Let 'Em Die

Doctors will try to save your life even if you are in coma. If they know you have a chance. Even if you are pregnant and having a baby.

"New York state issued a blanket do-not-resuscitate directive last week instructing first-responders not to try to revive patients without a pulse amid increased call volumes and lack of resources during the coronavirus public health crisis"

“They’re not giving people a second chance to live anymore,’’ Oren Barzilay, the president of Local 2507, Uniformed EMT’s, Paramedics & Fire Inspectors Union, told the Post. “Our job is to bring patients back to life. This guideline takes that away from us.”

"If hospitalized patients infected with the virus begin to go into cardiac arrest, doctors and nurses must first dress in full personal protective equipment before beginning CPR, meaning some patients might die in the interim. Some doctors issue do-not-resuscitate orders for COVID-19 patients on a case to case basis without families signing off but blanket measures for all patients infected with the virus were considered too draconian by ethics professionals in the medical community."

Too 'draconian' for ethics professionals in the medical community perhaps, but we're talking about NEW YORK - forgetabout it.....Cardiac Patients are to be assumed as having COVID-19 by paramedics even if they have not been tested and proven to have the virus.

'F* 'em - Let 'em die!'

My suggestion - Try not to have a heart attack in New York!

My nurse friend in New York said the hospitals marked all Covid19 patients as Do Not Resusciatate, because of the lack of PPE's. It wasn't worth the risk to hospital staff.
"New York state issued a blanket do-not-resuscitate directive last week instructing first-responders not to try to revive patients without a pulse amid increased call volumes and lack of resources during the coronavirus public health crisis"

“They’re not giving people a second chance to live anymore,’’ Oren Barzilay, the president of Local 2507, Uniformed EMT’s, Paramedics & Fire Inspectors Union, told the Post. “Our job is to bring patients back to life. This guideline takes that away from us.”

"If hospitalized patients infected with the virus begin to go into cardiac arrest, doctors and nurses must first dress in full personal protective equipment before beginning CPR, meaning some patients might die in the interim. Some doctors issue do-not-resuscitate orders for COVID-19 patients on a case to case basis without families signing off but blanket measures for all patients infected with the virus were considered too draconian by ethics professionals in the medical community."

Too 'draconian' for ethics professionals in the medical community perhaps, but we're talking about NEW YORK - forgetabout it.....Cardiac Patients are to be assumed as having COVID-19 by paramedics even if they have not been tested and proven to have the virus.

'F* 'em - Let 'em die!'

My suggestion - Try not to have a heart attack in New York!

Doctors and Nurses facing these Coronavirus as front lines battling CV some already got sick and died.

And you are here discrediting them accusing them of MURDERS because you are so against Americans. How fucking dumb can you be?

So in triage, Corona Virus people are more important then heart attacks and similar!

That is not what it mean Dude. If you have a heart attack you can go to ER. But if you plan to have an ELECTIVE or NON EMERGENCY procedure that can wait. Then you wait.
No, YOU are wrong. They were advising EMTs to not bring heart attack patients in under certain circumstances
So in triage, Corona Virus people are more important then heart attacks and similar!

That is not what it mean Dude. If you have a heart attack you can go to ER. But if you plan to have an ELECTIVE or NON EMERGENCY procedure that can wait. Then you wait.
No, YOU are wrong. They were advising EMTs to not bring heart attack patients in under certain circumstances

You are talking NY that is overwhelm but that is not the general rule of entire US. My friend has a gynecomastia ( male breast enlargements) performed surgery yesterday at Cedars Sinai Los Angeles.

Actually it read this way. But they never said let them die just because of heart attack.

New York City Emergency Medical Service (EMS) teams who cannot find or restart a pulse while administering CPR on adult cardiac arrest patients have been instructed not to bring those patients to hospitals to mitigate the risk of Covid-19 exposure to EMS workers, according to a memo obtained by CNN and the chair of the regional emergency medical advisory committee familiar with the edict.
So in triage, Corona Virus people are more important then heart attacks and similar!

That is not what it mean Dude. If you have a heart attack you can go to ER. But if you plan to have an ELECTIVE or NON EMERGENCY procedure that can wait. Then you wait.
No, YOU are wrong. They were advising EMTs to not bring heart attack patients in under certain circumstances

So what is the point of bringing a patient to a hospital without a pulse?
In a regular situation before the CV when paramedics come to your house or at work or at foot ball game. . You just had a heart attack. After CPR and they did everything they can to save you. No pulse.
What’s the point of bringing you to hospital ER????
"New York state issued a blanket do-not-resuscitate directive last week instructing first-responders not to try to revive patients without a pulse amid increased call volumes and lack of resources during the coronavirus public health crisis"

“They’re not giving people a second chance to live anymore,’’ Oren Barzilay, the president of Local 2507, Uniformed EMT’s, Paramedics & Fire Inspectors Union, told the Post. “Our job is to bring patients back to life. This guideline takes that away from us.”

"If hospitalized patients infected with the virus begin to go into cardiac arrest, doctors and nurses must first dress in full personal protective equipment before beginning CPR, meaning some patients might die in the interim. Some doctors issue do-not-resuscitate orders for COVID-19 patients on a case to case basis without families signing off but blanket measures for all patients infected with the virus were considered too draconian by ethics professionals in the medical community."

Too 'draconian' for ethics professionals in the medical community perhaps, but we're talking about NEW YORK - forgetabout it.....Cardiac Patients are to be assumed as having COVID-19 by paramedics even if they have not been tested and proven to have the virus.

'F* 'em - Let 'em die!'

My suggestion - Try not to have a heart attack in New York!

Doctors and Nurses facing these Coronavirus as front lines battling CV some already got sick and died.

And you are here discrediting them accusing them of MURDERS because you are so against Americans. How fucking dumb can you be?

I am sorry my not agreeing with the governor of NY that paramedics should let heart attack victims die without trying to save them triggers you so.

How dare I? I value life...all life. I took an oath to protect and fight for others, and I still hold that oath seriously.

Perhaps my 30+ years of running TOWARDS danger to protect others, of NEVER giving up, of NEVER thinking of my own life 1st, and of NEVER saying, "FUCK 'em, let 'em die' has something to do with it.

So in triage, Corona Virus people are more important then heart attacks and similar!

That is not what it mean Dude. If you have a heart attack you can go to ER. But if you plan to have an ELECTIVE or NON EMERGENCY procedure that can wait. Then you wait.
No, YOU are wrong. They were advising EMTs to not bring heart attack patients in under certain circumstances

So what is the point of bringing a patient to a hospital without a pulse?
In a regular situation before the CV when paramedics come to your house or at work or at foot ball game. . You just had a heart attack. After CPR and they did everything they can to save you. No pulse.
What’s the point of bringing you to hospital ER????
You can't be that stupid....then again....

DNR does not mean bring people who are dead to the hospital. It means do not try to save them, to resuscitate them, to try to bring them back...
"New York state issued a blanket do-not-resuscitate directive last week instructing first-responders not to try to revive patients without a pulse amid increased call volumes and lack of resources during the coronavirus public health crisis"
Totally incorrect and very false accusations. You are accusing these doctors and hospitals of negligence, murder and atrocities. With zero evidence.

LINK? You claim the statement / report, that is supported by links and comments from officials, is false. Provide the supporting information / links to support your opinion.
Cuomo: Nursing homes 'don’t have the right to object' to order requiring admission of COVID-19 patients

"They (NURSING HOMES) get paid to provide a service. They get regulated by the state government. There are certain rules and regulations that they must follow and we put in additional rules and regulations on nursing homes in the midst of this crisis,” said Cuomo.

One of those emergency rules has arguably made operating a nursing home harder during a very difficult time. A March 25th health department directive states nursing homes cannot deny “readmission or admission sole based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19”.

Cuomo HIMSELF repeatedly stated the most vulnerable and at-risk people to COVID-19 are the ELDERLY, especially those with pre-existing health conditions ... STILL he issued the ruling that Nursing Homes HAD to accept Seniors diagnosed with COVID-19 back into the nursing homes IN ORDER TO FREE UP HOSPITAL BED SPACE THAT MAY BE NEEDED LATER....space that was NOT critically needed after all.

Cuomo ADNITTEDLY issued a 'death sentence' to elderly in Nursing Homes.

He did, however, declare Nursing Homes who believed they could not provide proper care for COVID-19 patient COULD DECLINE ADMISSION....and the patient would just be transferred to a DIFFERENT Nursing Home:

"Governor Cuomo said repeatedly on Thursday that if a nursing home cannot provide the required care for any patient, the nursing home could decline admission. But in the case of a COVID patient, it would mean moving that person to another nursing home"

NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients

'Nursing homes across the country have been preparing for the spread of COVID-19. Now, facilities in New York state are going to have to accept COVID-19 patients.

The department of health sent a statement to facilities in late March, writing:

"No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH (nursing home) solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."

Discharging COVID-19 Patients To Nursing Homes Called A 'Recipe For Disaster'

'In some parts of the U.S., the desperate need to slow the spread of the coronavirus is coming into conflict with the scramble to find more hospital beds.

Nursing homes have been the sites of some of the earliest — and deadliest — outbreaks of COVID-19. Some people who run such facilities are understandably leery of accepting new patients who might spread the virus.

Nonetheless, some of the largest states are now ordering nursing homes to accept patients who have been discharged from the hospital but are still recovering from COVID-19.'


"The question is, should we be forced to introduce a disease with such deadly potential into a population that has been sheltered?" says von Preyss. "And my experience tells me that would be ill-advised."


"If you push folks out of the hospitals to make space and you push them into nursing homes a couple weeks later," Wasserman says, "for every one of those you send to the nursing home, you may get 20 back in the hospital."


"We're going to have, potentially, a lot more residents crammed into nursing homes," says Chicotel. "You're going to cut the staffing minimums at the same time. And then you're going to introduce perhaps the most efficient killer of older adults into the building? You've got a recipe for disaster in nursing homes."

Despite requests from NPR, neither New York nor California officials made themselves available for interviews to discuss the policies.

Just F*ing BRILLIANT......
The mounting evidence that Cuomo sentenced the elderly to death sentences while admitting he knew they were the most vulnerable almost guarantees Cuomo will not be considered as a last-minute replacement should the Dems decide to ditch Biden.

In the past Democrats of wanting to push grandma and grandpa over a cliff...and here Cuomo is sentencing grandma and grandpa to a death sentence in a nursing home by forcing COVID-19 positive patients in with them.
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NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients

'Nursing homes across the country have been preparing for the spread of COVID-19. Now, facilities in New York state are going to have to accept COVID-19 patients.

The department of health sent a statement to facilities in late March, writing:

"No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH (nursing home) solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."

Hold on a minute.
I have several friends who had to be hospitalized for CV. They were treated and when stable were sent home. Hospitals can't keep them indefinitely once they are stabilized for a number of reasons notably the LACK OF FUCKING BEDS as new patients are brought in.

So what happens with folks who were brought to the hospital FROM nursing homes? They are treated and when stabilized sent HOME...which means home to a nursing home. What's the alternative?

And nursing homes ostensibly have care centers that should be able to handle that.
"New York state issued a blanket do-not-resuscitate directive last week instructing first-responders not to try to revive patients without a pulse amid increased call volumes and lack of resources during the coronavirus public health crisis"

“They’re not giving people a second chance to live anymore,’’ Oren Barzilay, the president of Local 2507, Uniformed EMT’s, Paramedics & Fire Inspectors Union, told the Post. “Our job is to bring patients back to life. This guideline takes that away from us.”

"If hospitalized patients infected with the virus begin to go into cardiac arrest, doctors and nurses must first dress in full personal protective equipment before beginning CPR, meaning some patients might die in the interim. Some doctors issue do-not-resuscitate orders for COVID-19 patients on a case to case basis without families signing off but blanket measures for all patients infected with the virus were considered too draconian by ethics professionals in the medical community."

Too 'draconian' for ethics professionals in the medical community perhaps, but we're talking about NEW YORK - forgetabout it.....Cardiac Patients are to be assumed as having COVID-19 by paramedics even if they have not been tested and proven to have the virus.

'F* 'em - Let 'em die!'

My suggestion - Try not to have a heart attack in New York!

This is the problem when ignorant like you make this crisis worse as it is. PAY ATTENTION.
1. You do NOT give CPR to a dying patients with Coronavirus infections. Not a single stupid nurse or doctors will do that. That is like a suicide. That is the NORMAL practice all over US and around the world that are facing this crisis. Maybe you because you are so smart.

They have devices for resuscitating patients, dumbass. You don't have to put your mouth on theirs. In fact, that's never done in a hospital.

2. If you have CV infections in that level having a cardiac arrest. Your chances of survival is about zero.

I suppose you have some documentation for this claim.

3. In a normal situations. Yes the relatives has the final say when to issue DNR. This is a crisis. Doctors will try to save your life even if you are in coma but not when your chances is zero.

Your chances aren't zero, and your relatives don't have the final say if you have a living will

4. They are not criminals how you portrayed it that they just let them die.

Trump said it will just go away like flu. Take chloroquine What you got to lose.


99.9% of the time it does just go away. Most people never even notice they have it.
I made my post by numbers so it will be easier for you or anybody to give me your rebuttal. Try again.
I gave my rebuttal, asshole.
Wrong. I said try again.
Not wrong, asshole.
"New York state issued a blanket do-not-resuscitate directive last week instructing first-responders not to try to revive patients without a pulse amid increased call volumes and lack of resources during the coronavirus public health crisis"

“They’re not giving people a second chance to live anymore,’’ Oren Barzilay, the president of Local 2507, Uniformed EMT’s, Paramedics & Fire Inspectors Union, told the Post. “Our job is to bring patients back to life. This guideline takes that away from us.”

"If hospitalized patients infected with the virus begin to go into cardiac arrest, doctors and nurses must first dress in full personal protective equipment before beginning CPR, meaning some patients might die in the interim. Some doctors issue do-not-resuscitate orders for COVID-19 patients on a case to case basis without families signing off but blanket measures for all patients infected with the virus were considered too draconian by ethics professionals in the medical community."

Too 'draconian' for ethics professionals in the medical community perhaps, but we're talking about NEW YORK - forgetabout it.....Cardiac Patients are to be assumed as having COVID-19 by paramedics even if they have not been tested and proven to have the virus.

'F* 'em - Let 'em die!'

My suggestion - Try not to have a heart attack in New York!

This is the problem when ignorant like you make this crisis worse as it is. PAY ATTENTION.
1. You do NOT give CPR to a dying patients with Coronavirus infections. Not a single stupid nurse or doctors will do that. That is like a suicide. That is the NORMAL practice all over US and around the world that are facing this crisis. Maybe you because you are so smart.

They have devices for resuscitating patients, dumbass. You don't have to put your mouth on theirs. In fact, that's never done in a hospital.

2. If you have CV infections in that level having a cardiac arrest. Your chances of survival is about zero.

I suppose you have some documentation for this claim.

3. In a normal situations. Yes the relatives has the final say when to issue DNR. This is a crisis. Doctors will try to save your life even if you are in coma but not when your chances is zero.

Your chances aren't zero, and your relatives don't have the final say if you have a living will

4. They are not criminals how you portrayed it that they just let them die.

Trump said it will just go away like flu. Take chloroquine What you got to lose.


99.9% of the time it does just go away. Most people never even notice they have it.

The problem how you quote me. In 2 or 3 post of arguments you are lost. Then you go all over the place.
The device that you are talking about is called LUCAS ( lund university cardiopulmonary assist system). You honestly believe I don’t know anything about that device?
Apparently you don't because you just made it clear that you believe medical personnel have to have flesh to flesh contact with a patient to resuscitate him.
They do. You don’t see them carrying LUCAS. Why don’t you watch other news how they treat people without the CV instead of just watching Fox News. Even during surgery.
What is your experience in treating patients? None. NADA. Till suddenly you become an expert because of Trump.

Why would they carry the device around with them in a hospital?

You're a total fucking moron.
Hold on a minute. I have several friends who had to be hospitalized for CV. They were treated and when stable were sent home.

Are your friends Elderly? When they were released, still suffering from COVID-19, did they go 'home' to packed nursing homes filled with the Elderly, the group Cuomo admitted were the most at-risk of dying from COVID-19?
NY nursing homes forced to accept COVID-19 patients

'Nursing homes across the country have been preparing for the spread of COVID-19. Now, facilities in New York state are going to have to accept COVID-19 patients.

The department of health sent a statement to facilities in late March, writing:

"No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH (nursing home) solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."

Hold on a minute.
I have several friends who had to be hospitalized for CV. They were treated and when stable were sent home. Hospitals can't keep them indefinitely once they are stabilized for a number of reasons notably the LACK OF FUCKING BEDS as new patients are brought in.

So what happens with folks who were brought to the hospital FROM nursing homes? They are treated and when stabilized sent HOME...which means home to a nursing home. What's the alternative?

And nursing homes ostensibly have care centers that should be able to handle that.
They are probably sent back once they are over the hump because they have no other place to go. The nursing home is their home.
No pulse means you're dead.
If it can be restarted, you're not dead. If it can be restarted before brain damage occurs, you can live out a normal life. There are many people who have been resuscitated successfully.

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