Let's pretend republicans have always been in favor of raising the minimum wage...

Would average joe RWs be on board?

How about climate change?

Average joe republicans are very impressionable. They blindly listen to any republican dogma. I am honestly convinced repubs are against certain issues like taking action on climate change and raising the minimum wage simply because the repub leaders in power tell them to be against it. They don't think for themselves.

Does somebody pay you to post this stupid shit or are you really this stupid?
Would average joe RWs be on board?

How about climate change?

Average joe republicans are very impressionable. They blindly listen to any republican dogma. I am honestly convinced repubs are against certain issues like taking action on climate change and raising the minimum wage simply because the repub leaders in power tell them to be against it. They don't think for themselves.

What you think is once again faulty. I am not into the GW fearism of the democrat party because it does not make sense to me that the temperature in the US has fallen in the last 10 years or more not risen. Now your comeback will be something along the lines of the US is not the world. Which is true but irrelevant to me, what effects me is relevant and it hasn't been proven to me that a small increase in temperature is a bad thing.

I want the minimum wage to change through free enterprise not by government mandate. But it seems that the democrats don't know what they want. They say they are for the poor and middle class, yet they are for everything that destroys the same. Worry about the poor then flood the country with poor. And when the poor speak up, call the poor too lazy to work. That is the modern democrat.
(1) Certainly, there are Republicans who favor a relatively high minimum wage. They are simply Republicans whose understanding of basic economic principles is, shall we say, stunted.

(2) I'm sure you could also find a Republican elected official or two who has sponsored or voted for an increase to the prevailing minimum wage. This is a manifestation of political pragmatism.

(3) Just as there is no debate among PhD biologists about the 'Theory of Evolution,' there is no debate among economists about the minimum wage. It is universally understood among economists that the minimum wage itself is a colossally stupid idea that can only be viewed from a standpoint of minimizing its harm.

(4) The American population is comprised of all sorts of people, and there is a large group of them - many of whom are registered voters - who lack the basic intelligence or experience to understand why the minimum wage is a bad idea. Democrats traditionally cater to The Stupid, and it is in this spirit that they perpetually favor "increases to the minimum wage." But it is a sham. Do recall that there was time shortly after Barry was elected President that the Democrat party controlled both houses of Congress and the White House. And yet, when they had the power to do so, they didn't even address the minimum wage. It is a puzzlement, is it not? Unless you understand that even Democrats in Congress know what a stupid idea a "high" minimum wage is, and they understand that it would put millions of poor and/or minority people OUT OF WORK.

(5) One must understand that in every economic locale there is a LEGAL minimum wage (usually the Federal minimum wage), and there is an ECONOMIC minimum wage. In New York City, for example, no one will work for less than $12/hour, so the legal MW of $7.35 (or whatever it is) is irrelevant. The NYC government could raise its local MW to $12/hr and that legislation WOULD HAVE NO EFFECT ON EMPLOYMENT in NYC. OTOH, in most of the rest of our Great Country, the economic MW is pretty close to the legal MW, so a SIGNIFICANT increase in the legal MW would have ripple effects. Employers would insist that employees work more efficiently so that hours and/or people could be cut; they would look to automation for the purpose of minimizing headcount (e.g., self-ordering kiosks at fast food joints); they would look to "black market" employees (illegals working "under the table"). In fact, people at the bottom of the ladder - high school kids working part time, dropouts, and young HS grads with no education or work experience, would suffer greatly, as they do now in minority neighborhoods.

The Minimum Wage debate is a kabuki dance performed for economic idiots who happen to hold voter registration cards. Neither Democrats nor Republicans favor a "high" minimum wage because they both know that it is a bad idea. But the Democrats pretend to favor it in order to fool gullible voters into thinking they are "compassionate" and "caring."
(1) Certainly, there are Republicans who favor a relatively high minimum wage. They are simply Republicans whose understanding of basic economic principles is, shall we say, stunted.

(2) I'm sure you could also find a Republican elected official or two who has sponsored or voted for an increase to the prevailing minimum wage. This is a manifestation of political pragmatism.

(3) Just as there is no debate among PhD biologists about the 'Theory of Evolution,' there is no debate among economists about the minimum wage. It is universally understood among economists that the minimum wage itself is a colossally stupid idea that can only be viewed from a standpoint of minimizing its harm.

(4) The American population is comprised of all sorts of people, and there is a large group of them - many of whom are registered voters - who lack the basic intelligence or experience to understand why the minimum wage is a bad idea. Democrats traditionally cater to The Stupid, and it is in this spirit that they perpetually favor "increases to the minimum wage." But it is a sham. Do recall that there was time shortly after Barry was elected President that the Democrat party controlled both houses of Congress and the White House. And yet, when they had the power to do so, they didn't even address the minimum wage. It is a puzzlement, is it not? Unless you understand that even Democrats in Congress know what a stupid idea a "high" minimum wage is, and they understand that it would put millions of poor and/or minority people OUT OF WORK.

(5) One must understand that in every economic locale there is a LEGAL minimum wage (usually the Federal minimum wage), and there is an ECONOMIC minimum wage. In New York City, for example, no one will work for less than $12/hour, so the legal MW of $7.35 (or whatever it is) is irrelevant. The NYC government could raise its local MW to $12/hr and that legislation WOULD HAVE NO EFFECT ON EMPLOYMENT in NYC. OTOH, in most of the rest of our Great Country, the economic MW is pretty close to the legal MW, so a SIGNIFICANT increase in the legal MW would have ripple effects. Employers would insist that employees work more efficiently so that hours and/or people could be cut; they would look to automation for the purpose of minimizing headcount (e.g., self-ordering kiosks at fast food joints); they would look to "black market" employees (illegals working "under the table"). In fact, people at the bottom of the ladder - high school kids working part time, dropouts, and young HS grads with no education or work experience, would suffer greatly, as they do now in minority neighborhoods.

The Minimum Wage debate is a kabuki dance performed for economic idiots who happen to hold voter registration cards. Neither Democrats nor Republicans favor a "high" minimum wage because they both know that it is a bad idea. But the Democrats pretend to favor it in order to fool gullible voters into thinking they are "compassionate" and "caring."

That is correct. The advocates for continually increasing the MW always paint the rosy picture of forcing the rich business owner to pay everybody more, and everybody wins. What they NEVER address is the reality that,

1. Business owners do not represent a bottomless supply of money.
2. Raising the cost of doing business results in either higher prices or fewer hours/workers.

To illustrate the issue, simply consider that, using the arguments usually presented, we should raise the MW to $100/hour and completely wipe out poverty altogether. But, Oh Wise One, that would be absurd. No one would have a job because no one could pay them that much to sweep floors. Exactly, raising the MW DOES impact jobs. The trick is to keep the increases high enough that no one notices they're not really doing a whole lot better, but low enough that you don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Would average joe RWs be on board?

How about climate change?

Average joe republicans are very impressionable. They blindly listen to any republican dogma. I am honestly convinced repubs are against certain issues like taking action on climate change and raising the minimum wage simply because the repub leaders in power tell them to be against it. They don't think for themselves.
Yea right, you think magical pixie dust pays employees pay roll

You think every Companies is Successful like the Tucker
Would average joe RWs be on board?

How about climate change?

Average joe republicans are very impressionable. They blindly listen to any republican dogma. I am honestly convinced repubs are against certain issues like taking action on climate change and raising the minimum wage simply because the repub leaders in power tell them to be against it. They don't think for themselves.

So let's pretend that pigs fly. Would the price of bacon still be so ridiculously over-priced?

I ask because the principles of nature do not provide for lift within the shape of the lowly pig. Therefore, asking questions which suppose that Americans opposing the unprincipled (That which rejects the principles of nature) notion of artificially raising the labor value of zero to some value beyond zero is a function of popularity... is just as ABSURD.

See how that works?
Tell me would you prefer it if America never had a minimum wage in the first place?

Your starting wage doesn't matter.

Life is a ladder not a bed.

If all you aspire to is MW then you deserve what you get
When you raise the minimum wage to $10.00, you have only reduced the person already earning $10.00 to that of a minimum wage earner.

However, when you reduce the wages of the aristocracy you make them more like the average citizen.
When you raise the minimum wage to $10.00, you have only reduced the person already earning $10.00 to that of a minimum wage earner.

However, when you reduce the wages of the aristocracy you make them more like the average citizen.

The "aristocracy" don't depend on wages
Is the climate changing? Of course, it always is. Did humans cause it? Doubt it. To many instances of change in the past when humans couldn't have affected it. Your side blindly accepts that we should turn our lived upside down based on speculation and claim that people that don't agree with you are blindly listening to dogma and then are shocked that you're not listened to on issues. Your blind fear is not reason to panic. Sorry.

We've seen your side raise the minimum wage time after time and no one ever benefits because the cost is passed on to the consumer and all that happens is that prices go up and everyone is worse off. You see everyone is worse off and demand another minimum wage increase which will also be passed on to consumers and so prices go up and everyone will be even worse off.

You're like a blind fool who is shocked that people think for themselves and don't agree with you.
We'll address what you said here in the next post. Answer my question. Would you prefer it if America never had a minimum wage in the first place?

My preferences are irrelevant. We have one. We are now dealing with its result. But, the reality is that most don't make minimum wage because the market pays people for their skills and productivity.
Ok forget your preferences. How do you think America would fair if it never had a minimum wage to begin with?

This price increase you refer to greatly depends on how much the minimum wage is raised and how it is raised. For instance, if the minimum wage was increased to 10.10 over the course of a few years, the price increase would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the prices would stabilize over time because of the increase of consumer demand from bigger paychecks. This economy is fueled by consumer spending. Wages depend on it. There is no evidence there was any significant economic harm caused by raising the minimum wage in the past. Raising the wage really has to do with inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the 1960s. Currently 18 million people earn less than 10.10 per hour. Don't you think that's a problem?

In 1938, the minimum wage was 40 cents an hour and you could go to the movies and buy popcorn for a quarter. Now, minimum wage is over $7.00 an hour and a movie and popcorn costs over $25.00. So, no matter how you frame it, the end result is that when you increase costs, you create inflation and your claim that there is no evidence that there's economic harm is false on its face.

You are basing your argument on Alan Krueger and David Card's study, but they ignored the fact that Businesses must raise prices to compensate for the additional expense. When compared to what happens nationally, merely studying New Jersey did not lead to valid conclusions. Now, look at the real world results of restaurants in Seattle. Look at what happened to fast food restaurants on military bases due to the increase in minimum wages.
You're automatically assuming the reason for the rise in product prices is directly related to the min wage. It doesn't work like that. For one thing you are forgetting how the economy works. It thrives on consumer spending. If people are spending more money because they are paid more, businesses do better. That helps keep prices down over time even if there is an initial raise. Sure particular businesses that are forced to pay more will raise their prices, but not any business.

Repeating your tired old canard about consumer spending doesn't make an argument. It doesn't balance out the rise in costs for labor which in turn raises the cost of materials and the cost of transportation. Nor does it account for the decrease in spending because while some get a raise under the increase of the minimum wage, others are blocked out of the job market because businesses cut their workforce. Additionally, the increase in inflation (which always outpaces the actual minimum wage increase) undercuts the buying power of EVERYONE in the economy.
The result of which, will be that NO ONE gets their oil changed, because it cost the same to change oil as it does to hire someone to text their friends... and NO ONE is going to go through the trouble of a lifetime of unimaginable discipline and struggle to do AMAZING things, because ya make less than the guy banking $15 PER to TEXT HIS ASSHAT BUDDIES!

If you think a neurologist makes less than $15 an hour, you are truly retarded.

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