Let There Be Peace Already

Syria has no Jews, so the media doesn't focus on that. And with no Jews AND no oil, the US/Haliburton isn't interested either.

That doesn't make sense, since the lie about jews controlling the media would fall flat. If jews control the media, they'd ensure that there'd be no coverage of israel, since if they were actually oppressing the arabs, they'd want no one to know about it.

But that's an example of the mental illness that the jew/israel-hating vermin suffers from, the jews are guilty even if the claim is wrong, and russia was a good example of the jew-hating filth attacking them both ways: they are communists, so they are behind the powers that want to control the country, but they are also greedy money grubbers, who want all the wealth.

This is a good example of the lies that filth like tinhead proffer against jews - they control the wealth and media, yet are somehow in the press non-stop; well which lie is it?
Palestinians never had a "country" of their own. And they were massacred & driven out of their indigenous Arab homelands. Gosh I wonder why?

And those pesky Palestinians are not just going to walk away from their country.

What country is that, fuckbrain?

You're a little late, they already walked away from syria, egypt and jordan about 75 years ago.
Palestinians never had a "country" of their own. And they were massacred & driven out of their indigenous Arab homelands. Gosh I wonder why?

And those pesky Palestinians are not just going to walk away from their country.

What country is that, fuckbrain?

You're a little late, they already walked away from syria, egypt and jordan about 75 years ago.

Fakestinians' countries are Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries they originated from when they migrated to Israel in the 20th century to glomb off Israeli success.

Half of all pestilinians are named al-Masri, which means The Egyptian in Arabic. I've never met anyone named al-palestini
Syria has no Jews, so the media doesn't focus on that. And with no Jews AND no oil, the US/Haliburton isn't interested either.

That doesn't make sense, since the lie about jews controlling the media would fall flat. If jews control the media, they'd ensure that there'd be no coverage of israel, since if they were actually oppressing the arabs, they'd want no one to know about it.

But that's an example of the mental illness that the jew/israel-hating vermin suffers from, the jews are guilty even if the claim is wrong, and russia was a good example of the jew-hating filth attacking them both ways: they are communists, so they are behind the powers that want to control the country, but they are also greedy money grubbers, who want all the wealth.

This is a good example of the lies that filth like tinhead proffer against jews - they control the wealth and media, yet are somehow in the press non-stop; well which lie is it?
Well they tried to repress ALL media in the past but their deeds we so horrendous that they failed,with todays technology it is impossible,which is a good thing.

Anyway most throughout the world realise that the majority of Jews in Israel are either illegal or chidren of Illegal immigrants...and there is little in common with many of them,that's why there is such division between them.

OK I know already I'm RIGHT AGAIN:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::cool:
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Why are adopted children different from any regular ones?

It's in the genes. As a white person, I can't get adopted by Martin Luther King's daughter and then claim to be a descendant of him, that's absurd.

I'm Latina Mestizo, My parants roots came from Europe, if you look at us you can clearly say that I don't belong to the family.

The Israeli law, and morale law, doesn't make any difference between an adopted child and a regular child. They are my parents, I am their daughter. I feel much connected to them than to the hooker who happened to give birth to me, and the basterd father who didn't give a crap. For 20 years I belonged to that family, who are you or anyone to say i don't. That's just not true:eusa_hand:

Hi Lips,I am glad that you feel the way you do,your parents hopefully have given you the security and happiness that every child needs in their formative years....I have mentioned before to you, how great you are looking after members of your family,through your pubecent years and onwards(not an easy thing).

The problem is that many adopted children in later years desire to meet their natural(for use of a better word)parents as they feel that there is something missing in their lives.

This road can be great for all parties but can also be a disaster and even more disruptive to the adopted child/now grown up.

I never say anyone is adopted because it's often used as negative term..and you are completely correct "there is NO difference"...and who cares as long as everyone is happy.

You are pretty well ajusted as a person,which shows me you parents did a great job moreover it tell me a lot about the person you are....which you know I admire.

I may not always agree with you but compared to the majority of the rabble on here ....... I do RESPECT YOU. steve
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Syria has no Jews, so the media doesn't focus on that. And with no Jews AND no oil, the US/Haliburton isn't interested either.

That doesn't make sense, since the lie about jews controlling the media would fall flat. If jews control the media, they'd ensure that there'd be no coverage of israel, since if they were actually oppressing the arabs, they'd want no one to know about it.

But that's an example of the mental illness that the jew/israel-hating vermin suffers from, the jews are guilty even if the claim is wrong, and russia was a good example of the jew-hating filth attacking them both ways: they are communists, so they are behind the powers that want to control the country, but they are also greedy money grubbers, who want all the wealth.

This is a good example of the lies that filth like tinhead proffer against jews - they control the wealth and media, yet are somehow in the press non-stop; well which lie is it?
Well they tried to repress any media in the past but their deeds we so horrendous that they failed,with todays technology it is impossible,which is a good thing.

Anyway most throughout the world realise that the majority of Jews in Israel are either illegal or chidren of Illegal immigrants...and there is little in common with many of them,that's why there is such division between them.

OK I know already I'm RIGHT AGAIN:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::cool:

Eminent Historian Sir Martin Gilbert, Author of 10 Books on Middle East History and History of Jerusalem

Jerusalem became the capital of the first Jewish kingdom in 1004 BC, over 3000 years ago. With the brief exception of the Crusader period, no other non-Jewish ruling power of Jerusalem made the city a capital but it was consistently a capital for the Jews. Driven into partial exile by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC, the Jews returned fifty years later and rebuilt Jerusalem as their capital. It was their capital, too, under the Maccabees. The unity of the city achieved in 1967, then, was more than a quirk of military geography. It was the fulfillment of unbroken historical longings.

In 1210, following the defeat of the Crusaders, groups of Jews began to return Jerusalem. Henceforth, without interruption, and in every decade, individual Jews and groups of Jews reached the city from the Maghreb [north Africa] and elsewhere forming an ever-growing community. Driven out by the Tartar invasion of 1244, they had returned by 1250. Three times a day the Jews repeated in their prayers, "And to Jerusalem Thy city mayest thou return to mercy, and dwell in its midst as Thou hast spoken, and rebuild it soon in our days for evermore

Areas from which some 300 Rabbis travelled to Jerusalem, Acre and Ramla in 1210 AD, to strengthen the Jewish communities weakened by the Crusader massacres and expulsions. Jews are known to have traveled from throughout the region to Jerusalem [after 1267], settling permanently and forming by 1841 the largest single community in Jerusalem.

1000 AD: Jews take part in the defence of Haifa against the Crusades

1099:AD: Jews take part in the defence of Jerusalem against the Crusaders

1211: Several Rabbis from France and England settle in Jerusalem

1267: Maimonides arrives in Jerusalem and establishes a synagogue . During the next 500 years, Jerusalem is reinstated as a centre of Jewish learning.

In 1500, there were an estimated 10,000 Jews living in the Safed region

1563: Establishment of a Hebrew printing press in Jerusalem, the first printing press on the Asian Continent

By 1880 the Jews formed the majority of the population Jerusalem

During the 17th and 18th centuries, many Jerusalem Jews, scholars and rabbis, travelled from Jerusalem to teach in Jewish communities elsewhere, and also to seek alms and charity for the poorer members of their own community. there was also a regular movement of families, in both directions, between Jerusalem and several towns of the eastern Mediterranean region

Jewish villages in Israel 1855--1914...

Zikhron Yacov
Mikveh Israel
Rishon le-Zion
Ben Shemen
Kfar Uriya
Nes Ziona
Beer Yaakov
Nahalat Yehuda
Mahane Yehuda
Ein Ganim
Petah Tikvah
Kfar Sava
Kfar Mahal
Gan Shmuel
Givat Ada
Bat Shelomo
Beit Gan
Kfar Tova
Kfar Hittim
Bnei Yehuda
Mishmar Hayarden
Ayelet Hashashar
Ein Zeitim
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/GilbertsThe-Routledge-History-Historical-Hardcover/dp/B0041CNUIC/ref=sr_1_24?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1333126978&sr=1-24]Amazon.com: Martin Gilbert'sThe Routledge Atlas of Jewish History (Routledge Historical Atlases) [Hardcover](2010): M., (Author) Gilbert: Books[/ame]
Everything J.Stone says here is all true. Fact is there were no Christians during the lifetime of Jesus. Nor were there any Muslim Palestinians who later stole Israel's land.

Jesus was Jewish. John the Baptist was Jewish. The Apostle Paul was Jewish. The authors of the 4 Gospels were likely all Jewish.

Baptism was originally a Jewish ritual of purification

For about the first 100 years after Jesus's death ca 30 CE, the Jesus movement was mostly a Jewish sect. Those wishing to follow Jesus were first required to convert to Judaism.

Well You have always been an ununified mob really,hense the 12 tribes of which there has never been real unification of the Jews, even today you are basically a country of different people from different parts of the world....who have little in common....apart from this artificial country called Israel.....non of you would be FULL-BLOOD Jews,if we took a look at your past.........and few related to each other. So your so called PURITY BULLSHIT is just that....you are bitsas like the rest of mankind a bit of this and a bit of that.

Palestinians would have a stonger claim of being pureblooded.

:cool:theliq bring into focus the future of jews

You forgot to mention the NOSTICS
It is you who needs to think this over. Jesus was born & died a Jew. Only after his life on earth did Christianity begin by his followers, those who believed in Jesus as the promised Messiah of the Jews.

Fact is there were no Christians during the lifetime of Jesus.

I'll let you think about that one for a few minutes and correct it yourself.

Think about names like Paul, Matthew, Peter...were they Christians?

Interesting, what changed that?

Once the progrom started, the Arab workers in our family's ranch didn't care that they lived with them and ate in the same plate as them. They still attacked their house and fields, to "join the party" of the rest of Arab attackers.

since then my grandmother never strusted a single Arab she came in contact with.

Palestinians have said the same thing. They had been friends for years then the Jews showed up at their door with guns.

What could have caused that?
The thought of thousands of illegal immigrant Jews and the thought of dispossesion,one would have thought.....what you haven't mentioned is that the ZIONIST you know the collaborators with the NAZIS were waging an illegal TERRORIST WAR AT THE TIME.

I have met many Jewish families that have always got on with Palestinians pre 1948 and after...the thought the aparthied the Israelis used against the Palestinians was criminal eg SEPERATE BUSES FOR JEWS AND PALESTINIANS for a start...you see Lips you always only tell one side of the story,the side you have been indoctorinated to believe. I'm right but I'll say no more for now:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:
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Once the progrom started, the Arab workers in our family's ranch didn't care that they lived with them and ate in the same plate as them. They still attacked their house and fields, to "join the party" of the rest of Arab attackers.

since then my grandmother never strusted a single Arab she came in contact with.

Palestinians have said the same thing. They had been friends for years then the Jews showed up at their door with guns.

What could have caused that?
The thought of thousands of illegal immigrant Jews and the thought of dispossesion,one would have thought.....what you haven't mentioned is that the ZIONIST you know the collaborators with the NAZIS were waging an illegal TERRORIST WAR AT THE TIME.

I have met many Jewish families that have always got on with Palestinians pre 1948 and after...the though the apartide the Israelis used against the Palestinians was criminal eg SEPERATE BUSES FOR JEWS AND PALESTINIANS for a start...you see Lips you always only tell one side of the story,the side you have been indoctorinated to believe. I'm right but I'll say no more for now:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:

Pestilinians are illegal immigrants.

Palesteenian Hamas Minister of the Interior Fathi Hammad, Al-Hekma TV [Egypt]: "Half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis"
Brothers, there are 1.8 million of us in Gaza. Allah be praised, we all have Arab roots and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots--whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere.

Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that.

More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri [Egyptian]

Brothers, half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis

Who are the Palestinians? we have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. we are Arabs. We are Muslims
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAfENxzv2mc]Hamas Interior Minister Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip: We are Egyptians! - YouTube[/ame]

Winston Churchill, Secretary of "Palestine" During British Mandate to House of Commons, Parliamentary Debates, 23 May 1939
So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.
Churchill and the Jews | Martin Gilbert | Macmillan
Palestinians have said the same thing. They had been friends for years then the Jews showed up at their door with guns.

What could have caused that?
The thought of thousands of illegal immigrant Jews and the thought of dispossesion,one would have thought.....what you haven't mentioned is that the ZIONIST you know the collaborators with the NAZIS were waging an illegal TERRORIST WAR AT THE TIME.

I have met many Jewish families that have always got on with Palestinians pre 1948 and after...the though the apartide the Israelis used against the Palestinians was criminal eg SEPERATE BUSES FOR JEWS AND PALESTINIANS for a start...you see Lips you always only tell one side of the story,the side you have been indoctorinated to believe. I'm right but I'll say no more for now:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:

Pestilinians are illegal immigrants.

Palesteenian Hamas Minister of the Interior Fathi Hammad, Al-Hekma TV [Egypt]: "Half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis"
Brothers, there are 1.8 million of us in Gaza. Allah be praised, we all have Arab roots and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots--whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere.

Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that.

More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri [Egyptian]

Brothers, half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis

Who are the Palestinians? we have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. we are Arabs. We are Muslims
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAfENxzv2mc]Hamas Interior Minister Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip: We are Egyptians! - YouTube[/ame]

Winston Churchill, Secretary of "Palestine" During British Mandate to House of Commons, Parliamentary Debates, 23 May 1939
So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.
Churchill and the Jews | Martin Gilbert | Macmillan

all the leaves are brown,and the skies are grey
BBC: How Israel Became A High-Tech Hub
Tiny Israel, a country embroiled in conflicts for decades, has managed to transform itself from a stretch of farmland into a high-tech wonder

Israel currently has almost 4,000 active technology start-ups - more than any other country outside the United States, according to Israel Venture Capital Research Centre

In 2010 alone the flow of venture capital amounted to $884m (£558m).

The result: high-tech exports from Israel are valued at about $18.4bn a year, making up more than 45% of Israel's exports, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics

Israel is a world leader in terms of research and development spending as a percentage of the economy; it's top in both the number of start-ups and engineers as a proportion of the population; and it's first in per capita venture capital investment. Not bad for a country of some eight million people - fewer than, say, Moscow or New York.

Over just a few decades, Israeli start-ups have developed groundbreaking technologies in areas such as computing, clean technology and life sciences, to name a few.
BBC News - How Israel turned itself into a high-tech hub

The Economist Magazine: Arab World Self-Doomed To Failure
WHAT went wrong with the Arab world? Why is it so stuck behind the times? It is not an obviously unlucky region. Fatly endowed with oil, and with its people sharing a rich cultural, religious and linguistic heritage, it is faced neither with endemic poverty nor with ethnic conflict. But, with barely an exception, its autocratic rulers, whether presidents or kings, give up their authority only when they die; its elections are a sick joke; half its people are treated as lesser legal and economic beings, and more than half its young, burdened by joblessness and stifled by conservative religious tradition, are said to want to get out of the place as soon as they can.

One in five Arabs still live on less than $2 a day. And, over the past 20 years, growth in income per head, at an annual rate of 0.5%, was lower than anywhere else in the world except sub-Saharan Africa. At this rate, it will take the average Arab 140 years to double his income, a target that some regions are set to reach in less than ten years. Stagnant growth, together with a fast-rising population, means vanishing jobs. Around 12m people, or 15% of the labour force, are already unemployed, and on present trends the number could rise to 25m by 2010.

Freedom. This deficit explains many of the fundamental things that are wrong with the Arab world: the survival of absolute autocracies; the holding of bogus elections; confusion between the executive and the judiciary (the report points out the close linguistic link between the two in Arabic); constraints on the media and on civil society; and a patriarchal, intolerant, sometimes suffocating social environment. The great wave of democratisation that has opened up so much of the world over the past 15 years seems to have left the Arabs untouched. Democracy is occasionally offered, but as a concession, not as a right. Freedom of expression and freedom of association are both sharply limited. Freedom House, an American-based monitor of political and civil rights, records that no Arab country has genuinely free media, and only three have “partly free”. The rest are not free

Knowledge. “If God were to humiliate a human being,” wrote Imam Ali bin abi Taleb in the sixth century, “He would deny him knowledge.” Although the Arabs spend a higher percentage of GDP on education than any other developing region, it is not, it seems, well spent. The quality of education has deteriorated pitifully, and there is a severe mismatch between the labour market and the education system. Adult illiteracy rates have declined but are still very high: 65m adults are illiterate, almost two-thirds of them women. Some 10m children still have no schooling at all. One of the gravest results of their poor education is that the Arabs, who once led the world in science, are dropping ever further behind in scientific research and in information technology. Investment in research and development is less than one-seventh of the world average. Only 0.6% of the population uses the Internet, and 1.2% have personal computers.

Women's status. The one thing that every outsider knows about the Arab world is that it does not treat its women as full citizens. How can a society prosper when it stifles half its productive potential? After all, even though women's literacy rates have trebled in the past 30 years, one in every two Arab women still can neither read nor write. Their participation in their countries' political and economic life is the lowest in the world.
Arab development: Self-doomed to failure | The Economist
Well they tried to repress ALL media in the past but their deeds we so horrendous that they failed,with todays technology it is impossible,which is a good thing.

To those with any brains, see what I mean? This chimp is too stupid to grasp that if the jews did indeed control the media, this manufactured conflict would not be in the headlines every day - but the chimp is too stupid to understand the circular failure of the argument.

Anyway most throughout the world realise that the majority of Jews in Israel are either illegal or chidren of Illegal immigrants...and there is little in common with many of them,that's why there is such division between them.

Most people have no clue or are stupid - like you - but once they do a bit of research, they realize that the original solution to split the region into two nations for two peoples was ideal - except that the arab muslim filth will not nor ever tolerate the sovereign rights of others, so they of course rejected the split, as they had to have control over ALL of the land.

OK I know already I'm RIGHT AGAIN

The only time a moron like you would ever say something accurate is if you read one of my posts out loud.
all the leaves are brown,and the skies are grey

The requisite non-answer from the resident fucking idiot. The arabs are just so lucky to have someone so "intelligent" and "articulate" to defend them, no wonder they've lived in shithole dumps for the past 70 years with no hope for a better future any time soon.

Arabs doing real well. Too much wife beating and honor killing, not enough thinking and working.

Widespread Poverty Throughout Arab Muslim World
Two in five Arabs live in poverty as a widespread lack of basic elements of human security, such as access to clean water, freedom from hunger, democracy and a robust rule of law, is denying citizens of Arab countries the ability to fulfil their potential, a UN-sponsored report has said.

"One in five people in the Arab region lives below the internationally recognised poverty threshold of $2 a day as poverty and hunger persist in the Arab region despite its comparative affluence. However, a significantly larger proportion of Arabs in countries studied by the report, however, lives under nationally determined poverty lines and still cannot afford bare necessities," said the Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries.

"Large segments of the population in low-income countries face basic deprivation, reflected in inadequate access to safe water and a high incidence of underweight children, with the number of undernourished people in the region rising from almost 20 million in 1990-1992 to 25.5 million in 2002-2004."

The report, which draws on contributions from more than 100 Arab scholars, said that human security, a pre-requisite for human development, was being undermined by unjust political, social, and economic systems, a scramble for power and resources among fragmented social groups and, in some cases and the impact of external military intrusion.

The ability of more than 330 million people in the Arab world to make progress in human development, lead stable lives and fulfil their potential can be achieved only if the sources of insecurity, environmental degradation, discrimination, unemployment, poverty, and hunger are addressed, the report said.

The report released in Manama on Tuesday identified a series of measures to improve human security that include guarantees on universal basic rights and freedoms, especially for women, better protection for the environment, the tackling of poverty and hunger, the expansion of access to affordable health services and ending occupation and military interventions that have caused human suffering and erase decades of economic development.

"The rights of women can be safeguarded by changing laws and attitudes that entrench gender-based discrimination.
gulfnews : Poverty rife in Arab world: UN report
LMAO! Yeah right. The Palestinians have it so bad in Israel that most of them prefer Israel to having their own Palestinian State. Oh well, considering what Palestinians have achieved on their own, who can blame them?

Once the progrom started, the Arab workers in our family's ranch didn't care that they lived with them and ate in the same plate as them. They still attacked their house and fields, to "join the party" of the rest of Arab attackers.

since then my grandmother never strusted a single Arab she came in contact with.

Palestinians have said the same thing. They had been friends for years then the Jews showed up at their door with guns.

What could have caused that?
The thought of thousands of illegal immigrant Jews and the thought of dispossesion,one would have thought.....what you haven't mentioned is that the ZIONIST you know the collaborators with the NAZIS were waging an illegal TERRORIST WAR AT THE TIME.

I have met many Jewish families that have always got on with Palestinians pre 1948 and after...the thought the aparthied the Israelis used against the Palestinians was criminal eg SEPERATE BUSES FOR JEWS AND PALESTINIANS for a start...you see Lips you always only tell one side of the story,the side you have been indoctorinated to believe. I'm right but I'll say no more for now:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:
LMAO! Yeah right. The Palestinians have it so bad in Israel that most of them prefer Israel to having their own Palestinian State. Oh well, considering what Palestinians have achieved on their own, who can blame them?

Palestinians have said the same thing. They had been friends for years then the Jews showed up at their door with guns.

What could have caused that?
The thought of thousands of illegal immigrant Jews and the thought of dispossesion,one would have thought.....what you haven't mentioned is that the ZIONIST you know the collaborators with the NAZIS were waging an illegal TERRORIST WAR AT THE TIME.

I have met many Jewish families that have always got on with Palestinians pre 1948 and after...the thought the aparthied the Israelis used against the Palestinians was criminal eg SEPERATE BUSES FOR JEWS AND PALESTINIANS for a start...you see Lips you always only tell one side of the story,the side you have been indoctorinated to believe. I'm right but I'll say no more for now:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:

Palestine was a self sufficient country until Israel stole, bombed, and bulldozed their stuff.

Now we have two countries on welfare.

Good plan???

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