Let’s define “war hero” and political “accomplishments”

War is still war
Boots on the ground and body bags make it a war....not a declaration of Congress

You just made my case for me, rwinger. It's unconstitutional. I thought we elected people to uphold the Constitution. Not only that, anyone who has ever served takes that very same oath.

But yet we do precisely the opposite of what we swore to uphold.

True patriots are those men and women who stand up to a tyrannical government operating outside of and contrary to the Constitution they swore to uphold. A true patriot is not someone who blatantly and knowingly violate the oath to defend the Constitution that they swore to uphold.

I'm sorry, but all of the blind, indoctrinated, hero worship is indicative of a very, very, underinformed, very undereducated, very indoctrinated, electorate.

Bring em home and build more bases here. That's real national defense. That's real defense spending. That's constitutional. Anything beyond that is an unconstitutional tyrant's errand. Nothing in the constitution empowers our politicians to invade and install shadow governments in foreign nations.
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War is still war
Boots on the ground and body bags make it a war....not a declaration of Congress

You just made my case for me, rwinger. It's unconstitutional. I thought we elected people to uphold the Constitution. Not only that, anyone who has ever served takes that very same oath.

But yet we do precisely the opposite of what we swore to uphold.

True patriots are those men and women who stand up to a tyrannical government operating outside of and contrary to the Constitution they swore to uphold. A true patriot is not someone who blatantly and knowingly violate the oath to defend the Constitution that they swore to uphold.

I'm sorry, but all of the blind, indoctrinated, hero worship is indicative of a very, very, underinformed, very undereducated, very indoctrinated, electorate.
Take it to court and get SCOTUS to declare Vietnam or Korea to be unconstitutional

Unless you can......it is Constitutional
Oh I get it! This is one of those threads designed to distract everyone from talking about what a piece of shit Donald Trump is!
Take it to court and get SCOTUS to declare Vietnam or Korea to be unconstitutional

Unless you can......it is Constitutional

Aw, come one, rwinger. You'e smarter than that. There were no declarations of war in either of thoseoccupations, therefore they were both unconstitutional.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane
"I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane"
They forgot to mention that to me. I was taught that while flying VFR to always keep an eye open for suitable emergency landing sites and in IFR conditions how to avoid crashing in populated areas.
But in that case that particular plane was at the mercy of the pilot, not the other way around. He chose to fly it around over Hanoi where he wasn`t supposed to be. Maybe he was hoping they would not fire at him if he had jettisoned his armaments, was flashing his Nav-lights, dropped his landing gear and set his transponder to squawk 7700.
Assuming Soviet trained air defense in Hanoi would recognize his intentions.
And it`s not like he was hit at low altitude restricting his options where to land with a ~3 to 1 parachute glide ratio to downtown Hanoi !
Randy "Duke" Cunningham was a genuine Vietnam war hero. Duke Cunningham is credited with establishing the "Top Gun" school for fighter pilots after he shot down the top V.C. air ace in a dog fight in Vietnam. As a congressman he got in trouble accepting gifts from lobbyists similar to McCain in the Keating scandal. Democrats weren't satisfied with Cunningham's disgrace and resignation from congress. They were determined to see him behind bars in prison. McCain did nothing to help his fellow retired Navy aviator. McCain got a break because he had a reputation for betraying his own party but Cunningham went to prison.
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I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero

Don’t you also consider a man who spends $10 trillion of Americans cash on welfare to be a hero?

No idea what you are babbling about

How convenient....you often don't have a clue on anything.
Take it to court and get SCOTUS to declare Vietnam or Korea to be unconstitutional

Unless you can......it is Constitutional

Aw, come one, rwinger. You'e smarter than that. There were no declarations of war in either of thoseoccupations, therefore they were both unconstitutional.

You think draftees did not try to get Vietnam declared unconstitutional?
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

Keeping in mind that I personally disliked John McCain and though he was something of an asshole . . .

His "war hero" status comes less from having been captured, and more from the fact that he refused the offer of release from captivity while others remained behind. That took a level of character and loyalty to his country and his oaths as a soldier that I sincerely doubt either you or I would be able to muster.

Think very carefully before you let your political partisanship tell you that it's no big deal to piss on this memory. I advise you to err on the side of being a decent human being instead of a political hack piece of shit.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane
"I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane"
They forgot to mention that to me. I was taught that while flying VFR to always keep an eye open for suitable emergency landing sites and in IFR conditions how to avoid crashing in populated areas.
But in that case that particular plane was at the mercy of the pilot, not the other way around. He chose to fly it around over Hanoi where he wasn`t supposed to be. Maybe he was hoping they would not fire at him if he had jettisoned his armaments, was flashing his Nav-lights, dropped his landing gear and set his transponder to squawk 7700.
Assuming Soviet trained air defense in Hanoi would recognize his intentions.
And it`s not like he was hit at low altitude restricting his options where to land with a ~3 to 1 parachute glide ratio to downtown Hanoi !
Have to be in his shoes to determine what his options were
I’m sure if he had a better option, he would have taken it
Pubs have like this empty space in their brains where they just can't process the fact that a man can serve his country honorably and still be a hero and patriot regardless of whether he agrees with them politically. It is flaw in character I would assume.

Don't even effing start with trying to allot yourself some sort of moral superiority here. If I started listing the people and occasions which deserved respect and instead got pissed on by leftists for political reasons, I'd be listing them all day and never get anything done.

Trump supporters are wrong for being disrespectful of John McCain, but leftists are wrong about nearly frigging everything on Earth, ESPECIALLY things that call for morality and decency. So get over yourself.
damn the gop will eat their own so fast.....

View attachment 213215
Trump is in good company. Neither would want me at the funeral. Or you for that matter.

In reality, this is an indication of how deeply and bitterly the nation is divided. It's not Trump. It's the side he stands for. That's what they don't want. And they don't want that side dirtying up their world either.
Maybe it is because of the horrible things Trump said about McCain.
Randy "Duke" Cunningham was a genuine Vietnam war hero. Duke Cunningham is credited with establishing the "Top Gun" school for fighter pilots after he shot down the top V.C. air ace in a dog fight in Vietnam. As a congressman he got in trouble accepting gifts from lobbyists similar to McCain in the Keating scandal. Democrats weren't satisfied with Cunningham's disgrace and resignation from congress. They were determined to see him behind bars in prison. McCain did nothing to help his fellow retired Navy aviator. McCain got a break because he had a reputation for betraying his own party but Cunningham went to prison.

Why do conservatives struggle with equivalencies?

Cunningham resigned from the House on November 28, 2005, after pleading guilty to accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and under-reporting his taxable income for 2004. He pleaded guilty to federal charges of tax evasion, and conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, and wire fraud. He was sentenced to eight years and four months in prison and was ordered to pay $1.8 million in restitution.[2] On June 4, 2013, Cunningham completed his prison sentence; he now lives in Arkansas.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane
"I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane"
They forgot to mention that to me. I was taught that while flying VFR to always keep an eye open for suitable emergency landing sites and in IFR conditions how to avoid crashing in populated areas.
But in that case that particular plane was at the mercy of the pilot, not the other way around. He chose to fly it around over Hanoi where he wasn`t supposed to be. Maybe he was hoping they would not fire at him if he had jettisoned his armaments, was flashing his Nav-lights, dropped his landing gear and set his transponder to squawk 7700.
Assuming Soviet trained air defense in Hanoi would recognize his intentions.
And it`s not like he was hit at low altitude restricting his options where to land with a ~3 to 1 parachute glide ratio to downtown Hanoi !

You really believe all of that bullshit you just posted?

Please shut up! It makes it harder for you to embarrass yourself that way.

Parachute glide? Ever ejected from an aircraft and controlled your parachute with two broken arms?

damn the gop will eat their own so fast.....

View attachment 213215
Trump is in good company. Neither would want me at the funeral. Or you for that matter.

In reality, this is an indication of how deeply and bitterly the nation is divided. It's not Trump. It's the side he stands for. That's what they don't want. And they don't want that side dirtying up their world either.
Maybe it is because of the horrible things Trump said about McCain.
McCain is a scumbag. I knew that when he threw over the presidential election. I don't believe any of the story about his ship or his POW story.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair? Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?
"So the pilot can just will his plane to continue to fly when it is breaking apart in midair?"
Typical ! "winning" an argument that you constructed. If I were "fucking stupid" I would buy that story. For all you know he`s been flying left handed triangles over Hanoi (where he wasn`t supposed to be) and bailed out as soon as he realized in dismay that they locked and launched missiles on him.
.....and then continued to fly with his parachute into downtown Hanoi. Wow...does that look like he was trying to avoid capture in a "fucking stupid way" or was it something else?
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane
"I hope you are bright enough to realize you are at the mercy of your plane"
They forgot to mention that to me. I was taught that while flying VFR to always keep an eye open for suitable emergency landing sites and in IFR conditions how to avoid crashing in populated areas.
But in that case that particular plane was at the mercy of the pilot, not the other way around. He chose to fly it around over Hanoi where he wasn`t supposed to be. Maybe he was hoping they would not fire at him if he had jettisoned his armaments, was flashing his Nav-lights, dropped his landing gear and set his transponder to squawk 7700.
Assuming Soviet trained air defense in Hanoi would recognize his intentions.
And it`s not like he was hit at low altitude restricting his options where to land with a ~3 to 1 parachute glide ratio to downtown Hanoi !

You really believe all of that bullshit you just posted?

Please shut up! It makes it harder for you to embarrass yourself that way.

Parachute glide? Ever ejected from an aircraft and controlled your parachute with two broken arms?

"You really believe all of that bullshit you just posted?"
Do you really believe all the bullshit Time magazine published about his downing?

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