Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

yes. it has.
The Ukrainian prosecutor that Republican Senators wanted fired, that Democratic Senators wanted fired, that the EU wanted fired, that the Ukrainian legislature wanted fired, that the IMF wanted fired, and that the Obama administration wanted fired was a crook. He had an extortion scheme. He would demand bribes from various companies and threaten to "investigate" them if they didn't cough up the cash.

Burisma came into his sights at some point.

Now get this, tards. Get this through your stupid obtuse pointy skulls:

The crooked prosecutor's fake investigation of Burisma occurred TWO YEARS BEFORE HUNTER BIDEN JOINED THE COMPANY.

So you see, morons, Joe Biden was not trying to protect his son, as you have been so deliberately been lied to about. He was simply carrying out the policy of EVERYYYYYYONNNNE!

You've been hoaxed, tards. Again. For I don't, what, the thousandth time?
There was no investigation. Biden had it halted or no US aid to Ukraine.

"It's true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn't because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians."

Ah, such obvious lies by USAToday.

Riiight! Biden was worried about intra-country lack of pursuing corruption in Ukraine and not the pursuit of his son for corruption in Ukraine

for a shady ass business set up to bilk them for whatever could be that he had a finger in the pie of. Yeah, I don't think so. :rolleyes-41:


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g you're just another Prog punk Beta.
Well, if sticking to facts and the truth makes me a "Prog punk Beta", whatever that is, then...okay.

I'm not going to apologize for not drinking the orange Kool-Aid, dupe.

That's the thing about the weak-minded. This false dichotomy that if you don't drink the Kool-Aid you are a "Prog punk Beta™".
Well, if sticking to facts and the truth makes me a "Prog punk Beta", whatever that is, then...okay.

I'm not going to apologize for not drinking the orange Kool-Aid, dupe.

Too funny. Biden is a crook but I'm guessing you are too so there is that.
Too funny. Biden is a crook but I'm guessing you are too so there is that.
And yet you can't produce a shred of evidence of Joe Biden's criminality. Even this latest phantasmogorical Comer hoax has fallen flat. Again.


All you tards have are innuendos, smears, lies, and hoaxes.

No link of Joe Biden to foreign business deals.
Hunter was selling the illusion of access to VP Biden.
Dare I say……..Nothing burger

Devon Archer told the House Oversight Committee on Monday that his former business partner, Hunter Biden, was selling the “illusion” of access to his father, according to a source familiar with the closed-door interview, the latest development in the Republican-led congressional investigations into the president’s son.

The source also reiterated that Archer provided no evidence connecting President Joe Biden to any of his son’s foreign business dealings.


Archer confirmed he was on more than 20 phone calls with President Joe Biden -- Biden continues to claim he has never spoken to Hunter Biden's business associates and wasn't involved in their foreign scheming.

Further, Archer reportedly said Hunter Biden put his father on the phone to "sell the brand" of Burisma -- a notoriously corrupt Ukrainian company. Joe Biden was vice president at the time of those calls and Hunter was being paid $80,000 per month to sit on the board.

Um...retard? You really should read the topic before saying stupid shit like that.

Shokin's investigation of Burisma had ended long before Biden called for his firing.

Do try to catch up.
Since Joe Biden is a crook, I expect we'll be seeing the Articles of Impeachment tomorrow...

Oh, wait...

We are still in the "I woodunt puttit past em!" phase of the proceedings.
And yet you can't produce a shred of evidence of Joe Biden's criminality. Even this latest phantasmogorical Comer hoax has fallen flat. Again.


All you tards have are innuendos, smears, lies, and hoaxes.


Son you have a business associate with direct knowledge telling you Joe is involved and all you can say is "nuh uh" . You are nothing but a lying punk prog.

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