Let's be clear

The order doesn't mention Muslims and is specific regarding those who are potential terrorists. Whose fault it is that the ones who most likely fit the description and are the most difficult to vet happen to be Muslims?

No lib said shit about Obama banning Muslims for a six month period in 2011. And, yes, it was aimed at Muslims over terrorist concerns.

It is perfectly reasonable to ban people from known terrorist states until we can come up with a better system of vetting them. Our safety is important and our president has a duty to U.S. citizens FIRST. That means when there is any doubt, they must choose us.

Some of the 'fully vetted' refugees allowed in ended up being terrorists. Here's a few of them:

20 ‘Fully Vetted’ Refugees Who Were Charged With TERRORISM After...

Trying to blame this on Obama is another gem by you people.

Either you have problems with reading comprehension or you are being deliberately obtuse.

No one is blaming this on Obama. I pointed out the left's hypocrisy by reminding you that Obama had done something similar, for good reason, and none of you objected.

The order focuses on terrorism. If you want to push the notion that it's the same as banning all Muslims, I can't argue with you. It's you guys who now equate terrorists and Muslims. Good job!!!
Let's see how many terrorist leaders of the magnitude of Bin Ladin or Momar that trump takes out or even the tally he racks up for upper level or even mid level leaders of al Qaeda. You can even throw in ISIL leaders.

We have muslims that have been radicalized and funded by the deep state. They are undermining European countries and I can't fore the life of me understand why the left is championing the influx of these people that have no intention of assimilating into American culture and want to make their host country bend to THEIR ways and their way of life. Docile muslims are not a threat until the radical ones come in and once they become huge in number? They start pushing their weight around. You need to do some research about this and view some videos of military age muslims behaving very badly........this is a fact of life.

True. When the 'peaceful' Muslims refuse to stand up to the radicals and support them over others, it makes them just as bad.

The Iraqi Army is systematically and comprehensively beating ISIS, and Trump banned Iraqis coming to the US.
Muslims are not welcome here...

That is one reason Trump got elected..

The people have spoken

The people spoke for Secretary Clinton. The electoral college spoke for Donald
And Trump won with a mandate, and Hillary was last seen wondering the woods....:lol:
The word you're looking for is 'wandering'. I'm pretty sure she's doing just fine.

And, no, he wasn't elected with a mandate. He didn't even win the popular vote.
Indeed Trump won with a pretty large mandate....sadness on you and your wandering loser....
Muslims are not welcome here...

That is one reason Trump got elected..

The people have spoken

The people spoke for Secretary Clinton. The electoral college spoke for Donald
And Trump won with a mandate, and Hillary was last seen wondering the woods....:lol:
The word you're looking for is 'wandering'. I'm pretty sure she's doing just fine.

And, no, he wasn't elected with a mandate. He didn't even win the popular vote.
Indeed Trump won with a pretty large mandate....sadness on you and your wandering loser....
Losing the popular vote by 2 million plus doesn't translate into a mandate
Muslims are not welcome here...

That is one reason Trump got elected..

The people have spoken

The people spoke for Secretary Clinton. The electoral college spoke for Donald
And Trump won with a mandate, and Hillary was last seen wondering the woods....:lol:
The word you're looking for is 'wandering'. I'm pretty sure she's doing just fine.

And, no, he wasn't elected with a mandate. He didn't even win the popular vote.
Indeed Trump won with a pretty large mandate....sadness on you and your wandering loser....
Losing the popular vote by 2 million plus doesn't translate into a mandate
What did she win?
Muslims are not welcome here...

That is one reason Trump got elected..

The people have spoken

The people spoke for Secretary Clinton. The electoral college spoke for Donald
And Trump won with a mandate, and Hillary was last seen wondering the woods....:lol:
The word you're looking for is 'wandering'. I'm pretty sure she's doing just fine.

And, no, he wasn't elected with a mandate. He didn't even win the popular vote.
Indeed Trump won with a pretty large mandate....sadness on you and your wandering loser....
Losing the popular vote by 2 million plus doesn't translate into a mandate

Who gives a shit? Would of, could of, should of...

Wish in one hand and shit in the other...

Trying to blame this on Obama is another gem by you people.

Either you have problems with reading comprehension or you are being deliberately obtuse.

No one is blaming this on Obama. I pointed out the left's hypocrisy by reminding you that Obama had done something similar, for good reason, and none of you objected.

The order focuses on terrorism. If you want to push the notion that it's the same as banning all Muslims, I can't argue with you. It's you guys who now equate terrorists and Muslims. Good job!!!
Let's see how many terrorist leaders of the magnitude of Bin Ladin or Momar that trump takes out or even the tally he racks up for upper level or even mid level leaders of al Qaeda. You can even throw in ISIL leaders.

We have muslims that have been radicalized and funded by the deep state. They are undermining European countries and I can't fore the life of me understand why the left is championing the influx of these people that have no intention of assimilating into American culture and want to make their host country bend to THEIR ways and their way of life. Docile muslims are not a threat until the radical ones come in and once they become huge in number? They start pushing their weight around. You need to do some research about this and view some videos of military age muslims behaving very badly........this is a fact of life.

True. When the 'peaceful' Muslims refuse to stand up to the radicals and support them over others, it makes them just as bad.

The Iraqi Army is systematically and comprehensively beating ISIS, and Trump banned Iraqis coming to the US.

That sounds great. If Iraq is so effective and beating down ISIS, then the Iraqis should stay where they are so they can finish the job.
Trying to blame this on Obama is another gem by you people.

Either you have problems with reading comprehension or you are being deliberately obtuse.

No one is blaming this on Obama. I pointed out the left's hypocrisy by reminding you that Obama had done something similar, for good reason, and none of you objected.

The order focuses on terrorism. If you want to push the notion that it's the same as banning all Muslims, I can't argue with you. It's you guys who now equate terrorists and Muslims. Good job!!!
Let's see how many terrorist leaders of the magnitude of Bin Ladin or Momar that trump takes out or even the tally he racks up for upper level or even mid level leaders of al Qaeda. You can even throw in ISIL leaders.

We have muslims that have been radicalized and funded by the deep state. They are undermining European countries and I can't fore the life of me understand why the left is championing the influx of these people that have no intention of assimilating into American culture and want to make their host country bend to THEIR ways and their way of life. Docile muslims are not a threat until the radical ones come in and once they become huge in number? They start pushing their weight around. You need to do some research about this and view some videos of military age muslims behaving very badly........this is a fact of life.

True. When the 'peaceful' Muslims refuse to stand up to the radicals and support them over others, it makes them just as bad.

The Iraqi Army is systematically and comprehensively beating ISIS, and Trump banned Iraqis coming to the US.

Good.. Fuck em..

Painting a fence

Either you have problems with reading comprehension or you are being deliberately obtuse.

No one is blaming this on Obama. I pointed out the left's hypocrisy by reminding you that Obama had done something similar, for good reason, and none of you objected.

The order focuses on terrorism. If you want to push the notion that it's the same as banning all Muslims, I can't argue with you. It's you guys who now equate terrorists and Muslims. Good job!!!
Let's see how many terrorist leaders of the magnitude of Bin Ladin or Momar that trump takes out or even the tally he racks up for upper level or even mid level leaders of al Qaeda. You can even throw in ISIL leaders.

We have muslims that have been radicalized and funded by the deep state. They are undermining European countries and I can't fore the life of me understand why the left is championing the influx of these people that have no intention of assimilating into American culture and want to make their host country bend to THEIR ways and their way of life. Docile muslims are not a threat until the radical ones come in and once they become huge in number? They start pushing their weight around. You need to do some research about this and view some videos of military age muslims behaving very badly........this is a fact of life.

True. When the 'peaceful' Muslims refuse to stand up to the radicals and support them over others, it makes them just as bad.

The Iraqi Army is systematically and comprehensively beating ISIS, and Trump banned Iraqis coming to the US.

That sounds great. If Iraq is so effective and beating down ISIS, then the Iraqis should stay where they are so they can finish the job.

goddam that's retarded. don't lose your hockey helmet.
Let's see how many terrorist leaders of the magnitude of Bin Ladin or Momar that trump takes out or even the tally he racks up for upper level or even mid level leaders of al Qaeda. You can even throw in ISIL leaders.

We have muslims that have been radicalized and funded by the deep state. They are undermining European countries and I can't fore the life of me understand why the left is championing the influx of these people that have no intention of assimilating into American culture and want to make their host country bend to THEIR ways and their way of life. Docile muslims are not a threat until the radical ones come in and once they become huge in number? They start pushing their weight around. You need to do some research about this and view some videos of military age muslims behaving very badly........this is a fact of life.

True. When the 'peaceful' Muslims refuse to stand up to the radicals and support them over others, it makes them just as bad.

The Iraqi Army is systematically and comprehensively beating ISIS, and Trump banned Iraqis coming to the US.

That sounds great. If Iraq is so effective and beating down ISIS, then the Iraqis should stay where they are so they can finish the job.

goddam that's retarded. don't lose your hockey helmet.

*sigh* Sarcasm is So Wasted on Some People.
Muslims are not welcome here...

That is one reason Trump got elected..

The people have spoken

The people spoke for Secretary Clinton. The electoral college spoke for Donald
And Trump won with a mandate, and Hillary was last seen wondering the woods....:lol:
The word you're looking for is 'wandering'. I'm pretty sure she's doing just fine.

And, no, he wasn't elected with a mandate. He didn't even win the popular vote.
Indeed Trump won with a pretty large mandate....sadness on you and your wandering loser....
Losing the popular vote by 2 million plus doesn't translate into a mandate

Winning the electoral votes and the presidency does.
Muslims are not welcome here...

That is one reason Trump got elected..

The people have spoken

The people spoke for Secretary Clinton. The electoral college spoke for Donald

No, the people did not speak for Hil-Liar because there was never a popular vote race. If there were a popular vote race, Trump would have won that as well. If there were a popular vote race, Trump would have campaigned entirely different.
Currently, two points from the Right are going on on this board...

1. Trump is fulfilling his campaign promises

2. Trump's ban on Muslims is not a ban on Muslims


Let's go back to 2015:

Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. - CNNPolitics.com

So which of you Trumptards wants to admit you're lying about either number one, or number two.

I have been around here long enough to understand your special brand of stupid. One point does not demand the other to be false. In this case it certainly is not the case. So let me ask two questions.

1. Did Trump promise to deal with immigration issues regarding refugees yes or no? (note this was a campaign promise)

2. Did Trump issue restrictions on a religion or certain countries?

His campaign promise was to ban Muslims. That's why you voted for him.

Deflection and lies as SOP. Sorry you can't handle truth.

Deflection? The topic of this thread is Trump's promise to ban Muslims.

Fuck off.

How is he going to do that? Do Muslims carry a Muslim ID or something?

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