Let's face it: America kind of sucks

We outpace pretty much everyone in unhealthy habits. We also have much more cars than a lot of countries.
Americans who apologize for America suck. Since you believe that so passionately, go to the borders and ports of entry how bad we suck. They will laugh at you or ignore you.
Do as I am doing and leave…
First, the best of luck to you in your new country.

Second, I am sure that in the coming decades, many other Americans will also be leaving.

Some people assure us that the United States has a bright future.

Other people respectfully disagree.
Golfing Gator


You guys are getting fuuuuucked.

First, the best of luck to you in your new country.

Second, I am sure that in the coming decades, many other Americans will also be leaving,

Some people assure us that the United States has a bright future.

Other people respectfully disagree.
Maybe if all the America haters leave, the future of the U.S. will be brighter than ever.
Why not?

That's the closest metropolitan area to where I live.

Lets see...

One has over a million people and one has less than 200,000
One is the capital of a nation with more than 5 million people and one is the county seat of a county with less than 300,000 people.
One has art and theater and world class restaurants and is a destination city, the other has the Missouri Food Truck Festival
The worst thing about America today is the people in government. Forget the (P)resident in the White House. We have a Congress who uses the power of the purse to make themselves multimillionaires. It's why they NEVER leave office. I'm so old I remember when AOC was worried about how she was going to pay rent in DC

With the exception of Rand Paul and one or two others they spend every waking minute thinking of new spending schemes that will funnel cash and wealth back to Congress.

We could have solvent Social Security and a viable free healthcare system -- IF WE STOPPED SPENDING MONEY ON 80% OF THE REST OF IT INCLUDING A LOT OF THE MILITARY! If and when Congress ever actually declares a war, it should be fought to win as swiftly ASAP and the returning soldiers should be given first class healthcare including a free homestead.

We've had Good and, now worst ever Presidents, but Congress remains the worst thing about America today
You did, and you accused me of not reading your entire post. Guilty.

You should have led with that, or at least put it closer to the top, because your post sounded for all the world like any other America sucks post. Sure, life's too short to read a long rant about how a person's favorite country sucks.

Will Norway accept you right now as an immigrant?

Be honest.
They don't need to accept him.

He can just sneak across the border and I'm sure the government of Norway will accept him with open arms...
Lets see...

One has over a million people and one has less than 200,000
One is the capital of a nation with more than 5 million people and one is the county seat of a county with less than 300,000 people.
One has art and theater and world class restaurants and is a destination city, the other has the Missouri Food Truck Festival
Ok...so what?

People live in one...people live in the other.

Should the cost for one set of people be 62% higher?
The worst thing about America today is the people in government. Forget the (P)resident in the White House. We have a Congress who uses the power of the purse to make themselves multimillionaires. It's why they NEVER leave office. I'm so old I remember when AOC was worried about how she was going to pay rent in DC

With the exception of Rand Paul and one or two others they spend every waking minute thinking of new spending schemes that will funnel cash and wealth back to Congress.

We could have solvent Social Security and a viable free healthcare system -- IF WE STOPPED SPENDING MONEY ON 80% OF THE REST OF IT INCLUDING A LOT OF THE MILITARY! If and when Congress ever actually declares a war, it should be fought to win as swiftly ASAP and the returning soldiers should be given first class healthcare including a free homestead.

We've had Good and, now worst ever Presidents, but Congress remains the worst thing about America today
The bureaucracy of D.C. has the effect of insulating our representatives in an out of touch fantasy land. Most politicians who go to D.C. integrate with the bureaucracy and become elites. Nothing will change unless the bureaucracy changes which may never happen.
Republicans like to pretend that the US is the best country in the world in every way because they cannot stand the thought of other countries doing something better than us. However, the main flaws the US has are much of less of issues in other first world countries.
America is obviously one of the best countries in the world, as people come here from all over, including Western nations, to live and not just visit. No one living in a better country would do that. I wouldn't want to move to Europe.

1) Our healthcare system is garbage with or without ObamaCare.
Better than socialized medicine.
2. Infrastructure systems are better in comparable nations.
My infrastructure is fine. NYC subway, roads and airports are 2nd-world because of Dems, no doubt.

3. Gun violence in the US is far greater than in other countries like Australia, the UK, and Canada.
Chicago and Baltimore come to mind, but what really matters is this, right? The term "gun violence is only meant to demonize guns. Guns don't commit violent crimes, people do.


4) Wealth inequality is one of the worst in the world.
That's probably a sign of a working economy, where the successful get rich.

Wealth inequality is a political metric. What matters more is average standard of living, which to some extent can be measured by per capita GDP.

5) Poverty rates are lower in other counties.

Goodness grief....


Conclusion: America kind of sucks. I know inevitably the response I am going to get to this thread will be somewhere along the lines of "if you don't like it here, leave!" Well see the truth of the matter is that I think America is great in some ways and I would rather stay here and fix what is wrong with it.
Yes, if you dislike America so much, there are options which are more feasible than pretending to be able to fix it yourself by turning it into Venezuela which would screw us freedom-loving Americans.
Ok...so what?

People live in one...people live in the other.

Should the cost for one set of people be 62% higher?

Yes, it should.

The cost is often based upon what is available and the location. The more to do and the better the location the more the cost.

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