Let's Get Our Priorities Straight


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Reading the boards and discussing presidential hopefuls and their platforms, I sometimes think we are getting way off base with minutia. We really have to take a look at the last administrations and what took place.

Then look at the arguments we think are important in the races.

Look at the present administration. The right is aghast at the lying that is taking place, the fact that present administration is plagued with scandals, and the national debt is at an uncontrollable amount again to be met with negotiating a ceiling in January for a possible shutdown.

The left is pleased with the accomplishments of this administration, although the signature accomplishment, met with "snafu's" will be meeting the needs of the publics healthcare for the first time in history. Osama Bin Laden was taken out and other minor milestones were made.

But, when we debate the issues, we seldom debate what really comes to be the important factors of the administrations, that is, the economy, foreign policy, major domestic mandates, integrity of the individuals, experience of leadership, knowledge of history, and most of all...character of the individual and his or her fiscal philosophy.

So often we take issues such as abortion, gay rights, immigration, gays in the military, and other more minor but toxic issues to overshadow the most important issues of the day. The president will not make these decisions by himself. They will sometimes be states rights, amendments or acts of Congress. We shouldn't get blind sighted by these when there are the major issues we are ignoring.
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i dont have one. No one is running yet. And if i don't see anyone i like, i may run myself just because im tired of this absolute bs.
And yes we have whacked up priorities here. We need to stop fighting with one another with these petty insults acting as if we are somehow superior to other posters because they have a different point of view, even if we think they are incredibly incorrect.

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