Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

What a guy, takes money from his charity earmarked for those in need. Is forced to close down Trump University and pay 25 million dollars to the people he defrauded. He is facing 91 felony counts. He has 5 kids with three wives and many proven affairs. Brags about being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous, And it looks like he will be the Republican nominee for President of the USA. Go figure.

Look who he's running against:
I said those who stormed the capitol on 1/6 were idiots, dangerous idiots.
I said nothing about what or who motivated them.

The vast majority of them were peaceful. Funny how you only notice that when Democrat mobs are destroying cities. Then suddenly most of them were peaceful
We live in very different worlds. I feel my world is the real world. You feel your world is the real world. One of us is right and one of us is wrong. Maybe we are both partially right and partially wrong. I stand by my beliefs. You satnd by your beliefs. Our beliefs are different.
My real world does not involve me being a Democrat. I feel we would not have a Donald Trump unless there was an inept Democrat party. I am not a fan of Joe Biden.
I am shocked the Democrats will nominate Biden to be President in 2024. I was more shocked the Republicans will nominate Donald Trump.

In your "real world" Mexican cartels run our southern border, you're supporting slavery, rape and murder, crime victims are being prosecuted and criminals set free, Democrats are stealing elections, Nancy Pelosi openly insider trades, the Bidens shake down our enemies for millions.

I want to live in different worlds
"Politics makes strange bedfellows", eh?

I do NOT always argue on the side of the Leftists.

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning Illegal Immigration?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning CRT?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning the Gay Mafia and their agenda?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning school systems brainwashing the little ones in violation of parental rights?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning Reparations and their incessant playing of the Race Card every 10 seconds?

Etc... etc... etc...

The answer to any of the above should be "Yes... several times" or "Yes... often"... or some-such. Those are not Leftist positions; not at all.

What is tiresome for YOU in this context is someone who routinely and vigorously posts counterpointing to MAGA propaganda bull$hit.

If that puts me on the same side of the street as Leftists in this particular and narrow instance, then so be it.

Trump is an existential threat to American representative democracy and the US Constitution and the Rule of Law in the United States.

The sooner he is sidelined in the criminal law courts the better... and the safer that America will be from its biggest DOMESTIC enemy.

So... yes... I will always (or darned-near always) argue on the side of the Leftists when it comes to Dumping Trump... allies of convenience.

Tired of this... from me and a very large number of others? Dump Teflon Don and this all goes away.

That's fine. Mock away. Doesn't affect me in the slightest. So long as I get to counterpoint some of the MAGA bull$hit online.

The ultimate Object of the Exercise being to do one's own little part in keeping Teflon Don's character flaws and sins in the public eye.

Until there is no longer a need to keep them in the public eye. :laughing0301: :cool:

You are always on the side of the leftists in every discussion I see you in. Like in your screed here where you go berserk over Trump and democracy but ignore the direct real threat now, the Democrat party. I guess your blind support for the Democrats bothers you since you keep having to say you aren't one when you clearly are
That is interesting. The term "fake news" was first used by Democrats to describe planted stories on social media, supposedly coming from foreign sources which were fake stories by the standard definition of fake. People would post stories about events that never happened. The social media companies would fact check them and find out that they were false.

They could remove those stories with no complaints from viewers. Having established that dynamic, the social media companies had cover to censor stories they "suspected" of being fake news. Then stories that they did not like, or were told not to like by the Democrats in the government.

Donald Trump was easily able to appropriate that term and apply it to the legacy media because it is so obvious to so many people that they are "fake news" in the sense that they fake being news agencies when they are actually propaganda organizations for the Democratic party and its far left wing.

Look at how many times the legacy media uses the term "Trump's lies about a stolen election," when they clearly mean "Trumps opinion about the validity of an election which differs from ours." That alone means that Trump can never get a fair trial in the United States, which means that the prosecutors can never get a valid conviction.

Trump's claim about election fraud is lies, if it isn't there would have been proven in court of law, but his cultists still believe One Man. Now that he is charged with attempting to overthrow an election, he has no choice but to attack the judicial system, and of course his cultists follow that lead as well.

Right now you believe One Man over our electoral process, and you believe One Man over our judicial system. The very definition fascism. MAGA indeed.
Trump's claim about election fraud is lies, if it isn't there would have been proven in court of law, but his cultists still believe One Man. Now that he is charged with attempting to overthrow an election, he has no choice but to attack the judicial system, and of course his cultists follow that lead as well.

Right now you believe One Man over our electoral process, and you believe One Man over our judicial system. The very definition fascism. MAGA indeed.
Have you seen the transcripts of the testimony in any of the cases that Trump brought over election fraud?
that nut job in the bullet proof sports bra sees himself as patrick swazey in "red dawn." as if biden is a foreign dictator holding america by force. these "patruits" are even more delusional than the trans children that they hate,

You are right. Everyone sees themselves as a leader. A savior. The one others will rally around to look for answers to. And of course in their minds they have the answers.

Nobody sees themselves as the Private. The basic nameless faceless grunt at the bottom of the pyramid of authority. That is where military training comes in. Everyone of the soldiers starts as a basic training private.

I did nine years in the Army. And I can’t count the number of times someone who hasn’t ever been in could tell me what it was like. The military version of mansplaining for women. Or Whites telling Blacks about the Black experience.

These experts think it is all about guns and ammo. They think it is all about shooting the enemy who is obligingly standing up and standing still patiently awaiting your shot to arrive and end his life. They are beyond ignorant.
Unless you're a Democrat, sure
Why do you say that?
Do you know of Democrats who have broken the law while protesting?
Who? Where? When?
How do you know?

Here's the thing, poster Kaz: If one breaks the law....publicly protesting or not, Republican, or MAGA, or Democrat, or Progressive.....you are subject to arrest.

We are a nation of laws. And want to be. It makes human society work better when there are laws, they are obeyed, and when broken there are consequences to the perp.

I hope I am not being too blunt here.

You are always on the side of the leftists in every discussion I see you in.
Then you are not looking beyond those related to Trump... the content is there to see... I am what I say I am.
Like in your screed here where you go berserk over Trump and democracy
Not beserk... cold and calculating and damning and persistent and patriotic... and enjoying myself while doing it.
but ignore the direct real threat now, the Democrat party.
I routinely encourage the Pubs to dump Donny and run somebody who can advance his agenda without his baggage.

I routinely justify that - sincerely - by saying that the Republic cannot stand another four yeas of the idiot Democrats.

But I say that if the Republicans are stupid enough to run Trump again in 2024 that they'll condemn us to just that.

I want someone who can advance the Rrump Agenda without the Rrump idiocy and baggage and sociopathic egotism.

That doesn't sound like a rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Democrat to me, but... your mileage may vary. :cool:

I guess your blind support for the Democrats bothers you since you keep having to say you aren't one when you clearly are
I rarely support Democrats beyond a single-issue level or except when comparing them to your Orange Benedict Arnold.

I am a registered (D) but only because northeastern Illinois hardly ever elects anybody BUT Democrats and an Independent can at least influence who makes it past the Primaries. I have zero party loyalty. I routinely split my vote between Pubs and Dems and even Indies on Election Day and have historically voted for (R)'s for President almost as often as I've voted (D):

1972 - (R) - Nixon
1976 - (D) - Carter
1980 - (I) - Congressman John Anderson of Illinois
1984 - (R) - Reagan
1988 - (R) - GHW Bush
1992 - (D) - Clinton
1996 - (D) - Clinton
2000 - (R) - GW Bush
2004 - (R) - GW Bush
2008 - (D) - Obama
2012 - (D) - Obama
2016 - (D) - Clinton [ and I held my nose when I did that ]
2020 - (D) - Biden

...as well as voting (R) for Illinois Governor nearly 50% of the time since I first started voting long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Ditto for Senators and Congress-critters and State officials and judges and mayors and the like... a regular mixed bag of votes.

So you can throw rocks at me to your hearts' content for siding with the Dems... but you're on thin ice with that one.

Beyond all that unimportant happy hor$e$hit... "politics makes strange bedfellows"... allies-of-convenience... of the moment.

The split-second that your Orange Sociopath has been sidelined by the criminal law courts, that "alliance" fizzles out.

Whether you believe that or not is (a) your business and (b) not terribly important in the larger scheme of things.
"Have you seen the transcripts of the testimony in any of the cases that Trump brought over election fraud?"

I personally, have not. Have you, poster Flops?
I have noted that 60+ court actions were filed by Rudy/Trump/Powell/et al, before 90+ judges, some of which were appointed by Don Trump, or previous Republican administrations.

And those 60+ actions went nowhere.

Ever heard of Ben Ginsberg?
He is a long-time Republican elections expert, and a lawyer who specializes in election law. Ginsberg was instrumental in the Bush/Gore dispute over the Florida re-count. Ginsberg, some say, won it for Bush.

He testified before the J6 Select Committee. As a Republican.

I am very confident that Ben Ginsberg, careful lawyer with a national reputation...DID....read the transcripts.
And too, I am mildly confident you watched Ginsberg under-oath testimony yourself.

I'll put my confidence in Ginsberg.
Here is some reportage on him and his testimony.

ps....poster Flops, you can find Ginsberg's entire testimony as it was given on You Tube. Go to the June 13th hearings.

Or, alternatively, go to Google and type in: 'Ben Ginsberg J6 Hearings'

"Who is Ben Ginsberg and why is he testifying in the Jan. 6 hearings?"

"Ben Ginsberg, a conservative elections lawyer, testified June 13 before the House Jan. 6 committee that he found no evidence of any kind of voter fraud related to the 2020 election, despite former President Donald Trump’s claims.

Ginsberg counseled the Bush-Cheney presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004, including through the recount of the 2020 presidential election, and co-chaired the bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration.

At the committee hearing, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., questioned Ginsberg about the 62 lawsuits the Trump campaign filed claiming election fraud, asking if the campaign effectively made its case.

“I’ve looked at the more than 60 [cases] that include more than 180 counts and no. The simple fact is that the Trump campaign did not make its case,” Ginsberg said.

More on Ginsberg:

"He also noted there were post-election reviews, and “in each one of those instances there was no credible evidence of fraud produced by the Trump campaign or his supporters.”

WATCH LIVE: Jan. 6 committee hearing – Day 2

Throughout the 2020 race, Ginsberg persistently fought Trump’s false claims of election fraud.

In the days following the 2020 election, Ginsberg told the PBS NewsHour’s Judy Woodruff that Trump “is alleging fraudulent elections and rigged results that there is no evidence for.”

“Those were allegations that were made before this election........with absolutely no proof of that,’ Ginsberg added."
You are right. Everyone sees themselves as a leader. A savior. The one others will rally around to look for answers to. And of course in their minds they have the answers.

Nobody sees themselves as the Private. The basic nameless faceless grunt at the bottom of the pyramid of authority. That is where military training comes in. Everyone of the soldiers starts as a basic training private.

I did nine years in the Army. And I can’t count the number of times someone who hasn’t ever been in could tell me what it was like. The military version of mansplaining for women. Or Whites telling Blacks about the Black experience.

These experts think it is all about guns and ammo. They think it is all about shooting the enemy who is obligingly standing up and standing still patiently awaiting your shot to arrive and end his life. They are beyond ignorant.

i know what you mean when they explain something as simple and necessary as a chain of command.

Are you OK, BackAgain?

You are seemingly more and more agitated and frazzled in your postings.
Nah. That’s just your wishful thinking.

Look. You’re a fraud. We all can see it.

I will periodically continue to call out the bullshit you insist on always spreading. If you don’t like it, stop crying. I don’t give a damn about what you don’t like. 👍
Nevertheless, Hillary and her D.C. cohorts lied to the American public and used the FISA Courts in a manipulative fashion. Their lies were repeated day after day after day for years, and yet none of them even received a slap on the wrist, let alone any indictments or investigations or convictions. There are two sets of laws: one for them and one for everyone else.
There are two types of followers, those who blindly follow one politician or those who follow the principles of our Constitution. Very few followed Hillary Clinton's questioning the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton eventually conceded she lost. End of any controverary of the 2016 ellection.
Millions have followed the word of Donald Trump that the election was stolen rather than the evidence that showed the election was not stolen. Trump has refused to concede. The 2020 election continues to split our nation. Trump continues to rile up the millions who follow his words over anyone else's word or the evidence.

That is the difference. There are NOT two sets of laws. There are two sets of Presidential candidates and two sets of followers.
No. I understand political regimes sending their political enemies to prison to shut them up very well, thanks. Just because you're on the side of the establishment which does it doesn't mean justice has been served.
"fellow" rioters? Really??😆
So, you agree that when you retards chanted "LOCK HER UP" with your orange fuhrer's encouragement, you were sending your political enemies to prison for shutting them up? That's good to know.

The overwhelming whopping majority of us Trump supporters had nothing to do with that and peacefully protested and voiced our concerns. Yup, it was so convenient for the Dems having that little minority there with that little riot going. They would have absolutely every reason to sponsor it because of how the media has convinced idiots like you that all people who support Trump are like that, and simply repeat the narrative like a good little Nazi.
LOL When you refer to J6 - as a peaceful protest etc. - guess, what? That makes you one of the fellow rioters.

Rioters who have been sentenced to prison for their crimes. And by claiming the lie that it was peaceful - you do know that the world saw it happen live, right? - you perpetuate the crime.

All of these rioters had their day in court with legal representation. It was proved by videos and the selfies that some of the retards took that they were anything but peaceful.

Your orange loser will also have his day in court. He is able to afford to hire good lawyers and so will get the best representation to make his case (in all 4) that he is innocent.

That is far far different from just "Locking Him Up" that you traitors wanted for Hilary.

Let me know if you are still confused.
In your "real world" Mexican cartels run our southern border, you're supporting slavery, rape and murder, crime victims are being prosecuted and criminals set free, Democrats are stealing elections, Nancy Pelosi openly insider trades, the Bidens shake down our enemies for millions.

I want to live in different worlds
I suggest you define your world not mine.
You define all people who disagree with you the same. They are not the same.

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