Less than 0.5% of Americans care about the Russia nonsense.

At roughly the 15 minute mark through 17 minuts the numbers are broken down

It's incredible to see that some who post on this site are STILL stuck on "Russia, Russia, Russia!" These poor souls have obviously been brainwashed beyond hope by our hideously biased media. Very sad.
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
Please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks!
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
still nothing to back your claim. Nothing. all stories, books with fictional existence to make your heart not ache. that's pathetic friend.
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
still nothing to back your claim. Nothing. all stories, books with fictional existence to make your heart not ache. that's pathetic friend.
Siete, the one with an I.Q. of 7, has been brainwashed beyond help. Poor thing.........
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
Please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks!

please quit kissing russian ass - this is the USA

Again, please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks SO much!

Russian ^^^^^^^^^^

fu so much
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
Please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks!

please quit kissing russian ass - this is the USA

Again, please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks SO much!

Russian ^^^^^^^^^^

fu so much
One MORE time, please refer to post #42 in this thread. You're QUITE welcome.
Obama expelled 35 Russians for election hacking

Trump and his drones suck Russians so they will hack our elections

see the difference
Trump is now demanding all employees of the intelligence community be totally loyal to Trump.
Isn’t being loyal to the United States more important, than being loyal toTrump?
This crap is just another confirmation that we are Banana Republic. Now the citizens of this country will get Trump filtered intelligence.
And the Trump zombies don’t care. You are easily manipulated are like sheep going to their own slaughter and are clueless about what is happening.
Man, you people are so fucking gullible.
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
Please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks!

please quit kissing russian ass - this is the USA

seems you're falling for the russia hoax huh? it's you giving into what putin is looking for, another four years of your party all fked in the head. the only interference is between your ears.
Last edited:
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
Please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks!

please quit kissing russian ass - this is the USA

Again, please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks SO much!

Russian ^^^^^^^^^^

fu so much
only between your ears. no evidence even in the original claim. so the noise is between your ears.
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
Please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks!

please quit kissing russian ass - this is the USA

Again, please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks SO much!

Russian ^^^^^^^^^^

fu so much
only between your ears. no evidence even in the original claim. so the noise is between your ears.
It must be horrific to be as dumb and brainwashed as Siete obviously is. Just dreadful.
At roughly the 15 minute mark through 17 minuts the numbers are broken down

Those Russians are so crafty and skillful tha they managed to get Trump elected by giving Clinton the majority of the popular vote. You've got to keep your eyes open every minute when dealing with those people.
after all the $$$ Reagan spent protecting this country from Russians every "who cares" republican needs to be shipped to KGB headquarters at the Kremlin, and drop kicked in the nuts.
Please refer to post #42 in this thread. Thanks!

please quit kissing russian ass - this is the USA

You are a Russian stooge. Putin is playing you and your fellow Dimwinger idiots.

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