Let’s define “war hero” and political “accomplishments”

Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

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McCain's diseased, traitorous body is not the American flag.
And members of the military who are traitors are the foulest scumbags there are.
How, exactly was he a traitor?

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Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

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Did you think that “right wingers” love and respect every single soldier who’s ever worn a uniform? You didn’t know that a number of them have been total pieces of shits?
It would appear to me that right wingers are totally full of shit.

You either respect those that defend this country or you don't.

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One can respect his military service while abhorring his politics. Neither grants wisdom to the other.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

When he was captured he had 2 broken arms, a broken leg, his shoulder was crushed and he was bayoneted by his initial captors.

But I think the key to calling him a hero is that he rejected his release. He followed the Code of Military Conduct "I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy". In doing so he spent another 5 years in a Hell we cannot imagine.

So yeah, I consider him a war hero.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.

When he was captured he had 2 broken arms, a broken leg, his shoulder was crushed and he was bayoneted by his initial captors.

But I think the key to calling him a hero is that he rejected his release. He followed the Code of Military Conduct "I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy". In doing so he spent another 5 years in a Hell we cannot imagine.

So yeah, I consider him a war hero.

His fellow prisoners spoke highly of him. Concerning this matter, his actions and their statements are enough.
McCain was a piss poor Navy Aviator.

If his Grandfather and Father weren't Navy Admirals he would have been courts martial for his cowardice and stupidity with the disaster on the Forrestal.
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Did you think that “right wingers” love and respect every single soldier who’s ever worn a uniform? You didn’t know that a number of them have been total pieces of shits?
It would appear to me that right wingers are totally full of shit.

You either respect those that defend this country or you don't.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

One can respect his military service while abhorring his politics. Neither grants wisdom to the other.
What do you abhor about his politics?
Help me out here...outside of that backward world of LibTardia...do we refer to a soldier who fails to carry out and execute a mission as a hero?
In the world of sane folks....If a soldier disregards explicit instructions / orders, doesn’t follow a flight path and the mission ends in failure we call him a dumbass...don’t we?
Moving on....
In politics when a politician stands against members of his Party whom have all been elected and trusted by The People to carry out their wishes is he really standing for and acting on behalf of his constituency / The People?

If this were a professional football game, you would be kneeling.
What happened to giving respect to members of the military?
Another right wing LIE.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Did you think that “right wingers” love and respect every single soldier who’s ever worn a uniform? You didn’t know that a number of them have been total pieces of shits?
It would appear to me that right wingers are totally full of shit.

You either respect those that defend this country or you don't.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

One can respect his military service while abhorring his politics. Neither grants wisdom to the other.
What do you abhor about his politics?

His Democratishness.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero

And then dedicates the rest of his life to public service after that. He was an American hero.
"Public service." LOL Jesus, what high school did you drop out of Seawytch? :p
The douchebag McCain was not even born in the USA.

That's right! John McCain came from a line of American heroes.

John Sidney "Jack" McCain Jr was a United States Navy admiral, who served in conflicts from the 1940s through the 1970s, including as the Commander, United States Pacific Command.
rightwinger, let me guess, you dropped out of high school and found meth a hell of a drug. :p
John Sidney "Jack" McCain Jr was a United States Navy admiral, who served in conflicts from the 1940s through the 1970s, including as the Commander, United States Pacific Command.

Yes indeed McCain's father covered up the USS Liberty attack. Do you not realized the savages who held the douchebag captive knew his connections you high school drop out idiot?
McCain was a piss poor Navy Aviator.

If his Grandfather and Father weren't Navy Admirals he would have been courts martial for his cowardice and stupidity with the disaster on the Forrestal.
McCain was completely cleared of any responsibility of the USS Forrestal incident. A Navel video shows specifically where rhe errant missile came from, and it absolutely did not come from McCain's aircraft.

Navy never accused him of any kind of alleged cowardice. Only assholes like the poster "Flash" do.
John Sidney "Jack" McCain Jr was a United States Navy admiral, who served in conflicts from the 1940s through the 1970s, including as the Commander, United States Pacific Command.

Yes indeed McCain's father covered up the USS Liberty attack. Do you not realized the savages who held the douchebag captive knew his connections you high school drop out idiot?

Is there anyone you won't denigrate for your fat, orange dear leader?
Only in politics are you rated excellent for accomplishing two minor things in 40 years that had zero impact.
I consider a man who flys into enemy territory with no support, dodging surface to air missiles a hero

I consider a man who takes a hit and bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi and is captured while severely injured to be a hero

I consider someone who endures torture on behalf of his country to be a hero

I consider someone who declines release unless others are released first to be a hero
Gee the way you put it almost makes it sound as if he defected.Like "bravely ejects in downtown Hanoi" instead of over an area where he might have been able to avoid being captured...as every other pilot did who`s plane was downed in enemy territory.
Seriously? Did you seriously just post that? :71:
McCain did more for this country and as a Senator than Hillary Clinton ever did...

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