Lets look at what the democrats don't stand for at the SOTU, shall we?

Look at those dumb women, dressed in their white.

I think they missed the best one. Trump said something to the effect of eliminating human traffickers, drug traffickers, Coyotes, and something else, and the Democrats just sat there. Like what? You're against eliminating these people?

Three weeks later and still Mexico refuses to pay for the wall..
Reduced cost of trade with Mexico for the USA...a better deal than NAFTA will pay for the wall ten fold....so in the end they will be paying for the wall...

Three weeks later and still Mexico refuses to pay for the wall..
Reduced cost of trade with Mexico for the USA...a better deal than NAFTA will pay for the wall ten fold....so in the end they will be paying for the wall...
What a laugh! No it won't...Trump needs cash for the wall and is willing to hurt the US but not Mexico, he's is such a douche..

Somebody else said it in another thread, but it was a very good observation so I will repeat it------------>

The SOTU speech gave at least 10 tremendous commercials for the Republicans in 2020. Not by what the Democrats did, but rather, by what they REFUSED to do! It was a glaring example for what they are for, and against.

Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall, he not only said it more than once he said it for a years befor being elected and the American people want him to keep his promises it is the only reason I voted for him now he is acting like he never said it and it wasn't what he meant etc, etc, worming out of checks his mouth cashed so I will not be voting for him again since I must help pay to keep cheap labor for corporations out of the US..They always fuck the little guy..

Look at those dumb women, dressed in their white.

I think they missed the best one. Trump said something to the effect of eliminating human traffickers, drug traffickers, Coyotes, and something else, and the Democrats just sat there. Like what? You're against eliminating these people?

Three weeks later and still Mexico refuses to pay for the wall..
Reduced cost of trade with Mexico for the USA...a better deal than NAFTA will pay for the wall ten fold....so in the end they will be paying for the wall...

Three weeks later and still Mexico refuses to pay for the wall..
Reduced cost of trade with Mexico for the USA...a better deal than NAFTA will pay for the wall ten fold....so in the end they will be paying for the wall...
What a laugh! No it won't...Trump needs cash for the wall and is willing to hurt the US but not Mexico, he's is such a douche..

Somebody else said it in another thread, but it was a very good observation so I will repeat it------------>

The SOTU speech gave at least 10 tremendous commercials for the Republicans in 2020. Not by what the Democrats did, but rather, by what they REFUSED to do! It was a glaring example for what they are for, and against.

Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall, he not only said it more than once he said it for a years befor being elected and the American people want him to keep his promises it is the only reason I voted for him now he is acting like he never said it and it wasn't what he meant etc, etc, worming out of checks his mouth cashed so I will not be voting for him again since I must help pay to keep cheap labor for corporations out of the US..They always fuck the little guy..

That is kinda illogical, but I see your point.

QUESTION---------------->if someone wrecks your car, do you want them to pay for it?

ANSWER: Absolutely...………..BUT...………….do you fix the car while litigating it, or instead, have no car and leave it wrecked and unusable?

REALITY--------------------> You are NOT going to get a physical barrier unless Trump does it, which is far more important than who pays for it at the present time. Junking the whole car for a fender bender is illogical, is it not?
The dems really showed their asses last night...they didn't do themselves any favors....Trump is a lock for 2020....

Yup and add all the investigations they will be doing on points that are already under investigation or have been investigated. They sure don't come out smelling like roses.

Hope they waste the next two years on useless investigations. The voters will be watching.

2020 should be very interesting

Go Dems.

Look at those dumb women, dressed in their white.

I think they missed the best one. Trump said something to the effect of eliminating human traffickers, drug traffickers, Coyotes, and something else, and the Democrats just sat there. Like what? You're against eliminating these people?

Three weeks later and still Mexico refuses to pay for the wall..
Reduced cost of trade with Mexico for the USA...a better deal than NAFTA will pay for the wall ten fold....so in the end they will be paying for the wall...

Three weeks later and still Mexico refuses to pay for the wall..
Reduced cost of trade with Mexico for the USA...a better deal than NAFTA will pay for the wall ten fold....so in the end they will be paying for the wall...
What a laugh! No it won't...Trump needs cash for the wall and is willing to hurt the US but not Mexico, he's is such a douche..

Somebody else said it in another thread, but it was a very good observation so I will repeat it------------>

The SOTU speech gave at least 10 tremendous commercials for the Republicans in 2020. Not by what the Democrats did, but rather, by what they REFUSED to do! It was a glaring example for what they are for, and against.

Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall, he not only said it more than once he said it for a years befor being elected and the American people want him to keep his promises it is the only reason I voted for him now he is acting like he never said it and it wasn't what he meant etc, etc, worming out of checks his mouth cashed so I will not be voting for him again since I must help pay to keep cheap labor for corporations out of the US..They always fuck the little guy..

I think you are FOS. Nobody voted for Trump because Mexico would pay for the wall, we voted for him to get the wall. DumBama ruined our healthcare in this country using nothing but lies, and that cost us a trillion dollars. Yet nobody on the left blinked an eye.

Plus we don’t know if Trump will make Mexico pay or how. We can’t even get the obstructionist Democrats to let us start working on it. What Trump is asking for is about what we spend on food stamps for a month, so it’s not about the money.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The Trump supporters don't care at all that DearLeader lied over and over.

No, what triggered them is ... a white dress.

That's how conservatives rank their priorities. They put honesty at the bottom, and being butthurt at the top.

Oh, thanks for the votes, dumbasses. Weeping at Pelosi and AOC got you pasted in 2018 ... so you're deciding to weep at them harder. Yeah, good luck with that.

Yeah, it's a shame we don't concentrate on the important issues in this country like the left does.

Melania Trump gets mocked for wearing Timberland boots while visiting the troops

Bashing Melania Trump for White House Christmas decorations latest sign of media hypocrisy, critics say

People can't stop talking about how Melania Trump seems to avoid holding the president's hand — here's what it might say about their relationship

mmmm..... obama's brown suit? uh.... obama not wearing a flag pin?

oh oh oh!.... michele obama wore a sleeveless dress to the SOTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still remember the HORROR of it all!

so just save it, ray ray.

So you’re saying both sides do it. Then why act like this is something new?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The Trump supporters don't care at all that DearLeader lied over and over.

No, what triggered them is ... a white dress.

That's how conservatives rank their priorities. They put honesty at the bottom, and being butthurt at the top.

Oh, thanks for the votes, dumbasses. Weeping at Pelosi and AOC got you pasted in 2018 ... so you're deciding to weep at them harder. Yeah, good luck with that.
I keep hearing he lied but no one can point to what he lied about.....do you want to give it a go?....
The FACT that Trump lied OVER and OVER again was established before the speech. Were you not listening to all the news programs on what to expect during his SOTU? We didn't need to actually watch it to establish it was full of lies...

And, because someone is going to completely misinterpret that statement


Three weeks later and still Mexico refuses to pay for the wall..
Reduced cost of trade with Mexico for the USA...a better deal than NAFTA will pay for the wall ten fold....so in the end they will be paying for the wall...
You mean the new trade agreement that is virtually identical to NAFTA?

That 'deal' is little more than the continuation of what we had before with minor tweaks. Can you point out where we are going to make billions more in value than we would have under NAFTA?

Further, that does NOT count as paying for the wall considering that one of his other promises was to get better trade deals - something that he has failed woefully thus far. IF he manages to get some real changes with China then I will happily give him massive credit there - it is desperately needed and I think this is one case where Trump really is the only one that can do it. The establishment is way to beholden to the system that China has been abusing for so long.

The Trump supporters don't care at all that DearLeader lied over and over.

No, what triggered them is ... a white dress.

That's how conservatives rank their priorities. They put honesty at the bottom, and being butthurt at the top.

Oh, thanks for the votes, dumbasses. Weeping at Pelosi and AOC got you pasted in 2018 ... so you're deciding to weep at them harder. Yeah, good luck with that.

Yeah, it's a shame we don't concentrate on the important issues in this country like the left does.

Melania Trump gets mocked for wearing Timberland boots while visiting the troops

Bashing Melania Trump for White House Christmas decorations latest sign of media hypocrisy, critics say

People can't stop talking about how Melania Trump seems to avoid holding the president's hand — here's what it might say about their relationship

mmmm..... obama's brown suit? uh.... obama not wearing a flag pin?

oh oh oh!.... michele obama wore a sleeveless dress to the SOTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still remember the HORROR of it all!

so just save it, ray ray.

So you’re saying both sides do it. Then why act like this is something new?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

no, dum dum ray ray......... i am saying it's fucking ridiculous that NOW they have a problem.... poor 'bullied trump & TWOTUS'.....
Feminism is a disease. A Lib conspiracy dressing up weakness as strength. God I miss the 50's, 60's and 70's. There were feminists back then too, but even they, for the most part, knew how to still be women. These ladies are ditzy but think they're geniuses. But hey, that's liberals for ya!

They're not liberals, they're progs. Progs have applied new definitions for gender. Women are manning-up and men are feminizing. They're assaulting heterosexuality and the institution of family as well. These are the people who claim to be on the side of science, while their actions assault nature, the common good and the brain.

It's all part of a plan that gave us gay marriage, gender confusion and enhanced abortion. Rip into the people and achieve power and wealth.
RIGHT ON POINT. I mentioned in another post that here in Houston, I work with tons of indian immigrants. I can't stand the men because they represent everything you just mentioned. LIB, PROG, STUPID. But their women still have those genuine feminine (NOT FEMINIST or PROG) qualities you mentioned. Need to kick their men out and have their women stay so we can be reminded of what things are supposed to be like. And then that can hopefully spread to our American women again. I know tons of "traditional" women who are happy. Don't know a single happy femiNazi.

damn, how many band aids do you go thru on a daily basis to cover them thar scraped knuckles you drag on the ground?
Probably the same as the number of injections you give yourself to get that manly glow, cupcake ;)

The Trump supporters don't care at all that DearLeader lied over and over.

No, what triggered them is ... a white dress.

That's how conservatives rank their priorities. They put honesty at the bottom, and being butthurt at the top.

Oh, thanks for the votes, dumbasses. Weeping at Pelosi and AOC got you pasted in 2018 ... so you're deciding to weep at them harder. Yeah, good luck with that.

Yeah, it's a shame we don't concentrate on the important issues in this country like the left does.

Melania Trump gets mocked for wearing Timberland boots while visiting the troops

Bashing Melania Trump for White House Christmas decorations latest sign of media hypocrisy, critics say

People can't stop talking about how Melania Trump seems to avoid holding the president's hand — here's what it might say about their relationship

mmmm..... obama's brown suit? uh.... obama not wearing a flag pin?

oh oh oh!.... michele obama wore a sleeveless dress to the SOTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still remember the HORROR of it all!

so just save it, ray ray.

So you’re saying both sides do it. Then why act like this is something new?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

no, dum dum ray ray......... i am saying it's fucking ridiculous that NOW they have a problem.... poor 'bullied trump & TWOTUS'.....

It’s just funny when a bunch of baby killer supporters dress up like virgins.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I keep hearing he lied but no one can point to what he lied about.....do you want to give it a go?....

One example:

The border city of El Paso, Tex., used to have extremely high rates of violent crime — one of the highest in the entire country, and considered one of our nation’s most dangerous cities

Trump Wrong About Wall Effect in El Paso - FactCheck.org
El Paso has never been “one of the most dangerous cities in the country.” The city had the third lowest violent crime rate among 35 U.S. cities with a population over 500,000 in 2005, 2006 and 2007 – before construction of a 57-mile-long fence started in mid-2008.

Now, immediately upon its building, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of the safest cities in our country.”

There was no “overnight” drop in violent crimes in El Paso after “a wall was put up.” In fact, the city’s violent crime rate increased 5.5 percent from 2007 to 2010 — the years before and after construction of the fence, which was completed in mid-2009.

Here are a bunch of other lies in the speech.

(On the Russian nuclear treaty cancellation) “We really have no choice. Perhaps we can negotiate a different agreement, adding China and others, or perhaps we can’t—in which case, we will outspend and out-innovate all others by far. ”

Um, no. Clearly there were other choices. He just didn't make them.

“The savage gang MS-13 now operates in at least 20 different American states and they almost all come through our southern border.”

Um, no. MS-13 is now an almost entirely homegrown gang, that operates mostly in schoolyards. If you're not a poor latino student, you'll never encounter them.

"Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.”

A flat out falsehood about the law. That's not debatable by anyone who isn't going to eternally burn in Hell for lying.

“An economic miracle is taking place in the United States,"

Um, no. It's not an economic miracle. It's just a continuation of Obama's steady economic growth, though now with staggering deficits added.

“Human traffickers and sex traffickers take advantage of the wide open areas between our ports of entry to smuggle thousands of young girls and women into the United States and to sell them into prostitution and modern-day slavery.”

Um, no. That's just pure fantasy.

“Already, as a result of my administration’s efforts, in 2018 drug prices experienced their single largest decline in 46 years.”

No. He cherrypicked one month to get that. The yearly figures don't say drug prices are still rising.

"“If I had not been elected president of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea.”

Okay, if that's his opinion, it's not a lie. It's just retarded.

To save some time, indicate the letter of your response.

B. Any facts that contradict DearLeader are clearly a liberal conspiracy
C. But ... but ... but ... Clinton!
D. Screw you, libtard! We're conservative, so God says we can lie!
E. Trump isn't lying, he's just a moron! It's not a lie if you really believe it!
Last edited:
I keep hearing he lied but no one can point to what he lied about.....do you want to give it a go?....

One example:

The border city of El Paso, Tex., used to have extremely high rates of violent crime — one of the highest in the entire country, and considered one of our nation’s most dangerous cities

Trump Wrong About Wall Effect in El Paso - FactCheck.org
El Paso has never been “one of the most dangerous cities in the country.” The city had the third lowest violent crime rate among 35 U.S. cities with a population over 500,000 in 2005, 2006 and 2007 – before construction of a 57-mile-long fence started in mid-2008.

Now, immediately upon its building, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of the safest cities in our country.”

There was no “overnight” drop in violent crimes in El Paso after “a wall was put up.” In fact, the city’s violent crime rate increased 5.5 percent from 2007 to 2010 — the years before and after construction of the fence, which was completed in mid-2009.

Here are a bunch of other lies in the speech.

(On the Russian nuclear treaty cancellation) “We really have no choice. Perhaps we can negotiate a different agreement, adding China and others, or perhaps we can’t—in which case, we will outspend and out-innovate all others by far. ”

Um, no. Clearly there were other choices. He just didn't make them.

“The savage gang MS-13 now operates in at least 20 different American states and they almost all come through our southern border.”

Um, no. MS-13 is now an almost entirely homegrown gang, that operates mostly in schoolyards. If you're not a poor latino student, you'll never encounter them.

"Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.”

A flat out falsehood about the law. That's not debatable by anyone who isn't going to eternally burn in Hell for lying.

“An economic miracle is taking place in the United States,"

Um, no. It's not an economic miracle. It's just a continuation of Obama's steady economic growth, though now with staggering deficits added.

“Human traffickers and sex traffickers take advantage of the wide open areas between our ports of entry to smuggle thousands of young girls and women into the United States and to sell them into prostitution and modern-day slavery.”

Um, no. That's just pure fantasy.

“Already, as a result of my administration’s efforts, in 2018 drug prices experienced their single largest decline in 46 years.”

No. He cherrypicked one month to get that. The yearly figures don't say drug prices are still rising.

"“If I had not been elected president of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea.”

Okay, if that's his opinion, it's not a lie. It's just retarded.

To save some time, indicate the letter of your response.

B. Any facts that contradict DearLeader are clearly a liberal conspiracy
C. But ... but ... but ... Clinton!
D. Screw you, libtard! We're conservative, so God says we can lie!
E. Trump isn't lying, he's just a moron! It's not a lie if you really believe it!
He was speaking about illegal immigrant crime dummy...
Feminism is a disease. A Lib conspiracy dressing up weakness as strength. God I miss the 50's, 60's and 70's. There were feminists back then too, but even they, for the most part, knew how to still be women. These ladies are ditzy but think they're geniuses. But hey, that's liberals for ya!

They're not liberals, they're progs. Progs have applied new definitions for gender. Women are manning-up and men are feminizing. They're assaulting heterosexuality and the institution of family as well. These are the people who claim to be on the side of science, while their actions assault nature, the common good and the brain.

It's all part of a plan that gave us gay marriage, gender confusion and enhanced abortion. Rip into the people and achieve power and wealth.
RIGHT ON POINT. I mentioned in another post that here in Houston, I work with tons of indian immigrants. I can't stand the men because they represent everything you just mentioned. LIB, PROG, STUPID. But their women still have those genuine feminine (NOT FEMINIST or PROG) qualities you mentioned. Need to kick their men out and have their women stay so we can be reminded of what things are supposed to be like. And then that can hopefully spread to our American women again. I know tons of "traditional" women who are happy. Don't know a single happy femiNazi.

damn, how many band aids do you go thru on a daily basis to cover them thar scraped knuckles you drag on the ground?
Probably the same as the number of injections you give yourself to get that manly glow, cupcake ;)

wow - is that supposta make sense, incel?

The Trump supporters don't care at all that DearLeader lied over and over.

No, what triggered them is ... a white dress.

That's how conservatives rank their priorities. They put honesty at the bottom, and being butthurt at the top.

Oh, thanks for the votes, dumbasses. Weeping at Pelosi and AOC got you pasted in 2018 ... so you're deciding to weep at them harder. Yeah, good luck with that.

Yeah, it's a shame we don't concentrate on the important issues in this country like the left does.

Melania Trump gets mocked for wearing Timberland boots while visiting the troops

Bashing Melania Trump for White House Christmas decorations latest sign of media hypocrisy, critics say

People can't stop talking about how Melania Trump seems to avoid holding the president's hand — here's what it might say about their relationship

mmmm..... obama's brown suit? uh.... obama not wearing a flag pin?

oh oh oh!.... michele obama wore a sleeveless dress to the SOTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still remember the HORROR of it all!

so just save it, ray ray.

So you’re saying both sides do it. Then why act like this is something new?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

no, dum dum ray ray......... i am saying it's fucking ridiculous that NOW they have a problem.... poor 'bullied trump & TWOTUS'.....

It’s just funny when a bunch of baby killer supporters dress up like virgins.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

you think trump is really against abortion? oh please - with all the skanks he's fucked bareback - there has to be some paid for abortions in his past. perhaps cohen has proof...

mmmm..... obama's brown suit? uh.... obama not wearing a flag pin?

oh oh oh!.... michele obama wore a sleeveless dress to the SOTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still remember the HORROR of it all!

so just save it, ray ray.

So you’re saying both sides do it. Then why act like this is something new?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

no, dum dum ray ray......... i am saying it's fucking ridiculous that NOW they have a problem.... poor 'bullied trump & TWOTUS'.....

It’s just funny when a bunch of baby killer supporters dress up like virgins.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

you think trump is really against abortion? oh please - with all the skanks he's fucked bareback - there has to be some paid for abortions in his past. perhaps cohen has proof...

You seem to know Trump pretty personally. Did you hang out or work with him or something? I know a lot of people, but none good enough to know how they have sex.
mmmm..... obama's brown suit? uh.... obama not wearing a flag pin?

oh oh oh!.... michele obama wore a sleeveless dress to the SOTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still remember the HORROR of it all!

so just save it, ray ray.

So you’re saying both sides do it. Then why act like this is something new?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

no, dum dum ray ray......... i am saying it's fucking ridiculous that NOW they have a problem.... poor 'bullied trump & TWOTUS'.....

It’s just funny when a bunch of baby killer supporters dress up like virgins.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

you think trump is really against abortion? oh please - with all the skanks he's fucked bareback - there has to be some paid for abortions in his past. perhaps cohen has proof...

You seem to know Trump pretty personally. Did you hang out or work with him or something? I know a lot of people, but none good enough to know how they have sex.

both whores ( the porn star & playboy playmate whohe paid off to stay quiet ) both claimed it in totally different interviews .

AND trump... who has gone on howard stern multiple times & i've heard multiple times back in the day him saying so himself...

AND he also said that ' AIDS was his personal vietnam ' which is a fact i would rather have not known - but donny from queens, a man whore himself, loves to brag.
So you’re saying both sides do it. Then why act like this is something new?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

no, dum dum ray ray......... i am saying it's fucking ridiculous that NOW they have a problem.... poor 'bullied trump & TWOTUS'.....

It’s just funny when a bunch of baby killer supporters dress up like virgins.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

you think trump is really against abortion? oh please - with all the skanks he's fucked bareback - there has to be some paid for abortions in his past. perhaps cohen has proof...

You seem to know Trump pretty personally. Did you hang out or work with him or something? I know a lot of people, but none good enough to know how they have sex.

both whores ( the porn star & playboy playmate whohe paid off to stay quiet ) both claimed it in totally different interviews .

AND trump... who has gone on howard stern multiple times & i've heard multiple times back in the day him saying so himself...

AND he also said that ' AIDS was his personal vietnam ' which is a fact i would rather have not known - but donny from queens, a man whore himself, loves to brag.

I've heard him on Stern before and don't recall any such discussion on whether he uses rubbers or not. And I had a radio with a pause button so I never missed any of the program.

In the fist place, we don't know if any of those women ever had sex with him, and secondly, why would they bring that up if they did?
no, dum dum ray ray......... i am saying it's fucking ridiculous that NOW they have a problem.... poor 'bullied trump & TWOTUS'.....

It’s just funny when a bunch of baby killer supporters dress up like virgins.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

you think trump is really against abortion? oh please - with all the skanks he's fucked bareback - there has to be some paid for abortions in his past. perhaps cohen has proof...

You seem to know Trump pretty personally. Did you hang out or work with him or something? I know a lot of people, but none good enough to know how they have sex.

both whores ( the porn star & playboy playmate whohe paid off to stay quiet ) both claimed it in totally different interviews .

AND trump... who has gone on howard stern multiple times & i've heard multiple times back in the day him saying so himself...

AND he also said that ' AIDS was his personal vietnam ' which is a fact i would rather have not known - but donny from queens, a man whore himself, loves to brag.

I've heard him on Stern before and don't recall any such discussion on whether he uses rubbers or not. And I had a radio with a pause button so I never missed any of the program.

In the fist place, we don't know if any of those women ever had sex with him, and secondly, why would they bring that up if they did?

of course we know they slept with him - he paid them off & wouldn't have otherwise. he was notoriously known for being a man whore & cheating on his wives. there's nothing that indicates otherwise. oh YES, he certainly has said he slept with women outside of his marraiges- & going bareback. i suppose you don't remember him bragging about his daughter's body too, or how he took ivana & marla on the same aspen ski vacation where they crossed paths & started a fight... therefore it never happened, right?

stop making excuses, ray ray.... you sound pathetic.

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