Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

[ MAGA, no good manners required. Bash hard working people as if their job was "so easy" ]

The true face of Kari Lake has never been much in doubt for anyone paying attention. But as election workers put in long hours counting the votes that will decide whether she becomes governor of Arizona or spend the next few years mouthing right-wing platitudes on Fox News, her seeming lack of any redeeming personal qualities or class has come more sharply into focus.

Lake has firmly hitched her wagon to the persona of Donald Trump, aping his crude mannerisms, racism, conspiracy-hyping, and general boorishness for the camera even as Republicans nationwide have belatedly begun to express serious buyers’ remorse at their disastrous, Trump-inspired performance in the 2022 midterms. Because of her telegenic appeal, before the election itself she was widely touted as being a “rising star” in the GOP, which places high value on such attributes.

As reported by Julia Mueller, writing for The Hill, Lake seems to be piqued that the votes in Arizona haven’t yet confirmed her expressed “100% certainty” that her fellow citizens actually saw fit on Nov. 8 to install her as governor.

“We can’t be the laughingstock of elections anymore here in Arizona. And, when I’m governor, I will not allow it. I just won’t.”
Lake has previously called the people responsible for counting her vote totals “incompetent,” so this is nothing particularly new:

Arizona Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake spoke to supporters early Wednesday morning as her race remained too close to call, expressing optimism while also railing against the state’s election officials.
Lake repeatedly called state election officials “incompetent” during her speech, referencing tabulation malfunctions in the state’s most populous county that led to an emergency lawsuit on Tuesday to extend voting hours.
As Mueller reports, Lake—who does not appear to have performed any election work in her life—also suggested that the fact that the process is taking so long to ensure her victory is a sure sign of such “incompetence,” rather than a consequence of a huge number of ballots and the logistical imperative of counting all of them in a very close election.

(full article online)

When faced with the ugliness of their own anti-democracy pandering, most of the 2020 Election Deniers have accepted the will of the 2022 voters — who by in large, rejected theirfake claims, for the Trump-garbage that it really is.

Most of these Trump sycophants have conceded their defeats, without so much as a fake tweet of Election Fraud, that once again does not exist.

So yeah, that is “progress” … chalk one up for Democracy ...

Trump’s election conspiracy boosters largely accept their own defeats

by Heidi Przybyla, Politico — 11/13/2022

DePerno, who remains under investigation for allegedly tampering with voting machines, conceded to the current attorney general, Dana Nessel, after losing by nearly 9 percentage points.
Trump-backed Tudor Dixon, who was vying for Michigan governor and had previously refused to commit to accepting the results of her race, also conceded her loss. So too did Tim Michels, the Wisconsin election denier who claimed Republicans would “never lose another election” if he were elected governor.
In the Nevada Senate race, Republican Adam Laxalt sent a tweet that gave no oxygen to Trump’s baseless claim as his lead over Democratic incumbent Catherine Cortez Masto evaporated on Saturday evening. He explained that she might “overtake us” and thanked his supporters for their prayers. Moments later, Cortez Masto was declared the winner, ensuring Democrats will retain control of the Senate. Laxalt was a state co-chair of Trump’s campaign and filed lawsuits seeking to overturn the results there.


the quality of being extremely cowardly (= not brave):
• The situation is made worse by the cravenness of politicians in refusing to tackle it.


(full article online)

[ The Grifter in Chief. How Trump continues to make a living. Never for the better of the American people, but his own. Donate to Kenya instead, folks. There is a terrible drought going on there ]

November 14, 2022 at 8:06 pm EST By Taegan Goddard111 Comments

“Republican politicians and associated committees are sending out desperate fundraising emails begging the GOP faithful to help save America by getting behind Herschel Walker in his Dec. 6 runoff race against Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock,” NBC News reports.

“But what’s not immediately clear to recipients is how little of that money is going to Walker’s campaign: just a dime for every dollar given by small donors.”

“Walker’s campaign, which has trailed Warnock’s in fundraising throughout the election, is now asking fellow Republicans to stop their fundraising practices — or at least start sharing more with the candidate.”


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