Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

I replied to your position. Just because you do not like my response, does not mean I did not respond.

No, you went with the Godwin defense because you can't admit that violence can have a place without making your blanket statement look idiotic.
Why do you say that?
Do you know of Democrats who have broken the law while protesting?
Who? Where? When?
How do you know?

Here's the thing, poster Kaz: If one breaks the law....publicly protesting or not, Republican, or MAGA, or Democrat, or Progressive.....you are subject to arrest.

We are a nation of laws. And want to be. It makes human society work better when there are laws, they are obeyed, and when broken there are consequences to the perp.

I hope I am not being too blunt here.


Well, that's amazing. If you ignore all the leftist riots, then there were no leftist riots! Bam!

So you don't remember the reporter standing in front of the building burning declaring the leftist rioters "mostly peaceful." You don't remember, but you're not a Democrat. You're a tool
Then you are not looking beyond those related to Trump... the content is there to see... I am what I say I am.

Not beserk... cold and calculating and damning and persistent and patriotic... and enjoying myself while doing it.

I routinely encourage the Pubs to dump Donny and run somebody who can advance his agenda without his baggage.

I routinely justify that - sincerely - by saying that the Republic cannot stand another four yeas of the idiot Democrats.

But I say that if the Republicans are stupid enough to run Trump again in 2024 that they'll condemn us to just that.

I want someone who can advance the Rrump Agenda without the Rrump idiocy and baggage and sociopathic egotism.

That doesn't sound like a rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Democrat to me, but... your mileage may vary. :cool:

I rarely support Democrats beyond a single-issue level or except when comparing them to your Orange Benedict Arnold.

I am a registered (D) but only because northeastern Illinois hardly ever elects anybody BUT Democrats and an Independent can at least influence who makes it past the Primaries. I have zero party loyalty. I routinely split my vote between Pubs and Dems and even Indies on Election Day and have historically voted for (R)'s for President almost as often as I've voted (D):

1972 - (R) - Nixon
1976 - (D) - Carter
1980 - (I) - Congressman John Anderson of Illinois
1984 - (R) - Reagan
1988 - (R) - GHW Bush
1992 - (D) - Clinton
1996 - (D) - Clinton
2000 - (R) - GW Bush
2004 - (R) - GW Bush
2008 - (D) - Obama
2012 - (D) - Obama
2016 - (D) - Clinton [ and I held my nose when I did that ]
2020 - (D) - Biden

...as well as voting (R) for Illinois Governor nearly 50% of the time since I first started voting long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Ditto for Senators and Congress-critters and State officials and judges and mayors and the like... a regular mixed bag of votes.

So you can throw rocks at me to your hearts' content for siding with the Dems... but you're on thin ice with that one.

Beyond all that unimportant happy hor$e$hit... "politics makes strange bedfellows"... allies-of-convenience... of the moment.

The split-second that your Orange Sociopath has been sidelined by the criminal law courts, that "alliance" fizzles out.

Whether you believe that or not is (a) your business and (b) not terribly important in the larger scheme of things.

So you last voted for a conservative 40 years ago sounds right.

The worst four President stretch in our history was Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and you voted for them all. And Carter and Biden too. You're a big part of this country going to hell, no wonder your posts suck
I suggest you define your world not mine.
You define all people who disagree with you the same. They are not the same.

Elmer Mudd: No I"m not, kaz, YOU are, you are, not me, you are you are.

You're rubber and I'm glue, got it Karen
So you last voted for a conservative 40 years ago sounds right.

The worst four President stretch in our history was Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and you voted for them all. And Carter and Biden too. You're a big part of this country going to hell, no wonder your posts suck
Isn't hindsight marvelous? It can even make you look more intelligent or far-seeing than you really are, eh? :abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, that is clearly a picture of the entire protest and all 50 people who were there. Democrats are just the most stupid fucks on the planet. And you are their toilet



Isn't hindsight marvelous?

It is! After you supporting only leftists, we look with hindsight and you voted for 40 years for leftists! Who would have thought that you ARE a leftist!!!!!

Oh wait, everyone. You know, examining that, hindsight really wasn't necessary.

You know you are like every other fake not a Democrat on the site. Your only argument is "no I'm not." None of you argue things that aren't leftist to demonstrate that, you know, you aren't a leftist. You're not bright people
the reporter standing in front of the building burning declaring the leftist rioters "mostly peaceful.

"Leftist rioters"???

You know that...how?
Were they wearing badges? ID tags? 'Not-A-MAGA' hats? Was there a sign-up table at the start of the riot?
And those rioters in 2020 were voters? Even Democrat or Biden voters?
And you know that ..... how?

That's a whole lot of people doing nothing, just like I said.

I'm' just laughing at you for the double standard of Democrats burning and trashing cities across the country.

Democrat = liar = hypocrite, and you're example one a. You're fine with again leftists trashing cities across the country. All I said is Trump called for peaceful demonstrations, which you aren't even trying to prove wrong because you're full of shit. Instead you're arguing a point I didn't make
"Leftist rioters"???

You know that...how?
Were they wearing badges? ID tags? 'Not-A-MAGA' hats? Was there a sign-up table at the start of the riot?
And those rioters in 2020 were voters? Even Democrat or Biden voters?
And you know that ..... how?

You can pretend you don't remember leftist rioting, but unless you were in a cave the last three years everyone knows you are lying, including you and every other leftist on the board
That's a whole lot of people doing nothing, just like I said.

I'm' just laughing at you for the double standard of Democrats burning and trashing cities across the country.

Democrat = liar = hypocrite, and you're example one a. You're fine with again leftists trashing cities across the country. All I said is Trump called for peaceful demonstrations, which you aren't even trying to prove wrong because you're full of shit. Instead you're arguing a point I didn't make
A picture is worth a 1000 words. You cannot lie away the images of 1/6/2021, no matter how hard you try.
What I said. Don't worry about it, it was directed at people smarter than you, which means it was for most people
Wow, what an original, well worded insult. A combination of your mind and your grasp of the english language should be licensed as a dangerous weapon.
A picture is worth a 1000 words. You cannot lie away the images of 1/6/2021, no matter how hard you try.

Yes, a picture of thousands of people standing around doing nothing was worth a thousand words. And you still are a fucking liar about leftist violence, you're a buffoon
Wow, what an original, well worded insult. A combination of your mind and your grasp of the english language should be licensed as a dangerous weapon.

Classic coming from a guy who is melting down over right wingers standing around one place mostly doing nothing while you ignore actual leftist violence across the country. You're a dufus, a simpleton, a buffoon, a brainless twat.

And you're just bickering now so either find something new to lie about or give it up, mental zero
CALL: You can pretend you don't remember leftist rioting,

You know that...how?
Were they wearing badges? ID tags? 'Not-MAGA' hats? Was there a sign-up table at the start of the riot?
And those rioters in 2020 were voters?
And you know that ..... how?
You know that...how?
Were they wearing badges? ID tags? 'Not-MAGA' hats? Was there a sign-up table at the start of the riot?
And those rioters in 2020 were voters?
And you know that ..... how?

Because everyone saw that in the news for an entire summer and you fuctards are way into politics. No way you missed it.

Democrats are so stupid, it's incredible

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