Whats wrong with you? I'll try and slow down and make it real simple so you can understand... You say it's not punishment to promote a culture where a child of gay parents is shunned in school? You think it is ok for these children to be labeled as damaged and different. If all parents adapted your point of view what kind of environment does that foster for children of gay's and for children who realize they are gay at a young age?

Imagine it is your child or grandchild that realizes they are gay when they turn 7... The fact that you are promoting the isolation and discrimination of grade school children shows how out of touch you are... The fact you would promote the labeling of these children as perverts, is just plain wrong... Usually I say, "to each their own" however, I fear for any children that are taught the garbage "values" you've been touting... I'm glad your job as a parent is finished and I can only hope that your offspring are strong minded and have evolved so that they don't pass your hatefulness on to future generations.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...
I NEVER knew who or what my teacher was married to. I was there to be taught math,science,history,English,PE,Art,Music ETC ETC. This dumb dyke took it upon herself to FORCE her beliefs on 4 year olds.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
Why? What does it matter if they know about it? It's not going to do anything to their development whatsoever. It might make them more tolerant perhaps. That way they won't turn out like you.
The fact you have to be explained this is oddly not surprising. Her role as a TEACHER is to TEACH EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS APPROVED BY THE STATE and SCHOOL. NOT push HER personal views of homosexuality on 4 year olds. That bitch did that shit here she would have her license yanked.
Good for her.
Of course scum like you would think brainwashing 4 year old's against their parents wishes is good.

Yes, I'm aware that conservatives would consider teaching tolerance of the rightfully tolerable 'brainwashing'.

Yes I'm aware that libtards don't comprehend THIS is why kids are ignorant towards actual SUBJECTS like Math,Science,English,History etc and know ALL about homosexual deviance etc. This bitch should lose her job and license. PERIOD. Teach your own kids what you want we will do the same.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...
I NEVER knew who or what my teacher was married to. I was there to be taught math,science,history,English,PE,Art,Music ETC ETC. This dumb dyke took it upon herself to FORCE her beliefs on 4 year olds.
Hey dumbshit, she wasn't forcing her beliefs, she was describing a reality... something that is different and misunderstood by children... She was not "grooming", molding, or encouraging children to adapt this lifestyle, she was simply saying it exists, she is part of it, and her family is not any different than other family's. This message isn't simply meant to help the kids accept her, but to also accept other kids who have gay parents or other kids who realize they are LGBT... This fosters a safer and more accepting school environment, which is part of the schools job. To teach and to create a safe social environment for the children.

You are an ignorant bigot so you will not understand why acceptance and equality is a good thing. You want LGBT to be labeled as perverts and to be treated as different. It's no wonder we will never agree... All I can say is that your mentality has been rejected by the majority of Americans, and like the slave owners, you will be phased out of our society hopefully sooner rather than later.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...
I NEVER knew who or what my teacher was married to. I was there to be taught math,science,history,English,PE,Art,Music ETC ETC. This dumb dyke took it upon herself to FORCE her beliefs on 4 year olds.
Hey dumbshit, she wasn't forcing her beliefs, she was describing a reality... something that is different and misunderstood by children... She was not "grooming", molding, or encouraging children to adapt this lifestyle, she was simply saying it exists, she is part of it, and her family is not any different than other family's. This message isn't simply meant to help the kids accept her, but to also accept other kids who have gay parents or other kids who realize they are LGBT... This fosters a safer and more accepting school environment, which is part of the schools job. To teach and to create a safe social environment for the children.

You are an ignorant bigot so you will not understand why acceptance and equality is a good thing. You want LGBT to be labeled as perverts and to be treated as different. It's no wonder we will never agree... All I can say is that your mentality has been rejected by the majority of Americans, and like the slave owners, you will be phased out of our society hopefully sooner rather than later.
Again I NEVER in my 12 years of school ask or be informed of ANY of my teachers sexual preference or who they were married to nor did ANY of us care. 4 year olds sure in the hell don't care
I think I can understand Odium's point of view. If I were a member of Westboro Baptist Church, I, too would resent someone from the real world trying to reverse all the brainwashing that I had managed to accomplish on my kid.
It doesn't have to be part of a curriculum to be discussed in school... My girl is a school counselor and deals with the social and emotional health of students from K-8. So many situations come up that are situational whether it be helping kids understand divorce, a new student that is muslim, a student that has gay parents, eating disorders or a teacher that happens to be gay. These are all things that are real and part of these kids lives while they are in school. There is nothing wrong with having talks with children about the things they are faced with that they may not understand. I feel sorry for the kid that makes a friend that has gay parents and when they go home are told that their new friend is living with pervert homo's, it is just plain wrong... All you bigots on this thread that are posting these disgusting prejudicial comments, you should be ashamed of yourselves... Yall are the problem.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?

She already said she would. She said she wouldn't let her children play with the children of "those perverts" is what she said so yes, she would punish the child for the "sins" of the parents.
It's not a punishment. There is no right to friendship from any individual.

The words "I am not your friend " is not a punishment.
Whats wrong with you? I'll try and slow down and make it real simple so you can understand... You say it's not punishment to promote a culture where a child of gay parents is shunned in school? You think it is ok for these children to be labeled as damaged and different. If all parents adapted your point of view what kind of environment does that foster for children of gay's and for children who realize they are gay at a young age?

Imagine it is your child or grandchild that realizes they are gay when they turn 7... The fact that you are promoting the isolation and discrimination of grade school children shows how out of touch you are... The fact you would promote the labeling of these children as perverts, is just plain wrong... Usually I say, "to each their own" however, I fear for any children that are taught the garbage "values" you've been touting... I'm glad your job as a parent is finished and I can only hope that your offspring are strong minded and have evolved so that they don't pass your hatefulness on to future generations.
If there is a child of Gay parents in school that is being shunned because of their parents, it is entirely the fault of those parents. There are no accidental pregnancies in same sex families. Maybe the selfish gays should think before they subject children to such treatment. Children aren't gay when they turn 7. If a 7 year old wants sex, it's because they were groomed to accept it.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...
I NEVER knew who or what my teacher was married to. I was there to be taught math,science,history,English,PE,Art,Music ETC ETC. This dumb dyke took it upon herself to FORCE her beliefs on 4 year olds.
Hey dumbshit, she wasn't forcing her beliefs, she was describing a reality... something that is different and misunderstood by children... She was not "grooming", molding, or encouraging children to adapt this lifestyle, she was simply saying it exists, she is part of it, and her family is not any different than other family's. This message isn't simply meant to help the kids accept her, but to also accept other kids who have gay parents or other kids who realize they are LGBT... This fosters a safer and more accepting school environment, which is part of the schools job. To teach and to create a safe social environment for the children.

You are an ignorant bigot so you will not understand why acceptance and equality is a good thing. You want LGBT to be labeled as perverts and to be treated as different. It's no wonder we will never agree... All I can say is that your mentality has been rejected by the majority of Americans, and like the slave owners, you will be phased out of our society hopefully sooner rather than later.
Again I NEVER in my 12 years of school ask or be informed of ANY of my teachers sexual preference or who they were married to nor did ANY of us care. 4 year olds sure in the hell don't care
So what?

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