Let’s Roll Back The Tax Cuts Instead

That's no argument, that's a personal attack. I am just stating the facts: the private sector has seen a rampant investment into the FIRE sector which produces no growth at all.
Do you wan't the firms to be in charge of making the US economy grow, well , then go and take the fight to them. I would rather see them invest in actual production, creating job, but the data doesn't show they are doing that, and why would they do so? It's their money.
Someone has to get the US out of the speculation cycle, it just makes everyone worse off in the medium term.

I am just stating the facts: the private sector has seen a rampant investment into the FIRE sector which produces no growth at all.

You're wrong, obviously.

I would rather see them invest in actual production, creating job,

That's why we need to give the government less money. Private money
is more likely to be invested in actual production, creating jobs.
Government money is mostly wasted.

Someone has to get the US out of the speculation cycle

Yeah, the government. LOL!
You keep trying that deflection. I always refuse to nibble your invalid bait. I’ve already explained to you why.

Your commentary remains baseless.

You said "My vote is to cut spending"....but that is not true as you do not vote for that.

You talk about it, but that is about it.

Have a great day!
I am just stating the facts: the private sector has seen a rampant investment into the FIRE sector which produces no growth at all.

You're wrong, obviously.

I would rather see them invest in actual production, creating job,

That's why we need to give the government less money. Private money
is more likely to be invested in actual production, creating jobs.
Government money is mostly wasted.

Someone has to get the US out of the speculation cycle

Yeah, the government. LOL!
Ok Toddsterpatriot, explain how the FIRE sector creates any wealth or helps increase production.

The US went through a similar speculative cycle in the 1920's and in 2007. Guess who had to intervene in the economy back then.
GG says TAX all really high but not my Son who needs medicine. Or rich blue coastal elites in $25 million dollar homes.

Then off he goes into tangent to blame Trump for covud spending by loons who spread man-made flu. Mexico also. SPIN to WIN!
Close all FED GOVT not outlined in US constitution. Lay all off. Let them go find State jobs to hand out State tax.
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Close all FED GOVT not outlined in US constitution. Lay all off. Let them go find State jobs to hand out State tax.
The US Federal Government is a currency issuer, ( because the fed can issue bonds and exchange them with banks or loan to the government in case of emergencies).
The State governments are currency users: they don't have an institution that can issue money.

That said, the economy is a set of interleaved balance sheets. Government's deficits is the financial equity of the other sectors of the economy .
Who is the last person you voted for that spent less than the guy before them?
Isnt Congress in charge of the purse strings? Yeah, i think it is, while ago President Reagan worked with Tipp Oneil on cutting the deficit because President Reagan wanted line item veto, which would of cut all the pork out of the bills being passed. Tipp said no, and that is why we sill have bloated bills being passed by the establishment political hacks all the time.
I am still getting mine with my mortgage, and I still think it needs to be done away with.
So you are getting close to being done with your mortgage, i see. How about we just cut off welfare to lazy progressive pukes who whine all day that their lives are fucked up, because they sit home, smoking dope, and dont do shit for the country. Of course then the voters for Democrats would switch to Republicans once those working realize how fucked up the tax system is. We would be back to pre Bush 43 debt if we got rid of the 28 trillion wasted on the poor.

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not Better


So you are getting close to being done with your mortgage, i see.

Nope, just took it out in Oct of last year.

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

Yep, total waste of time and money along with the war on Drugs.

Neither should be the concern of the Fed Govt
It's about time the government shrinks their deficits.
All they're doing is making the rich richer.

Cut government by 50%.....stick it to the millionaires and billionaires.
Are you aware that given the ratio of private debt to gdp in the US ( 151% ) and the central bank rate ( 5% ), cutting government spending will create a recession and a generalized crash of the banking sector?
What happens next?
We can never cut government spending, ever?
Yes, but you need one of the following to happen
a) A sudden boost in productivity and consumption... which is really a hard trick to pull off: you need to increase production and wages almost at the same time. This was a lot easier to do when the US population was growing faster and there was a lot of idle land.
b) You have a continuous trade surplus. The money flowing from the surplus will boost the economy and the cuts in spending will not have a negative effect in the economy.
Yes, but you need one of the following to happen
a) A sudden boost in productivity and consumption... which is really a hard trick to pull off: you need to increase production and wages almost at the same time. This was a lot easier to do when the US population was growing faster and there was a lot of idle land.
b) You have a continuous trade surplus. The money flowing from the surplus will boost the economy and the cuts in spending will not have a negative effect in the economy.

A sudden boost in productivity and consumption... which is really a hard trick to pull off:

Well, cut spending by 20%, taxes by 10% and regulations by 50%.

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