Lets Do a Mental Experiment; Would you pick Trump or Biden to pack your parachute?

Joe Biden or Donald Trump; who packs your parachute?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 20 83.3%

  • Total voters
Biden definitely. Trump has probably never done any real work his whole life and had others handle the details. Parachute packing is a very detailed operation, so Trump would be a liability. Biden on the other hand has decades of legislative experience under his belt, very detailed work, so he's the winner.
Seriously, lets say you were going to jump out of a airplane with only one parachute and you can have it packed by either Joe Biden or Donald Trump, who would you pick?
What idiot would choose Trump? I mean, does anyone think that Trump would give his full attention to packing a parachute. Hell, he'd be watching the TV the whole time while talking on a speakerphone to Lou Dobbs.
Multi-tasking is one of our President's specialties
But real hands-on work isn't.
Seriously, lets say you were going to jump out of a airplane with only one parachute and you can have it packed by either Joe Biden or Donald Trump, who would you pick?
Trump is a details oriented person and would follow procedure... Biden would just willy nilly roll it up...

Biden would have Bernie Sanders pack it!
Seriously, lets say you were going to jump out of a airplane with only one parachute and you can have it packed by either Joe Biden or Donald Trump, who would you pick?
Trump is a details oriented person and would follow procedure... Biden would just willy nilly roll it up...

Biden would have Bernie Sanders pack it!
Thats worse still.... Bernie would use old sheets from the soviet union for the parachute...
He is the only American president to have ever tear gassed peaceful protesters for a photo op. And his advisers are explicitly celebrating violence occurring on his watch

I pick Biden
Biden would read the instructions or seek qualified assistance. Trump would wing it because he knows more than the generals. Biden for sure.
Please have you not be around dementia patients especially late stage like Biden is-------at this point in Biden's life, he is doing good if he remembers to eat lunch that day. The man's mind is gone..........and never coming back.
Seriously, lets say you were going to jump out of a airplane with only one parachute and you can have it packed by either Joe Biden or Donald Trump, who would you pick?
Trump is a details oriented person and would follow procedure. Biden would just willy nilly roll it up.
Details were taken care of by others. Trump is a smoosher. His talent is bullshitting people.
Seriously, lets say you were going to jump out of a airplane with only one parachute and you can have it packed by either Joe Biden or Donald Trump, who would you pick?

That is the dumbest question I have ever heard. I am retired AF and have jumped out of one perfectly good Airplane. I would place my ass on the aircrew to get the bird down no matter what at that point because the mathmatical odds are better of living through a fiery crash is much better than having either of those to packing MY chute.
I have always packed my own chute... Like they say if you want something done fight do it yourself. However if it came down to you choosing a chute packed by Biden or one packed by Trump, Have to go with Trump. I still find it hard to believe Biden can find his way out of the basement without help
I have always packed my own chute... Like they say if you want something done fight do it yourself. However if it came down to you choosing a chute packed by Biden or one packed by Trump, Have to go with Trump. I still find it hard to believe Biden can find his way out of the basement without help

I'd still placee my faith in the Fiery Crash over either one for surviability.
I chose Sleepy Old Uncle Joe.

The Orange Baboon would farm it out to somebody else then lie his a$$ off when the thing failed.

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