Let's Never Let The American Pride Die


Question: Do you have a technology which is able to save the 4.6875% from Barack Obama which is German and to kill only the other 95.3125%?
The US is not without faults nor is it the punching bag for corrupt nations to project or deflect their own faults on US.

The US has lots of faults. One of them being the biggest bully in the world.

Now, different people are going to see a "great" country differently. Some would see it as a place where as many people as possible can have a great life. In order for this to be so people need a voice. The US doesn't really do democracy. People get to vote for two corrupt political parties who spend their whole time trying to convince people not to vote for the other side.

"American exceptionalism" might not be exceptionalism. It might just be that some people like their life in the US and get it at the expense of others having a really shit life. It might just be that the US goes to Bolivia and says "Hey, privatize you water industry for a little money we'll pay you" and then 1/4 of the capital city La Paz ends up without clean water, but hey, some fat fucker gets rich off it in the US so who the fuck cares?

The "approval of corrupt foreign nations"... well, the problem is if lots of other countries don't like you, then it probably you're doing something wrong.
The US has lots of faults. One of them being the biggest bully in the world.

Now, different people are going to see a "great" country differently. Some would see it as a place where as many people as possible can have a great life. In order for this to be so people need a voice. The US doesn't really do democracy. People get to vote for two corrupt political parties who spend their whole time trying to convince people not to vote for the other side.

"American exceptionalism" might not be exceptionalism. It might just be that some people like their life in the US and get it at the expense of others having a really shit life. It might just be that the US goes to Bolivia and says "Hey, privatize you water industry for a little money we'll pay you" and then 1/4 of the capital city La Paz ends up without clean water, but hey, some fat fucker gets rich off it in the US so who the fuck cares?

The "approval of corrupt foreign nations"... well, the problem is if lots of other countries don't like you, then it probably you're doing something wrong.

Foreigners have made me a complete isolationist. That is. I do not care what happens to Europe. I do not believe in "allies". Bug off, the lot of you. And when Russia or China comes calling, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean. Maybe.

I'm proud of what America has been and what it could be, but I am not proud of what it is right now.
Did or do or did and do or dabi dabi doo? In general: A German who would not hate US-Amercans for the evil crimes US-Americans had done in the German homelands would be an idiot. You are lucky that we are really idiots.

Wenn Du das so fühlst ...

Hey Genius--


did we have to do "crimes" in the German homelands?

Maybe because your folks were driving trucks full of live children into fires? Hmmm? Maybe?
It means Obama had German ancestors - as also about 40% of all other US-Americans have German ancestors.

Somehow true, because we don't see in Donald Trump any German at all - but somehow also not an US-American.

I have no interest in your obsession with our Native Americans as an attempt to deal with whatever stage of grief you're in. You were the perpetrators of THE HOLOCAUST. When my people were here farming land and raising children, your ancestors were the Nazis who were just "following orders" who ate up most of Europe, oppressed them, maybe burned them alive or maybe choked them out with Zyklon B.

I'm gonna tell you how it is with me. As long as you pretend to tell us how awful WE are--you can expect me to remind you what Germany did.
... did we have to do "crimes" in the German homelands?

Maybe because your folks were driving trucks full of live children into fires? Hmmm? Maybe? ...

No. You are bad in the logic of time. That was not the reason why you murdered in masses Germans and wasted all German homelands during World War 1+2 - that's only your wrong excuse why you feel well and proud with your own mass-murdering deeds, "isolationist".
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I have no interest in your obsession with our Native Americans as an attempt to deal with whatever stage of grief you're in. You were the perpetrators of THE HOLOCAUST. When my people were here farming land and raising children, your ancestors were the Nazis who were just "following orders" who ate up most of Europe, oppressed them, maybe burned them alive or maybe choked them out with Zyklon B.

I'm gonna tell you how it is with me. As long as you pretend to tell us how awful WE are--you can expect me to remind you what Germany did.

You noticed nothing from this what I said to you. For Nazis I am a Jew.
No. You are bad in the logic of time. That was not the reason why you murdered in masses Germans adn wasted all German homelöands during World War 1+2 - that's only your wrong excuse why you feel well and proud with your own mass-murdering deeds, "isolationist".

Okay well you and your fellow Germans keep dealing with your grief and shame by blaming US. As if we fed babies into furnaces. See how that works out.

Yeah it's our fault Berlin got bombed out sure. We're the ones who decided Germany needed "Lebenstraum"...and then put people in ghettos to achieve it
You noticed nothing from this what I said to you. For Nazis I am a Jew.

I don't know what strange stage of grief you Germans are in but you should get over it real quick. It's not Americans' fault you all got sucked it by Hitler and the Nazis. Go learn a little reflection and respect like your parents had. Or at the very least have the good sense to keep your mouths shut about how awful the rest of the world is geez
Okay well you and your fellow Germans keep dealing with your grief and shame by blaming US. As if we fed babies into furnaces. See how that works out.

Yeah it's our fault Berlin got bombed out sure. We're the ones who decided Germany needed "Lebenstraum"

Lebensraum=space for living
Lebenstraum=dream of a life

..and then put people in ghettos to achieve it

Ghettos did not exist when the Nazis came. They were made from the Nazis. The ghetto in Warsaw had been a concentation camp.
I don't know what strange stage of grief you Germans are in but you should get over it real quick. It's not Americans' fault you all got sucked it by Hitler and the Nazis.

What's not really true because Hitler was made in world war 1 and afterwards - also from the USA.

Go learn a little reflection and respect like your parents had.


Or at the very least have the good sense to keep your mouths shut about how awful the rest of the world is geez

So your idea is we Germans should hate all US-Americans in silence. ... Hmm ... A similar reality between the people in the USA had been a background of a famous song from Simon and Garfunkel. ...


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