Let's Blow Up A Character Attack On Harris

Nobody gives a shit about that. Other than we may have the first woman president who sucked her way to the job. None of Trumps side action has gained him any political clout. All of her escapades were job interviews. Trump fucking stormy wasn’t going to get him a job. Heels up fucking Willie was for a job. See the difference here?
Trump is a rapist.
What I don't like is your rife hypocrisy. That's what I'm throwing back in your face.

The unmitigated gall it takes to make the race about character when you have chosen the very worst possible person to be your nominee.

Spare us the piety. Don't bother.

You aren't even willing to look into her character, anyway.
It takes stunning gall for Trump World to attack the character of Kamala Harris, but no one has ever said these brainless parrots had any self-awareness.

So the earliest attack on Harris's character is that she dated a married man way back in the early 90s.

Trumpers have been copying and pasting some really disgusting cartoons on this forum connected to that. And because they have zero self-awareness, they probably will post them in this topic. That's just how these sick bastards roll.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump was still married to Marla Maples when he started "dating" Melania.


Harris made sleeping yourself to the top honorable?

You folks crack me up
Let me explain in small words what makes you a hypocrite.

Kamala dated a married man in the 90s.

Trump was married when he started "dating" Melania.
Let me make it even easier for you:

Kamala wants as many lowlife illegals to crash the border, after which she will make Americans provide hotels, food, and ideally universal income she has proposed - and then grant mass amnesty so they can continue to vote themselves free house down payments with other people’s money

Trump knows that when you incentivize uneducated, unskilled, semi-literate foreigners to flood the country, the overall caliber of the country declines, and the property values and school quality in particular in the areas they settle.

This difference is more important than who screws whom.
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It takes stunning gall for Trump World to attack the character of Kamala Harris, but no one has ever said these brainless parrots had any self-awareness.

So the earliest attack on Harris's character is that she dated a married man way back in the early 90s.

Trumpers have been copying and pasting some really disgusting cartoons on this forum connected to that. And because they have zero self-awareness, they probably will post them in this topic. That's just how these sick bastards roll.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump was still married to Marla Maples when he started "dating" Melania.



Yeah because he me character is above reproach.

Her knee pads have callouses.
It takes stunning gall for Trump World to attack the character of Kamala Harris, but no one has ever said these brainless parrots had any self-awareness.

So the earliest attack on Harris's character is that she dated a married man way back in the early 90s.

Trumpers have been copying and pasting some really disgusting cartoons on this forum connected to that. And because they have zero self-awareness, they probably will post them in this topic. That's just how these sick bastards roll.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump was still married to Marla Maples when he started "dating" Melania.


Hey Buttercup, she is in the big time now.

You can’t get so butthurt every time someone points out her past.

Grow up.
Let me make it even easier for you:

Kamala wants as many lowlife illegals to crash the border, after which she will make Americans provide hotels, food, and ideally universal income she has proposed

Trump knows that when you incentivize uneducated, unskilled, semi-literate foreigners to flood the country, the the overall caliber of the country declines.

This difference is more important than who screws whom.
Do you ever stop lying?
Let me make it even easier for you:

Kamala wants as many lowlife illegals to crash the border, after which she will make Americans provide hotels, food, and ideally universal income she has proposed

Trump knows that when you incentivize uneducated, unskilled, semi-literate foreigners to flood the country, the the overall caliber of the country declines.

This difference is more important than who screws whom.

That's really the important part.
Harris made sleeping yourself to the top honorable?

You folks crack me up
Yes, I hear it reported that Kamala is an inspiration to young black girls everywhere. Here’s her campaign slogan:

“Ride your boss’ cock and your female blackness all the way to the top!”
Trump is an immoral ass. He has not only cheated on his wives, he defrauded people and cheated people out of money. He's created fake charities and used donations on himself.

Harris had sex with a man who had been separated from his wife for a decade. These two things are not even close to the same thing.
Biden had an affair with “Dr” Jill and ruined her marriage, Simp.

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