Let's analyze the conduct of the Trump supporter vs the Trump protestor

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

One shows GREAT restraint while the other shows a complete disregard for decency.

Why do the left feel the need to act in such despicable ways?

Doing things like this and acting in this way won't win you any moderates so why do it? You can not win without the moderates so what is the end goal here?
Intimidation? Oppressing others freedom of speech?
Hoping to suppress the votes?

I do not understand why the leaders on the left do not come out against this repeated disrespectful bullshit. This is their opportunity to LEAD. You know, show America that which you claim Trump isn't showing....LEADERSHIP

Instead all you do is create mini martyrs with your asinine antics. This man would have been fine to just see Trump and then peacefully go home but nope. You gave him and Trump ammunition.
Personally if I was advising Trump I would tell him to get this man on the next plane to DC and let him tell the world how he feels with potus standing right next to him.

The modern Democrat party is a joke
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.

Trump protesters kidnapped and tortured a Trump supporter. You guys are crazy people.

Stockpiling weapons is what patriotic Americans should be doing for preparing to the unfortunate circumstance where the American divide is resolved by arms.
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Trump protesters are exactly like nazis/brownshirts:

hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

[QUOTETrump rally repeatedly disrupted by protesters][/QUOTE]

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

etc etc more links to infinity
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
Most mass shooters are democrats. The one your talking about hated brown people because of global warming. So you loons are teaching future mass shooters as we speak. Trump was doing the same at the centers as Obama. Remember the pictures you pissed your pants over was from the Obama years. Lol
Trump Supporters don't go to Liberal rallies and cause violence......

The Trump Protesters come to rallies to create violence......some being paid to do so by the DNC.

Simple truths.
From whatever I've heard, apart from a few isolated incidents, the people at the Trump rallies are very polite. You'll even hear press people say this, despite the nonsense Trump says about the press being the enemy of the people and his supporters cheering him.

The violent protestors are morons. The police should come down hard on them if they incite violence.
Historically what happens to thugs like these left wing protestors...yeah the people rise up and wipe them out. You libs really need to pull your heads out of your ass.
Historically what happens to thugs like these left wing protestors...yeah the people rise up and wipe them out. You libs really need to pull your heads out of your ass.

Sounds like the same fate as has historically awaited the deep state.
Historically what happens to thugs like these left wing protestors...yeah the people rise up and wipe them out. You libs really need to pull your heads out of your ass.

Sounds like the same fate as has historically awaited the deep state.

Of course it does. In thousands of years of human history this has happened to every thug corrupt bunch of scumbags. Eventually the people get fed up with it. Trump's win in 2016 was a warning shot across the bow of the corrupt DC establishment but the swamp has ignored it.
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
....most blacks are Dems--they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites = many times more than that than Republicans
..please see post # 4 ....
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
....most blacks are Dems--they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites = many times more than that than Republicans
..please see post # 4 ....
Why are we talking about race? Literally wtf does that have to do with this thread???

Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
....most blacks are Dems--they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites = many times more than that than Republicans
..please see post # 4 ....
Why are we talking about race? Literally wtf does that have to do with this thread???



He’s trying (and failing with most) to draw a parallel between gang bangers who have never voted and the professional terrorists who politically support your blob.
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
....most blacks are Dems--they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites = many times more than that than Republicans
..please see post # 4 ....
Why are we talking about race? Literally wtf does that have to do with this thread???

Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
....most blacks are Dems--they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites = many times more than that than Republicans
..please see post # 4 ....
Why are we talking about race? Literally wtf does that have to do with this thread???

blacks are anti-Trump--you dumbass--
blacks/BLM protest Trump
this is in YOUR OP !!!!!!!!!!---duh
you're a real dumbass...you can't even add 1 + 1
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
....most blacks are Dems--they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites = many times more than that than Republicans
..please see post # 4 ....
Why are we talking about race? Literally wtf does that have to do with this thread???

you are a real dumbass
fuck Donald Trump’ and ‘fuck white people’
Four arrested over Facebook Live video of man tortured amid anti-Trump taunts
Political arguments can be had without invoking race all the damn time. Crime statistics have NOTHING to do with this thread people.
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
....most blacks are Dems--they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites = many times more than that than Republicans
..please see post # 4 ....
Why are we talking about race? Literally wtf does that have to do with this thread???

you are a real dumbass
fuck Donald Trump’ and ‘fuck white people’
Four arrested over Facebook Live video of man tortured amid anti-Trump taunts
That is not part of my op.

We had our first frost last night, should I invoke that as part of my argument too?

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