Let's Be Honest For A Minute....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.
You failed to mention who the best candidate is
Cruz may be the best of the existing GOP candidates, but he is not the best this country has to offer. THAT is my point...
RW, I did not 'fail' to say who the best candidate is. To do so was NEVER my intent. My intent was only to point out that those being offered as our choices are hardly this nation's best qualified for the job.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

So much for being 'honest.'
RW, I did not 'fail' to say who the best candidate is. To do so was NEVER my intent. My intent was only to point out that those being offered as our choices are hardly this nation's best qualified for the job.

Typical bullshit from those watching politics from afar

I hate everyone and am unwilling to commit to anyone who is best qualified

None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

Yes I agree, let's also be honest about this for a moment!

None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.
You failed to mention who the best candidate is

The Donald is the best candidate.
RW, I did not 'fail' to say who the best candidate is. To do so was NEVER my intent. My intent was only to point out that those being offered as our choices are hardly this nation's best qualified for the job.

Typical bullshit from those watching politics from afar

I hate everyone and am unwilling to commit to anyone who is best qualified


The 'best qualified' is Kasich.

But he will not get the nomination
RW, I did not 'fail' to say who the best candidate is. To do so was NEVER my intent. My intent was only to point out that those being offered as our choices are hardly this nation's best qualified for the job.

Typical bullshit from those watching politics from afar

I hate everyone and am unwilling to commit to anyone who is best qualified


The 'best qualified' is Kasich.

But he will not get the nomination

The way he was pouting like a little baby i don't think so.
I never said I hated anyone. I simply pointed out the fact that there are smarter, more experienced, more honest, more honorable people out there.

This is not an attack on anyone, so why the attempt to spin and the 'hostility'. Is there anyone on this board who SERIOUSLY believes any one of these candidates are REALLY the MOST INTELLIGENT and MOST QUALIFIED citizen in the entire U.S.?!

And sorry, RW, you can't upset me or goad me into anything with your childish name-calling. Grow up.
Cruz may be the best of the existing GOP candidates, but he is not the best this country has to offer. THAT is my point...

Yes, he is, for the simple reason that he's the best that's actually willing to take the job. Who would you suggest we dragoon into the job, kicking and screaming?
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.
You failed to mention who the best candidate is

The Donald is the best candidate.

The best, by what criteria?
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

Indeed. This is not a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. It is the government run by corrupt politicians controlled by Super Pacs, Lobbyists, billionaires, Wall Street, and other special interest groups such as Planned Parenthood. We have been sold out by the politicians to big money. We have lost our government and our country. No honest man or woman or patriot with integrity will run for office. Washington D.C. is a den of snakes and vipers.

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