Lesbian Teacher: How I convince kids to accept "gay marriage" starting at 4

Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, cares what they do. As long as they aren't doing it, or talking about it, with our children. I don't want teachers talking to my children about.how wonderful their homosexual relationships are. They can do that at AA or with their shrinks.
So the fuck what? What do you think is going to happen to your kid exactly? Just because you are immature enough to believe it is some kind of disease, it doesn't mean it actually is. Your kid would be completely unchanged by this besides perhaps not thinking its a big deal his teacher is gay. That's it. Life goes on.
I know what happened. I wasn't commenting on what happened, but on what I believe should happen, as you had done.

So if I moved the goalposts, then you clearly did, as I merely made my thoughts known on what you had said. Jeez.

So you think a teacher should be able to advocate in an organised fashion such as this whatever they'd like, as long as the country thinks it's ok.

I'll shelve the obvious 'but that's not the system' as you're then saying, I think, that you don't care if that's the system or not.

I guess I'm wondering then how it's decided what's ok and what isn't according to the country if that's the new system. If it's popular? If it's ________? What?

I don't see any logical means of implementing this methodology going forward, and I'm actually being serious, as I don't see a methodology. I guess that's where I'm just baffled that anyone could argue that, as it isn't even clear what is being argued for.


Did you read what I wrote?

I said the country should decide the direction it wants to go in. Tolerance or intolerance, skills or lack of skills, whatever.

Therefore the education community can then get together and work out how best to implement teaching students in this manner. I didn't say it was the system. I said this is how it should be.

How do we decide what is okay and what isn't okay? Well that's a question. There are many ways of doing such a thing. In the US partisan politics has got to such a point where it's be almost impossible to come to a consensus.

Saying that most people support the constitution and the constitution states that people can do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people, and within the laws. So, that's a good place to start, you'd have thought.

There isn't a methodology, the US is slipping down a slope into an abyss because the people can't decide anything. So everything is just going into some kind of chaos with each side ripping it apart and trying to mold it into something they want, and it turning into an ugly monster.

If the people want the US to move forwards, they're going to have to learn to cooperate together and move towards something useful.

Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....

The point being made was that a teacher shouldn't be the one deciding the course of action.

Then you made the point that it should be up to the school and parents to decide. I said it should be up to the country as a whole to decide.

All of a sudden talking about who should be in charge of making such decisions has gone from the topic to not the topic all because you decided it was so.

Surely talking about whether teachers should tell kids about gay people or not is what this discussion is about, and talking about who should decide what is taught in schools is part of this discussion.

But, by all means, destroy the issues that are part of this topic so you don't need to deal with them.

So how does the country as a whole decide?

I've tried actually to rationally discuss this with you, but it seems you'd like to ride a unicorn over yon rainbow to chase what should be instead of talking about this rationally in terms of what is practicable.

The nation should decide? fine, then tell this teacher to stfu until it does.

Well, I actually said this.

Either through politicians making the decision. You know, we elect them do make such decisions.
Or by having people take a vote in a referendum.
Or by following the Constitution and saying that all people should be treated equally, and they can do what they like as long as they don't hurt people, and teaching this sort of thing. You know the people have legitimized the Constitution for a long time now.

As for your unicorn comments, well.....

You seem to think rational arguments are me agreeing with you. Er... doesn't work like that.

At present primary school teachers have a lot of leeway in what they can teach.

Should a teacher only teach things they've been specifically authorized to teach?

So if a kid can't do his shoelaces up, but the teacher hasn't been authorized to teach them that, then they have to tell the kid they can't teach it to them?

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Why shouldn't a teacher tell kids about their own family?
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends.
Since I obviously have no clue how your warped mind works let me ask you this... Do you think it is the childs fault for having gay parents? Do you think this child should be punished and deserving of having no friends in school?
Why would I think that?
I'm talking to your genius friend Tipsy who said: "Why would a child choose to make a friend of a child that lives with perverts? Surely the kid would be taught to be discerning when making friends."
Feel free to respond if you also have some warped way of justifying her statement.
Way to avoid this one... Hopefully the absurdity of you and your friends mindset is starting to sink in...
When I was four years old and in kindergarten, my parents told me to never accept a ride from anyone when walking home from school. They said the stranger will cut off your penis which scared me to death but that crime had recently happened near where I lived and already knew about it from adults talking about it.
So you think a teacher should be able to advocate in an organised fashion such as this whatever they'd like, as long as the country thinks it's ok.

I'll shelve the obvious 'but that's not the system' as you're then saying, I think, that you don't care if that's the system or not.

I guess I'm wondering then how it's decided what's ok and what isn't according to the country if that's the new system. If it's popular? If it's ________? What?

I don't see any logical means of implementing this methodology going forward, and I'm actually being serious, as I don't see a methodology. I guess that's where I'm just baffled that anyone could argue that, as it isn't even clear what is being argued for.


Did you read what I wrote?

I said the country should decide the direction it wants to go in. Tolerance or intolerance, skills or lack of skills, whatever.

Therefore the education community can then get together and work out how best to implement teaching students in this manner. I didn't say it was the system. I said this is how it should be.

How do we decide what is okay and what isn't okay? Well that's a question. There are many ways of doing such a thing. In the US partisan politics has got to such a point where it's be almost impossible to come to a consensus.

Saying that most people support the constitution and the constitution states that people can do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people, and within the laws. So, that's a good place to start, you'd have thought.

There isn't a methodology, the US is slipping down a slope into an abyss because the people can't decide anything. So everything is just going into some kind of chaos with each side ripping it apart and trying to mold it into something they want, and it turning into an ugly monster.

If the people want the US to move forwards, they're going to have to learn to cooperate together and move towards something useful.

Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....

The point being made was that a teacher shouldn't be the one deciding the course of action.

Then you made the point that it should be up to the school and parents to decide. I said it should be up to the country as a whole to decide.

All of a sudden talking about who should be in charge of making such decisions has gone from the topic to not the topic all because you decided it was so.

Surely talking about whether teachers should tell kids about gay people or not is what this discussion is about, and talking about who should decide what is taught in schools is part of this discussion.

But, by all means, destroy the issues that are part of this topic so you don't need to deal with them.

So how does the country as a whole decide?

I've tried actually to rationally discuss this with you, but it seems you'd like to ride a unicorn over yon rainbow to chase what should be instead of talking about this rationally in terms of what is practicable.

The nation should decide? fine, then tell this teacher to stfu until it does.

Well, I actually said this.

Either through politicians making the decision. You know, we elect them do make such decisions.
Or by having people take a vote in a referendum.
Or by following the Constitution and saying that all people should be treated equally, and they can do what they like as long as they don't hurt people, and teaching this sort of thing. You know the people have legitimized the Constitution for a long time now.

As for your unicorn comments, well.....

You seem to think rational arguments are me agreeing with you. Er... doesn't work like that.

At present primary school teachers have a lot of leeway in what they can teach.

Should a teacher only teach things they've been specifically authorized to teach?

So if a kid can't do his shoelaces up, but the teacher hasn't been authorized to teach them that, then they have to tell the kid they can't teach it to them?

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Why shouldn't a teacher tell kids about their own family?
Because they aren't hired to teach children about their family.
It is not the child's fault because his parents are abusing him. Because the child is being abused, he is a carrier for the abuse being normal behavior. The kid is a mental Typhoid Mary. It's a shame that anyone would do this to a child but the burden doesn't belong to every other child.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...
It is not the child's fault because his parents are abusing him. Because the child is being abused, he is a carrier for the abuse being normal behavior. The kid is a mental Typhoid Mary. It's a shame that anyone would do this to a child but the burden doesn't belong to every other child.
Too much wine for you, time to go night night...
Perverts will never agree that they shouldn't be allowed to teach children about perversion. And that is why people are never going to accept homos. You see it right here. They aren't happy with grooming only their own children..they are adamant that they be given carte blanche to everybody's kids.

Isn't going to happen and until you stop pushng it, people are going to suspect all of you of being pedos.

But it's a mental illness. You will never understand, and you will never change.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...

Young kids today don't have the luxury of working on a hard scrapple farm when young where they learn about animal sex both gay and straight at a young age. I would shout, Aunt Evelyn the cows are playing piggyback again and here came Aunt Evelyn with a broom to make the cows stop lesbian sex.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
Why? What does it matter if they know about it? It's not going to do anything to their development whatsoever. It might make them more tolerant perhaps. That way they won't turn out like you.
So you think a teacher should be able to advocate in an organised fashion such as this whatever they'd like, as long as the country thinks it's ok.

I'll shelve the obvious 'but that's not the system' as you're then saying, I think, that you don't care if that's the system or not.

I guess I'm wondering then how it's decided what's ok and what isn't according to the country if that's the new system. If it's popular? If it's ________? What?

I don't see any logical means of implementing this methodology going forward, and I'm actually being serious, as I don't see a methodology. I guess that's where I'm just baffled that anyone could argue that, as it isn't even clear what is being argued for.


Did you read what I wrote?

I said the country should decide the direction it wants to go in. Tolerance or intolerance, skills or lack of skills, whatever.

Therefore the education community can then get together and work out how best to implement teaching students in this manner. I didn't say it was the system. I said this is how it should be.

How do we decide what is okay and what isn't okay? Well that's a question. There are many ways of doing such a thing. In the US partisan politics has got to such a point where it's be almost impossible to come to a consensus.

Saying that most people support the constitution and the constitution states that people can do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people, and within the laws. So, that's a good place to start, you'd have thought.

There isn't a methodology, the US is slipping down a slope into an abyss because the people can't decide anything. So everything is just going into some kind of chaos with each side ripping it apart and trying to mold it into something they want, and it turning into an ugly monster.

If the people want the US to move forwards, they're going to have to learn to cooperate together and move towards something useful.

Of course I read what you wrote. As we were discussing school policy I guess I kinda figured we still were, rather than talking about some overarching new completely hypothetical national approach to policymaking that would then trickle down somehow (not sure how) to educators.

Some of the rest of your comments I don't necessarily disagree with, although it would seem that we've drifted far enough off topic for the time being....

The point being made was that a teacher shouldn't be the one deciding the course of action.

Then you made the point that it should be up to the school and parents to decide. I said it should be up to the country as a whole to decide.

All of a sudden talking about who should be in charge of making such decisions has gone from the topic to not the topic all because you decided it was so.

Surely talking about whether teachers should tell kids about gay people or not is what this discussion is about, and talking about who should decide what is taught in schools is part of this discussion.

But, by all means, destroy the issues that are part of this topic so you don't need to deal with them.

So how does the country as a whole decide?

I've tried actually to rationally discuss this with you, but it seems you'd like to ride a unicorn over yon rainbow to chase what should be instead of talking about this rationally in terms of what is practicable.

The nation should decide? fine, then tell this teacher to stfu until it does.

Well, I actually said this.

Either through politicians making the decision. You know, we elect them do make such decisions.
Or by having people take a vote in a referendum.
Or by following the Constitution and saying that all people should be treated equally, and they can do what they like as long as they don't hurt people, and teaching this sort of thing. You know the people have legitimized the Constitution for a long time now.

As for your unicorn comments, well.....

You seem to think rational arguments are me agreeing with you. Er... doesn't work like that.

At present primary school teachers have a lot of leeway in what they can teach.

Should a teacher only teach things they've been specifically authorized to teach?

So if a kid can't do his shoelaces up, but the teacher hasn't been authorized to teach them that, then they have to tell the kid they can't teach it to them?

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Why shouldn't a teacher tell kids about their own family?

No a rational argument would be something realistic, practicable I think is the word I used, not necessarily agreeing with me, but certainly not waxing on about reforming how the entire country decides on policy directions to then inform teachers of what they should teach.

That is a trip on a unicorn if there ever was one..
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...

Young kids today don't have the luxury of working on a hard scrapple farm when young where they learn about animal sex both gay and straight at a young age. I would shout, Aunt Evelyn the cows are playing piggyback again and here came Aunt Evelyn with a broom to make the cows stop lesbian sex.
Dry humpers!
Perverts will never agree that they shouldn't be allowed to teach children about perversion. And that is why people are never going to accept homos. You see it right here. They aren't happy with grooming only their own children..they are adamant that they be given carte blanche to everybody's kids.

Isn't going to happen and until you stop pushng it, people are going to suspect all of you of being pedos.

But it's a mental illness. You will never understand, and you will never change.
Hmm so why isn't it in the DSM then?
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...

Young kids today don't have the luxury of working on a hard scrapple farm when young where they learn about animal sex both gay and straight at a young age. I would shout, Aunt Evelyn the cows are playing piggyback again and here came Aunt Evelyn with a broom to make the cows stop lesbian sex.
Dude, your stories are hilarious... Are you and TipsyCatLover drinking together?
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...

Young kids today don't have the luxury of working on a hard scrapple farm when young where they learn about animal sex both gay and straight at a young age. I would shout, Aunt Evelyn the cows are playing piggyback again and here came Aunt Evelyn with a broom to make the cows stop lesbian sex.
Animals are not homosexuals. When deprived of a mate they will engage in homosexual behavior that stops when they are presented with an opposite sex matem

Animals are not romantically inclined. They are not stimulated in the same way humans are.
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old

Disgusting bitch. So glad I am very involved in my kids schooling....this shit would have been stopped before it started.
Who the fuck cares what a small percentage of the population does with their genitals? The earth is over populated as it is. You people need to grow the fuck up.
Exactly so there is no reason for let 4 year olds or ANY kids know about it in school. If parents want to let them know they can.
You act like this is a sexual education course discussion, which would be a much more substantive one. This had nothing to do with sex. The damn teacher had a wife, instead of the kids being confused about it she had an open discussion. No grooming, molding, or perverted agenda... simple and innocent. Stop turning it into something more than it is...

Young kids today don't have the luxury of working on a hard scrapple farm when young where they learn about animal sex both gay and straight at a young age. I would shout, Aunt Evelyn the cows are playing piggyback again and here came Aunt Evelyn with a broom to make the cows stop lesbian sex.
Dude, your stories are hilarious... Are you and TipsyCatLover drinking together?

Who is TipsyCatl? I tell only humorous and short anecdotes about my life and am happy that I gave you a chuckle this early morning.
The way to stop the lesbian teacher from grooming children is to take her aside, maybe at her home and explain how displeasing it is, since you know where she lives and all.
The way to stop the lesbian teacher from grooming children is to take her aside, maybe at her home and explain how displeasing it is, since you know where she lives and all.

"since you know where she lives and all", I have served Jury Duty more than once and that is a terroristic threat if I am a Juror during the criminal trial.

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