Let's list the ways Republicans have helped this president:

I want both parties to help those who they are elected to help the people instead of themselves and their party.

Health care

Lily ledbetter

the repeal of DADT

and so on

clearly Democrats want to help Americans.

Let him die

feed the poor and they will breed

we won't represent 47% of Americans

Clearly Republicans don't want to help the majority of Americans.
rdean, are you in this and which one are you?

[ame=http://youtu.be/wOtGr1JFCnE]Obama Youth Brigade March in Formation - YouTube[/ame]

They have allowed themselves to be pushed as a group significantly further to the right, which in turn has opened the door for the Democrats to push their agenda for a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government. Two examples:

1. Instead of accurately portraying the Left's goal as a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government, the GOP has just kept screaming "communist" and "socialist" and "Marxist", none of which hit the target and can be refuted without much effort. Those terms have become as diluted and useless as "racism" is for the Left, and has made it much easier for the Dems to push their REAL agenda.

2. They have made the Left's authoritarian influence over the language a First Amendment issue, which it is not. So, the same thing has occurred: With the GOP providing effective erroneous cover for them, the Left are effectively, as Democrat Kirsten Powers admits, "enforcing conformity of thought and de-legitimizing any dissent from its sanctioned worldview". The GOP has allowed the Left to become what the Left used to hate.

I'd think Obama and the Dems would be thankful.


I couldn't get past that. It's sounds like silly ranting from an ignorant twit.

That's funny, I'd think most would admit to that at this point.

You can stop hiding now. Most lefties are being more honest about what they want. That's a good thing, honest communication is a positive.

Now, granted, "Social Democracy" and "authoritarian central government" are somewhat redundant terms, but I just like to drive the point home.

Weird that this would cause you such trauma. Are you just goofing around, or are you really functioning in that level of denial?

Are you really saying that you don't want to see America fundamentally changed into a Social Democracy? Is that your point with the childish insults and name-calling?

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List of ways Obama helped Republicans:

1) Obamacare
2) The IRS
3) The NSA
4) The VA
5) Bowe Bergdahl
The Right has helped Obama in many ways.

You want a list? Okay.

1) The birth certficate thing.

2)The Muslim thing. Not only do they try to make Obama out to be a Muslim, they make it sound like being a Muslim is a BAD thing, thus exposing their bigotry at the same time. A two-fer!

3) The mountains of manufactured bullshit. Example: "Obama watched as they died."

4) Labeling Obama with idiotic things like "Food stamp President". They are so retarded, they don't even realize how this attempted smear helped Obama. It only served to remind how all those people ended up on food stamps to begin with. Hint: Bush.

5) The neverending logical fallacies (particularly the endless armies of strawmen). There isn't a single critical thinking bone in the horde of mindless piss drinking minions.

6) The shrill harping on insignificant shit like golf games and vacations.

7) Slurring the President's wife at every opportunity.

There's more, but it is pointless to delineate them all. Nothing will change. Suffice it to say the Right has worked very, very hard to make Obama a success and get him whatever he wants.

Given both 1 and 2 were started by the left, specifically Hillary Clinton and company- then blew up when people believed her lies is absolutely priceless.

They have allowed themselves to be pushed as a group significantly further to the right, which in turn has opened the door for the Democrats to push their agenda for a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government. Two examples:

1. Instead of accurately portraying the Left's goal as a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government, the GOP has just kept screaming "communist" and "socialist" and "Marxist", none of which hit the target and can be refuted without much effort. Those terms have become as diluted and useless as "racism" is for the Left, and has made it much easier for the Dems to push their REAL agenda.

2. They have made the Left's authoritarian influence over the language a First Amendment issue, which it is not. So, the same thing has occurred: With the GOP providing effective erroneous cover for them, the Left are effectively, as Democrat Kirsten Powers admits, "enforcing conformity of thought and de-legitimizing any dissent from its sanctioned worldview". The GOP has allowed the Left to become what the Left used to hate.

I'd think Obama and the Dems would be thankful.


I couldn't get past that. It's sounds like silly ranting from an ignorant twit.

That's funny, I'd think most would admit to that at this point.

You can stop hiding now. Most lefties are being more honest about what they want. That's a good thing, honest communication is a positive.

Now, granted, "Social Democracy" and "authoritarian central government" are somewhat redundant terms, but I just like to drive the point home.

Weird that this would cause you such trauma. Are you just goofing around, or are you really functioning in that level of denial?

Are you really saying that you don't want to see America fundamentally changed into a Social Democracy? Is that your point with the childish insults and name-calling?


Too late, Republicans have already changed America into a "plutocracy".
I couldn't get past that. It's sounds like silly ranting from an ignorant twit.

That's funny, I'd think most would admit to that at this point.

You can stop hiding now. Most lefties are being more honest about what they want. That's a good thing, honest communication is a positive.

Now, granted, "Social Democracy" and "authoritarian central government" are somewhat redundant terms, but I just like to drive the point home.

Weird that this would cause you such trauma. Are you just goofing around, or are you really functioning in that level of denial?

Are you really saying that you don't want to see America fundamentally changed into a Social Democracy? Is that your point with the childish insults and name-calling?


Too late, Republicans have already changed America into a "plutocracy".

oh well, you don't mind the "thugocray" we are living under now..so stop your whining...gawd it's gotten stale
I couldn't get past that. It's sounds like silly ranting from an ignorant twit.

That's funny, I'd think most would admit to that at this point.

You can stop hiding now. Most lefties are being more honest about what they want. That's a good thing, honest communication is a positive.

Now, granted, "Social Democracy" and "authoritarian central government" are somewhat redundant terms, but I just like to drive the point home.

Weird that this would cause you such trauma. Are you just goofing around, or are you really functioning in that level of denial?

Are you really saying that you don't want to see America fundamentally changed into a Social Democracy? Is that your point with the childish insults and name-calling?


Too late, Republicans have already changed America into a "plutocracy".

One of these days, one of you is going to give me a straight, honest answer.

It's gonna knock me right over, I swear!

Let's list the ways Republicans have helped this president: Anyone?
Well, democrats helped Bush by authorizing Iraq war...You know I can't, but can you list ways Obama is trying to serve the American people? I know he is serving international bankers by deceiving American voters and doing the opposite of what he promised to the American people.
We have no Democratic Party anymore. They are the Socialist Party now.
That's funny, I'd think most would admit to that at this point.

You can stop hiding now. Most lefties are being more honest about what they want. That's a good thing, honest communication is a positive.

Now, granted, "Social Democracy" and "authoritarian central government" are somewhat redundant terms, but I just like to drive the point home.

Weird that this would cause you such trauma. Are you just goofing around, or are you really functioning in that level of denial?

Are you really saying that you don't want to see America fundamentally changed into a Social Democracy? Is that your point with the childish insults and name-calling?


Too late, Republicans have already changed America into a "plutocracy".

oh well, you don't mind the "thugocray" we are living under now..so stop your whining...gawd it's gotten stale

Thugocray, hmm yea, you must be talking about voter suppression, cutting food stamps for disabled veterans, let him die, closing down the government costing the country billions, cutting school lunches for poor children, members of congress getting millions for a farm bill, hating gays, trying to give the student loan program back to banks, keeping millions from health care, bargaining for your masters by threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

That's what you are fighting for DB, that's what you are fighting for.
They got him elected two times....is that helping?
poor idiot

let's see; Obama MADE PERMANENT 98% of the Bush tax cuts
repubs supported that

Obama PRETENDED to want to address debt and deficits with his deficit commission
repubs supported that; then Obama refused to follow even one recommendation of his own commission

repubs DIDNT filibuster the Obama Stimulus; it failed anyway

Republicans in the House DID THEIR JOB and helped Obama by passing BUDGETS
they were voted down in the Dem Senate

libs are crybaby morons who lie to themselves

Anyone have a list of honest compromise from the white house??


2/3 of the government just isn't good enough for clowns like R-Dean.

I don't care if Obama had 4/5ths of the government or 9 tenths, When you have a government set up like ours where the opposition can effectively block most everything, it makes no difference how much "government" you have. Unless it is 100%.

Did Obama have 100% control of the government? For a while. And things got done. Amazing eh?

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