Let me get this straight, liberals......

Wow....black lady gets a $40 phone

Lets compare it to free stuff the one percent get........Multi-Million dollar subsidies, tariff protections, government market protections

But who cares? We can't have illiterate black folks having phones can we?

There are no subsidies. There are no tariff protections for the wealthy. There are no gov't market protections.
There are subsidies for Obama's cronies in the Green Energy field.
There are tariff protections for Obama's cronies in the industrial unions.
There are government market protections for Obama's cronies in the ag industry.

Do you see the problem now?

Yes I do....

You are as full of shit as you have always been

Translation: No, I can't handle the truth.
the way to do something about it is to get the govt off the back of business, shut down obamacare which is killing thousands of jobs every day, allow foreign profits to be reinvested in the US with no tax penalty. None of this is complicated---but it runs counter to the progressive agenda, and that, my little confused friend, is the real problem

Didn't we try that under Bush?

We got Government of the back of business and the financial sector raped us. We slashed taxes to create jobs and all the wealthy did was keep the money and send jobs overseas

Supply side economics led us to a redistribution of wealth.....and it went in the opposite way that Republicans claimed it did


Rightist fiscal policy is fundamentally a failure.

Obama: lowest growth rate after a recession. Lowest workforce participation in 30 years. First downgrade of US debt in history. Decline in household income. Decline in household net worth. Highest government debt since WW2.
Yeah, it's the conservatives that are the problem.
Wow....black lady gets a $40 phone

Lets compare it to free stuff the one percent get........Multi-Million dollar subsidies, tariff protections, government market protections

But who cares? We can't have illiterate black folks having phones can we?

There are no subsidies. There are no tariff protections for the wealthy. There are no gov't market protections.
There are subsidies for Obama's cronies in the Green Energy field.
There are tariff protections for Obama's cronies in the industrial unions.
There are government market protections for Obama's cronies in the ag industry.

Do you see the problem now?

Yes I do....

You are as full of shit as you have always been

No truer observation has ever before been posted.
There are no subsidies. There are no tariff protections for the wealthy. There are no gov't market protections.
There are subsidies for Obama's cronies in the Green Energy field.
There are tariff protections for Obama's cronies in the industrial unions.
There are government market protections for Obama's cronies in the ag industry.

Do you see the problem now?

Yes I do....

You are as full of shit as you have always been

No truer observation has ever before been posted.

Sez the guy who gets his azz kicked every time he responds to my posts.
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

I'm confused.:confused: Conservatives were celebrating that they forced a partial shutdown of the government but now they are blaming the media for blaming them for the shutdown.:eek:
It's so confusing. :eusa_shifty:
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

I'm confused.:confused: Conservatives were celebrating that they forced a partial shutdown of the government but now they are blaming the media for blaming them for the shutdown.:eek:
It's so confusing. :eusa_shifty:

Conservatives did not celebrate shutting down the gov't. It was a necessary step in fighting Obamacare.
Yes, you are confused.
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

And the REAL issues plaguing the democrat party?
You don't want to talk about those.
Or you dismiss them as 'vast right wing conspiracies'..
Or hatred for Obama.
Or.....ready?....The BIG one......RACISM....
Yes! That must be IT....Anyone who opposes Obama MUST be a RAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST...

Whether you libs like it or not, know this....The above mentioned list will most definitely be major campaign issues.
Issues from which many dems are stepping away.
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

You believe Republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the Dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.
These are pocketbook issues the GOP must transform into 'kitchen table' issues.
Sad really

So young and you have already bought into the Republican mantra of...."The media is picking on us"

The media blames Republicans because the Republicans are to blame

You believe Republicans are to blame because you've listened to the media. You are a brainwashed tool.
The truth is the Dems are going to lose big. There is finally a pocketbook issue. Some guy loses his health insurance and is told he can only get insurance by going to a website that doesnt work, to sign up for insurancef that wont cover him, to avoid a penalty he shouldn't have to pay anyway.
Yeah, people are going to be pissed.

The main problem with our media is that they are too "fair" with Republicans. Much like a coach who constantly harps at the refs for calling fouls against him....the Republicans harp at the media

The media isn't fair. The media blames us. The media favors the other side

As a result, the media is soft on the Republicans. They do not hold them responsible for their actions

The Republicans have gridlocked Congress
The Republicans shut down the government to kill Obamacare
The Republicans threatened to default on our debt
The Republicans use crisis after crisis to get their way

But the media spreads the blame......Congress rather than Republicans

Until Republicans pay a price for their actions they will continue

Please stop lying to yourself.
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

You do understand feigned outrage with fake "scandals" by Republicans does not equal votes?


Drinking the Kool-aid, huh?
You go ahead and keep claiming these issues are fake and you'll continue distancing yourself from reality.
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

I'm confused.:confused: Conservatives were celebrating that they forced a partial shutdown of the government but now they are blaming the media for blaming them for the shutdown.:eek:
It's so confusing. :eusa_shifty:

Conservatives did not celebrate shutting down the gov't. It was a necessary step in fighting Obamacare.
Yes, you are confused.

No, I know conservatives celebrated the shutdown. Why all of sudden are some conservatives now pointing fingers?
I'm confused.:confused: Conservatives were celebrating that they forced a partial shutdown of the government but now they are blaming the media for blaming them for the shutdown.:eek:
It's so confusing. :eusa_shifty:

Conservatives did not celebrate shutting down the gov't. It was a necessary step in fighting Obamacare.
Yes, you are confused.

No, I know conservatives celebrated the shutdown. Why all of sudden are some conservatives now pointing fingers?

I can't figure them out either.....they shut it down, then they didn't shut it down

But those who voted to reopen government were traitors for voting to reverse something republicans said they didn't do
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away

You do understand feigned outrage with fake "scandals" by Republicans does not equal votes?

Let's as the families of the 4 dead Americans in Benghazi if they think it's a "fake scandal".

Let's ask Merkell if she thinks the NSA thing is a "fake scandal".

Let's ask Brian Terry's family if they think F&F is just a "fake scandal".
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away


The media haven’t ‘twisted’ anything – the voters correctly understand that the GOP is solely responsible for the government shutdown, as well as the threat to destroy the economy if republicans didn’t get their way.

Republicans are solely responsible for alienating Hispanic voters as a consequence of the GOP’s bellicose rhetoric concerning immigration.

Women voters correctly understand that republicans are hostile to their privacy rights.

Homosexuals and same-sex couples correctly understand that the GOP is hostile toward their equal protection rights.

And minority and younger voters are understandably repulsed by the GOP as a consequence of the above an more.

Republicans are alone responsible for the liabilities they’ve brought upon themselves.

As for issues such as Benghazi or fast and furious, these are ‘liabilities’ for democrats as perceived only by the right, not the voters as a whole, having nothing to do with ‘the media.’
To the liberals who say the GOP will get destroyed in 2014, do you understand that the Democrat Party has massive liabilities?

GOP liability:
-Media's twisting of "government shutdown" to blame GOP

Dem liabilities:
War on Coal
Fast and Furious
NSA scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
$7 trillion in new debt with tepid job growth
Massively unpopular and glitch-prone healthcare law

I have a hard time believing that the GOP is "doomed" when Democrats have all of these liabilities that aren't going away


The media haven’t ‘twisted’ anything – the voters correctly understand that the GOP is solely responsible for the government shutdown, as well as the threat to destroy the economy if republicans didn’t get their way.

Republicans are solely responsible for alienating Hispanic voters as a consequence of the GOP’s bellicose rhetoric concerning immigration.

Women voters correctly understand that republicans are hostile to their privacy rights.

Homosexuals and same-sex couples correctly understand that the GOP is hostile toward their equal protection rights.

And minority and younger voters are understandably repulsed by the GOP as a consequence of the above an more.

Republicans are alone responsible for the liabilities they’ve brought upon themselves.

As for issues such as Benghazi or fast and furious, these are ‘liabilities’ for democrats as perceived only by the right, not the voters as a whole, having nothing to do with ‘the media.’

You have you opinion.
Then there is reality. To which your opinion does not apply
the media haven’t ‘twisted’ anything – the voters correctly understand that the gop is solely responsible for the government shutdown, as well as the threat to destroy the economy if republicans didn’t get their way.

So are they aren't anything when they are suddenly turning on Obama for failing to tell the truth about Obamacare?

republicans are solely responsible for alienating hispanic voters as a consequence of the gop’s bellicose rhetoric concerning immigration.

If you say alienating Hispanic voters to mean 'illegal immigrants' then yes, we are guilty as charged.

women voters correctly understand that republicans are hostile to their privacy rights.

Oh? So isn't Obama hostile to everyone's privacy rights?

homosexuals and same-sex couples correctly understand that the gop is hostile toward their equal protection rights.

Oh yeah, so much for equal protection for heterosexual couples. Nevermind equal protection when you have 3% of the populations dictating policy for the other 97%

and minority and younger voters are understandably repulsed by the gop as a consequence of the above an more.

When these younguns see how bad Obamacare is, they'll wisely run away from it's progenitor.

Republicans are alone responsible for the liabilities they’ve brought upon themselves.

Such as? I see many glaring liabilities Obama brought upon himself. Obamacare, millions of insurance cancellations, NSA spying, IRS targeting, DOJ gun running, etc.

as for issues such as Benghazi or fast and furious, these are ‘liabilities’ for democrats as perceived only by the right, not the voters as a whole, having nothing to do with ‘the media.’

You assume to speak for voters when in reality you speak only for yourself.
I'm confused.:confused: Conservatives were celebrating that they forced a partial shutdown of the government but now they are blaming the media for blaming them for the shutdown.:eek:
It's so confusing. :eusa_shifty:

Conservatives did not celebrate shutting down the gov't. It was a necessary step in fighting Obamacare.
Yes, you are confused.

No, I know conservatives celebrated the shutdown. Why all of sudden are some conservatives now pointing fingers?

A perfect example of why we consider liberalism a mental disorder.
There is no evidence conservatives celebrated the shut down.
The post gives no persuasive arguments.
Yet the poster "knows" this is the case, despite any evidence to the contrary. He "knows" this is the case because it is consistent with his own invented view of conservatives as "the enemy."
That all adds up to mental disease.
Conservatives did not celebrate shutting down the gov't. It was a necessary step in fighting Obamacare.
Yes, you are confused.

No, I know conservatives celebrated the shutdown. Why all of sudden are some conservatives now pointing fingers?

A perfect example of why we consider liberalism a mental disorder.
There is no evidence conservatives celebrated the shut down.
The post gives no persuasive arguments.
Yet the poster "knows" this is the case, despite any evidence to the contrary. He "knows" this is the case because it is consistent with his own invented view of conservatives as "the enemy."
That all adds up to mental disease.

Why Is The Tea Party Celebrating Post Government Shutdown? - Forbes
No, I know conservatives celebrated the shutdown. Why all of sudden are some conservatives now pointing fingers?

A perfect example of why we consider liberalism a mental disorder.
There is no evidence conservatives celebrated the shut down.
The post gives no persuasive arguments.
Yet the poster "knows" this is the case, despite any evidence to the contrary. He "knows" this is the case because it is consistent with his own invented view of conservatives as "the enemy."
That all adds up to mental disease.

Why Is The Tea Party Celebrating Post Government Shutdown? - Forbes

You should read your own links.
An opinion piece by a liberal troll headlined by a distorted characterization that is not supported in the text really isn't evidence of anything other than your inability to read.
A perfect example of why we consider liberalism a mental disorder.
There is no evidence conservatives celebrated the shut down.
The post gives no persuasive arguments.
Yet the poster "knows" this is the case, despite any evidence to the contrary. He "knows" this is the case because it is consistent with his own invented view of conservatives as "the enemy."
That all adds up to mental disease.

Why Is The Tea Party Celebrating Post Government Shutdown? - Forbes

You should read your own links.
An opinion piece by a liberal troll headlined by a distorted characterization that is not supported in the text really isn't evidence of anything other than your inability to read.

Come on Rabbi

Quit lying.....We know you hosted a Government Shutdown Party

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