Let Trump try to Run Again??

I was kidding, they have no confidence in any of their candidates. If they did, there would be no need to take Trump out beforehand.

I figured.
But I had to use my Custer line. It was collecting dust.
The same thing the Democrats did in 2020? Clever guy, right?

You are lying and making shit up

Trump appointed judges, GOP election officials, Dept of Homeland Security and AG Barr all said Trump lost and there was no election fraud at all, and no evidence of fraud at all.

You people just yell and scream the election was stolen and somehow think that makes it true despite having absolutely no evidence.

You are lying and making shit up

Trump appointed judges, GOP election officials, Dept of Homeland Security and AG Barr all said Trump lost and there was no election fraud at all, and no evidence of fraud at all.

You people just yell and scream the election was stolen and somehow think that makes it true despite having absolutely no evidence.

Let's suppose you're right and disregard the election fraud claims (illegal votes).

You can't deny that voting laws were changed illegally, that is a fact.
Could the best path for America be letting Trump run for president again, because he has no chance at winning??
The risk is too high of him winning again. If it wasn't, the FBI/DOJ wouldn't be so intent on destroying his reputation so proactively, before he gains back popularity.

And fwiw, the CIA have to also be involved in doing what they do in America, to counter a threat to democracy.

Trump has no friends in America who hold enough power to come to his aid now. All the powerful are either verbally opposed to his criminal behaviour, or actively scheming to take him down.

Still, I have to say that Trump's latest initiative of turning Americans to being antiwar, has a great deal of potential. And of course it could backfire right in his face!
Could the best path for America be letting Trump run for president again, because he has no chance at winning??

After the failed Trump presidency lost to Biden in 2020, mainly due to his complete mishandling of covid
After the disgraceful Jan 6th riots
Failed fake claims of election fraud with no evidence
All the courts and GOP election officials shutting down all fake election fraud claims
failed AZ audit
Now new very serious crime of mishandling ultra top secret material

I think Trump can't win. Despite Biden's bad poll numbers, Trump still loses against Biden.

I think there is the very real possibility that a Trump vs Desantis primary would completely divide the GOP and then turn Trumpers against the party because I think Trump would sabotage the party/election if he doesn't get the nomination. Trump will bring the party down in flames, a fitting end to the MAGA GOP.

If its Desantis, Trump will be so mad that he will try to make sure Desantis doesn't win, this could actually completely split, divide, and blow up the GOP causing them to implode over a lack of character. This could catalyzed the end of the disgraceful MAGA republican wing and save America and democracy in the process.

Let Trump run, he can't win the presidency because only ~25% of the electorate are brainwashed MAGA republicans and the rest of the country would never support Trump at all. He loses to Biden head to head.

Most Americans Fully Support Investigation into Trump for his Crime:

Who's stopping Trump from running?
yea that is the only risk, also with this Russia war who knows how it escalates. The Russia war could bring a big global recession. Putin has fully shut off the nat gas to Europe and they are in big trouble because of Putin inflation.

We all know Putin wants Trump to win because Trump will let Putin take over Europe. I'm sure Putin and Trump are communicating and coordinating on secret back channels right now.

Putin has crashed the global economy with his war and commodity shortage, putin could escalate that, especially if Trump tells him too.
Since Putin is a much better leader than Biden, Trump could learn a lot. Putin is even a much better human being than Biden.
If he gets indicted he can't run
Sez who? Not the Constitution.

Don't fall for the right-wing claptrap that says that the only reason the orange douchebag will be charged/convicted for removing official records is to stop him from running from office.

That's humbug. Convicted felons have run for office. Look up, LaRouche or Eugene Debs.

Rump is in trouble because he got caught not returning classified documents. Not to stop him from running from office.

So, no. Rump can still run. And Biden will still beat him like a rented mule. And the Repubs will once again whine the elections were stolen. Yup, good times!!
Listening to sunday radio this am..... for Americans who believe in God and honor him....the democrats do not hold a place of high opinion.
Which is literally what Trump wants to do.

The GOP have destroyed America, all the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy mistakes. You trash need to be held accountable for that.

Throw the treasonous traitor GOP in Gitmo for destroying America.
you have a link for that??
Sez who? Not the Constitution.

Don't fall for the right-wing claptrap that says that the only reason the orange douchebag will be charged/convicted for removing official records is to stop him from running from office.

That's humbug. Convicted felons have run for office. Look up, LaRouche or Eugene Debs.

Rump is in trouble because he got caught not returning classified documents. Not to stop him from running from office.

So, no. Rump can still run. And Biden will still beat him like a rented mule. And the Repubs will once again whine the elections were stolen. Yup, good times!!
you admit you can't stop him... But it isn't really him is it. It's his supporters.
yes we know what you think...we also know that your side wants trump supporters dead or imprisoned, their children raped and subjugated.
@Banker Hollywood sees no problem with this because pedophilia is an accepted practice there.
you have a link for that??
yes the history books

Bush inherited a balanced budget then blew up the economy and racked up trillions in debt
Bush started 2 failed wars and mismanaged those wars and those wars devastated America, because of the failed GOP.
Trump blew up the deficit and only had weak low GDP growth +2.13 in 2019, terrible. Trillions in record debt by Trump.
Trump failed at covid with the worst response in the world with record covid cases and record covid deaths.
First off....history books are primarily written by leftists and then required purchases for students in leftist government run schools. I am well aware of the backstabbing and lies of the bush administration. You fail to see the problems with the democrats. Rino bush and democrats are one in the same. TRUMP was not..>He is a danger to Them...that is why they have all rallied to keep him away from the white house. They may keep him from the white house...but he is a power you cannot control, and you never will.
First off....history books are primarily written by leftists and then required purchases for students in leftist government run schools. I am well aware of the backstabbing and lies of the bush administration. You fail to see the problems with the democrats. Rino busy and democrats are one in the same. TRUMP was not..>He is a danger to him...that is why they have all rallied to keep him away from the white house. They may keep him from the white house...but he is a power you cannot control, and you never will.

American pollyannish politics will never be the same as we'll never return to that illusion!!
Which is literally what Trump wants to do.

The GOP have destroyed America, all the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy mistakes. You trash need to be held accountable for that.
Then DO something. Don't just be an internet warrior. Do something.
Throw the treasonous traitor GOP in Gitmo for destroying America.

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