Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

Had Barr been indicted after the Ruby Ridge murders, he's still be in jail. He's a tried and true insider and like so many other of Trump's “friends” had disdain for Trump. His first Sessions, Pence, Wray, etc.

We do see things very differently. I see Trump as a victim of political persecution from the man he will easily beat in the next election. But the so-called “most popular President” in American history has to resort to political persecution at the hands of Soros funded AGs. It's a well orchestrated circus sideshow.
Political persecution is what’s being done to Joe. All political hot air and no substance. Trump is actually being persecuted… in court…. Based on facts and evidence that will be presented in court. Trump will have a chance to defend i himself against that evidence. That’s how it’s supposed to work.
Political persecution is what’s being done to Joe. All political hot air and no substance. Trump is actually being persecuted… in court…. Based on facts and evidence that will be presented in court. Trump will have a chance to defend i himself against that evidence. That’s how it’s supposed to work.
Unfortunately, you've been wholly brainwashed by CNN, MSNBC, and the like. They've accomplished (in you) what they set out to do. Biden is a career politician who's accomplished nothing but getting rich pandering to special interests and foreign governments. Trump simply questioned the outcome of the election. As for J6, he literally told everyone to remain peaceful and respectful of the D.C. cops. He committed no crimes.
Unfortunately, you've been wholly brainwashed by CNN, MSNBC, and the like. They've accomplished (in you) what they set out to do. Biden is a career politician who's accomplished nothing but getting rich pandering to special interests and foreign governments. Trump simply questioned the outcome of the election. As for J6, he literally told everyone to remain peaceful and respectful of the D.C. cops. He committed no crimes.
It’s funny to hear you accuse me of being brainwashed and then proceed to repeat untrue right wing propaganda.

Not one of Trumps charges were for questioning the election. Questioning an election is completely legal. He was arrested for breaking actual laws in the process of trying to “question” the election as you like to call it. There is evidence of this which was presented to a grand jury. We will see it surface at trial where trump will have the opportunity to defend himself.

Those are just facts.

See that how real crimes are pursued. What y’all are doing to Joe is simply political so far. Nothing in court. If you want to get serious then present evidence to a court
It’s funny to hear you accuse me of being brainwashed and then proceed to repeat untrue right wing propaganda.

Not one of Trumps charges were for questioning the election. Questioning an election is completely legal. He was arrested for breaking actual laws in the process of trying to “question” the election as you like to call it. There is evidence of this which was presented to a grand jury. We will see it surface at trial where trump will have the opportunity to defend himself.

Those are just facts.

See that how real crimes are pursued. What y’all are doing to Joe is simply political so far. Nothing in court. If you want to get serious then present evidence to a court
Sham charges by sham prosecutors being directed by a sham President under the control of a scam artist, George Soros (and friends). The USA has become a Banana Republic that runs Kangaroo Courts. It's really that simple. Power corrupts, while absolute power corrupts absolutely. And the love of money is at the root of all evil. Money and power is what the whole thing boils down to. Trump interfered “big league” in all the scams being run by the Deep State. He's currently suffering the consequences of poking Goliath.
Sham charges by sham prosecutors being directed by a sham President under the control of a scam artist, George Soros (and friends). The USA has become a Banana Republic that runs Kangaroo Courts. It's really that simple. Power corrupts, while absolute power corrupts absolutely. And the love of money is at the root of all evil. Money and power is what the whole thing boils down to. Trump interfered “big league” in all the scams being run by the Deep State. He's currently suffering the consequences of poking Goliath.
Sing sham all you want, it’s all based on evidence presented in court. That’s our constitutional process. As opposed to your political persecution of Biden that hasn’t involved anything presented to a court, y’all are full of shit
Had Barr been indicted after the Ruby Ridge murders, he's still be in jail. He's a tried and true insider and like so many other of Trump's “friends” had disdain for Trump. His first Sessions, Pence, Wray, etc.

We do see things very differently. I see Trump as a victim of political persecution from the man he will easily beat in the next election. But the so-called “most popular President” in American history has to resort to political persecution at the hands of Soros funded AGs. It's a well orchestrated circus sideshow.
I think the Democrats best chance to win in 2024 would be if Trump is the Republican nominee.
It is a sad commentary on US politics if the nominees, in 2024, are Biden and Trump.

We see things very differently. So be it.
Do you have other outlets for you anger besides insulting strangers on a message board? I sure hope so
Do you whine this bitchily when you aren’t online? I don’t really care. I just enjoy mocking you pussies for being such pussies.

Have a good cry. Take a Midol. Maybe a nice hot soak. Use bubble bath.
Do you whine this bitchily when you aren’t online? I don’t really care. I just enjoy mocking you pussies for being such pussies.

Have a good cry. Take a Midol. Maybe a nice hot soak. Use bubble bath.
Dont ask if you don’t care. You’ll sound smarter.

Pretending that strangers are whining and crying on a message board isn’t impacting those you insult like you may think. It just makes you sound like an emotional child. You're trying too hard
I personally, have not. Have you, poster Flops?
I have noted that 60+ court actions were filed by Rudy/Trump/Powell/et al, before 90+ judges, some of which were appointed by Don Trump, or previous Republican administrations.
Good Poster Chillicothe, you mean you admit that you have seen no testimony from any of those cases? Why would you be so deliberately uninformed?

Just kidding!

There was no testimony, of course. Those cases did not lose on the merits, the "lost" by being tossed because judges did not want to touch that hot potato. They did not want to allow testimony that would make it difficult for them to dismiss, so they pre-emptively dismissed.

Given the Democrats propensity to go to judge's homes and make violent threats, I suppose it is hard to blame them.
And those 60+ actions went nowhere.

Ever heard of Ben Ginsberg?
He is a long-time Republican elections expert, and a lawyer who specializes in election law. Ginsberg was instrumental in the Bush/Gore dispute over the Florida re-count. Ginsberg, some say, won it for Bush.

He testified before the J6 Select Committee. As a Republican.

I am very confident that Ben Ginsberg, careful lawyer with a national reputation...DID....read the transcripts.
And too, I am mildly confident you watched Ginsberg under-oath testimony yourself.

I'll put my confidence in Ginsberg.
Here is some reportage on him and his testimony.

ps....poster Flops, you can find Ginsberg's entire testimony as it was given on You Tube. Go to the June 13th hearings.

Or, alternatively, go to Google and type in: 'Ben Ginsberg J6 Hearings'

"Who is Ben Ginsberg and why is he testifying in the Jan. 6 hearings?"

"Ben Ginsberg, a conservative elections lawyer, testified June 13 before the House Jan. 6 committee that he found no evidence of any kind of voter fraud related to the 2020 election, despite former President Donald Trump’s claims.

Ginsberg counseled the Bush-Cheney presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004, including through the recount of the 2020 presidential election, and co-chaired the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration.

At the committee hearing, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., questioned Ginsberg about the 62 lawsuits the Trump campaign filed claiming election fraud, asking if the campaign effectively made its case.

“I’ve looked at the more than 60 [cases] that include more than 180 counts and no. The simple fact is that the Trump campaign did not make its case,” Ginsberg said.

Sorry, I cannot take any of the "testimony" at the J6 committee seriously. Two reasons:

1) Nearly all of it was behind closed doors, with witnesses prompted over and over until they said what the Democrats wanted to hear, and then that snippet was played for the gullible half of the public.

2) No participation by the Republican opposition. I know, you're going to say that it's the Republicans fault for refusing to participate when they were not allowed to pick their committee member. I agree with that, but it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't real testimony, since it was so one-sided.
Those cases did not lose on the merits, the "lost" by being tossed because judges did not want to touch that hot potato. They did not want to allow testimony that would make it difficult for them to dismiss, so they pre-emptively dismissed.
That is a completely absurd statement that is baseless. Every case that was tossed had reasons for it which the judges expressed.

You ignoring those facts and making up some fake narrative that they were scared is just childish. Grow up
What’s a wordnmith?

Your incoherence says a lot about who you are and everything you’re not. 👍
A word to add to your vocabulary that is not a swear word. I think you, already, have all the swear words in your vocabulary. You need no help there.
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

  1. a skilled user of words.​
A word to add to your vocabulary that is not a swear word. I think you, already, have all the swear words in your vocabulary. You need no help there.
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

  1. a skilled user of words.​
I already know what a wordSmith is, you moron.

Now define the almost-word you typed, instead.
then that snippet was played for the gullible half of the public.
No participation by the Republican opposition.
...........it wasn't real testimony, since it was so one-sided.
First, do this poster Flops: Go to YouTube and watch Ginsberg's testimony.
(and while doing so also watch the guy from Philadelphia testimony.)

OK, moving on from that.
I respectfully demur that "snippets" of testimony were solely played.. Some, yes, but much if not most of the testimony was live. Under oath. With questions asked and answered in real time. Trust me. Go watch it from YouTube. Not just Ginsberg but also the whole parade of Republicans (and it was mostly Republicans) who were testifying..

Next, "one-sided". Well, OK. It was mostly Republicans who testified......live and in the videos. That's 'one-sided'.
To be sure, the witnesses were queried by some Democrats on the Committee.....but also by the Republicans on the same committee.

And too, there was ample opportunity for this so-called "Republican opposition" to testify. But many of them refused or defied the subpoenas issued to them.
To wit: (this is merely a representative sample, there were others within the Trump Administration)

  • Trump
  • Meadows
  • Kevin McCarthy
  • Jim Jordan
  • Eastman
  • Clark
  • Bannon
  • Navarro
  • Andy Biggs
  • Scott Perry
In short, poster Flops, to those who whine that the "other side" didn't get a chance to present their case.....I say 'balderdash'.

It was mostly Republicans who testified. And many key players on the 'other side' chickened out from giving their side.

So do this (x2): Go to YouTube and watch all of the testimony from all of the hearings. Be informed. You will be a better poster here by doing more or better due diligence.

Trust me.
I already know what a wordSmith is, you moron.

Now define the almost-word you typed, instead.
BA cnan’t hadnle tpyos. He gest raelly conufsed. Mkae srue yuo splel eveyrthnig otu perefctly fro hmi so he unrdestnads

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