Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

Trump steals from cancer kids. That tells me all I need to know about him.

Trump's supporters are okay with Trump stealing from cancer kids. That's tells me all I need to know about them.

Putting all his other evil shit aside, stealing from cancer kids means Trump has a whole lot more ass fucking by karma coming to him.
He stole from disabled vets too.
Your permission isn’t required. You are dishonest. You’re a dope. And you peddle shit.

That’s a moronic thing you added. But, that’s you.

But you speaking about true wisdom or any wisdom is laughable.
You caught me making a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out. I have corrected it.
"Everything you learn is not correct. That is true for everyone. True wisdom makes one realize this."

No one said you need permission to think what you think. You are FREE to think what you want. That is true of everyone.

My words have resulted in you "thinking" what you do about me and your words have resulted in me "thinking" what I do of you.

No permission required for either one of us.
You caught me making a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out. I have corrected it.
"Everything you learn is not correct. That is true for everyone. True wisdom makes one realize this."
You babble a lot.
No one said you need permission to think what you think. You are FREE to think what you want. That is true of everyone.
I love when I finally educate one of you ass-clown libturds.
My words have resulted in you "thinking" what you do about me and your words have resulted in me "thinking" what I do of you.
Your words result it the usual reaction: Amazement that a mental microdot like you is even able to breathe.
No permission required for either one of us.
You have my permission to go practice deep underwater breathing.
He stole from disabled vets too.
What a guy, takes money from his charity earmarked for those in need. Is forced to close down Trump University and pay 25 million dollars to the people he defrauded. He is facing 91 felony counts. He has 5 kids with three wives and many proven affairs. Brags about being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous,

And it looks like he will be the Republican nominee for President of the USA.

Go figure.
You babble a lot.

I love when I finally educate one of you ass-clown libturds.

Your words result it the usual reaction: Amazement that a mental microdot like you is even able to breathe.

You have my permission to go practice deep underwater breathing.
I do learn from your posts. I learn who you are. The more you post, the more I learn.
I am glad you think it is idiotic. I am glad you learned something from Jan. 6th. A lot of people have not.
You are still lying that when Trump actually said to demonstrate peacefully that was Trump saying to revolution, so I wouldn't be patting yourself on the back for January 6 too strongly
In your world I am a racist, a Stalinist and a Democrat. But that is not the world I live in.

True, I live on planet earth, you live in a fantasy world of self delusion where you can advocate Democrats all day and vote for them every election, which we both know you do, and still not be one.

We've known each other almost a decade and a half, and I've never seen a single thing from you that wasn't sucking Democrat balls
You are still lying that when Trump actually said to demonstrate peacefully that was Trump saying to revolution, so I wouldn't be patting yourself on the back for January 6 too strongly
I said those who stormed the capitol on 1/6 were idiots, dangerous idiots.
I said nothing about what or who motivated them.
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.
True, I live on planet earth, you live in a fantasy world of self delusion where you can advocate Democrats all day and vote for them every election, which we both know you do, and still not be one.

We've known each other almost a decade and a half, and I've never seen a single thing from you that wasn't sucking Democrat balls
We live in very different worlds. I feel my world is the real world. You feel your world is the real world. One of us is right and one of us is wrong. Maybe we are both partially right and partially wrong. I stand by my beliefs. You satnd by your beliefs. Our beliefs are different.
My real world does not involve me being a Democrat. I feel we would not have a Donald Trump unless there was an inept Democrat party. I am not a fan of Joe Biden.
I am shocked the Democrats will nominate Biden to be President in 2024. I was more shocked the Republicans will nominate Donald Trump.
It's not necessary to "put you on" ignore. What's tiresome is you keep saying you aren't a leftist while you always argue on the side of the leftists.
"Politics makes strange bedfellows", eh?

I do NOT always argue on the side of the Leftists.

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning Illegal Immigration?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning CRT?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning the Gay Mafia and their agenda?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning school systems brainwashing the little ones in violation of parental rights?

Have you ever seen me go ballistic against Lefties concerning Reparations and their incessant playing of the Race Card every 10 seconds?

Etc... etc... etc...

The answer to any of the above should be "Yes... several times" or "Yes... often"... or some-such. Those are not Leftist positions; not at all.

What is tiresome for YOU in this context is someone who routinely and vigorously posts counterpointing to MAGA propaganda bull$hit.

If that puts me on the same side of the street as Leftists in this particular and narrow instance, then so be it.

Trump is an existential threat to American representative democracy and the US Constitution and the Rule of Law in the United States.

The sooner he is sidelined in the criminal law courts the better... and the safer that America will be from its biggest DOMESTIC enemy.

So... yes... I will always (or darned-near always) argue on the side of the Leftists when it comes to Dumping Trump... allies of convenience.

Tired of this... from me and a very large number of others? Dump Teflon Don and this all goes away.
It's really about mocking you more than ignoring you
That's fine. Mock away. Doesn't affect me in the slightest. So long as I get to counterpoint some of the MAGA bull$hit online.

The ultimate Object of the Exercise being to do one's own little part in keeping Teflon Don's character flaws and sins in the public eye.

Until there is no longer a need to keep them in the public eye. :laughing0301: :cool:
Sensible conservatives know if you publicly protest you end up in a DC dungeon.
Sensible conservatives, and sensible people in general......know that if you commit crimes while purporting to 'publicly protest' one thing or another.....you could go to jail.

(From a Captain Obvious TED Talk)

Nothing was accomplished on January 6.
Not for lack of trying.
Although, about 1,100 --so far -- did accomplish getting a criminal record.
And some of 'em got a lot of time behind bars.
So there is that.

What a guy, takes money from his charity earmarked for those in need. Is forced to close down Trump University and pay 25 million dollars to the people he defrauded. He is facing 91 felony counts. He has 5 kids with three wives and many proven affairs. Brags about being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous,
EMudd offers us more context for thatTikTok segment that poster Surada offered us in post #210. That TikTokker's soliloquy . ....has an air of sincerity. Credibility.

That whole business about Trump's reputation....hell, his stated boast in one of his 'Deal' books.....of stiffing contractors who had spent their money on material, labor, permits, etc...and installed whatever was ordered. And then got stiffed. Well, THAT merde' never ever set well with me.

I had read his book with those boasts in it. Or perhaps it was some interview printed up in some slick-page magazine.....don't recall exactly which, but saw it several times in different formats....so it had traction with me. I believed it. And was repelled by it.

Early in my career I ran a building contracting business. Construction. Commercial. And sometimes we ran into dicks. Dicks who had our work accomplished and installed and working for them.....and then tried to chisel us with deductions...with gripes on one thing or another. Penny ante bullsh*t that they wanted to justify disproportionate settlements.

I despised those jerks. And I always papered them over with multiple liens.....and informed their lenders about it. Those handful of dicks that pulled that merd'e on our firm sometimes got into our pocket, but never ever was it easy for them. And more often than not they paid more than if they would've just paid what they owed.

And some of them when re-negotiating their loans, or attempting to sell their project....had my liens to deal with. And me. And the accumulated interest on their debt to us.

Many years later Trump's pride over playing the 'stiff 'em' card didn't make me much of a supporter.

Ya think?


"You are still lying that when Trump actually said to demonstrate peacefully that was Trump saying to revolution,....."
Well, poster kaz, you may be missing some context. Some nuance.
Notably Don Trump did his 'fig-leaf' statement about going to the Capitol peacefully.
Said it once. I heard it. Have watched it on the telly numerous times.
But he said "fight" over 20 times.
That is not unimportant.
"Fighting" was important.
Lest he would have said it only once.

By they words we shall know ye, Don.
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.
Too bad the “American System” didn't stop Hillary, the FBI, Obama, the DOJ, and the CIA from trying to use the fake “Russian Collusion” hoax to “overthrow and election.” The Swamp didn't give two hoots about “justice” during that debacle.
Too bad the “American System” didn't stop Hillary, the FBI, Obama, the DOJ, and the CIA from trying to use the fake “Russian Collusion” hoax to “overthrow and election.” The Swamp didn't give two hoots about “justice” during that debacle.
The investigation into Russian collusion resulted in no indictments for Trump. The results of the 2016 have been questioned by very few since. Normal people do not take seriously anyone who claims the the 2016 election was rigged.
The investigation into Russian collusion resulted in no indictments for Trump. The results of the 2016 have been questioned by very few since. Normal people do not take seriously anyone who claims the the 2016 election was rigged.
Sensible conservatives, and sensible people in general......know that if you commit crimes while purporting to 'publicly protest' one thing or another.....you could go to jail.
We are INDEED laughing.

Folks, I don't know what's going to end up happening, and I don't know what will happen next November, but I'm telling you: Their literal love for this person is getting more intense by the day.

I don't know what gaping hole in them needs filling, but he's filling it. To us and the rest of the world, he's the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. To them, he is literally some kind of savior. Literally. A true historical figure. This is getting closer and closer to religious by the day. For this guy. Of all people.

It's intensifying.
Last edited:
Sensible conservatives, and sensible people in general......know that if you commit crimes while purporting to 'publicly protest' one thing or another.....you could go to jail.

(From a Captain Obvious TED Talk)


Not for lack of trying.
Although, about 1,100 --so far -- did accomplish getting a criminal record.
And some of 'em got a lot of time behind bars.
So there is that.


EMudd offers us more context for thatTikTok segment that poster Surada offered us in post #210. That TikTokker's soliloquy . ....has an air of sincerity. Credibility.

That whole business about Trump's reputation....hell, his stated boast in one of his 'Deal' books.....of stiffing contractors who had spent their money on material, labor, permits, etc...and installed whatever was ordered. And then got stiffed. Well, THAT merde' never ever set well with me.

I had read his book with those boasts in it. Or perhaps it was some interview printed up in some slick-page magazine.....don't recall exactly which, but saw it several times in different formats....so it had traction with me. I believed it. And was repelled by it.

Early in my career I ran a building contracting business. Construction. Commercial. And sometimes we ran into dicks. Dicks who had our work accomplished and installed and working for them.....and then tried to chisel us with deductions...with gripes on one thing or another. Penny ante bullsh*t that they wanted to justify disproportionate settlements.

I despised those jerks. And I always papered them over with multiple liens.....and informed their lenders about it. Those handful of dicks that pulled that merd'e on our firm sometimes got into our pocket, but never ever was it easy for them. And more often than not they paid more than if they would've just paid what they owed.

And some of them when re-negotiating their loans, or attempting to sell their project....had my liens to deal with. And me. And the accumulated interest on their debt to us.

Many years later Trump's pride over playing the 'stiff 'em' card didn't make me much of a supporter.

Ya think?


Well, poster kaz, you may be missing some context. Some nuance.
Notably Don Trump did his 'fig-leaf' statement about going to the Capitol peacefully.
Said it once. I heard it. Have watched it on the telly numerous times.
But he said "fight" over 20 times.
That is not unimportant.
"Fighting" was important.
Lest he would have said it only once.

By they words we shall know ye, Don.
Could you be any more verbose, you bloviating ass?
The investigation into Russian collusion resulted in no indictments for Trump. The results of the 2016 have been questioned by very few since. Normal people do not take seriously anyone who claims the the 2016 election was rigged.
Nevertheless, Hillary and her D.C. cohorts lied to the American public and used the FISA Courts in a manipulative fashion. Their lies were repeated day after day after day for years, and yet none of them even received a slap on the wrist, let alone any indictments or investigations or convictions. There are two sets of laws: one for them and one for everyone else.
It isn’t faith in the system. Or the belief that like all Americans Trump will get all his Constitutional Rights in the process. It isn’t even that the dummies haven’t had time to plan their actions. They haven’t. But that wouldn’t stop them from showing up.

They have built the imaginary Deep State into a boogie man of epic proportions. It is everywhere. Waiting for a chance to get them set up. Then they will be arrested and like the January 6th “Patriots” they will be locked up awaiting trial.

Besides. What do we have to be afraid of. These guys?

View attachment 819285

The fat guy wearing the bullet proof sports bra is no threat to anyone. The guy on the far right with the what are you looking at attitude is about as scary as a shit the next day after eating Mexican food. It may be a little spicier than usual, but not difficult.

I mean. Think for a minute. These guys thing they are hunted by this “deep state” and they are always on their phones chatting and texting. Their phones know their exact location. If they are identified the NSA is able to monitor their communications in real time.

So are they smart enough to vanish? To disappear into the world without any electronics? Become homeless and deal only in cash so the scary Feds don’t find them? Nah. They stay at home in Momma’s basement ranting about the Deep State and how they are going to defeat it.

And you can see how prepared they are. A bullet proof sports bra will totally protect them against the forces Biden control. Or something.
that nut job in the bullet proof sports bra sees himself as patrick swazey in "red dawn." as if biden is a foreign dictator holding america by force. these "patruits" are even more delusional than the trans children that they hate,

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