Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

I don’t give a damn about what you don’t like.
Oh, don't get me wrong, poster BackAgain.
I like your usual stuff.
However, it appears to me that lately you are getting shriller and a bit more discombobulated with your postings.

Are you OK?

Good luck ;)
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.
Hear hear. Kudos to the trumpers for not resorting to violence. Now only if we could get them to stop lying. Baby steps I guess
Oh, don't get me wrong, poster BackAgain.
I like your usual stuff.
However, it appears to me that lately you are getting shriller and a bit more discombobulated with your postings.

Are you OK?

Good luck ;)
The dude has been off his rocker lately.
Oh, don't get me wrong, poster BackAgain.
I like your usual stuff.
However, it appears to me that lately you are getting shriller and a bit more discombobulated with your postings.

Are you OK?

Good luck ;)
I don’t take you wrong, gasbag. I take you as you are which is an overstuffed verbose twit.

I’d ask you if you’re ok, but I don’t care.
There are two types of followers, those who blindly follow one politician or those who follow the principles of our Constitution. Very few followed Hillary Clinton's questioning the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton eventually conceded she lost. End of any controverary of the 2016 ellection.
Millions have followed the word of Donald Trump that the election was stolen rather than the evidence that showed the election was not stolen. Trump has refused to concede. The 2020 election continues to split our nation. Trump continues to rile up the millions who follow his words over anyone else's word or the evidence.

That is the difference. There are NOT two sets of laws. There are two sets of Presidential candidates and two sets of followers.
I'm not a close follower of Trump. I was about 65% in favor of his policies but angered by some others. I'm not a cult follower by any means. But I do believe he actually won the last election. I'm convinced of that by the evidence I've seen. The fact that there wasn't a thorough investigation into the various forms of fraud is even more evidence, IMO, that D.C. is run by a cabal of Globalists with a lean towards Marxist ideals.

Hillary did finally concede, as she should have, since she was obviously the clear loser. Trump has not conceded, which is all well and good. That's considering the fact that his decisive lead in the race evaporated in the wee hours of the morning, long after the counting should have concluded. That shift took place under the cover of darkness. I believe fake mail-in ballots coupled by the fact that unscrupulous poll employees were the only ones counting ended up being the ultimate culprit in determining the outcome of that election.
I'm not a close follower of Trump. I was about 65% in favor of his policies but angered by some others. I'm not a cult follower by any means. But I do believe he actually won the last election. I'm convinced of that by the evidence I've seen. The fact that there wasn't a thorough investigation into the various forms of fraud is even more evidence, IMO, that D.C. is run by a cabal of Globalists with a lean towards Marxist ideals.

Hillary did finally concede, as she should have, since she was obviously the clear loser. Trump has not conceded, which is all well and good. That's considering the fact that his decisive lead in the race evaporated in the wee hours of the morning, long after the counting should have concluded. That shift took place under the cover of darkness. I believe fake mail-in ballots coupled by the fact that unscrupulous poll employees were the only ones counting ended up being the ultimate culprit in determining the outcome of that election.
There is no evidence for what you say.
Giulani admitted he lied about stolen ballots in Georgia.
The voting machine companies have successfuly sued that their equipment was secure although there are lies it was not.
There have been over 40 cases brought before judges to provide evidence of fraud. None were successful.
Barr, Trump's loyal attorney general said they investigated and there was no evidence of fraud that would have changed the election.
Trump paid for an audit of an Arizona county. The results, they found more votes for Biden.

Please provide evidence of fraud.
There is no evidence for what you say.
Giulani admitted he lied about stolen ballots in Georgia.
The voting machine companies have successfuly sued that their equipment was secure although there are lies it was not.
There have been over 40 cases brought before judges to provide evidence of fraud. None were successful.
Barr, Trump's loyal attorney general said they investigated and there was no evidence of fraud that would have changed the election.
Trump paid for an audit of an Arizona county. The results, they found more votes for Biden.

Please provide evidence of fraud.
As I've repeatedly said ... the current D.C. regime is run by a cabal of criminals who scratch each other's backs. We've witnessed cover up after cover up, so witnessing one more shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
As I've repeatedly said ... the current D.C. regime is run by a cabal of criminals who scratch each other's backs. We've witnessed cover up after cover up, so witnessing one more shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
The election and the election fraud is on the state level. The only thing DC did was accept the votes as submitted by states.
Trump's focus has been on states having fraudulent elections. Most of those states were run by Republicans.
The reason for Trump's 91 felony indictments is based on testimony of Republicans, many of which worked directly for Trump and saw, first hand, what he did. As Republicans they did not feel it was right. That is why they came forward knowing they would be attacked for doing so.
The election and the election fraud is on the state level. The only thing DC did was accept the votes as submitted by states.
Trump's focus has been on states having fraudulent elections. Most of those states were run by Republicans.
The reason for Trump's 91 felony indictments is based on testimony of Republicans, many of which worked directly for Trump and saw, first hand, what he did. As Republicans they did not feel it was right. That is why they came forward knowing they would be attacked for doing so.
It was a national election, so the Federal Government had the right and the responsibility to initiate an investigation. In a national election, a single State can affect the outcome on a national level.

It was a national election, so the Federal Government had the right and the responsibility to initiate an investigation. In a national election, a single State can affect the outcome on a national level.

I am not sure what the chart is suppose to say about voter fraud. But the trends by state and a lot more evidence has been examined by many inside and outside government. The over whelming conclusion of those who actually did exhaustive research is the election was fair.
Bill Barr, the Attorney General of the USA, appointed by Trump, a Trump loyalist until the claims of election fraud, did research HOPING to find evidence that could over turn a Biden victory could not,
The pillow man provided data to prove the election was stolen. A data scientist who voted for Trump, examined the data and said it was non-sensical
The Republican led states of Georgia annd Arizona asked for evidence of voter fraud from Giuliani and team. They could not produce it. They asked multiple times.
Please check out more substantiated innformation.

I am not sure what the chart is suppose to say about voter fraud. But the trends by state and a lot more evidence has been examined by many inside and outside government. The over whelming conclusion of those who actually did exhaustive research is the election was fair.
Bill Barr, the Attorney General of the USA, appointed by Trump, a Trump loyalist until the claims of election fraud, did research HOPING to find evidence that could over turn a Biden victory could not,
The pillow man provided data to prove the election was stolen. A data scientist who voted for Trump, examined the data and said it was non-sensical
The Republican led states of Georgia annd Arizona asked for evidence of voter fraud from Giuliani and team. They could not produce it. They asked multiple times.
Please check out more substantiated innformation.

Barr has never been a Trump loyalist. Barr has always been a RINO loyalist (a man guilty of sending the FBI and ATF to Idaho to murder an innocent boy and his mother). Like I said, the same folks who “investigated” the election of the same ilk as the ones “investigating” Hunter Biden and the laptop they claimed was a “Russian hoax” designed to sway the election. See how it all works?
Barr has never been a Trump loyalist. Barr has always been a RINO loyalist (a man guilty of sending the FBI and ATF to Idaho to murder an innocent boy and his mother). Like I said, the same folks who “investigated” the election of the same ilk as the ones “investigating” Hunter Biden and the laptop they claimed was a “Russian hoax” designed to sway the election. See how it all works?
We definitely see things in a very different way. Barr saved Trump's butt in the Mueller investigation. Many felt Trump should have been indicted then

We definitely see things in a very different way. Barr saved Trump's butt in the Mueller investigation. Many felt Trump should have been indicted then

Had Barr been indicted after the Ruby Ridge murders, he's still be in jail. He's a tried and true insider and like so many other of Trump's “friends” had disdain for Trump. His first Sessions, Pence, Wray, etc.

We do see things very differently. I see Trump as a victim of political persecution from the man he will easily beat in the next election. But the so-called “most popular President” in American history has to resort to political persecution at the hands of Soros funded AGs. It's a well orchestrated circus sideshow.

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