Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

Could be attempted just like Jan 6th. Rush the court house to try and stop the proceedings.
Nothing was accomplished on January 6.

And what you propose anyone in the Republican Party to do is more idiotic OF you than usual.
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Yes you get credit. I am not a racist or a stalinist or even a Democrat..

You're not a Democrat? I don't get it, what's the punch line.

And you vote for them, you are one. Same with racism, you vote for them, you are one. Yes, that is how it works,, you're a racist and a Stalinist
It is a lie.
Is too... is not... am too... am not... automatic gainsay is boring... especially when you don't have enough evidence to back it up.

Rather like the bull$hit your Orange Failed Messiah shovels at you rubes about a non-existent stolen 2020 general election.
(a) it's not a lie and (b) if you think so then feel free to put me on "Ignore"...

It's not necessary to "put you on" ignore. What's tiresome is you keep saying you aren't a leftist while you always argue on the side of the leftists. It's really about mocking you more than ignoring you
Is too... is not... am too... am not... automatic gainsay is boring... especially when you don't have enough evidence to back it up.

Rather like the bull$hit your Orange Failed Messiah shovels at you rubes about a non-existent stolen 2020 general election.

Therre we go, back to your normal BS arguments
Nothing was accomplished on January 6.

And what you propose anyone in the Republican Party to do is more idiotic if you than usual.
I am glad you think it is idiotic. I am glad you learned something from Jan. 6th. A lot of people have not.
You're not a Democrat? I don't get it, what's the punch line.

And you vote for them, you are one. Same with racism, you vote for them, you are one. Yes, that is how it works,, you're a racist and a Stalinist
In your world I am a racist, a Stalinist and a Democrat. But that is not the world I live in.
Is too... is not... am too... am not... automatic gainsay is boring... especially when you don't have enough evidence to back it up.

Rather like the bull$hit your Orange Failed Messiah shovels at you rubes about a non-existent stolen 2020 general election.
Your knee-jerk attacks on Trump are boring. Hence, what you get in return is a knee-jerk response.
You know who else thought that, too? The judges who tried your fellow rioters. Hence the long prison sentences.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
No. I understand political regimes sending their political enemies to prison to shut them up very well, thanks. Just because you're on the side of the establishment which does it doesn't mean justice has been served.

And "fellow" rioters? Really??😆
The overwhelming whopping majority of us Trump supporters had nothing to do with that and peacefully protested and voiced our concerns. Yup, it was so convenient for the Dems having that little minority there with that little riot going. They would have absolutely every reason to sponsor it because of how the media has convinced idiots like you that all people who support Trump are like that, and simply repeat the narrative like a good little Nazi.
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.
Unlike the hateful Liberals who stomped over the Supreme Court judges homes and stood outside being obnoxious because their abortion dreams were melting...
Yep, and they know that no one will stop them or interfere, that last 3 years have proven that. Honestly that may be the best thing for the country right now, that they win majority everywhere and really start to implement their policies full force. I sadly think that will be the only way to get people to actually wake up to what's going on. If there's one party rule, then there is no where else for them to point the finger when things go south, which they most definitely will. Just look at left run shitholes right now, it will only get worse.
The desire for one party rule IS THE PROBLEM. United we stand divided we fall. No one person or any political party has all the answers.
Unlike the hateful Liberals who stomped over the Supreme Court judges homes and stood outside being obnoxious because their abortion dreams were melting...
The idiot who stalked Kavanaugh is as bad or worse than the Jan 6th seditionists.
There are idiots on both sides of the political spectrum and in between.
Everything I’ve learned is correct.

Nope. What is incorrect is the dishonest shit you try to peddle.

You’re not. You’ve been stuck on stupid and dishonest for as long as you’ve been here.
I do not feel I am dishonest, stupid and peddle shit. You are free to have your opinion.

Everything you learn is correct. That is true for everyone. True wisdom makes one realize this.
I do not feel I am dishonest, stupid and peddle shit. You are free to have your opinion.
Your permission isn’t required. You are dishonest. You’re a dope. And you peddle shit.
Everything you learn is correct. That is true for everyone. True wisdom makes one realize this.
That’s a moronic thing you added. But, that’s you.

But you speaking about true wisdom or any wisdom is laughable.

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