Let's Blow Up A Character Attack On Harris

Nobody gives a shit about that. Other than we may have the first woman president who sucked her way to the job. None of Trumps side action has gained him any political clout. All of her escapades were job interviews. Trump fucking stormy wasn’t going to get him a job. Heels up fucking Willie was for a job. See the difference here?
No. But that's just because I believe you're full of shit. :dunno:
Nobody gives a shit about that. Other than we may have the first woman president who sucked her way to the job. None of Trumps side action has gained him any political clout. All of her escapades were job interviews. Trump fucking stormy wasn’t going to get him a job. Heels up fucking Willie was for a job. See the difference here?
We have a woman that has won elections. Primary elections. General elections. She had a job when she met Brown.

Harris dated Brown in the mid-1990s, but Brown had been estranged from his wife since 1981. Brown did appoint Harris to two political posts in 1994 while he served as Speaker of the California Assembly, but that was years before Harris won her first election in 2003. She was already working as an assistant district attorney in Alameda County when she took on the appointments.

So as we are shown here, Harris was an Asst. DA for Alameda County. So she had the qualifications. What qualifications did Trump have when he decided to get into poitics? A businsess handed to him by his daddy and 6 bankruptcies.
It takes stunning gall for Trump World to attack the character of Kamala Harris, but no one has ever said these brainless parrots had any self-awareness.

So the earliest attack on Harris's character is that she dated a married man way back in the early 90s.

Trumpers have been copying and pasting some really disgusting cartoons on this forum connected to that. And because they have zero self-awareness, they probably will post them in this topic. That's just how these sick bastards roll.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump was still married to Marla Maples when he started "dating" Melania.


We have a woman that has won elections. Primary elections. General elections. She had a job when she met Brown.

Harris dated Brown in the mid-1990s, but Brown had been estranged from his wife since 1981. Brown did appoint Harris to two political posts in 1994 while he served as Speaker of the California Assembly, but that was years before Harris won her first election in 2003. She was already working as an assistant district attorney in Alameda County when she took on the appointments.

So as we are shown here, Harris was an Asst. DA for Alameda County. So she had the qualifications. What qualifications did Trump have when he decided to get into poitics? A businsess handed to him by his daddy and 6 bankruptcies.
We have a woman that has won elections. Primary elections. General elections. She had a job when she met Brown.

Harris dated Brown in the mid-1990s, but Brown had been estranged from his wife since 1981. Brown did appoint Harris to two political posts in 1994 while he served as Speaker of the California Assembly, but that was years before Harris won her first election in 2003. She was already working as an assistant district attorney in Alameda County when she took on the appointments.

So as we are shown here, Harris was an Asst. DA for Alameda County. So she had the qualifications. What qualifications did Trump have when he decided to get into poitics? A businsess handed to him by his daddy and 6 bankruptcies.
She needed his endorsement just like ever other democrat in CA. She sucked it out him.
Yes, I hear it reported that Kamala is an inspiration to young black girls everywhere. Here’s her campaign slogan:

“Ride your boss’ cock and your female blackness all the way to the top!”

Harris just made every girl believe they can’t attain success with their brains. They can only do so on their backs.

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